//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Triangulate a surface. If the surface is curved, then we first superimpose // a grid of quads, with spacing to achieve our chord tolerance. We then // proceed by ear-clipping; the resulting mesh should be watertight and not // awful numerically, but has no special properties (Delaunay, etc.). // // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "../solvespace.h" void SPolygon::UvTriangulateInto(SMesh *m, SSurface *srf) { if(l.n <= 0) return; //int64_t in = GetMilliseconds(); normal = Vector::From(0, 0, 1); while(l.n > 0) { FixContourDirections(); l.ClearTags(); // Find a top-level contour, and start with that. Then build bridges // in order to merge all its islands into a single contour. SContour *top; for(top = l.First(); top; top = l.NextAfter(top)) { if(top->timesEnclosed == 0) { break; } } if(!top) { dbp("polygon has no top-level contours?"); return; } // Start with the outer contour SContour merged = {}; top->tag = 1; top->CopyInto(&merged); (merged.l.n)--; // List all of the edges, for testing whether bridges work. SEdgeList el = {}; top->MakeEdgesInto(&el); List vl = {}; // And now find all of its holes. Note that we will also find any // outer contours that lie entirely within this contour, and any // holes for those contours. But that's okay, because we can merge // those too. SContour *sc; for(sc = l.First(); sc; sc = l.NextAfter(sc)) { if(sc->timesEnclosed != 1) continue; if(sc->l.n < 2) continue; // Test the midpoint of an edge. Our polygon may not be self- // intersecting, but two contours may share a vertex; so a // vertex could be on the edge of another polygon, in which // case ContainsPointProjdToNormal returns indeterminate. Vector tp = sc->AnyEdgeMidpoint(); if(top->ContainsPointProjdToNormal(normal, tp)) { sc->tag = 2; sc->MakeEdgesInto(&el); sc->FindPointWithMinX(); } } // dbp("finished finding holes: %d ms", (int)(GetMilliseconds() - in)); for(;;) { double xmin = 1e10; SContour *scmin = NULL; for(sc = l.First(); sc; sc = l.NextAfter(sc)) { if(sc->tag != 2) continue; if(sc->xminPt.x < xmin) { xmin = sc->xminPt.x; scmin = sc; } } if(!scmin) break; if(!merged.BridgeToContour(scmin, &el, &vl)) { dbp("couldn't merge our hole"); return; } // dbp(" bridged to contour: %d ms", (int)(GetMilliseconds() - in)); scmin->tag = 3; } // dbp("finished merging holes: %d ms", (int)(GetMilliseconds() - in)); merged.UvTriangulateInto(m, srf); // dbp("finished ear clippping: %d ms", (int)(GetMilliseconds() - in)); merged.l.Clear(); el.Clear(); vl.Clear(); // Careful, need to free the points within the contours, and not just // the contours themselves. This was a tricky memory leak. for(sc = l.First(); sc; sc = l.NextAfter(sc)) { if(sc->tag) { sc->l.Clear(); } } l.RemoveTagged(); } } bool SContour::BridgeToContour(SContour *sc, SEdgeList *avoidEdges, List *avoidPts) { int i, j; // Start looking for a bridge on our new hole near its leftmost (min x) // point. int sco = 0; for(i = 0; i < (sc->l.n - 1); i++) { if((sc->l.elem[i].p).EqualsExactly(sc->xminPt)) { sco = i; } } // And start looking on our merged contour at whichever point is nearest // to the leftmost point of the new segment. int thiso = 0; double dmin = 1e10; for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) { Vector p = l.elem[i].p; double d = (p.Minus(sc->xminPt)).MagSquared(); if(d < dmin) { dmin = d; thiso = i; } } int thisp, scp; Vector a, b, *f; // First check if the contours share a point; in that case we should // merge them there, without a bridge. for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) { thisp = WRAP(i+thiso, l.n); a = l.elem[thisp].p; for(f = avoidPts->First(); f; f = avoidPts->NextAfter(f)) { if(f->Equals(a)) break; } if(f) continue; for(j = 0; j < (sc->l.n - 1); j++) { scp = WRAP(j+sco, (sc->l.n - 1)); b = sc->l.elem[scp].p; if(a.Equals(b)) { goto haveEdge; } } } // If that fails, look for a bridge that does not intersect any edges. for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) { thisp = WRAP(i+thiso, l.n); a = l.elem[thisp].p; for(f = avoidPts->First(); f; f = avoidPts->NextAfter(f)) { if(f->Equals(a)) break; } if(f) continue; for(j = 0; j < (sc->l.n - 1); j++) { scp = WRAP(j+sco, (sc->l.n - 1)); b = sc->l.elem[scp].p; for(f = avoidPts->First(); f; f = avoidPts->NextAfter(f)) { if(f->Equals(b)) break; } if(f) continue; if(avoidEdges->AnyEdgeCrossings(a, b) > 0) { // doesn't work, bridge crosses an existing edge } else { goto haveEdge; } } } // Tried all the possibilities, didn't find an edge return false; haveEdge: SContour merged = {}; for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) { merged.AddPoint(l.elem[i].p); if(i == thisp) { // less than or equal; need to duplicate the join point for(j = 0; j <= (sc->l.n - 1); j++) { int jp = WRAP(j + scp, (sc->l.n - 1)); merged.AddPoint((sc->l.elem[jp]).p); } // and likewise duplicate join point for the outer curve merged.AddPoint(l.elem[i].p); } } // and future bridges mustn't cross our bridge, and it's tricky to get // things right if two bridges come from the same point avoidEdges->AddEdge(a, b); avoidPts->Add(&a); avoidPts->Add(&b); l.Clear(); l = merged.l; return true; } bool SContour::IsEar(int bp, double scaledEps) const { int ap = WRAP(bp-1, l.n), cp = WRAP(bp+1, l.n); STriangle tr = {}; tr.a = l.elem[ap].p; tr.b = l.elem[bp].p; tr.c = l.elem[cp].p; if((tr.a).Equals(tr.c)) { // This is two coincident and anti-parallel edges. Zero-area, so // won't generate a real triangle, but we certainly can clip it. return true; } Vector n = Vector::From(0, 0, -1); if((tr.Normal()).Dot(n) < scaledEps) { // This vertex is reflex, or between two collinear edges; either way, // it's not an ear. return false; } // Accelerate with an axis-aligned bounding box test Vector maxv = tr.a, minv = tr.a; (tr.b).MakeMaxMin(&maxv, &minv); (tr.c).MakeMaxMin(&maxv, &minv); int i; for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) { if(i == ap || i == bp || i == cp) continue; Vector p = l.elem[i].p; if(p.OutsideAndNotOn(maxv, minv)) continue; // A point on the edge of the triangle is considered to be inside, // and therefore makes it a non-ear; but a point on the vertex is // "outside", since that's necessary to make bridges work. if(p.EqualsExactly(tr.a)) continue; if(p.EqualsExactly(tr.b)) continue; if(p.EqualsExactly(tr.c)) continue; if(tr.ContainsPointProjd(n, p)) { return false; } } return true; } void SContour::ClipEarInto(SMesh *m, int bp, double scaledEps) { int ap = WRAP(bp-1, l.n), cp = WRAP(bp+1, l.n); STriangle tr = {}; tr.a = l.elem[ap].p; tr.b = l.elem[bp].p; tr.c = l.elem[cp].p; if(tr.Normal().MagSquared() < scaledEps*scaledEps) { // A vertex with more than two edges will cause us to generate // zero-area triangles, which must be culled. } else { m->AddTriangle(&tr); } // By deleting the point at bp, we may change the ear-ness of the points // on either side. l.elem[ap].ear = SPoint::UNKNOWN; l.elem[cp].ear = SPoint::UNKNOWN; l.ClearTags(); l.elem[bp].tag = 1; l.RemoveTagged(); } void SContour::UvTriangulateInto(SMesh *m, SSurface *srf) { Vector tu, tv; srf->TangentsAt(0.5, 0.5, &tu, &tv); double s = sqrt(tu.MagSquared() + tv.MagSquared()); // We would like to apply our tolerances in xyz; but that would be a lot // of work, so at least scale the epsilon semi-reasonably. That's // perfect for square planes, less perfect for anything else. double scaledEps = LENGTH_EPS / s; int i; // Clean the original contour by removing any zero-length edges. l.ClearTags(); for(i = 1; i < l.n; i++) { if((l.elem[i].p).Equals(l.elem[i-1].p)) { l.elem[i].tag = 1; } } l.RemoveTagged(); // Now calculate the ear-ness of each vertex for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) { (l.elem[i]).ear = IsEar(i, scaledEps) ? SPoint::EAR : SPoint::NOT_EAR; } bool toggle = false; while(l.n > 3) { // Some points may have changed ear-ness, so recalculate for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) { if(l.elem[i].ear == SPoint::UNKNOWN) { (l.elem[i]).ear = IsEar(i, scaledEps) ? SPoint::EAR : SPoint::NOT_EAR; } } int bestEar = -1; double bestChordTol = VERY_POSITIVE; // Alternate the starting position so we generate strip-like // triangulations instead of fan-like toggle = !toggle; int offset = toggle ? -1 : 0; for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) { int ear = WRAP(i+offset, l.n); if(l.elem[ear].ear == SPoint::EAR) { if(srf->degm == 1 && srf->degn == 1) { // This is a plane; any ear is a good ear. bestEar = ear; break; } // If we are triangulating a curved surface, then try to // clip ears that have a small chord tolerance from the // surface. Vector prev = l.elem[WRAP((i+offset-1), l.n)].p, next = l.elem[WRAP((i+offset+1), l.n)].p; double tol = srf->ChordToleranceForEdge(prev, next); if(tol < bestChordTol - scaledEps) { bestEar = ear; bestChordTol = tol; } if(bestChordTol < 0.1*SS.ChordTolMm()) { break; } } } if(bestEar < 0) { dbp("couldn't find an ear! fail"); return; } ClipEarInto(m, bestEar, scaledEps); } ClipEarInto(m, 0, scaledEps); // add the last triangle } double SSurface::ChordToleranceForEdge(Vector a, Vector b) const { Vector as = PointAt(a.x, a.y), bs = PointAt(b.x, b.y); double worst = VERY_NEGATIVE; int i; for(i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { Vector p = a. Plus((b. Minus(a )).ScaledBy(i/4.0)), ps = as.Plus((bs.Minus(as)).ScaledBy(i/4.0)); Vector pps = PointAt(p.x, p.y); worst = max(worst, (pps.Minus(ps)).MagSquared()); } return sqrt(worst); } Vector SSurface::PointAtMaybeSwapped(double u, double v, bool swapped) const { if(swapped) { return PointAt(v, u); } else { return PointAt(u, v); } } void SSurface::MakeTriangulationGridInto(List *l, double vs, double vf, bool swapped) const { double worst = 0; // Try piecewise linearizing four curves, at u = 0, 1/3, 2/3, 1; choose // the worst chord tolerance of any of those. int i; for(i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { double u = i/3.0; // This chord test should be identical to the one in SBezier::MakePwl // to make the piecewise linear edges line up with the grid more or // less. Vector ps = PointAtMaybeSwapped(u, vs, swapped), pf = PointAtMaybeSwapped(u, vf, swapped); double vm1 = (2*vs + vf) / 3, vm2 = (vs + 2*vf) / 3; Vector pm1 = PointAtMaybeSwapped(u, vm1, swapped), pm2 = PointAtMaybeSwapped(u, vm2, swapped); worst = max(worst, pm1.DistanceToLine(ps, pf.Minus(ps))); worst = max(worst, pm2.DistanceToLine(ps, pf.Minus(ps))); } double step = 1.0/SS.GetMaxSegments(); if((vf - vs) < step || worst < SS.ChordTolMm()) { l->Add(&vf); } else { MakeTriangulationGridInto(l, vs, (vs+vf)/2, swapped); MakeTriangulationGridInto(l, (vs+vf)/2, vf, swapped); } } void SPolygon::UvGridTriangulateInto(SMesh *mesh, SSurface *srf) { SEdgeList orig = {}; MakeEdgesInto(&orig); SEdgeList holes = {}; normal = Vector::From(0, 0, 1); FixContourDirections(); // Build a rectangular grid, with horizontal and vertical lines in the // uv plane. The spacing of these lines is adaptive, so calculate that. List li, lj; li = {}; lj = {}; double v = 0; li.Add(&v); srf->MakeTriangulationGridInto(&li, 0, 1, true); lj.Add(&v); srf->MakeTriangulationGridInto(&lj, 0, 1, false); // Now iterate over each quad in the grid. If it's outside the polygon, // or if it intersects the polygon, then we discard it. Otherwise we // generate two triangles in the mesh, and cut it out of our polygon. int i, j; for(i = 0; i < (li.n - 1); i++) { for(j = 0; j < (lj.n - 1); j++) { double us = li.elem[i], uf = li.elem[i+1], vs = lj.elem[j], vf = lj.elem[j+1]; Vector a = Vector::From(us, vs, 0), b = Vector::From(us, vf, 0), c = Vector::From(uf, vf, 0), d = Vector::From(uf, vs, 0); if(orig.AnyEdgeCrossings(a, b, NULL) || orig.AnyEdgeCrossings(b, c, NULL) || orig.AnyEdgeCrossings(c, d, NULL) || orig.AnyEdgeCrossings(d, a, NULL)) { continue; } // There's no intersections, so it doesn't matter which point // we decide to test. if(!this->ContainsPoint(a)) { continue; } // Add the quad to our mesh STriangle tr = {}; tr.a = a; tr.b = b; tr.c = c; mesh->AddTriangle(&tr); tr.a = a; tr.b = c; tr.c = d; mesh->AddTriangle(&tr); holes.AddEdge(a, b); holes.AddEdge(b, c); holes.AddEdge(c, d); holes.AddEdge(d, a); } } holes.CullExtraneousEdges(); SPolygon hp = {}; holes.AssemblePolygon(&hp, NULL, true); SContour *sc; for(sc = hp.l.First(); sc; sc = hp.l.NextAfter(sc)) { l.Add(sc); } orig.Clear(); holes.Clear(); li.Clear(); lj.Clear(); hp.l.Clear(); UvTriangulateInto(mesh, srf); }