M0WID 1746058f31 Fixed TG CS pin define compile error
Corrected problem with CS pins floating if module installed but not initialised.
Also corrected compiler error if neither TG SI4432 defined
2020-10-09 21:14:58 +01:00

320 lines
12 KiB

* "My_SA.h"
* Added in Version 2.2 by John Price (WA2FZW):
* This file contains all the user settable parameters for the TinySA spectrum
* analyzer software. If tou change anything in any of the header files, you've
* just become a test pilot!
#ifndef _MY_SA_H_
#define _MY_SA_H_ // Prevent double inclusion
* The following definitions are all related to the WiFi interface. If you don't want
* to use the WiFi interface, set the "USE_WIFI" definition to 'false'.
* If you are going to use the WiFi interface, you'll need to set the "WIFI_SSID"
* and "WIFI_PASSWORD" symbols to the appropriate values for your network.
* Don't comment out the SSID and password definitions. Doing so will cause compiler
* errors.
#define USE_WIFI true // Changed in Version 2.6 to true/false
// #define USE_ACCESS_POINT // Comment out if want to connect to SSID, leave in to use access point
// #define AP_PASSWORD "none"
#define WIFI_SSID ":)" // SSID of your WiFi if not using access point
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "S0ftR0ckRXTX" // Password for your WiFi
#define MAX_WIFI_POINTS 75 // was 150 Number of sample points to send to clients in each wifi chunk
// Some clients cannot handle too few (too frequent chart refresh)
// ** IMPORTANT ** Must be less than or equal to DISPLAY_POINTS (290)
#define WIFI_UPDATE_TARGET_TIME 500000 // No of microseconds to target chart updates.
#define WEBSOCKET_INTERVAL 2000 // Microseconds between check for websocket events if no client connected
* You can set your own colors for the various traces, but you can only choose
* from the following colors:
#define SLIDER_KNOB_RADIUS 15 // Sprite is twice this high
#define SLIDER_WIDTH 200 // Sprite width is this plus twice knob radius
#define SLIDER_X 10
#define SLIDER_Y 195
//#define SHOW_FREQ_UP_DOWN_BUTTONS // Comment out if you don't like them!
// #define SLIDER_MIN_POWER -43.0 // in dBm
// #define SLIDER_MAX_POWER -13.0
#define ATTENUATOR_RANGE 30 // in dB
// the B3555 SAW filter has max power rating of 10dBm.
// Drive of 4 = 11dBm but 1 dB pad in my build. If you have a larger attenuator pad you can try higher powers
#define RX_SI4432_MAX_DRIVE 4 // corresponds to 11dBm
* These definitions control the values that get set when you select "AUTO SETTINGS" from
* the main touch screen menu; feel free to change them as you wish, but the legal values
* for some of them won't be obvious, so do your research first!
#define AUTO_SWEEP_START 0 // Default sewwp start is 0Hz
#define AUTO_SWEEP_STOP 100000000 // Default stop is 100MHz
#define AUTO_PWR_GRID 10 // 10 dB per horizontal division
#define AUTO_LNA 0x60 // Receiver Si4432 AGC on
#define AUTO_REF_LEVEL -10 // Top line of the grid is at -10dB
#define AUTO_REF_OUTPUT 1 // Transmitter GPIO2 is 15MHz
#define AUTO_ATTEN 0 // No attenuation
#define AUTO_RBW 0 // Automatic RBW
* Some definitions for IF-Sweep to test the internal SAW filters
#define IF_SWEEP_START 432000000
#define IF_SWEEP_STOP 435000000
// Limits for keypad entry of IF sweep frequency start/stop
#define IF_STOP_MAX 500000000 // 500MHz
#define IF_START_MIN 400000000 // 400MHz
* Some definitions for RX-Sweep to test the internal FIR filters
#define RX_SWEEP_START 432000000
#define RX_SWEEP_STOP 436000000
// Limits for keypad entry of IF sweep frequency start/stop
#define RX_STOP_MAX 440000000 // 500MHz
#define RX_START_MIN 430000000 // 400MHz
* Spur reduction shifts the IF down from its normal setting every other scan
* Set MAX_IF_SHIFT so that the IF cannot go outside the flat top of the SAW filter passband
#define MAX_IF_SHIFT 300000 // Maximum shift of IF (Hz) in spur reduction mode
#define PAST_PEAK_LIMIT 3 // number of consecutive lower values to detect a peak
#define MARKER_NOISE_LIMIT 20 // Don't display marker if its RSSI value is < (min for sweep + this)
#define MARKER_MIN_FREQUENCY 750000 // Ignore values at lower frequencies as probably IF bleed through.
* There are three possible implementations for the PE4302 attenuator:
* The parallel version using a PCF8574 I2C GPIO expander interface to the processor
* The parallel version using six separate GPIO pins to interface with the processor
* The serial version.
* Change the following definition to select the version you are using. The options are:
* PE4302_PCF
* PE4302_GPIO
#define PE4302_TYPE PE4302_SERIAL
* If you're using the "PE4302_PCF" mode, you need to define the I2C address for
* the PCF8574:
// #define PCF8574_ADDRESS 0x38 // Change for your device if necessary
* If you're using the "PE4302_SERIAL" mode, you need to define the chip select (LE)
* pin number:
#define PE4302_LE 21 // Chip Select for the serial attenuator
* If you're using the "PE4302_GPIO" mode, you need to define the GPIO pins used for
* the six data inputs to the PE4302:
// #define DATA_0 nn // Replace the "nn" with real pin numbers
// #define DATA_1 nn
// #define DATA_2 nn
// #define DATA_3 nn
// #define DATA_4 nn
// #define DATA_5 nn
* If you're using the PE4302 attenuator, the 'ATTEN' command will set the attenuation.
* The maximum setting for the PE4302 is 31dB. If you have some other attenuator arrangement
* you can change this value appropriately so that the software can take into account
* a higher attenuation; but note only the PE4302 will actually be congigured by the code.
#define PE4302_MAX 31
* The Si4432 is an SPI device and we have it set up to use the ESP32's VSPI bus.
* Here, we define the chip select GPIO pins for the two Si4432 modules and the GPIO
* pins for the clock and data lines.
#define SI_RX_CS 4 // Receiver chip select pin
#define SI_TX_CS 5 // Transmitter chip select pin
#define V_SCLK 18 // VSPI clock pin
#define V_SDI 23 // VSPI SDI (aka MOSI) pin
#define V_SDO 19 // VSPI SDO (aka MISO) pin
* An option is add more SI4432 devices to make a tracking generator
* Options are for a single one producing the IF where the LO is tapped off from the TinySA LO
* or two where the track gen LO is generated with another SI4432 to give improved
* isolation and therefore better dynamic range.
* Do NOT comment out these definitions if you plan to install/test with TG physically
* installed.
#define SI_TG_IF_CS 2 // pin to use for tracking gen IF SI4432
#define SI_TG_LO_CS 25 // pin to use for tracking gen LO SI4432
* Comment both lines below out if you do not have the tracking generator
* If only one SI4432 comment out the TG_LO_INSTALLED line
* Leave both uncommented if you have the two SI4432 TG option
* These two definitions are used to tune the Si4432 module frequencies. Once you have
* performed the frequency calibration as explained in the documentation, you should
* change the values defined here to the values you determined appropriate in the
* calibration procedure or they may be lost when new software versions are released.
* The values here were Erik's original values
#define TX_CAPACITANCE 0x65 // Transmitter (LO) crystal load capacitance
#define RX_CAPACITANCE 0x59 // Receiver crystal load capacitance
#define TG_LO_CAPACITANCE 0x64 // Tracking generator LO crystal load capacitance
#define TG_IF_CAPACITANCE 0x62 // Tracking generator IF crystal load capacitance
#define RX_PASSBAND_OFFSET 1300 // RX bandpass filters are offset from nominal IF by this
* "CAL_POWER" is the calibrated power level determined when doing the calibration
* procedure. As is the case with the crystal capacitances, you should change the
* value here to prevent the calibration from being lost when new versions of the
* code are released.
#define CAL_POWER -30 // Si4432 GPIO2 normal reference level
* The default transmitter Si4432 power output is based on the type of mixer being used.
* For the ADE-1 mixer should be +7dBm and +17dBm for the ADE-25H mixer.
* The definition of "MIXER" can be set to one of the following symbols, or you can
* define a power setting numerically (refer to A440).
* MIX_ADE_1 // For the ADE-1 mixer module
* MIX_ADE_25H // For the ADE-25H mixer module
* MIX_MINIMUM // Minimum power for testing
#define MIXER MIX_ADE_25H // High power
* These define the sweep range limits. The unit is capable of sweeping up to 430MHz,
* but if you're using Glenn's PCBx, there is a 200MHz LPF on the input, so anyone
* using that (or some other input LPF) might want to change the maximum frequency
* accordingly.
#define STOP_MAX 250000000 // 250MHz
#define START_MIN 0 // 0MHz
* The "FOCUS_FACTOR" is used in conjunction with the "FOCUS" command (from either
* the serial interface or touch screen). The requested focus frequency is divided
* by the "FOCUS_FACTOR" to set the frequency span.
* So for example, if you request a focus frequency of 50MHz, and the "FOCUS_FACTOR"
* is set to 1000, 50MHz / 1000 = 25KHz which would be the total span. In other words,
* the sweep frequency range would be from 49.975MHz to 50.025MHz. But since the
* readings on the grid are only good to 2 decimal places, the display may not indicate
* the exact span.
#define FOCUS_FACTOR 1000UL
* "TS_MINIMUM_Z" is the minimum touch pressure that will be considered to indicate a
* valid touch screen touch. It was originally hard-coded in the "ui.cpp" module as
* '600', but that proved to be too much for some displays, so now you can set it to
* see what works for your particular display.
#define TS_MINIMUM_Z 600 // The original setting
* The "BACKLIGHT_LEVEL" setting can be used to control the brightness of the backlight
* of the TFT display. Presently, there is no place in the menu system where this can be
* adjusted, so if using the adjustable option, you have to set the symbol appropriately
* Glenn's PCB provides the option to simply connect the backlight to 3V3 through an
* appropriate resistor.
* Comment out if not using the PWM backlight (uses GPIO25 which can then be used for
* a tracking generator, but not both)
// #define BACKLIGHT_LEVEL 50 // Level setting
* We haven't implemented the use of a rotary encoder to control the menu selections
* yet, but if we ever do, the GPIO pins that it uses need to be defined. The ones
* defined here are based on Glenn's PCB design.
#ifdef USE_ROTARY // Not defined anywhere!
#define ENC_PB 32 // Encoder pushbutton switch
#define ENC_BB 33 // Back button pushbutton switch (or TS_INT)
#define ENC_B 34 // Encoder pin "B" (input only pin)
#define ENC_A 35 // Encoder pin "A" (input only pin)
#endif // #ifndef _MY_SA_H_