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// Our harness for running test cases, and reusable checks.
// Copyright 2016 whitequark
#include "solvespace.h"
// Hack... we should rename the ones in ui.h instead.
namespace SolveSpace {
namespace Test {
class Helper {
size_t checkCount;
size_t failCount;
bool RecordCheck(bool success);
void PrintFailure(const char *file, int line, std::string msg);
Platform::Path GetAssetPath(std::string testFile, std::string assetName,
std::string mangle = "");
bool CheckBool(const char *file, int line, const char *expr,
bool value, bool reference);
bool CheckEqualString(const char *file, int line, const char *valueExpr,
const std::string &value, const std::string &reference);
bool CheckEqualEpsilon(const char *file, int line, const char *valueExpr,
double value, double reference);
bool CheckLoad(const char *file, int line, const char *fixture);
bool CheckSave(const char *file, int line, const char *reference);
bool CheckRender(const char *file, int line, const char *fixture);
bool CheckRenderXY(const char *file, int line, const char *fixture);
bool CheckRenderIso(const char *file, int line, const char *fixture);
class Case {
std::string fileName;
std::string caseName;
std::function<void(Helper *)> fn;
static int Register(Case testCase);
using namespace SolveSpace;
#define TEST_CASE(name) \
static void Test_##name(Test::Helper *); \
static Test::Case TestCase_##name = { __FILE__, #name, Test_##name }; \
static int TestReg_##name = Test::Case::Register(TestCase_##name); \
static void Test_##name(Test::Helper *helper) // { ... }
#define CHECK_TRUE(cond) \
do { if(!helper->CheckBool(__FILE__, __LINE__, #cond, cond, true)) return; } while(0)
#define CHECK_FALSE(cond) \
do { if(!helper->CheckBool(__FILE__, __LINE__, #cond, cond, false)) return; } while(0)
#define CHECK_EQ_STR(value, reference) \
do { if(!helper->CheckEqualString(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
#value, value, reference)) return; } while(0)
#define CHECK_EQ_EPS(value, reference) \
do { if(!helper->CheckEqualEpsilon(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
#value, value, reference)) return; } while(0)
#define CHECK_LOAD(fixture) \
do { if(!helper->CheckLoad(__FILE__, __LINE__, fixture)) return; } while(0)
#define CHECK_SAVE(fixture) \
do { if(!helper->CheckSave(__FILE__, __LINE__, fixture)) return; } while(0)
#define CHECK_RENDER(reference) \
do { if(!helper->CheckRenderXY(__FILE__, __LINE__, reference)) return; } while(0)
#define CHECK_RENDER_ISO(reference) \
do { if(!helper->CheckRenderIso(__FILE__, __LINE__, reference)) return; } while(0)