#include "solvespace.h" bool Constraint::HasLabel(void) { switch(type) { case PT_PT_DISTANCE: return true; default: return false; } } void Constraint::LineDrawOrGetDistance(Vector a, Vector b) { if(dogd.drawing) { glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glxVertex3v(a); glxVertex3v(b); glEnd(); } else { Point2d ap = SS.GW.ProjectPoint(a); Point2d bp = SS.GW.ProjectPoint(b); double d = dogd.mp.DistanceToLine(ap, bp.Minus(ap), true); dogd.dmin = min(dogd.dmin, d); } } void Constraint::DrawOrGetDistance(Vector *labelPos) { if(!SS.GW.showConstraints) return; Group *g = SS.GetGroup(group); // If the group is hidden, then the constraints are hidden and not // able to be selected. if(!(g->visible)) return; // Unit vectors that describe our current view of the scene. One pixel // long, not one actual unit. Vector gr = SS.GW.projRight.ScaledBy(1/SS.GW.scale); Vector gu = SS.GW.projUp.ScaledBy(1/SS.GW.scale); Vector gn = (gr.Cross(gu)).WithMagnitude(1/SS.GW.scale); glxColor3d(1, 0.2, 1); switch(type) { case PT_PT_DISTANCE: { Vector ap = SS.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetCoords(); Vector bp = SS.GetEntity(ptB)->PointGetCoords(); Vector ref = ((ap.Plus(bp)).ScaledBy(0.5)).Plus(disp.offset); if(labelPos) *labelPos = ref; Vector ab = ap.Minus(bp); Vector ar = ap.Minus(ref); // Normal to a plan containing the line and the label origin. Vector n = ab.Cross(ar); Vector out = ab.Cross(n).WithMagnitude(1); out = out.ScaledBy(-out.Dot(ar)); LineDrawOrGetDistance(ap, ap.Plus(out)); LineDrawOrGetDistance(bp, bp.Plus(out)); if(dogd.drawing) { glPushMatrix(); glxTranslatev(ref); glxOntoWorkplane(gr, gu); glxWriteText(exprA->Print()); glPopMatrix(); } else { Point2d o = SS.GW.ProjectPoint(ref); dogd.dmin = min(dogd.dmin, o.DistanceTo(dogd.mp) - 10); } break; } case POINTS_COINCIDENT: { if(!dogd.drawing) { for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Vector p = SS.GetEntity(i == 0 ? ptA : ptB)-> PointGetCoords(); Point2d pp = SS.GW.ProjectPoint(p); // The point is selected within a radius of 7, from the // same center; so if the point is visible, then this // constraint cannot be selected. But that's okay. dogd.dmin = min(dogd.dmin, pp.DistanceTo(dogd.mp) - 3); } break; } for(int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { Vector r = SS.GW.projRight.ScaledBy((a+1)/SS.GW.scale); Vector d = SS.GW.projUp.ScaledBy((2-a)/SS.GW.scale); for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Vector p = SS.GetEntity(i == 0 ? ptA : ptB)-> PointGetCoords(); glxColor3d(0.4, 0, 0.4); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glxVertex3v(p.Plus (r).Plus (d)); glxVertex3v(p.Plus (r).Minus(d)); glxVertex3v(p.Minus(r).Minus(d)); glxVertex3v(p.Minus(r).Plus (d)); glEnd(); } } break; } case PT_ON_LINE: case PT_IN_PLANE: { double s = 7; Vector p = SS.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetCoords(); Vector r = gr.WithMagnitude(s); Vector d = gu.WithMagnitude(s); LineDrawOrGetDistance(p.Plus (r).Plus (d), p.Plus (r).Minus(d)); LineDrawOrGetDistance(p.Plus (r).Minus(d), p.Minus(r).Minus(d)); LineDrawOrGetDistance(p.Minus(r).Minus(d), p.Minus(r).Plus (d)); LineDrawOrGetDistance(p.Minus(r).Plus (d), p.Plus (r).Plus (d)); break; } case EQUAL_LENGTH_LINES: { for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Entity *e = SS.GetEntity(i == 0 ? entityA : entityB); Vector a = SS.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetCoords(); Vector b = SS.GetEntity(e->point[1])->PointGetCoords(); Vector m = (a.ScaledBy(1.0/3)).Plus(b.ScaledBy(2.0/3)); Vector ab = a.Minus(b); Vector n = (gn.Cross(ab)).WithMagnitude(10/SS.GW.scale); LineDrawOrGetDistance(m.Minus(n), m.Plus(n)); } break; } case SYMMETRIC: { Vector a = SS.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetCoords(); Vector b = SS.GetEntity(ptB)->PointGetCoords(); Vector n = SS.GetEntity(entityA)->WorkplaneGetNormalVector(); for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Vector tail = (i == 0) ? a : b; Vector d = (i == 0) ? b : a; d = d.Minus(tail); // Project the direction in which the arrow is drawn normal // to the symmetry plane; for projected symmetry constraints, // they might not be in the same direction, even when the // constraint is fully solved. d = n.ScaledBy(d.Dot(n)); d = d.WithMagnitude(20/SS.GW.scale); Vector tip = tail.Plus(d); LineDrawOrGetDistance(tail, tip); d = d.WithMagnitude(9/SS.GW.scale); LineDrawOrGetDistance(tip, tip.Minus(d.RotatedAbout(gn, 0.6))); LineDrawOrGetDistance(tip, tip.Minus(d.RotatedAbout(gn, -0.6))); } break; } case AT_MIDPOINT: case HORIZONTAL: case VERTICAL: if(entityA.v) { Vector r, u, n; if(workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) { r = gr; u = gu; n = gn; } else { SS.GetEntity(workplane)->WorkplaneGetBasisVectors(&r, &u); n = r.Cross(u); } // For "at midpoint", this branch is always taken. Entity *e = SS.GetEntity(entityA); Vector a = SS.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetCoords(); Vector b = SS.GetEntity(e->point[1])->PointGetCoords(); Vector m = (a.ScaledBy(0.5)).Plus(b.ScaledBy(0.5)); Vector offset = (a.Minus(b)).Cross(n); offset = offset.WithMagnitude(13/SS.GW.scale); // Draw midpoint constraint on other side of line, so that // a line can be midpoint and horizontal at same time. if(type == AT_MIDPOINT) offset = offset.ScaledBy(-1); if(dogd.drawing) { glPushMatrix(); glxTranslatev(m.Plus(offset)); glxOntoWorkplane(r, u); glxWriteTextRefCenter( (type == HORIZONTAL) ? "H" : ( (type == VERTICAL) ? "V" : ( (type == AT_MIDPOINT) ? "M" : NULL))); glPopMatrix(); } else { Point2d ref = SS.GW.ProjectPoint(m.Plus(offset)); dogd.dmin = min(dogd.dmin, ref.DistanceTo(dogd.mp)-10); } } else { Vector a = SS.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetCoords(); Vector b = SS.GetEntity(ptB)->PointGetCoords(); Entity *w = SS.GetEntity(SS.GetEntity(ptA)->workplane); Vector cu, cv, cn; w->WorkplaneGetBasisVectors(&cu, &cv); cn = w->WorkplaneGetNormalVector(); int i; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Vector o = (i == 0) ? a : b; Vector oo = (i == 0) ? a.Minus(b) : b.Minus(a); Vector d = (type == HORIZONTAL) ? cu : cv; if(oo.Dot(d) < 0) d = d.ScaledBy(-1); Vector dp = cn.Cross(d); d = d.WithMagnitude(14/SS.GW.scale); Vector c = o.Minus(d); LineDrawOrGetDistance(o, c); d = d.WithMagnitude(3/SS.GW.scale); dp = dp.WithMagnitude(2/SS.GW.scale); if(dogd.drawing) { glBegin(GL_QUADS); glxVertex3v((c.Plus(d)).Plus(dp)); glxVertex3v((c.Minus(d)).Plus(dp)); glxVertex3v((c.Minus(d)).Minus(dp)); glxVertex3v((c.Plus(d)).Minus(dp)); glEnd(); } else { Point2d ref = SS.GW.ProjectPoint(c); dogd.dmin = min(dogd.dmin, ref.DistanceTo(dogd.mp)-6); } } } break; default: oops(); } } void Constraint::Draw(void) { dogd.drawing = true; DrawOrGetDistance(NULL); } double Constraint::GetDistance(Point2d mp) { dogd.drawing = false; dogd.mp = mp; dogd.dmin = 1e12; DrawOrGetDistance(NULL); return dogd.dmin; } Vector Constraint::GetLabelPos(void) { dogd.drawing = false; dogd.mp.x = 0; dogd.mp.y = 0; dogd.dmin = 1e12; Vector p; DrawOrGetDistance(&p); return p; }