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2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
* Initialise variables and SI4432 for the low frequency sweep
void initBandscope()
ClearDisplay ();
* Set up the "img" Sprite. This is the image for the graph. It makes for faster display
* updates and less flicker.
* 16 bit colour depth is faster than 8 and much faster than 4 bit! BUT - sprites
* pushed to it do not have correct colour - 8 bit and it is fine.
* All marker sprites are WHITE for now.
img.setTextSize ( 1 );
img.setColorDepth ( 16 );
img.setAttribute ( PSRAM_ENABLE, false ); // Don't use the PSRAM on the WROVERs
img.createSprite ( 9, GRID_HEIGHT + 1 ); // Only 2 columns wide
2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
* The "tSprite" is used for displaying the data above the scan grid.
tSprite.setRotation ( 0 );
tSprite.setTextSize ( 1 );
tSprite.setColorDepth ( 16 );
tSprite.setAttribute ( PSRAM_ENABLE, false ); // Don't use the PSRAM on the WROVERs
tSprite.createSprite ( tft.width() - X_ORIGIN, Y_ORIGIN );
* Create and draw the sprite for the gain scale
CreateGainScale ();
// Make sure everything will be reset
old_settingAttenuate = -1000;
old_settingPowerGrid = -1000;
old_settingMax = -1;
old_settingMin = -1;
old_startFreq = -1;
old_stopFreq = -1;
old_ownrbw = -1;
old_vbw = -1;
old_settingAverage = -1;
old_settingSpur = -100;
old_bandwidth = 0;
SetRX ( 0 ); // LO to transmit, RX to receive
xmit.SetDrive ( setting.Drive ); // Set transmitter power level
rcvr.SetPreampGain ( setting.PreampGain );
sweepStartDone = false; // Make sure this initialize is only done once per sweep
initSweep = true;
tinySA_mode = BANDSCOPE;
setting.Mode = tinySA_mode;
Serial.println("before reset bandscope stack");
ResetBandscopeMenuStack(); // Put menu stack back to root level
Serial.println("End of initBandscope");
* This function section handles the fast bandscope sweep
* The display is split and shows a waterfall
* Number of points is reduced, and frequency change is done using an offset to aallow the delay time between
* changing frequency and taking a reading to be reduced
void doBandscope()
static uint32_t autoSweepStep = 0;
static uint32_t autoSweepFreq = 0;
static uint32_t autoSweepFreqStep = 0;
static uint32_t nextPointFreq = 0; // Frequency for the next display point. Used for substeps
static unsigned long setFreqMicros;
static unsigned long nowMicros;
//static uint32_t sweepStep; // Step count
//static uint32_t sweepFreqStep;
2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
static int16_t pointMinGain; // to record minimum gain for the current display point
static int16_t pointMaxRSSI; // to record max RSSI of the samples in the current display point
static uint32_t pointMaxFreq; // record frequency where maximum occurred
static int16_t lastMode; // Record last operating mode (sig gen, normal)
static uint16_t currentPointRSSI;
static uint16_t peakRSSI;
static uint16_t prevPointRSSI;
static uint32_t peakFreq;
static uint16_t peakIndex;
static uint16_t pointsPastPeak;
static uint16_t pointsPastDip;
static uint16_t minRSSI; // Minimum level for the sweep
static uint16_t lastMinRSSI; // Minimum level for the previous sweep
static bool resetAverage; // Flag to indicate a setting has changed and average valuesneeds to be reset
static bool jsonDocInitialised = false;
static uint16_t chunkIndex;
* If paused and at the start of a sweep then do nothing
if (!sweepStartDone && paused)
* If the "sweepStartDone" flag is false or if the "initSweep" flag is true, we need
* to set things up for the sweep.
if (( !sweepStartDone || initSweep || changedSetting ) )
if ( initSweep || changedSetting ) // Something has changed, or a first start, so need to owrk out some basic things
Serial.println("InitBandscope or changedSetting");
sweepPoints = setting.BandscopePoints;
autoSweepFreqStep = ( setting.BandscopeSpan ) / sweepPoints;
vbw = autoSweepFreqStep / 1000.0; // Set the video resolution
ownrbw = 2.6; // and fix the resolution bandwidth to 2.6kHz
bandwidth = rcvr.SetRBW ( ownrbw * 10.0, &delaytime ); // Set it in the receiver Si4432
//Serial.printf("set rcvr Freq get:%u, tempIF:%u\n", rcvr.GetFrequency(), tempIF);
rcvr.SetFrequency ( setting.IF_Freq ); // Set the RX Si4432 to the IF frequency
// sweepFreqStep = autoSweepFreqStep; // Step for each reading
2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
if ( setting.Attenuate != old_settingAttenuate )
if ( !att.SetAtten ( setting.Attenuate )) // Set the internal attenuator
setting.Attenuate = att.GetAtten (); // Read back if limited (setting.Attenuate was outside range)
old_settingAttenuate = setting.Attenuate;
resetAverage = changedSetting;
#ifdef USE_WIFI
// Vary number of points to send in each chunk depending on delaytime
// A chunk is sent at the end of each sweep regardless
wiFiPoints = wiFiTargetTime / delaytime;
if (wiFiPoints > MAX_WIFI_POINTS)
if (wiFiPoints > setting.BandscopePoints)
wiFiPoints = setting.BandscopePoints;
// Serial.printf("No of wifiPoints set to %i\n", wiFiPoints);
2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
if ( numberOfWebsocketClients > 0 )
pushBandscopeSettings ();
#endif // #ifdef USE_WIFI
} // initSweep || changedSetting
autoSweepStep = 0; // Set the step counter to zero
autoSweepFreq = setting.BandscopeStart; // Set the start frequency.
nextPointFreq = autoSweepFreq + autoSweepFreqStep;
while (( micros() - setFreqMicros ) < delaytime ) // Make sure enough time has elasped since previous frequency write
setFreqMicros = micros(); // Store the time the frequency was changed
xmit.SetFrequency ( setting.IF_Freq + autoSweepFreq ); // set the LO frequency, tempIF is offset if spur reduction on
#ifdef USE_WIFI
if ( numberOfWebsocketClients > 0 ) // Start off the json document for the scan
jsonDocument.clear ();
chunkIndex = 0;
jsonDocument["PreAmp"] = setting.PreampGain;
jsonDocument["mType"] = "chunkSweep";
jsonDocument["StartIndex"] = 0;
jsonDocument["sweepPoints"] = sweepPoints;
jsonDocument["sweepTime"] = (uint32_t)(sweepMicros/1000);
Points = jsonDocument.createNestedArray ( "Points" ); // Add Points array
jsonDocInitialised = true;
jsonDocInitialised = false;
#endif // #ifdef USE_WIFI
// sweepStep = 0;
2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
startFreq = setting.BandscopeStart + setting.IF_Freq; // Start freq for the LO
stopFreq = setting.BandscopeSpan + startFreq; // Stop freq for the LO
// Serial.printf(" start %i; stop %i; points %i \n", startFreq, stopFreq, sweepPoints );
2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
if ( setActualPowerRequested )
SetPowerLevel ( actualPower );
setActualPowerRequested = false;
// Serial.printf ( "Setting actual Power %f \n", actualPower );
pointMinGain = 100; // Reset min/max values
pointMaxRSSI = 0;
* Copy the values for the peaks (marker positions) to the old versions. No need to
* reset the indicies or frequencies; just the "Level".
for ( int i = 0; i < MARKER_COUNT; i++ )
oldPeaks[i].Level = peaks[i].Level;
oldPeaks[i].Index = peaks[i].Index;
oldPeaks[i].Freq = peaks[i].Freq;
peaks[i].Level = 0;
DisplayBandscopeInfo (); // Display axis and other info
2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
peakLevel = 0; // Reset the peak values for the sweep
peakFreq = 0.0;
peakGain = 100; // Set to higher than gain can ever be
lastMinRSSI = minRSSI;
minRSSI = 300; // Higher than it can be
pointsPastPeak = 0; // Avoid possible peak detection at start of sweep
peakRSSI = 0;
sweepStartDone = true; // Make sure this initialize is only done once per sweep
initSweep = false;
changedSetting = false;
lastSweepStartMicros = sweepStartMicros; // Set last time we got here
sweepStartMicros = micros(); // Current time
sweepMicros = sweepStartMicros - lastSweepStartMicros; // Calculate sweep time (no rollover handling)
} // End of "if ( !sweepStartDone ) || initSweep || changedSetting )"
* Here we do the actual sweep. Save the current step and frequencies for the next time
* through, then wait the required amount of time based on the RBW before taking the
* signal strength reading and changing the transmitter (LO) frequency.
uint16_t oldSweepStep = autoSweepStep;
uint32_t oldSweepFreq = autoSweepFreq;
* Wait until time to take the next reading. If a long wait then check the touchscreen
* and Websockets while we are waiting to improve response
nowMicros = micros();
while (( nowMicros - setFreqMicros ) < delaytime )
if ( ( nowMicros - setFreqMicros + delaytime > 200 ) &&
( (nowMicros - lastWebsocketMicros > websocketInterval) || (numberOfWebsocketClients > 0) ) )
// Serial.print("W");
webSocket.loop (); // Check websockets - includes Yield() to allow other events to run
// Serial.println("w");
lastWebsocketMicros = nowMicros;
if ( nowMicros - setFreqMicros > 100 ) // Wait some time to allow DMA sprite write to finish!
UiProcessTouch (); // Check the touch screen
// Serial.println("w");
nowMicros = micros();
int rxRSSI = rcvr.GetRSSI (); // Read the RSSI from the RX SI4432
* Note that there are two different versions of the print statement to send the
* RSSI readings to the serial output. You can change which one is commented out.
* The first one produces a tab separated list of just the frequency and RSSI
* reading. That format can be easily read inte something like Excel.
* The second one produces a listing more fit for human consumption!
if ( showRSSI ) // Displaying RSSI?
2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
// Serial.printf ( "%s\t%03d\n",
// FormatFrequency ( autoSweepFreq) , rxRSSI ); // Send it to the serial output
Serial.printf ( "Freq: %s - RSSI: %03d\n",
FormatFrequency ( autoSweepFreq) , rxRSSI ); // Send it to the serial output
2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
if ( (numberOfWebsocketClients > 0) || (setting.ShowGain) )
gainReading = GetPreampGain ( &AGC_On, &AGC_Reg ); // Record the preamp/lna gains
autoSweepFreq += autoSweepFreqStep; // Increment the frequency
autoSweepStep++; // and increment the step count
2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
* Change the transmitter frequency for the next reading and record the time for
* the RBW required settling delay.
uint32_t f = setting.IF_Freq + autoSweepFreq;
setFreqMicros = micros(); // Store the time the LO frequency was changed
xmit.SetFrequency ( f ); // Set the new LO frequency as soon as RSSI read
#ifdef USE_WIFI
if ( numberOfWebsocketClients > 0 )
if ( jsonDocInitialised )
JsonObject dataPoint = Points.createNestedObject (); // Add an object to the Json array to be pushed to the client
dataPoint["x"] = oldSweepFreq/1000000.0; // Set the x(frequency) value
dataPoint["y"] = rxRSSI; // Set the y (RSSI) value
chunkIndex++; // increment no of data points in current WiFi chunk
if ( chunkIndex >= wiFiPoints ) // Send the chunk of data and start new jSon document
String wsBuffer;
if ( wsBuffer )
// Serial.print("D");
serializeJson ( jsonDocument, wsBuffer );
// Serial.printf("J%u", wsBuffer.length() );
unsigned long s = millis();
webSocket.broadcastTXT ( wsBuffer ); // Send to all connected websocket clients
if (millis() - s > 1000)
numberOfWebsocketClients = 0;
// Serial.print("j");
Serial.println("No buffer :(");
if ( ( chunkIndex >= wiFiPoints ) || !jsonDocInitialised ) // Start new jSon document
chunkIndex = 0;
jsonDocument["mType"] = "chunkSweep";
jsonDocument["StartIndex"] = autoSweepStep;
2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
jsonDocument["sweepPoints"] = sweepPoints;
jsonDocument["sweepTime"] = (uint32_t)(sweepMicros/1000);
Points = jsonDocument.createNestedArray ("Points" ); // Add Points array
jsonDocInitialised = true;
#endif // #ifdef USE_WIFI
myActual[autoSweepStep] = rxRSSI;
myGain[autoSweepStep] = gainReading;
2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
DrawCheckerBoard ( oldSweepStep ); // Draw the grid for the point in the sweep we have just read
if ( resetAverage || setting.Average == AV_OFF ) // Store data, either as read or as rolling average
myData[oldSweepStep] = myActual[oldSweepStep];
switch ( setting.Average )
case AV_MIN:
if ( myData[oldSweepStep] > myActual[oldSweepStep] )
myData[oldSweepStep] = myActual[oldSweepStep];
case AV_MAX:
if ( myData[oldSweepStep] < myActual[oldSweepStep] )
myData[oldSweepStep] = myActual[oldSweepStep];
case AV_2:
myData[oldSweepStep] = ( myData[oldSweepStep] + myActual[oldSweepStep] ) / 2;
case AV_4:
myData[oldSweepStep] = ( myData[oldSweepStep]*3 + myActual[oldSweepStep] ) / 4;
case AV_8:
myData[oldSweepStep] = ( myData[oldSweepStep]*7 + myActual[oldSweepStep] ) / 8;
DisplayPoint ( myData, oldSweepStep, AVG_COLOR );
if ( setting.ShowSweep )
DisplayPoint ( myActual, oldSweepStep, DB_COLOR );
if ( setting.ShowGain )
displayGainPoint ( myGain, oldSweepStep, GAIN_COLOR );
if ( setting.ShowStorage )
DisplayPoint ( myStorage, oldSweepStep, STORAGE_COLOR );
if ( setting.SubtractStorage )
rxRSSI = 128 + rxRSSI - myStorage[oldSweepStep];
* Record the peak values but not if freq low enough to detect the LO
if ( peakLevel < myData[oldSweepStep] )
peakIndex = oldSweepStep;
peakLevel = myData[oldSweepStep];
peakFreq = oldSweepFreq;
// Serial.printf( "peakLevel set %i, index %i\n", peakLevel, oldSweepStep);
// displayPeakData ();
* Save values used by peak detection. Need to save the previous value as we only
* know we have a peak once past it!
prevPointRSSI = currentPointRSSI;
currentPointRSSI = myData[oldSweepStep];
* Peak point detection. Four peaks, used to position the markers
if ( currentPointRSSI >= prevPointRSSI ) // Level or ascending
pointsPastDip ++;
if ( pointsPastDip == PAST_PEAK_LIMIT )
pointsPastPeak = 0;
if ( currentPointRSSI > peakRSSI )
peakRSSI = currentPointRSSI; // Store values
peakFreq = oldSweepFreq;
peakIndex = oldSweepStep;
pointsPastPeak ++; // only a true peak if value decreased for a number of consecutive points
if ( pointsPastPeak == PAST_PEAK_LIMIT ) // We have a peak
pointsPastDip = 0;
* Is this peak bigger than previous ones? Only check if bigger than smallest peak so far
if ( peakRSSI > peaks[MARKER_COUNT-1].Level )
for ( uint16_t p = 0; p < MARKER_COUNT; p++ )
if ( peakRSSI > peaks[p].Level )
for ( uint16_t n = 3; n > p; n-- ) // Shuffle lower level peaks down
memcpy ( &peaks[n], &peaks[n-1], sizeof ( peak_t ));
peaks[p].Level = peakRSSI; // Save the peak values
peaks[p].Freq = peakFreq;
peaks[p].Index = peakIndex;
peakRSSI = 0; // Reset peak values ready for next peak
} // We have a peak
} // Descending
* Draw the markers if main sweep is displayed. The markers know if they are enabled or not
* Only paint if sweep step is in range where there will be a marker
if ( setting.ShowSweep || setting.Average != AV_OFF )
for ( int p = 0; p < MARKER_COUNT; p++ )
if (( abs ( oldSweepStep - oldPeaks[p].Index )
<= MARKER_SPRITE_HEIGHT / 2 ) && ( oldPeaks[p].Level > (lastMinRSSI + MARKER_NOISE_LIMIT) ))
marker[p].Paint ( &img, oldPeaks[p].Index - oldSweepStep,
rssiToImgY ( oldPeaks[p].Level ) );
// If in the last few points and gain trace is displayed show the gain scale
if ( setting.ShowGain && (oldSweepStep > setting.BandscopePoints - 2 * CHAR_WIDTH) )
int16_t scaleX = setting.BandscopePoints - 2 * CHAR_WIDTH - oldSweepStep + 1; // relative to the img sprite
img.setPivot( scaleX, 0);
gainScaleSprite.pushRotated ( &img, 0, TFT_BLACK ); // Send the sprite to the target sprite, with transparent colour
if ( oldSweepStep > 0 ) // Only push if not first point (two pixel wide img)
img.pushSprite ( X_ORIGIN+oldSweepStep-1, Y_ORIGIN );
myFreq[oldSweepStep] = oldSweepFreq; // Store the frequency for XML file creation
if ( autoSweepStep >= sweepPoints ) // If we have got to the end of the sweep
2020-08-16 02:03:43 +08:00
// autoSweepStep = 0;
sweepStartDone = false;
resetAverage = false;
if ( sweepCount < 2 )
sweepCount++; // Used to disable wifi at start
oldPeakLevel = peakLevel; //Save value of peak level for use by the "SetPowerLevel" function
if ( myActual[setting.BandscopePoints-1] == 0 ) // Ensure a value in last data point
myActual[setting.BandscopePoints-1] = rxRSSI; // Yes, save it
myGain[setting.BandscopePoints-1] = gainReading;
myFreq[setting.BandscopePoints-1] = oldSweepFreq;
if ( showRSSI == 1 ) // Only show it once?
showRSSI = 0; // Then turn it off
#ifdef USE_WIFI
if (( numberOfWebsocketClients > 0) && jsonDocInitialised && (chunkIndex > 0) )
String wsBuffer;
if (wsBuffer)
serializeJson ( jsonDocument, wsBuffer );
webSocket.broadcastTXT ( wsBuffer ); // Send to all connected websocket clients
Serial.println ( "No buffer :(");
#endif // #ifdef USE_WIFI
} // End of "if ( sweepStep >= sweepPoints )"
} // End of "doSweepLow"
* "DisplayInfo" - Draws the background text around the checkerboard. Called
* when a setting is changed to set axis labels and top info bar
void DisplayBandscopeInfo ()
const char *averageText[] = { " OFF", " MIN", " MAX", " 2", " 4", " 8" };
const char *referenceOutText[] = { " 30", " 15", " 10", " 4", " 3", " 2", " 1" };
double fStart;
double fCenter;
double fStop;
tSprite.fillSprite ( BLACK );
tSprite.setTextColor ( WHITE );
* Update frequency labels at bottom if changed
tft.setTextColor ( WHITE,BLACK );
tft.setTextSize ( 1 );
fStart = (double)( setting.BandscopeStart / 1000000.0 ); // Start freq
fCenter = (double)( ( setting.BandscopeStart + setting.BandscopeSpan/2.0 ) / 1000000.0 );
fStop = (double)( (setting.BandscopeStart + setting.BandscopeSpan ) / 1000000.0 ) ; // Stop freq
if ( old_startFreq != fStart || old_stopFreq != fStop )
Serial.printf("DisplayBandscopeInfo fStart %f; old_startFreq %f \n", fStart, old_startFreq);
Serial.printf("DisplayBandscopeInfo fStop %f; old_stopFreq %f \n", fStop, old_stopFreq);
tft.fillRect ( X_ORIGIN, SCREEN_HEIGHT -
// Show operating mode
tft.setCursor ( X_ORIGIN + 50, SCREEN_HEIGHT - CHAR_HEIGHT );
tft.setTextColor ( DB_COLOR );
tft.printf ( "Mode:%s", modeText[setting.Mode] );
tft.setTextColor ( WHITE );
tft.setCursor ( X_ORIGIN + 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - CHAR_HEIGHT );
tft.print ( fStart );
tft.print ( fStop );
* Show the center frequency:
tft.print ( fCenter );
tft.print ( "(MHz)" );
old_startFreq = fStart; // Save current frequency range
old_stopFreq = fStop; // For next time
tft.setCursor ( 220, SCREEN_HEIGHT - CHAR_HEIGHT ); // Show sweep time
tft.printf ( "%6ums", sweepMicros / 1000 );
* We use the "tSprite" to paint the data at the top of the screen to avoid
* flicker.
* Show marker values:
* The "xPos" and "yPos" arrays are the coordinates of where to place the marker data.
* The "posIndex" variable keeps track of the next available position for the marker
* data. If we want fixed positions for each marker, then change the "xPos" and "yPos"
* indicies to use "m".
int xPos[MARKER_COUNT] = { 20, 20, 160, 160 };
int posIndex = 0;
for ( int m = 0; m < MARKER_COUNT; m++ )
tSprite.setCursor ( xPos[m], yPos[m] );
if (( marker[m].isEnabled()) && ( setting.ShowSweep || setting.Average != AV_OFF ))
tSprite.setTextColor ( WHITE );
tSprite.printf ( "%u:%5.1fdBm %8.4fMHz", marker[m].Index()+1,
rssiTodBm ( oldPeaks[m].Level ), oldPeaks[m].Freq / 1000000.0 );
tSprite.setTextColor ( DARKGREY );
tSprite.printf ( "%u:", marker[m].Index()+1 );
int x = tSprite.width () - 45;
tSprite.setTextColor ( WHITE );
tSprite.pushSprite ( X_ORIGIN, 0 ); // Write sprite to the display
updateSidebar = false;
} // End of "DisplayBandscopeInfo"