2011-03-13 16:04:09 +08:00
' Some sample code for slvs.dll. We draw some geometric entities, provide
' initial guesses for their positions, and then constrain them. The solver
' calculates their new positions, in order to satisfy the constraints.
' The library is distributed as a DLL, but the functions are designed to
' be usable from .net languages through a P/Invoke. This file contains an
' example of that process, and a wrapper class around those P/Invoke'd
' functions that you may wish to use a starting point in your own
' application.
2013-07-29 06:08:34 +08:00
' Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues.
2011-03-13 16:04:09 +08:00
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Module VbDemo
' Call our example functions, which set up some kind of sketch, solve
' it, and then print the result.
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("EXAMPLE IN 3d (by objects):")
Console.WriteLine("EXAMPLE IN 2d (by objects):")
Console.WriteLine("EXAMPLE IN 3d (by handles):")
Console.WriteLine("EXAMPLE IN 2d (by handles):")
End Sub
' This is the simplest way to use the library. A set of wrapper
' classes allow us to represent entities (e.g., lines and points)
' as .net objects. So we create an Slvs object, which will contain
' the entire sketch, with all the entities and constraints.
' We then create entity objects (for example, points and lines)
' associated with that sketch, indicating the initial positions of
' those entities and any hierarchical relationships among them (e.g.,
' defining a line entity in terms of endpoint entities). We also add
' constraints associated with those entities.
' Finally, we solve, and print the new positions of the entities. If the
' solution succeeded, then the entities will satisfy the constraints. If
' not, then the solver will suggest problematic constraints that, if
' removed, would render the sketch solvable.
Sub Example3dWithObjects()
Dim g As UInteger
Dim slv As New Slvs
' This will contain a single group, which will arbitrarily number 1.
g = 1
Dim p1, p2 As Slvs.Point3d
' A point, initially at (x y z) = (10 10 10)
p1 = slv.NewPoint3d(g, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0)
' and a second point at (20 20 20)
p2 = slv.NewPoint3d(g, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0)
Dim ln As Slvs.LineSegment
' and a line segment connecting them.
ln = slv.NewLineSegment(g, slv.FreeIn3d(), p1, p2)
' The distance between the points should be 30.0 units.
slv.AddConstraint(1, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_PT_PT_DISTANCE, _
slv.FreeIn3d(), 30.0, p1, p2, Nothing, Nothing)
' Let's tell the solver to keep the second point as close to constant
' as possible, instead moving the first point.
slv.Solve(g, p2, True)
If (slv.GetResult() = Slvs.SLVS_RESULT_OKAY) Then
' We call the GetX(), GetY(), and GetZ() functions to see
' where the solver moved our points to.
Console.WriteLine(String.Format( _
"okay; now at ({0:F3}, {1:F3}, {2:F3})", _
p1.GetX(), p1.GetY(), p1.GetZ()))
Console.WriteLine(String.Format( _
" ({0:F3}, {1:F3}, {2:F3})", _
p2.GetX(), p2.GetY(), p2.GetZ()))
Console.WriteLine(slv.GetDof().ToString() + " DOF")
Console.WriteLine("solve failed")
End If
End Sub
Sub Example2dWithObjects()
Dim g As UInteger
Dim slv As New Slvs
g = 1
' First, we create our workplane. Its origin corresponds to the origin
' of our base frame (x y z) = (0 0 0)
Dim origin As Slvs.Point3d
origin = slv.NewPoint3d(g, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
' and it is parallel to the xy plane, so it has basis vectors (1 0 0)
' and (0 1 0).
Dim normal As Slvs.Normal3d
normal = slv.NewNormal3d(g, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, _
0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
Dim wrkpl As Slvs.Workplane
wrkpl = slv.NewWorkplane(g, origin, normal)
' Now create a second group. We'll solve group 2, while leaving group 1
' constant; so the workplane that we've created will be locked down,
' and the solver can't move it.
g = 2
' These points are represented by their coordinates (u v) within the
' workplane, so they need only two parameters each.
Dim pl1, pl2 As Slvs.Point2d
pl1 = slv.NewPoint2d(g, wrkpl, 10.0, 20.0)
pl2 = slv.NewPoint2d(g, wrkpl, 20.0, 10.0)
' And we create a line segment with those endpoints.
Dim ln As Slvs.LineSegment
ln = slv.NewLineSegment(g, wrkpl, pl1, pl2)
' Now three more points.
Dim pc, ps, pf As Slvs.Point2d
pc = slv.NewPoint2d(g, wrkpl, 100.0, 120.0)
ps = slv.NewPoint2d(g, wrkpl, 120.0, 110.0)
pf = slv.NewPoint2d(g, wrkpl, 115.0, 115.0)
' And arc, centered at point pc, starting at point ps, ending at
' point pf.
Dim arc As Slvs.ArcOfCircle
arc = slv.NewArcOfCircle(g, wrkpl, normal, pc, ps, pf)
' Now one more point, and a distance
Dim pcc As Slvs.Point2d
pcc = slv.NewPoint2d(g, wrkpl, 200.0, 200.0)
Dim r As Slvs.Distance
r = slv.NewDistance(g, wrkpl, 30.0)
' And a complete circle, centered at point pcc with radius equal to
' distance r. The normal is the same as for our workplane.
Dim circle As Slvs.Circle
circle = slv.NewCircle(g, wrkpl, pcc, normal, r)
' The length of our line segment is 30.0 units.
slv.AddConstraint(1, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_PT_PT_DISTANCE, _
wrkpl, 30.0, pl1, pl2, Nothing, Nothing)
' And the distance from our line segment to the origin is 10.0 units.
slv.AddConstraint(2, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_PT_LINE_DISTANCE, _
wrkpl, 10.0, origin, Nothing, ln, Nothing)
' And the line segment is vertical.
slv.AddConstraint(3, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_VERTICAL, _
wrkpl, 0.0, Nothing, Nothing, ln, Nothing)
' And the distance from one endpoint to the origin is 15.0 units.
slv.AddConstraint(4, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_PT_PT_DISTANCE, _
wrkpl, 15.0, pl1, origin, Nothing, Nothing)
' And same for the other endpoint; so if you add this constraint then
' the sketch is overconstrained and will signal an error.
'slv.AddConstraint(5, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_PT_PT_DISTANCE, _
' wrkpl, 18.0, pl2, origin, Nothing, Nothing)
' The arc and the circle have equal radius.
slv.AddConstraint(6, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_EQUAL_RADIUS, _
wrkpl, 0.0, Nothing, Nothing, arc, circle)
' The arc has radius 17.0 units.
slv.AddConstraint(7, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_DIAMETER, _
wrkpl, 2 * 17.0, Nothing, Nothing, arc, Nothing)
' If the solver fails, then ask it to report which constraints caused
' the problem.
slv.Solve(g, True)
If (slv.GetResult() = Slvs.SLVS_RESULT_OKAY) Then
Console.WriteLine("solved okay")
' We call the GetU(), GetV(), and GetDistance() functions to
' see where the solver moved our points and distances to.
Console.WriteLine(String.Format( _
"line from ({0:F3} {1:F3}) to ({2:F3} {3:F3})", _
pl1.GetU(), pl1.GetV(), _
pl2.GetU(), pl2.GetV()))
Console.WriteLine(String.Format( _
"arc center ({0:F3} {1:F3}) start ({2:F3} {3:F3}) " + _
"finish ({4:F3} {5:F3})", _
pc.GetU(), pc.GetV(), _
ps.GetU(), ps.GetV(), _
pf.GetU(), pf.GetV()))
Console.WriteLine(String.Format( _
"circle center ({0:F3} {1:F3}) radius {2:F3}", _
pcc.GetU(), pcc.GetV(), _
Console.WriteLine(slv.GetDof().ToString() + " DOF")
Console.Write("solve failed; problematic constraints are:")
Dim t As UInteger
For Each t In slv.GetFaileds()
Console.Write(" " + t.ToString())
If (slv.GetResult() = Slvs.SLVS_RESULT_INCONSISTENT) Then
Console.WriteLine("system inconsistent")
Console.WriteLine("system nonconvergent")
End If
End If
End Sub
' This is a lower-level way to use the library. Internally, the library
' represents parameters, entities, and constraints by integer handles.
' Here, those handles are assigned manually, and not by the wrapper
' classes.
Sub Example3dWithHandles()
Dim g As UInteger
Dim slv As New Slvs
' This will contain a single group, which will arbitrarily number 1.
g = 1
' A point, initially at (x y z) = (10 10 10)
slv.AddParam(1, g, 10.0)
slv.AddParam(2, g, 10.0)
slv.AddParam(3, g, 10.0)
slv.AddPoint3d(101, g, 1, 2, 3)
' and a second point at (20 20 20)
slv.AddParam(4, g, 20.0)
slv.AddParam(5, g, 20.0)
slv.AddParam(6, g, 20.0)
slv.AddPoint3d(102, g, 4, 5, 6)
' and a line segment connecting them.
slv.AddLineSegment(200, g, Slvs.SLVS_FREE_IN_3D, 101, 102)
' The distance between the points should be 30.0 units.
slv.AddConstraint(1, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_PT_PT_DISTANCE, _
Slvs.SLVS_FREE_IN_3D, 30.0, 101, 102, 0, 0)
' Let's tell the solver to keep the second point as close to constant
' as possible, instead moving the first point. That's parameters
' 4, 5, and 6.
slv.Solve(g, 4, 5, 6, 0, True)
If (slv.GetResult() = Slvs.SLVS_RESULT_OKAY) Then
' Note that we are referring to the parameters by their handles,
' and not by their index in the list. This is a difference from
' the C example.
Console.WriteLine(String.Format( _
"okay; now at ({0:F3}, {1:F3}, {2:F3})", _
slv.GetParamByHandle(1), slv.GetParamByHandle(2), _
Console.WriteLine(String.Format( _
" ({0:F3}, {1:F3}, {2:F3})", _
slv.GetParamByHandle(4), slv.GetParamByHandle(5), _
Console.WriteLine(slv.GetDof().ToString() + " DOF")
Console.WriteLine("solve failed")
End If
End Sub
Sub Example2dWithHandles()
Dim g As UInteger
Dim qw, qx, qy, qz As Double
Dim slv As New Slvs
g = 1
' First, we create our workplane. Its origin corresponds to the origin
' of our base frame (x y z) = (0 0 0)
slv.AddParam(1, g, 0.0)
slv.AddParam(2, g, 0.0)
slv.AddParam(3, g, 0.0)
slv.AddPoint3d(101, g, 1, 2, 3)
' and it is parallel to the xy plane, so it has basis vectors (1 0 0)
' and (0 1 0).
slv.MakeQuaternion(1, 0, 0, _
0, 1, 0, qw, qx, qy, qz)
slv.AddParam(4, g, qw)
slv.AddParam(5, g, qx)
slv.AddParam(6, g, qy)
slv.AddParam(7, g, qz)
slv.AddNormal3d(102, g, 4, 5, 6, 7)
slv.AddWorkplane(200, g, 101, 102)
' Now create a second group. We'll solve group 2, while leaving group 1
' constant; so the workplane that we've created will be locked down,
' and the solver can't move it.
g = 2
' These points are represented by their coordinates (u v) within the
' workplane, so they need only two parameters each.
slv.AddParam(11, g, 10.0)
slv.AddParam(12, g, 20.0)
slv.AddPoint2d(301, g, 200, 11, 12)
slv.AddParam(13, g, 20.0)
slv.AddParam(14, g, 10.0)
slv.AddPoint2d(302, g, 200, 13, 14)
' And we create a line segment with those endpoints.
slv.AddLineSegment(400, g, 200, 301, 302)
' Now three more points.
slv.AddParam(15, g, 100.0)
slv.AddParam(16, g, 120.0)
slv.AddPoint2d(303, g, 200, 15, 16)
slv.AddParam(17, g, 120.0)
slv.AddParam(18, g, 110.0)
slv.AddPoint2d(304, g, 200, 17, 18)
slv.AddParam(19, g, 115.0)
slv.AddParam(20, g, 115.0)
slv.AddPoint2d(305, g, 200, 19, 20)
' And arc, centered at point 303, starting at point 304, ending at
' point 305.
slv.AddArcOfCircle(401, g, 200, 102, 303, 304, 305)
' Now one more point, and a distance
slv.AddParam(21, g, 200.0)
slv.AddParam(22, g, 200.0)
slv.AddPoint2d(306, g, 200, 21, 22)
slv.AddParam(23, g, 30.0)
slv.AddDistance(307, g, 200, 23)
' And a complete circle, centered at point 306 with radius equal to
' distance 307. The normal is 102, the same as our workplane.
slv.AddCircle(402, g, 200, 306, 102, 307)
' The length of our line segment is 30.0 units.
slv.AddConstraint(1, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_PT_PT_DISTANCE, _
200, 30.0, 301, 302, 0, 0)
' And the distance from our line segment to the origin is 10.0 units.
slv.AddConstraint(2, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_PT_LINE_DISTANCE, _
200, 10.0, 101, 0, 400, 0)
' And the line segment is vertical.
slv.AddConstraint(3, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_VERTICAL, _
200, 0.0, 0, 0, 400, 0)
' And the distance from one endpoint to the origin is 15.0 units.
slv.AddConstraint(4, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_PT_PT_DISTANCE, _
200, 15.0, 301, 101, 0, 0)
' And same for the other endpoint; so if you add this constraint then
' the sketch is overconstrained and will signal an error.
'slv.AddConstraint(5, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_PT_PT_DISTANCE, _
' 200, 18.0, 302, 101, 0, 0)
' The arc and the circle have equal radius.
slv.AddConstraint(6, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_EQUAL_RADIUS, _
200, 0.0, 0, 0, 401, 402)
' The arc has radius 17.0 units.
slv.AddConstraint(7, g, Slvs.SLVS_C_DIAMETER, _
200, 2 * 17.0, 0, 0, 401, 0)
' If the solver fails, then ask it to report which constraints caused
' the problem.
slv.Solve(g, 0, 0, 0, 0, True)
If (slv.GetResult() = Slvs.SLVS_RESULT_OKAY) Then
Console.WriteLine("solved okay")
' Note that we are referring to the parameters by their handles,
' and not by their index in the list. This is a difference from
' the C example.
Console.WriteLine(String.Format( _
"line from ({0:F3} {1:F3}) to ({2:F3} {3:F3})", _
slv.GetParamByHandle(11), slv.GetParamByHandle(12), _
slv.GetParamByHandle(13), slv.GetParamByHandle(14)))
Console.WriteLine(String.Format( _
"arc center ({0:F3} {1:F3}) start ({2:F3} {3:F3}) " + _
"finish ({4:F3} {5:F3})", _
slv.GetParamByHandle(15), slv.GetParamByHandle(16), _
slv.GetParamByHandle(17), slv.GetParamByHandle(18), _
slv.GetParamByHandle(19), slv.GetParamByHandle(20)))
Console.WriteLine(String.Format( _
"circle center ({0:F3} {1:F3}) radius {2:F3}", _
slv.GetParamByHandle(21), slv.GetParamByHandle(22), _
Console.WriteLine(slv.GetDof().ToString() + " DOF")
Console.Write("solve failed; problematic constraints are:")
Dim t As UInteger
For Each t In slv.GetFaileds()
Console.Write(" " + t.ToString())
If (slv.GetResult() = Slvs.SLVS_RESULT_INCONSISTENT) Then
Console.WriteLine("system inconsistent")
Console.WriteLine("system nonconvergent")
End If
End If
End Sub
' The interface to the library, and the wrapper functions around
' that interface, follow.
' These are the core functions imported from the DLL
<DllImport("slvs.dll", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl)> _
Public Sub Slvs_Solve(ByVal sys As IntPtr, ByVal hg As UInteger)
End Sub
<DllImport("slvs.dll", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl)> _
Public Sub Slvs_MakeQuaternion(
ByVal ux As Double, ByVal uy As Double, ByVal uz As Double,
ByVal vx As Double, ByVal vy As Double, ByVal vz As Double,
ByRef qw As Double, ByRef qx As Double, ByRef qy As Double,
ByRef qz As Double)
End Sub
' And this is a thin wrapper around those functions, which provides
' convenience functions similar to those provided in slvs.h for the C API.
Public Class Slvs
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> Public Structure Slvs_Param
Public h As UInteger
Public group As UInteger
Public val As Double
End Structure
Public Const SLVS_FREE_IN_3D As Integer = 0
Public Const SLVS_E_POINT_IN_3D As Integer = 50000
Public Const SLVS_E_POINT_IN_2D As Integer = 50001
Public Const SLVS_E_NORMAL_IN_3D As Integer = 60000
Public Const SLVS_E_NORMAL_IN_2D As Integer = 60001
Public Const SLVS_E_DISTANCE As Integer = 70000
Public Const SLVS_E_WORKPLANE As Integer = 80000
Public Const SLVS_E_LINE_SEGMENT As Integer = 80001
Public Const SLVS_E_CUBIC As Integer = 80002
Public Const SLVS_E_CIRCLE As Integer = 80003
Public Const SLVS_E_ARC_OF_CIRCLE As Integer = 80004
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> Public Structure Slvs_Entity
Public h As UInteger
Public group As UInteger
Public type As Integer
Public wrkpl As UInteger
Public point0 As UInteger
Public point1 As UInteger
Public point2 As UInteger
Public point3 As UInteger
Public normal As UInteger
Public distance As UInteger
Public param0 As UInteger
Public param1 As UInteger
Public param2 As UInteger
Public param3 As UInteger
End Structure
Public Const SLVS_C_POINTS_COINCIDENT As Integer = 100000
Public Const SLVS_C_PT_PT_DISTANCE As Integer = 100001
Public Const SLVS_C_PT_PLANE_DISTANCE As Integer = 100002
Public Const SLVS_C_PT_LINE_DISTANCE As Integer = 100003
Public Const SLVS_C_PT_FACE_DISTANCE As Integer = 100004
Public Const SLVS_C_PT_IN_PLANE As Integer = 100005
Public Const SLVS_C_PT_ON_LINE As Integer = 100006
Public Const SLVS_C_PT_ON_FACE As Integer = 100007
Public Const SLVS_C_EQUAL_LENGTH_LINES As Integer = 100008
Public Const SLVS_C_LENGTH_RATIO As Integer = 100009
Public Const SLVS_C_EQ_LEN_PT_LINE_D As Integer = 100010
Public Const SLVS_C_EQ_PT_LN_DISTANCES As Integer = 100011
Public Const SLVS_C_EQUAL_ANGLE As Integer = 100012
Public Const SLVS_C_EQUAL_LINE_ARC_LEN As Integer = 100013
Public Const SLVS_C_SYMMETRIC As Integer = 100014
Public Const SLVS_C_SYMMETRIC_HORIZ As Integer = 100015
Public Const SLVS_C_SYMMETRIC_VERT As Integer = 100016
Public Const SLVS_C_SYMMETRIC_LINE As Integer = 100017
Public Const SLVS_C_AT_MIDPOINT As Integer = 100018
Public Const SLVS_C_HORIZONTAL As Integer = 100019
Public Const SLVS_C_VERTICAL As Integer = 100020
Public Const SLVS_C_DIAMETER As Integer = 100021
Public Const SLVS_C_PT_ON_CIRCLE As Integer = 100022
Public Const SLVS_C_SAME_ORIENTATION As Integer = 100023
Public Const SLVS_C_ANGLE As Integer = 100024
Public Const SLVS_C_PARALLEL As Integer = 100025
Public Const SLVS_C_PERPENDICULAR As Integer = 100026
Public Const SLVS_C_ARC_LINE_TANGENT As Integer = 100027
Public Const SLVS_C_CUBIC_LINE_TANGENT As Integer = 100028
Public Const SLVS_C_EQUAL_RADIUS As Integer = 100029
Public Const SLVS_C_PROJ_PT_DISTANCE As Integer = 100030
Public Const SLVS_C_WHERE_DRAGGED As Integer = 100031
Public Const SLVS_C_CURVE_CURVE_TANGENT As Integer = 100032
2015-10-27 18:28:33 +08:00
Public Const SLVS_C_LENGTH_DIFFERENCE As Integer = 100033
2011-03-13 16:04:09 +08:00
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> Public Structure Slvs_Constraint
Public h As UInteger
Public group As UInteger
Public type As Integer
Public wrkpl As UInteger
Public valA As Double
Public ptA As UInteger
Public ptB As UInteger
Public entityA As UInteger
Public entityB As UInteger
Public entityC As UInteger
Public entityD As UInteger
Public other As Integer
Public other2 As Integer
End Structure
Public Const SLVS_RESULT_OKAY As Integer = 0
Public Const SLVS_RESULT_INCONSISTENT As Integer = 1
Public Const SLVS_RESULT_DIDNT_CONVERGE As Integer = 2
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> Public Structure Slvs_System
Public param As IntPtr
Public params As Integer
Public entity As IntPtr
Public entities As Integer
Public constraint As IntPtr
Public constraints As Integer
Public dragged0 As UInteger
Public dragged1 As UInteger
Public dragged2 As UInteger
Public dragged3 As UInteger
Public calculatedFaileds As Integer
Public failed As IntPtr
Public faileds As Integer
Public dof As Integer
Public result As Integer
End Structure
Dim Params As New List(Of Slvs_Param)
Dim Entities As New List(Of Slvs_Entity)
Dim Constraints As New List(Of Slvs_Constraint)
Dim Faileds As New List(Of UInteger)
Dim Result As Integer
Dim Dof As Integer
' Return the value of a parameter, by its handle. This function
' may be used, for example, to obtain the new values of the
' parameters after a call to Solve().
Public Function GetParamByHandle(ByVal h As UInteger) As Double
Dim t As Slvs_Param
For Each t In Params
If (t.h = h) Then
Return t.val
End If
Throw New Exception("Invalid parameter handle.")
End Function
' Return the value of a parameter, by its index in the list (where
' that index is determined by the order in which the parameters
' were inserted with AddParam(), not by its handle).
Public Function GetParamByIndex(ByVal i As Integer) As Double
Return Params(i).val
End Function
' Get the result after a call to Solve(). This may be
' SLVS_RESULT_OKAY - it worked
' SLVS_RESULT_INCONSISTENT - failed, inconsistent
' SLVS_RESULT_DIDNT_CONVERGE - consistent, but still failed
' SLVS_RESULT_TOO_MANY_UNKNOWNS - too many parameters in one group
Public Function GetResult() As Integer
Return Result
End Function
' After a call to Solve(), this returns the number of unconstrained
' degrees of freedom for the sketch.
Public Function GetDof() As Integer
Return Dof
End Function
' After a failing call to Solve(), this returns the list of
2018-07-12 13:05:43 +08:00
' constraints, identified by their handle, that would fix the
2011-03-13 16:04:09 +08:00
' system if they were deleted. This list will be populated only
' if calculateFaileds is True in the Solve() call.
Public Function GetFaileds() As List(Of UInteger)
Return Faileds
End Function
' Clear our lists of entities, constraints, and parameters.
Public Sub ResetAll()
End Sub
' These functions are broadly similar to the Slvs_Make...
' functions in slvs.h. See the file DOC.txt accompanying the
' library for details.
Public Sub AddParam(ByVal h As UInteger, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal val As Double)
Dim p As Slvs_Param
p.h = h
p.group = group
p.val = val
End Sub
Public Sub AddPoint2d(ByVal h As UInteger, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As UInteger,
ByVal u As UInteger, ByVal v As UInteger)
Dim e As Slvs_Entity
e.h = h
e.group = group
e.type = SLVS_E_POINT_IN_2D
e.wrkpl = wrkpl
e.param0 = u
e.param1 = v
End Sub
Public Sub AddPoint3d(ByVal h As UInteger, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal x As UInteger, ByVal y As UInteger, ByVal z As UInteger)
Dim e As Slvs_Entity
e.h = h
e.group = group
e.type = SLVS_E_POINT_IN_3D
e.wrkpl = SLVS_FREE_IN_3D
e.param0 = x
e.param1 = y
e.param2 = z
End Sub
Public Sub AddNormal3d(ByVal h As UInteger, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal qw As UInteger, ByVal qx As UInteger,
ByVal qy As UInteger, ByVal qz As UInteger)
Dim e As Slvs_Entity
e.h = h
e.group = group
e.type = SLVS_E_NORMAL_IN_3D
e.wrkpl = SLVS_FREE_IN_3D
e.param0 = qw
e.param1 = qx
e.param2 = qy
e.param3 = qz
End Sub
Public Sub AddNormal2d(ByVal h As UInteger, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As UInteger)
Dim e As Slvs_Entity
e.h = h
e.group = group
e.type = SLVS_E_NORMAL_IN_2D
e.wrkpl = wrkpl
End Sub
Public Sub AddDistance(ByVal h As UInteger, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As UInteger, ByVal d As UInteger)
Dim e As Slvs_Entity
e.h = h
e.group = group
e.wrkpl = wrkpl
e.param0 = d
End Sub
Public Sub AddLineSegment(ByVal h As UInteger, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As UInteger,
ByVal ptA As UInteger, ByVal ptB As UInteger)
Dim e As Slvs_Entity
e.h = h
e.group = group
e.wrkpl = wrkpl
e.point0 = ptA
e.point1 = ptB
End Sub
Public Sub AddCubic(ByVal h As UInteger, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As UInteger,
ByVal pt0 As UInteger, ByVal pt1 As UInteger,
ByVal pt2 As UInteger, ByVal pt3 As UInteger)
Dim e As Slvs_Entity
e.h = h
e.group = group
e.type = SLVS_E_CUBIC
e.wrkpl = wrkpl
e.point0 = pt0
e.point1 = pt1
e.point2 = pt2
e.point3 = pt3
End Sub
Public Sub AddArcOfCircle(ByVal h As UInteger, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As UInteger,
ByVal normal As UInteger,
ByVal center As UInteger,
ByVal pstart As UInteger,
ByVal pend As UInteger)
Dim e As Slvs_Entity
e.h = h
e.group = group
e.wrkpl = wrkpl
e.normal = normal
e.point0 = center
e.point1 = pstart
e.point2 = pend
End Sub
Public Sub AddCircle(ByVal h As UInteger, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As UInteger,
ByVal center As UInteger, ByVal normal As UInteger,
ByVal radius As UInteger)
Dim e As Slvs_Entity
e.h = h
e.group = group
e.type = SLVS_E_CIRCLE
e.wrkpl = wrkpl
e.point0 = center
e.normal = normal
e.distance = radius
End Sub
Public Sub AddWorkplane(ByVal h As UInteger, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal origin As UInteger,
ByVal normal As UInteger)
Dim e As Slvs_Entity
e.h = h
e.group = group
e.wrkpl = SLVS_FREE_IN_3D
e.point0 = origin
e.normal = normal
End Sub
Public Sub AddConstraint(ByVal h As UInteger,
ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal type As Integer,
ByVal wrkpl As UInteger,
ByVal valA As Double,
ByVal ptA As UInteger,
ByVal ptB As UInteger,
ByVal entityA As UInteger,
ByVal entityB As UInteger)
Dim c As Slvs_Constraint
c.h = h
c.group = group
c.type = type
c.wrkpl = wrkpl
c.valA = valA
c.ptA = ptA
c.ptB = ptB
c.entityA = entityA
c.entityB = entityB
End Sub
' Solve the system. The geometry of the system must already have
' been specified through the Add...() calls. The result of the
' solution process may be obtained by calling GetResult(),
' GetFaileds(), GetDof(), and GetParamByXXX().
' The parameters draggedx (indicated by their handles) will be held
' as close as possible to their original positions, even if this
' results in large moves for other parameters. This feature may be
' useful if, for example, the user is dragging the point whose
' location is defined by those parameters. Unused draggedx
' parameters may be specified as zero.
Public Sub Solve(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal dragged0 As UInteger, ByVal dragged1 As UInteger,
ByVal dragged2 As UInteger, ByVal dragged3 As UInteger,
ByVal calculateFaileds As Boolean)
Dim i As Integer
Dim pp, p(Params.Count()) As Slvs_Param
i = 0
For Each pp In Params
p(i) = pp
i += 1
Dim ee, e(Entities.Count()) As Slvs_Entity
i = 0
For Each ee In Entities
e(i) = ee
i += 1
Dim cc, c(Constraints.Count()) As Slvs_Constraint
i = 0
For Each cc In Constraints
c(i) = cc
i += 1
Dim f(Constraints.Count()) As UInteger
Dim sys As Slvs_System
Dim pgc, egc, cgc As GCHandle
pgc = GCHandle.Alloc(p, GCHandleType.Pinned)
sys.param = pgc.AddrOfPinnedObject()
sys.params = Params.Count()
egc = GCHandle.Alloc(e, GCHandleType.Pinned)
sys.entity = egc.AddrOfPinnedObject()
sys.entities = Entities.Count()
cgc = GCHandle.Alloc(c, GCHandleType.Pinned)
sys.constraint = cgc.AddrOfPinnedObject()
sys.constraints = Constraints.Count()
sys.dragged0 = dragged0
sys.dragged1 = dragged1
sys.dragged2 = dragged2
sys.dragged3 = dragged3
Dim fgc As GCHandle
fgc = GCHandle.Alloc(f, GCHandleType.Pinned)
If calculateFaileds Then
sys.calculatedFaileds = 1
sys.calculatedFaileds = 0
End If
sys.faileds = Constraints.Count()
sys.failed = fgc.AddrOfPinnedObject()
Dim sysgc As GCHandle
sysgc = GCHandle.Alloc(sys, GCHandleType.Pinned)
Slvs_Solve(sysgc.AddrOfPinnedObject(), group)
sys = sysgc.Target
For i = 0 To Params.Count() - 1
Params(i) = p(i)
For i = 0 To sys.faileds - 1
Result = sys.result
Dof = sys.dof
End Sub
' A simpler version of the function, if the parameters being dragged
' correspond to a single point.
Public Sub Solve(ByVal group As UInteger, ByVal dragged As Point,
ByVal calculatedFaileds As Boolean)
If TypeOf dragged Is Point2d Then
Dim p As Point2d
p = dragged
Solve(group, p.up.H, p.vp.H, 0, 0, calculatedFaileds)
ElseIf TypeOf dragged Is Point3d Then
Dim p As Point3d
p = dragged
Solve(group, p.xp.H, p.yp.H, p.zp.H, 0, calculatedFaileds)
Throw New Exception("Can't get dragged params for point.")
End If
End Sub
' or if it's a single distance (e.g., the radius of a circle)
Public Sub Solve(ByVal group As UInteger, ByVal dragged As Distance,
ByVal calculatedFaileds As Boolean)
Solve(group, dragged.dp.H, 0, 0, 0, calculatedFaileds)
End Sub
' or if it's nothing.
Public Sub Solve(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal calculateFaileds As Boolean)
Solve(group, 0, 0, 0, 0, calculateFaileds)
End Sub
' Return the quaternion in (qw, qx, qy, qz) that represents a
' rotation from the base frame to a coordinate system with the
' specified basis vectors u and v. For example, u = (0, 1, 0)
' and v = (0, 0, 1) specifies the yz plane, such that a point with
' (u, v) = (7, 12) has (x, y, z) = (0, 7, 12).
Public Sub MakeQuaternion(
ByVal ux As Double, ByVal uy As Double, ByVal uz As Double,
ByVal vx As Double, ByVal vy As Double, ByVal vz As Double,
ByRef qw As Double, ByRef qx As Double, ByRef qy As Double,
ByRef qz As Double)
Slvs_MakeQuaternion(ux, uy, uz, _
vx, vy, vz, _
qw, qx, qy, qz)
End Sub
Public Function FreeIn3d()
Return New Workplane(Me)
End Function
' Functions to create the object-oriented wrappers defined below.
Public Function NewParam(ByVal group As UInteger, ByVal val As Double)
Return New Param(Me, group, val)
End Function
Public Function NewPoint2d(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane,
ByVal u As Double, ByVal v As Double)
Return New Point2d(Me, group, wrkpl, u, v)
End Function
Public Function NewPoint2d(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane,
ByVal u As Param, ByVal v As Param)
Return New Point2d(Me, group, wrkpl, u, v)
End Function
Public Function NewPoint3d(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal x As Double,
ByVal y As Double,
ByVal z As Double)
Return New Point3d(Me, group, x, y, z)
End Function
Public Function NewPoint3d(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal x As Param,
ByVal y As Param,
ByVal z As Param)
Return New Point3d(Me, group, x, y, z)
End Function
Public Function NewNormal3d(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal ux As Double, ByVal uy As Double, ByVal uz As Double,
ByVal vx As Double, ByVal vy As Double, ByVal vz As Double)
Return New Normal3d(Me, group, ux, uy, uz, vx, vy, vz)
End Function
Public Function NewNormal3d(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal qw As Param, ByVal qx As Param,
ByVal qy As Param, ByVal qz As Param)
Return New Normal3d(Me, group, qw, qx, qy, qz)
End Function
Public Function NewNormal2d(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane)
Return New Normal2d(Me, group, wrkpl)
End Function
Public Function NewDistance(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane, ByVal d As Double)
Return New Distance(Me, group, wrkpl, d)
End Function
Public Function NewDistance(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane, ByVal d As Param)
Return New Distance(Me, group, wrkpl, d)
End Function
Public Function NewLineSegment(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane,
ByVal ptA As Point, ByVal ptB As Point)
Return New LineSegment(Me, group, wrkpl, ptA, ptB)
End Function
Public Function NewArcOfCircle(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane,
ByVal normal As Normal,
ByVal center As Point,
ByVal pstart As Point,
ByVal pend As Point)
Return New ArcOfCircle(Me, group, wrkpl, normal, _
center, pstart, pend)
End Function
Public Function NewCircle(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane,
ByVal center As Point,
ByVal normal As Normal,
ByVal radius As Distance)
Return New Circle(Me, group, wrkpl, center, normal, radius)
End Function
Public Function NewWorkplane(ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal origin As Point,
ByVal normal As Normal)
Return New Workplane(Me, group, origin, normal)
End Function
Public Sub AddConstraint(ByVal H As UInteger, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal type As Integer,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane,
ByVal valA As Double,
ByVal ptA As Point, ByVal ptB As Point,
ByVal entityA As Entity,
ByVal entityB As Entity)
AddConstraint(H, group, type, _
If(IsNothing(wrkpl), 0, wrkpl.H), _
valA, _
If(IsNothing(ptA), 0, ptA.H), _
If(IsNothing(ptB), 0, ptB.H), _
If(IsNothing(entityA), 0, entityA.H), _
If(IsNothing(entityB), 0, entityB.H))
End Sub
' The object-oriented wrapper classes themselves, to allow the
' representation of entities and constraints as .net objects, not
' integer handles. These don't do any work themselves, beyond
' allocating and storing a unique integer handle.
' These functions will assign parameters and entities with
' consecutive handles starting from 1. If they are intermixed
' with parameters and entities with user-specified handles, then
' those handles must be chosen not to conflict, e.g. starting
' from 100 000 or another large number.
Public Class Param
Public Slv As Slvs
Public H As UInteger
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal val As Double)
Slv = s
H = Slv.Params.Count() + 1
Slv.AddParam(H, group, val)
End Sub
End Class
Public MustInherit Class Entity
Public Slv As Slvs
Public H As UInteger
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs)
Slv = s
H = Slv.Entities.Count() + 1
End Sub
End Class
Public MustInherit Class Point
Inherits Entity
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs)
End Sub
End Class
Public MustInherit Class Normal
Inherits Entity
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Point2d
Inherits Point
Public up, vp As Param
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane,
ByVal u As Double, ByVal v As Double)
up = New Param(Slv, group, u)
vp = New Param(Slv, group, v)
Slv.AddPoint2d(H, group, wrkpl.H, up.H, vp.H)
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane,
ByVal u As Param, ByVal v As Param)
Slv.AddPoint2d(H, group, wrkpl.H, u.H, v.H)
up = u
vp = v
End Sub
Function GetU()
Return Slv.GetParamByHandle(up.H)
End Function
Function GetV()
Return Slv.GetParamByHandle(vp.H)
End Function
End Class
Public Class Point3d
Inherits Point
Public xp, yp, zp As Param
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double,
ByVal z As Double)
xp = New Param(Slv, group, x)
yp = New Param(Slv, group, y)
zp = New Param(Slv, group, z)
Slv.AddPoint3d(H, group, xp.H, yp.H, zp.H)
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal x As Param, ByVal y As Param, ByVal z As Param)
Slv.AddPoint3d(H, group, x.H, y.H, z.H)
xp = x
yp = y
zp = z
End Sub
Function GetX()
Return Slv.GetParamByHandle(xp.H)
End Function
Function GetY()
Return Slv.GetParamByHandle(yp.H)
End Function
Function GetZ()
Return Slv.GetParamByHandle(zp.H)
End Function
End Class
Public Class Normal3d
Inherits Normal
Dim qwp, qxp, qyp, qzp As Param
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal ux As Double, ByVal uy As Double, ByVal uz As Double,
ByVal vx As Double, ByVal vy As Double, ByVal vz As Double)
Dim qw, qx, qy, qz As Double
Slv.MakeQuaternion(ux, uy, uz, vx, vy, vz, qw, qx, qy, qz)
qwp = New Param(Slv, group, qw)
qxp = New Param(Slv, group, qx)
qyp = New Param(Slv, group, qy)
qzp = New Param(Slv, group, qz)
Slv.AddNormal3d(H, group, qwp.H, qxp.H, qyp.H, qzp.H)
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal qw As Param, ByVal qx As Param,
ByVal qy As Param, ByVal qz As Param)
Slv.AddNormal3d(H, group, qw.H, qx.H, qy.H, qz.H)
qwp = qw
qxp = qx
qyp = qy
qzp = qz
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Normal2d
Inherits Normal
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane)
Slv.AddNormal2d(H, group, wrkpl.H)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Distance
Inherits Entity
Public dp As Param
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane, ByVal d As Double)
dp = New Param(Slv, group, d)
Slv.AddDistance(H, group, wrkpl.H, dp.H)
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane, ByVal d As Param)
Slv.AddDistance(H, group, wrkpl.H, d.H)
dp = d
End Sub
Function GetDistance() As Double
Return Slv.GetParamByHandle(dp.H)
End Function
End Class
Public Class LineSegment
Inherits Entity
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane,
ByVal ptA As Point, ByVal ptB As Point)
Slv.AddLineSegment(H, group, wrkpl.H, ptA.H, ptB.H)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Cubic
Inherits Entity
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane,
ByVal pt0 As Point, ByVal pt1 As Point,
ByVal pt2 As Point, ByVal pt3 As Point)
Slv.AddCubic(H, group, wrkpl.H, pt0.H, pt1.H, pt2.H, pt3.H)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ArcOfCircle
Inherits Entity
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane, ByVal normal As Normal,
ByVal center As Point, ByVal pstart As Point,
ByVal pend As Point)
Slv.AddArcOfCircle(H, group, wrkpl.H, normal.H, _
center.H, pstart.H, pend.H)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Circle
Inherits Entity
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal wrkpl As Workplane, ByVal center As Point,
ByVal normal As Normal, ByVal radius As Distance)
Slv.AddCircle(H, group, wrkpl.H, center.H, normal.H, radius.H)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Workplane
Inherits Entity
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs)
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal s As Slvs, ByVal group As UInteger,
ByVal origin As Point, ByVal normal As Normal)
Slv.AddWorkplane(H, group, origin.H, normal.H)
End Sub
End Class
End Class
End Module