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Raw Normal View History

// Anything involving curves and sets of curves (except for the real math,
// which is in ratpoly.cpp).
// Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues.
#include "../solvespace.h"
SBezier SBezier::From(Vector4 p0, Vector4 p1) {
SBezier ret = {};
ret.deg = 1;
ret.weight[0] = p0.w;
ret.ctrl [0] = p0.PerspectiveProject();
ret.weight[1] = p1.w;
ret.ctrl [1] = p1.PerspectiveProject();
return ret;
SBezier SBezier::From(Vector4 p0, Vector4 p1, Vector4 p2) {
SBezier ret = {};
ret.deg = 2;
ret.weight[0] = p0.w;
ret.ctrl [0] = p0.PerspectiveProject();
ret.weight[1] = p1.w;
ret.ctrl [1] = p1.PerspectiveProject();
ret.weight[2] = p2.w;
ret.ctrl [2] = p2.PerspectiveProject();
return ret;
SBezier SBezier::From(Vector4 p0, Vector4 p1, Vector4 p2, Vector4 p3) {
SBezier ret = {};
ret.deg = 3;
ret.weight[0] = p0.w;
ret.ctrl [0] = p0.PerspectiveProject();
ret.weight[1] = p1.w;
ret.ctrl [1] = p1.PerspectiveProject();
ret.weight[2] = p2.w;
ret.ctrl [2] = p2.PerspectiveProject();
ret.weight[3] = p3.w;
ret.ctrl [3] = p3.PerspectiveProject();
return ret;
SBezier SBezier::From(Vector p0, Vector p1) {
return SBezier::From(p0.Project4d(),
SBezier SBezier::From(Vector p0, Vector p1, Vector p2) {
return SBezier::From(p0.Project4d(),
SBezier SBezier::From(Vector p0, Vector p1, Vector p2, Vector p3) {
return SBezier::From(p0.Project4d(),
Vector SBezier::Start() const {
return ctrl[0];
Vector SBezier::Finish() const {
return ctrl[deg];
void SBezier::Reverse() {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < (deg+1)/2; i++) {
swap(ctrl[i], ctrl[deg-i]);
swap(weight[i], weight[deg-i]);
void SBezier::ScaleSelfBy(double s) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
ctrl[i] = ctrl[i].ScaledBy(s);
void SBezier::GetBoundingProjd(Vector u, Vector orig,
double *umin, double *umax) const
int i;
for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
double ut = ((ctrl[i]).Minus(orig)).Dot(u);
if(ut < *umin) *umin = ut;
if(ut > *umax) *umax = ut;
SBezier SBezier::TransformedBy(Vector t, Quaternion q, double scale) const {
SBezier ret = *this;
int i;
for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
ret.ctrl[i] = (ret.ctrl[i]).ScaledBy(scale);
ret.ctrl[i] = (q.Rotate(ret.ctrl[i])).Plus(t);
return ret;
// Does this curve lie entirely within the specified plane? It does if all
// the control points lie in that plane.
bool SBezier::IsInPlane(Vector n, double d) const {
int i;
for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
if(fabs((ctrl[i]).Dot(n) - d) > LENGTH_EPS) {
return false;
return true;
// Is this Bezier exactly the arc of a circle, projected along the specified
// axis? If yes, return that circle's center and radius.
bool SBezier::IsCircle(Vector axis, Vector *center, double *r) const {
if(deg != 2) return false;
if(ctrl[1].DistanceToLine(ctrl[0], ctrl[2].Minus(ctrl[0])) < LENGTH_EPS) {
// This is almost a line segment. So it's a circle with very large
// radius, which is likely to make code that tries to handle circles
// blow up. So return false.
return false;
Vector t0 = (ctrl[0]).Minus(ctrl[1]),
t2 = (ctrl[2]).Minus(ctrl[1]),
r0 = axis.Cross(t0),
r2 = axis.Cross(t2);
*center = Vector::AtIntersectionOfLines(ctrl[0], (ctrl[0]).Plus(r0),
ctrl[2], (ctrl[2]).Plus(r2),
double rd0 = center->Minus(ctrl[0]).Magnitude(),
rd2 = center->Minus(ctrl[2]).Magnitude();
if(fabs(rd0 - rd2) > LENGTH_EPS) {
return false;
*r = rd0;
Vector u = r0.WithMagnitude(1),
v = (axis.Cross(u)).WithMagnitude(1);
Point2d c2 = center->Project2d(u, v),
pa2 = (ctrl[0]).Project2d(u, v).Minus(c2),
pb2 = (ctrl[2]).Project2d(u, v).Minus(c2);
2015-03-29 08:30:52 +08:00
double thetaa = atan2(pa2.y, pa2.x), // in fact always zero due to csys
thetab = atan2(pb2.y, pb2.x),
dtheta = WRAP_NOT_0(thetab - thetaa, 2*PI);
if(dtheta > PI) {
// Not possible with a second order Bezier arc; so we must have
// the points backwards.
dtheta = 2*PI - dtheta;
if(fabs(weight[1] - cos(dtheta/2)) > LENGTH_EPS) {
return false;
return true;
bool SBezier::IsRational() const {
int i;
for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
if(fabs(weight[i] - 1) > LENGTH_EPS) return true;
return false;
// Apply a perspective transformation to a rational Bezier curve, calculating
// the new weights as required.
SBezier SBezier::InPerspective(Vector u, Vector v, Vector n,
Vector origin, double cameraTan) const
Quaternion q = Quaternion::From(u, v);
q = q.Inverse();
// we want Q*(p - o) = Q*p - Q*o
SBezier ret = this->TransformedBy(q.Rotate(origin).ScaledBy(-1), q, 1.0);
int i;
for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
Vector4 ct = Vector4::From(ret.weight[i], ret.ctrl[i]);
// so the desired curve, before perspective, is
// (x/w, y/w, z/w)
// and after perspective is
// ((x/w)/(1 - (z/w)*cameraTan, ...
// = (x/(w - z*cameraTan), ...
// so we want to let w' = w - z*cameraTan
ct.w = ct.w - ct.z*cameraTan;
ret.ctrl[i] = ct.PerspectiveProject();
ret.weight[i] = ct.w;
return ret;
bool SBezier::Equals(SBezier *b) const {
// We just test of identical degree and control points, even though two
// curves could still be coincident (even sharing endpoints).
if(deg != b->deg) return false;
int i;
for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
if(!(ctrl[i]).Equals(b->ctrl[i])) return false;
if(fabs(weight[i] - b->weight[i]) > LENGTH_EPS) return false;
return true;
void SBezierList::Clear() {
void SBezierList::ScaleSelfBy(double s) {
SBezier *sb;
for(sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
// If our list contains multiple identical Beziers (in either forward or
// reverse order), then cull them.
void SBezierList::CullIdenticalBeziers() {
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
SBezier *bi = &(l.elem[i]), bir;
bir = *bi;
for(j = i + 1; j < l.n; j++) {
SBezier *bj = &(l.elem[j]);
if(bj->Equals(bi) ||
bi->tag = 1;
bj->tag = 1;
// Find all the points where a list of Bezier curves intersects another list
// of Bezier curves. We do this by intersecting their piecewise linearizations,
// and then refining any intersections that we find to lie exactly on the
// curves. So this will screw up on tangencies and stuff, but otherwise should
// be fine.
void SBezierList::AllIntersectionsWith(SBezierList *sblb, SPointList *spl) const {
for(const SBezier *sba = l.First(); sba; sba = l.NextAfter(sba)) {
for(const SBezier *sbb = sblb->l.First(); sbb; sbb = sblb->l.NextAfter(sbb)) {
sbb->AllIntersectionsWith(sba, spl);
void SBezier::AllIntersectionsWith(const SBezier *sbb, SPointList *spl) const {
SPointList splRaw = {};
SEdgeList sea, seb;
sea = {};
seb = {};
sbb ->MakePwlInto(&seb);
SEdge *se;
for(se = sea.l.First(); se; se = sea.l.NextAfter(se)) {
// This isn't quite correct, since AnyEdgeCrossings doesn't count
// the case where two pairs of line segments intersect at their
// vertices. So this isn't robust, although that case isn't very
// likely.
seb.AnyEdgeCrossings(se->a, se->b, NULL, &splRaw);
SPoint *sp;
for(sp = splRaw.l.First(); sp; sp = splRaw.l.NextAfter(sp)) {
Vector p = sp->p;
if(PointOnThisAndCurve(sbb, &p)) {
if(!spl->ContainsPoint(p)) spl->Add(p);
// Find a plane that contains all of the curves in this list. If the curves
// are all colinear (or coincident, or empty), then that plane is not exactly
// determined but we choose the additional degree(s) of freedom arbitrarily.
// Returns true if all the curves are coplanar, otherwise false.
bool SBezierList::GetPlaneContainingBeziers(Vector *p, Vector *u, Vector *v,
Vector *notCoplanarAt) const
Vector pt, ptFar, ptOffLine, dp, n;
double farMax, offLineMax;
int i;
// Get any point on any Bezier; or an arbitrary point if list is empty.
if(l.n > 0) {
pt = l.elem[0].Start();
} else {
pt = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
ptFar = ptOffLine = pt;
// Get the point farthest from our arbitrary point.
for(const SBezier *sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
for(i = 0; i <= sb->deg; i++) {
double m = (pt.Minus(sb->ctrl[i])).Magnitude();
if(m > farMax) {
ptFar = sb->ctrl[i];
farMax = m;
if(ptFar.Equals(pt)) {
// The points are all coincident. So neither basis vector matters.
*p = pt;
*u = Vector::From(1, 0, 0);
*v = Vector::From(0, 1, 0);
return true;
// Get the point farthest from the line between pt and ptFar
dp = ptFar.Minus(pt);
for(const SBezier *sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
for(i = 0; i <= sb->deg; i++) {
double m = (sb->ctrl[i]).DistanceToLine(pt, dp);
if(m > offLineMax) {
ptOffLine = sb->ctrl[i];
offLineMax = m;
*p = pt;
if(offLineMax < LENGTH_EPS) {
// The points are all colinear; so choose the second basis vector
// arbitrarily.
*u = (ptFar.Minus(pt)).WithMagnitude(1);
*v = (u->Normal(0)).WithMagnitude(1);
} else {
// The points actually define a plane.
n = (ptFar.Minus(pt)).Cross(ptOffLine.Minus(pt));
*u = (n.Normal(0)).WithMagnitude(1);
*v = (n.Normal(1)).WithMagnitude(1);
// So we have a plane; but check whether all of the points lie in that
// plane.
n = u->Cross(*v);
n = n.WithMagnitude(1);
double d = p->Dot(n);
for(const SBezier *sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
for(i = 0; i <= sb->deg; i++) {
if(fabs(n.Dot(sb->ctrl[i]) - d) > LENGTH_EPS) {
if(notCoplanarAt) *notCoplanarAt = sb->ctrl[i];
return false;
return true;
// Assemble curves in sbl into a single loop. The curves may appear in any
// direction (start to finish, or finish to start), and will be reversed if
// necessary. The curves in the returned loop are removed from sbl, even if
// the loop cannot be closed.
SBezierLoop SBezierLoop::FromCurves(SBezierList *sbl,
bool *allClosed, SEdge *errorAt)
SBezierLoop loop = {};
if(sbl->l.n < 1) return loop;
2015-03-29 08:30:52 +08:00
SBezier *first = &(sbl->l.elem[0]);
first->tag = 1;
Vector start = first->Start();
Vector hanging = first->Finish();
int auxA = first->auxA;
while(sbl->l.n > 0 && !hanging.Equals(start)) {
int i;
bool foundNext = false;
for(i = 0; i < sbl->l.n; i++) {
SBezier *test = &(sbl->l.elem[i]);
if((test->Finish()).Equals(hanging) && test->auxA == auxA) {
// and let the next test catch it
if((test->Start()).Equals(hanging) && test->auxA == auxA) {
test->tag = 1;
hanging = test->Finish();
foundNext = true;
if(!foundNext) {
// The loop completed without finding the hanging edge, so
// it's an open loop
errorAt->a = hanging;
errorAt->b = start;
*allClosed = false;
return loop;
if(hanging.Equals(start)) {
*allClosed = true;
2015-03-29 08:30:52 +08:00
} else {
// We ran out of edges without forming a closed loop.
errorAt->a = hanging;
errorAt->b = start;
*allClosed = false;
return loop;
void SBezierLoop::Reverse() {
SBezier *sb;
for(sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
// If we didn't reverse each curve, then the next curve in list would
// share your start, not your finish.
void SBezierLoop::GetBoundingProjd(Vector u, Vector orig,
double *umin, double *umax) const
for(const SBezier *sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
sb->GetBoundingProjd(u, orig, umin, umax);
void SBezierLoop::MakePwlInto(SContour *sc, double chordTol) const {
for(const SBezier *sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
sb->MakePwlInto(sc, chordTol);
// Avoid double points at join between Beziers; except that
// first and last points should be identical.
if(l.NextAfter(sb) != NULL) {
// Ensure that it's exactly closed, not just within a numerical tolerance.
if((sc->l.elem[sc->l.n - 1].p).Equals(sc->l.elem[0].p)) {
sc->l.elem[sc->l.n - 1] = sc->l.elem[0];
bool SBezierLoop::IsClosed() const {
if(l.n < 1) return false;
Vector s = l.elem[0].Start(),
f = l.elem[l.n-1].Finish();
return s.Equals(f);
// Assemble the curves in sbl into multiple loops, and piecewise linearize the
// curves into poly. If we can't close a contour, then we add it to
// openContours (if that isn't NULL) and keep going; so this works even if the
// input contains a mix of open and closed curves.
SBezierLoopSet SBezierLoopSet::From(SBezierList *sbl, SPolygon *poly,
double chordTol,
bool *allClosed, SEdge *errorAt,
SBezierList *openContours)
SBezierLoopSet ret = {};
*allClosed = true;
while(sbl->l.n > 0) {
bool thisClosed;
SBezierLoop loop;
loop = SBezierLoop::FromCurves(sbl, &thisClosed, errorAt);
if(!thisClosed) {
// Record open loops in a separate list, if requested.
*allClosed = false;
if(openContours) {
SBezier *sb;
for(sb = loop.l.First(); sb; sb = loop.l.NextAfter(sb)) {
} else {
loop.MakePwlInto(&(poly->l.elem[poly->l.n-1]), chordTol);
poly->normal = poly->ComputeNormal();
ret.normal = poly->normal;
if(poly->l.n > 0) {
ret.point = poly->AnyPoint();
} else {
ret.point = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
return ret;
void SBezierLoopSet::GetBoundingProjd(Vector u, Vector orig,
double *umin, double *umax) const
for(const SBezierLoop *sbl = l.First(); sbl; sbl = l.NextAfter(sbl)) {
sbl->GetBoundingProjd(u, orig, umin, umax);
// Convert all the Beziers into piecewise linear form, and assemble that into
// a polygon, one contour per loop.
void SBezierLoopSet::MakePwlInto(SPolygon *sp) const {
for(const SBezierLoop *sbl = l.First(); sbl; sbl = l.NextAfter(sbl)) {
sbl->MakePwlInto(&(sp->l.elem[sp->l.n - 1]));
void SBezierLoopSet::Clear() {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
// An export helper function. We start with a list of Bezier curves, and
// assemble them into loops. We find the outer loops, and find the outer loops'
// inner loops, and group them accordingly.
void SBezierLoopSetSet::FindOuterFacesFrom(SBezierList *sbl, SPolygon *spxyz,
SSurface *srfuv,
double chordTol,
bool *allClosed, SEdge *notClosedAt,
bool *allCoplanar, Vector *notCoplanarAt,
SBezierList *openContours)
SSurface srfPlane;
if(!srfuv) {
Vector p, u, v;
*allCoplanar =
sbl->GetPlaneContainingBeziers(&p, &u, &v, notCoplanarAt);
if(!*allCoplanar) {
// Don't even try to assemble them into loops if they're not
// all coplanar.
if(openContours) {
SBezier *sb;
for(sb = sbl->l.First(); sb; sb = sbl->l.NextAfter(sb)) {
// All the curves lie in a plane through p with basis vectors u and v.
srfPlane = SSurface::FromPlane(p, u, v);
srfuv = &srfPlane;
int i, j;
// Assemble the Bezier trim curves into closed loops; we also get the
// piecewise linearization of the curves (in the SPolygon spxyz), as a
// calculation aid for the loop direction.
SBezierLoopSet sbls = SBezierLoopSet::From(sbl, spxyz, chordTol,
allClosed, notClosedAt,
if(sbls.l.n != spxyz->l.n) return;
// Convert the xyz piecewise linear to uv piecewise linear.
SPolygon spuv = {};
SContour *sc;
for(sc = spxyz->l.First(); sc; sc = spxyz->l.NextAfter(sc)) {
SPoint *pt;
for(pt = sc->l.First(); pt; pt = sc->l.NextAfter(pt)) {
double u, v;
srfuv->ClosestPointTo(pt->p, &u, &v);
spuv.l.elem[spuv.l.n - 1].AddPoint(Vector::From(u, v, 0));
spuv.normal = Vector::From(0, 0, 1); // must be, since it's in xy plane now
static const int OUTER_LOOP = 10;
static const int INNER_LOOP = 20;
static const int USED_LOOP = 30;
// Fix the contour directions; we do this properly, in uv space, so it
// works for curved surfaces too (important for STEP export).
for(i = 0; i < spuv.l.n; i++) {
SContour *contour = &(spuv.l.elem[i]);
SBezierLoop *bl = &(sbls.l.elem[i]);
if(contour->tag) {
// This contour got reversed in the polygon to make the directions
// consistent, so the same must be necessary for the Bezier loop.
if(contour->IsClockwiseProjdToNormal(spuv.normal)) {
bl->tag = INNER_LOOP;
} else {
bl->tag = OUTER_LOOP;
bool loopsRemaining = true;
while(loopsRemaining) {
loopsRemaining = false;
for(i = 0; i < sbls.l.n; i++) {
SBezierLoop *loop = &(sbls.l.elem[i]);
if(loop->tag != OUTER_LOOP) continue;
// Check if this contour contains any outer loops; if it does, then
// we should do those "inner outer loops" first; otherwise we
// will steal their holes, since their holes also lie inside this
// contour.
for(j = 0; j < sbls.l.n; j++) {
SBezierLoop *outer = &(sbls.l.elem[j]);
if(i == j) continue;
if(outer->tag != OUTER_LOOP) continue;
Vector p = spuv.l.elem[j].AnyEdgeMidpoint();
if(spuv.l.elem[i].ContainsPointProjdToNormal(spuv.normal, p)) {
if(j < sbls.l.n) {
// It does, can't do this one yet.
SBezierLoopSet outerAndInners = {};
loopsRemaining = true;
loop->tag = USED_LOOP;
int auxA = 0;
if(loop->l.n > 0) auxA = loop->l.elem[0].auxA;
for(j = 0; j < sbls.l.n; j++) {
SBezierLoop *inner = &(sbls.l.elem[j]);
if(inner->tag != INNER_LOOP) continue;
if(inner->l.n < 1) continue;
if(inner->l.elem[0].auxA != auxA) continue;
Vector p = spuv.l.elem[j].AnyEdgeMidpoint();
if(spuv.l.elem[i].ContainsPointProjdToNormal(spuv.normal, p)) {
inner->tag = USED_LOOP;
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outerAndInners.point = srfuv->PointAt(0, 0);
outerAndInners.normal = srfuv->NormalAt(0, 0);
// If we have poorly-formed loops--for example, overlapping zero-area
// stuff--then we can end up with leftovers. We use this function to
// group stuff into closed paths for export when possible, so it's bad
// to screw up on that stuff. So just add them onto the open curve list.
// Very ugly, but better than losing curves.
for(i = 0; i < sbls.l.n; i++) {
SBezierLoop *loop = &(sbls.l.elem[i]);
if(loop->tag == USED_LOOP) continue;
if(openContours) {
SBezier *sb;
for(sb = loop->l.First(); sb; sb = loop->l.NextAfter(sb)) {
// but don't free the used loops, since we shallow-copied them to
// ourself
sbls.l.Clear(); // not sbls.Clear(), since that would deep-clear
void SBezierLoopSetSet::AddOpenPath(SBezier *sb) {
SBezierLoop sbl = {};
SBezierLoopSet sbls = {};
void SBezierLoopSetSet::Clear() {
SBezierLoopSet *sbls;
for(sbls = l.First(); sbls; sbls = l.NextAfter(sbls)) {
SCurve SCurve::FromTransformationOf(SCurve *a, Vector t,
Quaternion q, double scale)
bool needRotate = !EXACT(q.vx == 0.0 && q.vy == 0.0 && q.vz == 0.0 && q.w == 1.0);
bool needTranslate = !EXACT(t.x == 0.0 && t.y == 0.0 && t.z == 0.0);
bool needScale = !EXACT(scale == 1.0);
SCurve ret = {};
ret.h = a->h;
ret.isExact = a->isExact;
ret.exact = (a->exact).TransformedBy(t, q, scale);
ret.surfA = a->surfA;
ret.surfB = a->surfB;
2015-03-29 08:30:52 +08:00
SCurvePt *p;
for(p = a->pts.First(); p; p = a->pts.NextAfter(p)) {
SCurvePt pp = *p;
if(needScale) {
pp.p = (pp.p).ScaledBy(scale);
if(needRotate) {
pp.p = q.Rotate(pp.p);
if(needTranslate) {
pp.p = pp.p.Plus(t);
return ret;
void SCurve::Clear() {
SSurface *SCurve::GetSurfaceA(SShell *a, SShell *b) const {
Convert all enumerations to use `enum class`. Specifically, take the old code that looks like this: class Foo { enum { X = 1, Y = 2 }; int kind; } ... foo.kind = Foo::X; ... and convert it to this: class Foo { enum class Kind : uint32_t { X = 1, Y = 2 }; Kind kind; } ... foo.kind = Foo::Kind::X; (In some cases the enumeration would not be in the class namespace, such as when it is generally useful.) The benefits are as follows: * The type of the field gives a clear indication of intent, both to humans and tools (such as binding generators). * The compiler is able to automatically warn when a switch is not exhaustive; but this is currently suppressed by the default: ssassert(false, ...) idiom. * Integers and plain enums are weakly type checked: they implicitly convert into each other. This can hide bugs where type conversion is performed but not intended. Enum classes are strongly type checked. * Plain enums pollute parent namespaces; enum classes do not. Almost every defined enum we have already has a kind of ad-hoc namespacing via `NAMESPACE_`, which is now explicit. * Plain enums do not have a well-defined ABI size, which is important for bindings. Enum classes can have it, if specified. We specify the base type for all enums as uint32_t, which is a safe choice and allows us to not change the numeric values of any variants. This commit introduces absolutely no functional change to the code, just renaming and change of types. It handles almost all cases, except GraphicsWindow::pending.operation, which needs minor functional change.
2016-05-20 16:31:20 +08:00
if(source == Source::A) {
return a->surface.FindById(surfA);
Convert all enumerations to use `enum class`. Specifically, take the old code that looks like this: class Foo { enum { X = 1, Y = 2 }; int kind; } ... foo.kind = Foo::X; ... and convert it to this: class Foo { enum class Kind : uint32_t { X = 1, Y = 2 }; Kind kind; } ... foo.kind = Foo::Kind::X; (In some cases the enumeration would not be in the class namespace, such as when it is generally useful.) The benefits are as follows: * The type of the field gives a clear indication of intent, both to humans and tools (such as binding generators). * The compiler is able to automatically warn when a switch is not exhaustive; but this is currently suppressed by the default: ssassert(false, ...) idiom. * Integers and plain enums are weakly type checked: they implicitly convert into each other. This can hide bugs where type conversion is performed but not intended. Enum classes are strongly type checked. * Plain enums pollute parent namespaces; enum classes do not. Almost every defined enum we have already has a kind of ad-hoc namespacing via `NAMESPACE_`, which is now explicit. * Plain enums do not have a well-defined ABI size, which is important for bindings. Enum classes can have it, if specified. We specify the base type for all enums as uint32_t, which is a safe choice and allows us to not change the numeric values of any variants. This commit introduces absolutely no functional change to the code, just renaming and change of types. It handles almost all cases, except GraphicsWindow::pending.operation, which needs minor functional change.
2016-05-20 16:31:20 +08:00
} else if(source == Source::B) {
return b->surface.FindById(surfA);
Convert all enumerations to use `enum class`. Specifically, take the old code that looks like this: class Foo { enum { X = 1, Y = 2 }; int kind; } ... foo.kind = Foo::X; ... and convert it to this: class Foo { enum class Kind : uint32_t { X = 1, Y = 2 }; Kind kind; } ... foo.kind = Foo::Kind::X; (In some cases the enumeration would not be in the class namespace, such as when it is generally useful.) The benefits are as follows: * The type of the field gives a clear indication of intent, both to humans and tools (such as binding generators). * The compiler is able to automatically warn when a switch is not exhaustive; but this is currently suppressed by the default: ssassert(false, ...) idiom. * Integers and plain enums are weakly type checked: they implicitly convert into each other. This can hide bugs where type conversion is performed but not intended. Enum classes are strongly type checked. * Plain enums pollute parent namespaces; enum classes do not. Almost every defined enum we have already has a kind of ad-hoc namespacing via `NAMESPACE_`, which is now explicit. * Plain enums do not have a well-defined ABI size, which is important for bindings. Enum classes can have it, if specified. We specify the base type for all enums as uint32_t, which is a safe choice and allows us to not change the numeric values of any variants. This commit introduces absolutely no functional change to the code, just renaming and change of types. It handles almost all cases, except GraphicsWindow::pending.operation, which needs minor functional change.
2016-05-20 16:31:20 +08:00
} else if(source == Source::INTERSECTION) {
return a->surface.FindById(surfA);
} else ssassert(false, "Unexpected curve source");
SSurface *SCurve::GetSurfaceB(SShell *a, SShell *b) const {
Convert all enumerations to use `enum class`. Specifically, take the old code that looks like this: class Foo { enum { X = 1, Y = 2 }; int kind; } ... foo.kind = Foo::X; ... and convert it to this: class Foo { enum class Kind : uint32_t { X = 1, Y = 2 }; Kind kind; } ... foo.kind = Foo::Kind::X; (In some cases the enumeration would not be in the class namespace, such as when it is generally useful.) The benefits are as follows: * The type of the field gives a clear indication of intent, both to humans and tools (such as binding generators). * The compiler is able to automatically warn when a switch is not exhaustive; but this is currently suppressed by the default: ssassert(false, ...) idiom. * Integers and plain enums are weakly type checked: they implicitly convert into each other. This can hide bugs where type conversion is performed but not intended. Enum classes are strongly type checked. * Plain enums pollute parent namespaces; enum classes do not. Almost every defined enum we have already has a kind of ad-hoc namespacing via `NAMESPACE_`, which is now explicit. * Plain enums do not have a well-defined ABI size, which is important for bindings. Enum classes can have it, if specified. We specify the base type for all enums as uint32_t, which is a safe choice and allows us to not change the numeric values of any variants. This commit introduces absolutely no functional change to the code, just renaming and change of types. It handles almost all cases, except GraphicsWindow::pending.operation, which needs minor functional change.
2016-05-20 16:31:20 +08:00
if(source == Source::A) {
return a->surface.FindById(surfB);
Convert all enumerations to use `enum class`. Specifically, take the old code that looks like this: class Foo { enum { X = 1, Y = 2 }; int kind; } ... foo.kind = Foo::X; ... and convert it to this: class Foo { enum class Kind : uint32_t { X = 1, Y = 2 }; Kind kind; } ... foo.kind = Foo::Kind::X; (In some cases the enumeration would not be in the class namespace, such as when it is generally useful.) The benefits are as follows: * The type of the field gives a clear indication of intent, both to humans and tools (such as binding generators). * The compiler is able to automatically warn when a switch is not exhaustive; but this is currently suppressed by the default: ssassert(false, ...) idiom. * Integers and plain enums are weakly type checked: they implicitly convert into each other. This can hide bugs where type conversion is performed but not intended. Enum classes are strongly type checked. * Plain enums pollute parent namespaces; enum classes do not. Almost every defined enum we have already has a kind of ad-hoc namespacing via `NAMESPACE_`, which is now explicit. * Plain enums do not have a well-defined ABI size, which is important for bindings. Enum classes can have it, if specified. We specify the base type for all enums as uint32_t, which is a safe choice and allows us to not change the numeric values of any variants. This commit introduces absolutely no functional change to the code, just renaming and change of types. It handles almost all cases, except GraphicsWindow::pending.operation, which needs minor functional change.
2016-05-20 16:31:20 +08:00
} else if(source == Source::B) {
return b->surface.FindById(surfB);
Convert all enumerations to use `enum class`. Specifically, take the old code that looks like this: class Foo { enum { X = 1, Y = 2 }; int kind; } ... foo.kind = Foo::X; ... and convert it to this: class Foo { enum class Kind : uint32_t { X = 1, Y = 2 }; Kind kind; } ... foo.kind = Foo::Kind::X; (In some cases the enumeration would not be in the class namespace, such as when it is generally useful.) The benefits are as follows: * The type of the field gives a clear indication of intent, both to humans and tools (such as binding generators). * The compiler is able to automatically warn when a switch is not exhaustive; but this is currently suppressed by the default: ssassert(false, ...) idiom. * Integers and plain enums are weakly type checked: they implicitly convert into each other. This can hide bugs where type conversion is performed but not intended. Enum classes are strongly type checked. * Plain enums pollute parent namespaces; enum classes do not. Almost every defined enum we have already has a kind of ad-hoc namespacing via `NAMESPACE_`, which is now explicit. * Plain enums do not have a well-defined ABI size, which is important for bindings. Enum classes can have it, if specified. We specify the base type for all enums as uint32_t, which is a safe choice and allows us to not change the numeric values of any variants. This commit introduces absolutely no functional change to the code, just renaming and change of types. It handles almost all cases, except GraphicsWindow::pending.operation, which needs minor functional change.
2016-05-20 16:31:20 +08:00
} else if(source == Source::INTERSECTION) {
return b->surface.FindById(surfB);
} else ssassert(false, "Unexpected curve source");
// When we split line segments wherever they intersect a surface, we introduce
// extra pwl points. This may create very short edges that could be removed
// without violating the chord tolerance. Those are ugly, and also break
// stuff in the Booleans. So remove them.
void SCurve::RemoveShortSegments(SSurface *srfA, SSurface *srfB) {
// Three, not two; curves are pwl'd to at least two edges (three points)
// even if not necessary, to avoid square holes.
if(pts.n <= 3) return;
Vector prev = pts.elem[0].p;
int i, a;
for(i = 1; i < pts.n - 1; i++) {
SCurvePt *sct = &(pts.elem[i]),
*scn = &(pts.elem[i+1]);
if(sct->vertex) {
prev = sct->p;
bool mustKeep = false;
// We must check against both surfaces; the piecewise linear edge
// may have a different chord tolerance in the two surfaces. (For
// example, a circle in the surface of a cylinder is just a straight
// line, so it always has perfect chord tol, but that circle in
// a plane is a circle so it doesn't).
for(a = 0; a < 2; a++) {
SSurface *srf = (a == 0) ? srfA : srfB;
Vector puv, nuv;
srf->ClosestPointTo(prev, &(puv.x), &(puv.y));
srf->ClosestPointTo(scn->p, &(nuv.x), &(nuv.y));
if(srf->ChordToleranceForEdge(nuv, puv) > SS.ChordTolMm()) {
mustKeep = true;
if(mustKeep) {
prev = sct->p;
} else {
sct->tag = 1;
// and prev is unchanged, since there's no longer any point
// in between
STrimBy STrimBy::EntireCurve(SShell *shell, hSCurve hsc, bool backwards) {
STrimBy stb = {};
stb.curve = hsc;
SCurve *sc = shell->curve.FindById(hsc);
if(backwards) {
stb.finish = sc->pts.elem[0].p;
stb.start = sc->pts.elem[sc->pts.n - 1].p;
stb.backwards = true;
} else {
stb.start = sc->pts.elem[0].p;
stb.finish = sc->pts.elem[sc->pts.n - 1].p;
stb.backwards = false;
return stb;