2008-05-22 18:28:50 +08:00
#include "solvespace.h"
void SMesh::Clear(void) {
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
void SMesh::AddTriangle(Vector n, Vector a, Vector b, Vector c) {
Vector ab = b.Minus(a), bc = c.Minus(b);
Vector np = ab.Cross(bc);
2008-05-24 21:23:25 +08:00
if(np.Magnitude() < 1e-10) {
// ugh; gl sometimes tesselates to collinear triangles
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
if(np.Dot(n) > 0) {
AddTriangle(a, b, c);
} else {
AddTriangle(c, b, a);
2008-05-22 18:28:50 +08:00
void SMesh::AddTriangle(Vector a, Vector b, Vector c) {
STriangle t; ZERO(&t);
t.a = a;
t.b = b;
t.c = c;
2008-05-24 20:23:25 +08:00
void SMesh::AddTriangle(STriangle *st) {
void SMesh::DoBounding(Vector v, Vector *vmax, Vector *vmin) {
vmax->x = max(vmax->x, v.x);
vmax->y = max(vmax->y, v.y);
vmax->z = max(vmax->z, v.z);
vmin->x = min(vmin->x, v.x);
vmin->y = min(vmin->y, v.y);
vmin->z = min(vmin->z, v.z);
void SMesh::GetBounding(Vector *vmax, Vector *vmin) {
int i;
*vmin = Vector::MakeFrom( 1e12, 1e12, 1e12);
*vmax = Vector::MakeFrom(-1e12, -1e12, -1e12);
for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
STriangle *st = &(l.elem[i]);
DoBounding(st->a, vmax, vmin);
DoBounding(st->b, vmax, vmin);
DoBounding(st->c, vmax, vmin);
2008-05-22 18:28:50 +08:00
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
SBsp2 *SBsp2::Alloc(void) { return (SBsp2 *)AllocTemporary(sizeof(SBsp2)); }
SBsp3 *SBsp3::Alloc(void) { return (SBsp3 *)AllocTemporary(sizeof(SBsp3)); }
2008-05-24 20:23:25 +08:00
double SBsp3::SplitFactor(int npos, int nneg, int nsplit) {
double r, ntot = npos + nneg + nsplit;
// A larger split factor is more desirable; best possible is 0.5
r = (min(npos, nneg)) / ntot;
r *= pow((npos + nneg) / ntot, 3);
return r;
SBsp3 *SBsp3::ChoosePartition(SMesh *m) {
if(m->l.n < 20) return NULL;
Vector vmax, vmin;
m->GetBounding(&vmax, &vmin);
double x = (vmax.x + vmin.x)/2;
double y = (vmax.y + vmin.y)/2;
double z = (vmax.z + vmin.z)/2;
int px = 0, nx = 0, sx = 0;
int py = 0, ny = 0, sy = 0;
int pz = 0, nz = 0, sz = 0;
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < m->l.n; i++) {
STriangle *tr = &(m->l.elem[i]);
int vx = 0, vy = 0, vz = 0;
for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
Vector a = (j == 0) ? tr->a : ((j == 1) ? tr->b : tr->c);
if(a.x < x) vx++;
if(a.y < y) vy++;
if(a.z < z) vz++;
if(vx == 3) { px++; } else if(vx == 0) { nx++; } else { sx++; }
if(vy == 3) { py++; } else if(vy == 0) { ny++; } else { sy++; }
if(vz == 3) { pz++; } else if(vz == 0) { nz++; } else { sz++; }
double fx = SplitFactor(px, nx, sx);
double fy = SplitFactor(py, ny, sy);
double fz = SplitFactor(pz, nz, sz);
double fmax = max(fx, max(fy, fz));
Vector nn;
double dd;
if(fmax == fx) {
nn = Vector::MakeFrom(1, 0, 0);
dd = x;
} else if(fmax == fy) {
nn = Vector::MakeFrom(0, 1, 0);
dd = y;
} else if(fmax == fz) {
nn = Vector::MakeFrom(0, 0, 1);
dd = z;
} else oops();
SBsp3 *r = Alloc();
r->n = nn;
r->d = dd;
SMesh mpos, mneg;
ZERO(&mpos); ZERO(&mneg);
for(i = 0; i < m->l.n; i++) {
STriangle *tr = &(m->l.elem[i]);
double da = (tr->a).Dot(nn);
double db = (tr->b).Dot(nn);
double dc = (tr->c).Dot(nn);
if(da > dd && db > dd && dc > dd) {
if(da < dd && db < dd && dc < dd) {
if(mpos.l.n >= m->l.n || mneg.l.n >= m->l.n) {
// We show no signs of terminating; bad.
r->pos = ChoosePartition(&mpos);
r->neg = ChoosePartition(&mneg);
mpos.Clear(); mneg.Clear();
return r;
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
SBsp3 *SBsp3::FromMesh(SMesh *m) {
2008-05-24 20:23:25 +08:00
SBsp3 *bsp3 = ChoosePartition(m);
Vector vmax, vmin;
m->GetBounding(&vmax, &vmin);
Vector adj = { 1, 1, 1 };
vmax = vmax.Plus(adj); vmin = vmin.Minus(adj);
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
int i;
for(i = 0; i < m->l.n; i++) {
2008-05-24 20:23:25 +08:00
bsp3 = bsp3->Insert(&(m->l.elem[i]), NULL, false, false);
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
2008-05-24 20:23:25 +08:00
bsp3 = bsp3->InsertExtraSplit(Vector::MakeFrom( 1, 0, 0), vmax.x);
bsp3 = bsp3->InsertExtraSplit(Vector::MakeFrom( 0, 1, 0), vmax.y);
bsp3 = bsp3->InsertExtraSplit(Vector::MakeFrom( 0, 0, 1), vmax.z);
bsp3 = bsp3->InsertExtraSplit(Vector::MakeFrom(-1, 0, 0), -vmin.x);
bsp3 = bsp3->InsertExtraSplit(Vector::MakeFrom( 0, -1, 0), -vmin.y);
bsp3 = bsp3->InsertExtraSplit(Vector::MakeFrom( 0, 0, -1), -vmin.z);
return bsp3;
SBsp3 *SBsp3::InsertExtraSplit(Vector nn, double dd) {
SBsp3 *r = Alloc();
r->n = nn;
r->d = dd;
r->neg = this;
r->pos = NULL;
return r;
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
Vector SBsp3::IntersectionWith(Vector a, Vector b) {
double da = a.Dot(n) - d;
double db = b.Dot(n) - d;
if(da*db > 0) oops();
double dab = (db - da);
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
return (a.ScaledBy(db/dab)).Plus(b.ScaledBy(-da/dab));
void SBsp3::InsertInPlane(bool pos2, STriangle *tr,
SMesh *m, bool flip, bool cpl)
Vector tc = ((tr->a).Plus(tr->b).Plus(tr->c)).ScaledBy(1.0/3);
bool onFace = false;
bool sameNormal;
SBsp3 *ll = this;
while(ll) {
if((ll->tri).ContainsPoint(tc)) {
onFace = true;
sameNormal = (tr->Normal()).Dot((ll->tri).Normal()) > 0;
ll = ll->more;
if(flip) {
if(cpl) oops();
if(!pos2 && (!onFace || !sameNormal)) {
m->AddTriangle(tr->c, tr->b, tr->a);
} else {
if(pos2 || (onFace && sameNormal && cpl)) {
m->AddTriangle(tr->a, tr->b, tr->c);
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
void SBsp3::InsertHow(int how, STriangle *tr,
SMesh *instead, bool flip, bool cpl)
switch(how) {
case POS:
if(instead && !pos) goto alt;
pos = pos->Insert(tr, instead, flip, cpl);
case NEG:
if(instead && !neg) goto alt;
neg = neg->Insert(tr, instead, flip, cpl);
case COPLANAR: {
if(instead) goto alt;
SBsp3 *m = Alloc();
m->n = n;
m->d = d;
m->tri = *tr;
m->more = more;
more = m;
default: oops();
if(how == POS && !flip) {
instead->AddTriangle(tr->a, tr->b, tr->c);
if(how == NEG && flip) {
instead->AddTriangle(tr->c, tr->b, tr->a);
if(how == COPLANAR) {
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
if(edges) {
edges->InsertTriangle(tr, instead, this, flip, cpl);
} else {
// I suppose this actually is allowed to happen, if the coplanar
// face is the leaf, and all of its neighbors are earlier in tree?
2008-05-24 20:23:25 +08:00
InsertInPlane(false, tr, instead, flip, cpl);
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
SBsp3 *SBsp3::Insert(STriangle *tr, SMesh *instead, bool flip, bool cpl) {
if(!this) {
// Brand new node; so allocate for it, and fill us in.
SBsp3 *r = Alloc();
r->n = tr->Normal();
r->d = (tr->a).Dot(r->n);
r->tri = *tr;
return r;
double dt[3] = { (tr->a).Dot(n), (tr->b).Dot(n), (tr->c).Dot(n) };
int inc = 0, posc = 0, negc = 0;
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
bool isPos[3], isNeg[3], isOn[3];
ZERO(&isPos); ZERO(&isNeg); ZERO(&isOn);
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
// Count vertices in the plane
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if(fabs(dt[i] - d) < LENGTH_EPS) {
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
isOn[i] = true;
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
} else if(dt[i] > d) {
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
isPos[i] = true;
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
} else {
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
isNeg[i] = true;
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
// All vertices in-plane
if(inc == 3) {
InsertHow(COPLANAR, tr, instead, flip, cpl);
return this;
// No split required
if(posc == 0 || negc == 0) {
if(inc == 2) {
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
Vector a, b;
if (!isOn[0]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; }
else if(!isOn[1]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; }
else if(!isOn[2]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; }
else oops();
if(!instead) {
SEdge se = { 0, a, b };
edges = edges->InsertEdge(&se, n, tr->Normal());
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
if(posc > 0) {
InsertHow(POS, tr, instead, flip, cpl);
} else {
InsertHow(NEG, tr, instead, flip, cpl);
return this;
// The polygon must be split into two pieces, one above, one below.
Vector a, b, c;
if(posc == 1 && negc == 1 && inc == 1) {
bool bpos;
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
// Standardize so that a is on the plane
if (isOn[0]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; c = tr->c; bpos = isPos[1];
} else if(isOn[1]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; c = tr->a; bpos = isPos[2];
} else if(isOn[2]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; c = tr->b; bpos = isPos[0];
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
} else oops();
Vector bPc = IntersectionWith(b, c);
STriangle btri = { 0, a, b, bPc };
STriangle ctri = { 0, c, a, bPc };
if(bpos) {
InsertHow(POS, &btri, instead, flip, cpl);
InsertHow(NEG, &ctri, instead, flip, cpl);
} else {
InsertHow(POS, &ctri, instead, flip, cpl);
InsertHow(NEG, &btri, instead, flip, cpl);
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
if(!instead) {
SEdge se = { 0, a, bPc };
edges = edges->InsertEdge(&se, n, tr->Normal());
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
return this;
if(posc == 2 && negc == 1) {
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
// Standardize so that a is on one side, and b and c are on the other.
if (isNeg[0]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; c = tr->c;
} else if(isNeg[1]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; c = tr->a;
} else if(isNeg[2]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; c = tr->b;
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
} else oops();
} else if(posc == 1 && negc == 2) {
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
if (isPos[0]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; c = tr->c;
} else if(isPos[1]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; c = tr->a;
} else if(isPos[2]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; c = tr->b;
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
} else oops();
} else oops();
Vector aPb = IntersectionWith(a, b);
Vector cPa = IntersectionWith(c, a);
STriangle alone = { 0, a, aPb, cPa };
STriangle quad1 = { 0, aPb, b, c };
STriangle quad2 = { 0, aPb, c, cPa };
if(posc == 2 && negc == 1) {
InsertHow(POS, &quad1, instead, flip, cpl);
InsertHow(POS, &quad2, instead, flip, cpl);
InsertHow(NEG, &alone, instead, flip, cpl);
} else {
InsertHow(NEG, &quad1, instead, flip, cpl);
InsertHow(NEG, &quad2, instead, flip, cpl);
InsertHow(POS, &alone, instead, flip, cpl);
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
if(!instead) {
SEdge se = { 0, aPb, cPa };
edges = edges->InsertEdge(&se, n, alone.Normal());
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
return this;
void SBsp3::DebugDraw(void) {
if(!this) return;
Vector norm = tri.Normal();
glNormal3d(norm.x, norm.y, norm.z);
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
glPolygonOffset(-1, 0);
glPolygonOffset(-1, 0);
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00
glPolygonOffset(0, 0);
2008-05-24 18:34:06 +08:00
edges->DebugDraw(n, d);
Vector SBsp2::IntersectionWith(Vector a, Vector b) {
double da = a.Dot(no) - d;
double db = b.Dot(no) - d;
if(da*db > 0) oops();
double dab = (db - da);
return (a.ScaledBy(db/dab)).Plus(b.ScaledBy(-da/dab));
SBsp2 *SBsp2::InsertEdge(SEdge *nedge, Vector nnp, Vector out) {
if(!this) {
// Brand new node; so allocate for it, and fill us in.
SBsp2 *r = Alloc();
r->np = nnp;
r->no = (r->np).Cross((nedge->b).Minus(nedge->a));
if(out.Dot(r->no) < 0) {
r->no = (r->no).ScaledBy(-1);
r->d = (nedge->a).Dot(r->no);
r->edge = *nedge;
return r;
double dt[2] = { (nedge->a).Dot(no), (nedge->b).Dot(no) };
bool isPos[2], isNeg[2], isOn[2];
ZERO(&isPos); ZERO(&isNeg); ZERO(&isOn);
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if(fabs(dt[i] - d) < LENGTH_EPS) {
isOn[i] = true;
} else if(dt[i] > d) {
isPos[i] = true;
} else {
isNeg[i] = true;
if((isPos[0] && isPos[1])||(isPos[0] && isOn[1])||(isOn[0] && isPos[1])) {
pos = pos->InsertEdge(nedge, nnp, out);
return this;
if((isNeg[0] && isNeg[1])||(isNeg[0] && isOn[1])||(isOn[0] && isNeg[1])) {
neg = neg->InsertEdge(nedge, nnp, out);
return this;
if(isOn[0] && isOn[1]) {
SBsp2 *m = Alloc();
m->np = nnp;
m->no = (m->np).Cross((nedge->b).Minus(nedge->a));
if(out.Dot(m->no) < 0) {
m->no = (m->no).ScaledBy(-1);
m->d = (nedge->a).Dot(m->no);
m->edge = *nedge;
m->more = more;
more = m;
return this;
if((isPos[0] && isNeg[1]) || (isNeg[0] && isPos[1])) {
Vector aPb = IntersectionWith(nedge->a, nedge->b);
SEdge ea = { 0, nedge->a, aPb };
SEdge eb = { 0, aPb, nedge->b };
if(isPos[0]) {
pos = pos->InsertEdge(&ea, nnp, out);
neg = neg->InsertEdge(&eb, nnp, out);
} else {
neg = neg->InsertEdge(&ea, nnp, out);
pos = pos->InsertEdge(&eb, nnp, out);
return this;
void SBsp2::InsertTriangleHow(int how, STriangle *tr,
SMesh *m, SBsp3 *bsp3, bool flip, bool cpl)
switch(how) {
case POS:
if(pos) {
pos->InsertTriangle(tr, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
} else {
bsp3->InsertInPlane(true, tr, m, flip, cpl);
case NEG:
if(neg) {
neg->InsertTriangle(tr, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
} else {
bsp3->InsertInPlane(false, tr, m, flip, cpl);
default: oops();
void SBsp2::InsertTriangle(STriangle *tr,
SMesh *m, SBsp3 *bsp3, bool flip, bool cpl)
double dt[3] = { (tr->a).Dot(no), (tr->b).Dot(no), (tr->c).Dot(no) };
bool isPos[3], isNeg[3], isOn[3];
int inc = 0, posc = 0, negc = 0;
ZERO(&isPos); ZERO(&isNeg); ZERO(&isOn);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if(fabs(dt[i] - d) < LENGTH_EPS) {
isOn[i] = true;
} else if(dt[i] > d) {
isPos[i] = true;
} else {
isNeg[i] = true;
if(inc == 3) {
// All vertices on-line; so it's a degenerate triangle, to ignore.
// No split required
if(posc == 0 || negc == 0) {
if(posc > 0) {
InsertTriangleHow(POS, tr, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
} else {
InsertTriangleHow(NEG, tr, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
// The polygon must be split into two pieces, one above, one below.
Vector a, b, c;
if(posc == 1 && negc == 1 && inc == 1) {
bool bpos;
// Standardize so that a is on the plane
if (isOn[0]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; c = tr->c; bpos = isPos[1];
} else if(isOn[1]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; c = tr->a; bpos = isPos[2];
} else if(isOn[2]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; c = tr->b; bpos = isPos[0];
} else oops();
Vector bPc = IntersectionWith(b, c);
STriangle btri = { 0, a, b, bPc };
STriangle ctri = { 0, c, a, bPc };
if(bpos) {
InsertTriangleHow(POS, &btri, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
InsertTriangleHow(NEG, &ctri, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
} else {
InsertTriangleHow(POS, &ctri, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
InsertTriangleHow(NEG, &btri, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
if(posc == 2 && negc == 1) {
// Standardize so that a is on one side, and b and c are on the other.
if (isNeg[0]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; c = tr->c;
} else if(isNeg[1]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; c = tr->a;
} else if(isNeg[2]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; c = tr->b;
} else oops();
} else if(posc == 1 && negc == 2) {
if (isPos[0]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; c = tr->c;
} else if(isPos[1]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; c = tr->a;
} else if(isPos[2]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; c = tr->b;
} else oops();
} else oops();
Vector aPb = IntersectionWith(a, b);
Vector cPa = IntersectionWith(c, a);
STriangle alone = { 0, a, aPb, cPa };
STriangle quad1 = { 0, aPb, b, c };
STriangle quad2 = { 0, aPb, c, cPa };
if(posc == 2 && negc == 1) {
InsertTriangleHow(POS, &quad1, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
InsertTriangleHow(POS, &quad2, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
InsertTriangleHow(NEG, &alone, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
} else {
InsertTriangleHow(NEG, &quad1, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
InsertTriangleHow(NEG, &quad2, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
InsertTriangleHow(POS, &alone, m, bsp3, flip, cpl);
void SBsp2::DebugDraw(Vector n, double d) {
if(!this) return;
if(fabs((edge.a).Dot(n) - d) > LENGTH_EPS) oops();
if(fabs((edge.b).Dot(n) - d) > LENGTH_EPS) oops();
pos->DebugDraw(n, d);
neg->DebugDraw(n, d);
more->DebugDraw(n, d);
2008-05-23 18:05:07 +08:00