[programName] [programVersion]


The Home page displays the current status of the RBNSpyBox and the status of all your "Friends". This page will automatically refresh to display the latest "Friend" activity.


The Friends page is used to maintain your list of "Friends", you can add upto a maximum of 50.

RBNSpyBox comes pre-loaded with a number of example "Friends" and you will see these listed on the Friends page.

To update a "Friend" simply change the values in the boxes and hit the associated "Update" button.

To remove a "Friend" simply hit the "Remove" button.

At the bottom of the page you will find an area titled "Add New Friend".

Here you can specify a callsign, name, comment and sound to be used when that particular "Friend" is spotted. Callsigns can contain wildcards. Typically, taking the UK callsign G0PJO as an example you will want to spot a "Friend" while working abroad, while within one of the UK regions such as Wales, and possibly when out operating portable. To do this you can specify the callsign as *G*0PJO* which will catch all occurrences. All fields are limited to 20 characters. The associated sound can be disabled by unchecking the check-box.


The Settings page is used to configure the RBNSpyBox. The main settings relate to Wi-Fi connectivity but also includes settings for the Reverse Beacon Network interface and some miscellaneous settings.

To commit all changes hit the "Update" button.


The Backup/Restore page is used to backup and restore your list of "Friends".

The "Friends" are backup they are persisted as a simple XML file. This file should be securely saved away. To restore the friends simply drag and drop the file to the box comtaining the text "Here...".