//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Anything involving curves and sets of curves (except for the real math, // which is in ratpoly.cpp). //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "../solvespace.h" SBezier SBezier::From(Vector p0, Vector p1) { SBezier ret; ZERO(&ret); ret.deg = 1; ret.weight[0] = ret.weight[1] = 1; ret.ctrl[0] = p0; ret.ctrl[1] = p1; return ret; } SBezier SBezier::From(Vector p0, Vector p1, Vector p2) { SBezier ret; ZERO(&ret); ret.deg = 2; ret.weight[0] = ret.weight[1] = ret.weight[2] = 1; ret.ctrl[0] = p0; ret.ctrl[1] = p1; ret.ctrl[2] = p2; return ret; } SBezier SBezier::From(Vector p0, Vector p1, Vector p2, Vector p3) { SBezier ret; ZERO(&ret); ret.deg = 3; ret.weight[0] = ret.weight[1] = ret.weight[2] = ret.weight[3] = 1; ret.ctrl[0] = p0; ret.ctrl[1] = p1; ret.ctrl[2] = p2; ret.ctrl[3] = p3; return ret; } Vector SBezier::Start(void) { return ctrl[0]; } Vector SBezier::Finish(void) { return ctrl[deg]; } void SBezier::Reverse(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < (deg+1)/2; i++) { SWAP(Vector, ctrl[i], ctrl[deg-i]); SWAP(double, weight[i], weight[deg-i]); } } void SBezier::GetBoundingProjd(Vector u, Vector orig, double *umin, double *umax) { int i; for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) { double ut = ((ctrl[i]).Minus(orig)).Dot(u); if(ut < *umin) *umin = ut; if(ut > *umax) *umax = ut; } } SBezier SBezier::TransformedBy(Vector t, Quaternion q) { SBezier ret = *this; int i; for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) { ret.ctrl[i] = (q.Rotate(ret.ctrl[i])).Plus(t); } return ret; } bool SBezier::Equals(SBezier *b) { // We just test of identical degree and control points, even though two // curves could still be coincident (even sharing endpoints). if(deg != b->deg) return false; int i; for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) { if(!(ctrl[i]).Equals(b->ctrl[i])) return false; if(fabs(weight[i] - b->weight[i]) > LENGTH_EPS) return false; } return true; } void SBezierList::Clear(void) { l.Clear(); } SBezierLoop SBezierLoop::FromCurves(SBezierList *sbl, bool *allClosed, SEdge *errorAt) { SBezierLoop loop; ZERO(&loop); if(sbl->l.n < 1) return loop; sbl->l.ClearTags(); SBezier *first = &(sbl->l.elem[0]); first->tag = 1; loop.l.Add(first); Vector start = first->Start(); Vector hanging = first->Finish(); sbl->l.RemoveTagged(); while(sbl->l.n > 0 && !hanging.Equals(start)) { int i; bool foundNext = false; for(i = 0; i < sbl->l.n; i++) { SBezier *test = &(sbl->l.elem[i]); if((test->Finish()).Equals(hanging)) { test->Reverse(); // and let the next test catch it } if((test->Start()).Equals(hanging)) { test->tag = 1; loop.l.Add(test); hanging = test->Finish(); sbl->l.RemoveTagged(); foundNext = true; break; } } if(!foundNext) { // The loop completed without finding the hanging edge, so // it's an open loop errorAt->a = hanging; errorAt->b = start; *allClosed = false; return loop; } } if(hanging.Equals(start)) { *allClosed = true; } else { // We ran out of edges without forming a closed loop. errorAt->a = hanging; errorAt->b = start; *allClosed = false; } return loop; } void SBezierLoop::Reverse(void) { l.Reverse(); SBezier *sb; for(sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) { // If we didn't reverse each curve, then the next curve in list would // share your start, not your finish. sb->Reverse(); } } void SBezierLoop::GetBoundingProjd(Vector u, Vector orig, double *umin, double *umax) { SBezier *sb; for(sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) { sb->GetBoundingProjd(u, orig, umin, umax); } } void SBezierLoop::MakePwlInto(SContour *sc) { List lv; ZERO(&lv); int i, j; for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) { SBezier *sb = &(l.elem[i]); sb->MakePwlInto(&lv); // Each curve's piecewise linearization includes its endpoints, // which we don't want to duplicate (creating zero-len edges). for(j = (i == 0 ? 0 : 1); j < lv.n; j++) { sc->AddPoint(lv.elem[j]); } lv.Clear(); } // Ensure that it's exactly closed, not just within a numerical tolerance. sc->l.elem[sc->l.n - 1] = sc->l.elem[0]; } SBezierLoopSet SBezierLoopSet::From(SBezierList *sbl, SPolygon *poly, bool *allClosed, SEdge *errorAt) { int i; SBezierLoopSet ret; ZERO(&ret); while(sbl->l.n > 0) { bool thisClosed; SBezierLoop loop; loop = SBezierLoop::FromCurves(sbl, &thisClosed, errorAt); if(!thisClosed) { ret.Clear(); *allClosed = false; return ret; } ret.l.Add(&loop); poly->AddEmptyContour(); loop.MakePwlInto(&(poly->l.elem[poly->l.n-1])); } poly->normal = poly->ComputeNormal(); ret.normal = poly->normal; if(poly->l.n > 0) { ret.point = poly->AnyPoint(); } else { ret.point = Vector::From(0, 0, 0); } poly->FixContourDirections(); for(i = 0; i < poly->l.n; i++) { if(poly->l.elem[i].tag) { // We had to reverse this contour in order to fix the poly // contour directions; so need to do the same with the curves. ret.l.elem[i].Reverse(); } } *allClosed = true; return ret; } void SBezierLoopSet::GetBoundingProjd(Vector u, Vector orig, double *umin, double *umax) { SBezierLoop *sbl; for(sbl = l.First(); sbl; sbl = l.NextAfter(sbl)) { sbl->GetBoundingProjd(u, orig, umin, umax); } } void SBezierLoopSet::Clear(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) { (l.elem[i]).Clear(); } l.Clear(); } SCurve SCurve::FromTransformationOf(SCurve *a, Vector t, Quaternion q) { SCurve ret; ZERO(&ret); ret.h = a->h; ret.isExact = a->isExact; ret.exact = (a->exact).TransformedBy(t, q); ret.surfA = a->surfA; ret.surfB = a->surfB; Vector *p; for(p = a->pts.First(); p; p = a->pts.NextAfter(p)) { Vector pp = (q.Rotate(*p)).Plus(t); ret.pts.Add(&pp); } return ret; } void SCurve::Clear(void) { pts.Clear(); } STrimBy STrimBy::EntireCurve(SShell *shell, hSCurve hsc, bool backwards) { STrimBy stb; ZERO(&stb); stb.curve = hsc; SCurve *sc = shell->curve.FindById(hsc); if(backwards) { stb.finish = sc->pts.elem[0]; stb.start = sc->pts.elem[sc->pts.n - 1]; stb.backwards = true; } else { stb.start = sc->pts.elem[0]; stb.finish = sc->pts.elem[sc->pts.n - 1]; stb.backwards = false; } return stb; }