M0WID 96a27b6005 Web Sig Gen again
Bug remains in attenuation calc
Formatting of buttons on web page to do
Add track Gen to signal generator web page if present (need to send a config state in settings)
Add track gen level control
2020-10-04 22:36:46 +01:00

94 lines
2.8 KiB

* "TinySA_wifi.h"
* Definitions and function prototypes for the WiFi capability.
#ifndef TINYSA_WIFI_H_
#define TINYSA_WIFI_H_ // Prevent double inclusion
#include "Arduino.h" // Basic Arduino definitions
#include "simpleSA.h" // Program definitions
#include "si4432.h" // RF module definitions
#include <WiFi.h> // WiFi library
#include <AsyncTCP.h>
#include "ESPAsyncWebServer.h" // ESP32 Webserver library
#include "SPIFFS.h" // ESP32 File system
#include <TFT_eSPI.h> // Display library
#include "cmd.h"
#include <AsyncJson.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h> // Install using Library Manager or go to
* Install WebSocketes library by Markus Sattler
#include <WebSocketsServer.h>
#include <HardwareSerial.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define SSID_NAME "TinySA" // Name of access point
* Function prototypes:
boolean startAP ();
boolean connectWiFi ();
void buildServer ();
void addTagNameValue ( char *b, char *_name, char *value );
char *escapeXML ( char *s );
void webSocketEvent ( uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t* payload, size_t lenght );
char *FormatIPAddress ( IPAddress ipAddress );
void pushSettings ();
void pushIFSweepSettings ();
void pushRXSweepSettings ();
void pushBandscopeSettings ();
void pushSigGenSettings ();
void initChunkSweepDoc (uint32_t startIndex);
* Functions outside of "TinySA_wifi:
int GetPointsAsXML ( void textHandler (char *s) );
// void set_sweep_frequency ( int type, int32_t frequency );
// void SetRBW ( int );
// void SetAttenuation ( int a );
// void RequestSetPowerLevel ( float o );
// void SetPowerLevel ( double o );
// void SetPowerReference (int freq );
// void SetLoDrive ( uint8_t level );
// bool SetIFFrequency ( int32_t f );
// void SetPreAmpGain ( int g );
void WriteSettings ();
// void SetSpur ( int v );
* variables and objects outside of TinySA_wifi
extern settings_t setting;
extern uint8_t myData[SCREEN_WIDTH+1];
extern uint8_t myStorage[SCREEN_WIDTH+1];
extern uint8_t myActual[SCREEN_WIDTH+1];
extern uint8_t myGain[SCREEN_WIDTH+1]; // M0WID addition to record preamp gain
extern uint32_t myFreq[SCREEN_WIDTH+1]; // M0WID addition to store frequency for XML file
extern WebSocketsServer webSocket; // Initiated in TinySA.ino
extern TFT_eSPI tft; // TFT Screen object
extern bandpassFilter_t bandpassFilters[11];
extern float bandwidth;
extern uint32_t sweepPoints; // Number of points in the sweep. Can be more than DISPLAY_POINTS if RBW is set less than video resolution