#include "solvespace.h" hConstraint Constraint::AddConstraint(Constraint *c) { SS.constraint.AddAndAssignId(c); return c->h; } void Constraint::MenuConstrain(int id) { Constraint c; memset(&c, 0, sizeof(c)); c.group = SS.GW.activeGroup; SS.GW.GroupSelection(); #define gs (SS.GW.gs) switch(id) { case GraphicsWindow::MNU_DISTANCE_DIA: if(gs.points == 2 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = PT_PT_DISTANCE; c.ptA = gs.point[0]; c.ptB = gs.point[1]; } else if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.n == 1) { c.type = PT_PT_DISTANCE; Entity *e = SS.GetEntity(gs.entity[0]); c.ptA = e->assoc[0]; c.ptB = e->assoc[1]; } else { Error("Bad selection for distance / diameter constraint."); return; } c.disp.offset = Vector::MakeFrom(50, 50, 50); c.exprA = Expr::FromString("300")->DeepCopyKeep(); AddConstraint(&c); break; case GraphicsWindow::MNU_ON_ENTITY: if(gs.points == 2 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = POINTS_COINCIDENT; c.ptA = gs.point[0]; c.ptB = gs.point[1]; } else if(gs.points == 1 && gs.planes == 1 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = PT_IN_PLANE; c.ptA = gs.point[0]; c.entityA = gs.entity[0]; } else { Error("Bad selection for on point / curve / plane constraint."); return; } AddConstraint(&c); break; case GraphicsWindow::MNU_SOLVE_NOW: SS.Solve(); return; default: oops(); } SS.GW.ClearSelection(); InvalidateGraphics(); } Expr *Constraint::Distance(hEntity hpa, hEntity hpb) { Entity *pa = SS.GetEntity(hpa); Entity *pb = SS.GetEntity(hpb); if(!(pa->IsPoint() && pb->IsPoint())) oops(); if(pa->type == Entity::POINT_IN_2D && pb->type == Entity::POINT_IN_2D && pa->csys.v == pb->csys.v) { // A nice case; they are both in the same 2d csys, so I can write // the equation in terms of the basis vectors in that csys. Expr *du = Expr::FromParam(pa->param.h[0])->Minus( Expr::FromParam(pb->param.h[0])); Expr *dv = Expr::FromParam(pa->param.h[1])->Minus( Expr::FromParam(pb->param.h[1])); return ((du->Square())->Plus(dv->Square()))->Sqrt(); } Expr *ax, *ay, *az; Expr *bx, *by, *bz; pa->PointGetExprs(&ax, &ay, &az); pb->PointGetExprs(&bx, &by, &bz); Expr *dx2 = (ax->Minus(bx))->Square(); Expr *dy2 = (ay->Minus(by))->Square(); Expr *dz2 = (az->Minus(bz))->Square(); return (dx2->Plus(dy2->Plus(dz2)))->Sqrt(); } void Constraint::AddEq(IdList *l, Expr *expr, int index) { Equation eq; eq.e = expr; eq.h = h.equation(index); l->Add(&eq); } void Constraint::Generate(IdList *l) { switch(type) { case PT_PT_DISTANCE: AddEq(l, Distance(ptA, ptB)->Minus(exprA), 0); break; case POINTS_COINCIDENT: { Expr *ax, *ay, *az; Expr *bx, *by, *bz; SS.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetExprs(&ax, &ay, &az); SS.GetEntity(ptB)->PointGetExprs(&bx, &by, &bz); AddEq(l, ax->Minus(bx), 0); AddEq(l, ay->Minus(by), 1); AddEq(l, az->Minus(bz), 2); break; } case PT_IN_PLANE: { Expr *px, *py, *pz; Expr *nx, *ny, *nz, *d; SS.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetExprs(&px, &py, &pz); SS.GetEntity(entityA)->PlaneGetExprs(&nx, &ny, &nz, &d); AddEq(l, ((px->Times(nx))->Plus((py->Times(ny)->Plus(pz->Times(nz))))) ->Minus(d), 0); break; } default: oops(); } }