//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The file format-specific stuff for all of the 2d vector output formats. // // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include "solvespace.h" class PolylineBuilder { public: struct Edge; struct Vertex { Vector pos; std::vector edges; bool getNext(hStyle hs, Vertex **next) { auto it = std::find_if(edges.begin(), edges.end(), [&](const Edge *e) { return e->tag == 0 && e->style.v == hs.v; }); if(it != edges.end()) { (*it)->tag = 1; *next = (*it)->getOtherVertex(this); return true; } else { return false; } } size_t countEdgesWithTagAndStyle(int tag, hStyle hs) const { return std::count_if(edges.begin(), edges.end(), [&](const Edge *e) { return e->tag == tag && e->style.v == hs.v; }); } }; struct Edge { Vertex *a; Vertex *b; hStyle style; int tag; Vertex *getOtherVertex(Vertex *v) { if(a == v) return b; if(b == v) return a; return NULL; } bool getStartAndNext(Vertex **start, Vertex **next, bool loop) { size_t numA = a->countEdgesWithTagAndStyle(0, style); size_t numB = b->countEdgesWithTagAndStyle(0, style); if((numA == 1 && numB > 1) || (loop && numA > 1 && numB > 1)) { *start = a; *next = b; return true; } if(numA > 1 && numB == 1) { *start = b; *next = a; return true; } return false; } }; struct VectorHash { size_t operator()(const Vector &v) const { static const size_t size = std::numeric_limits::max() / 2 - 1; static const double eps = (4.0 * LENGTH_EPS); double x = fabs(v.x) / eps; double y = fabs(v.y) / eps; size_t xs = size_t(fmod(x, double(size))); size_t ys = size_t(fmod(y, double(size))); return ys * size + xs; } }; struct VectorPred { bool operator()(Vector a, Vector b) const { return a.Equals(b, LENGTH_EPS); } }; std::unordered_map vertices; std::vector edges; ~PolylineBuilder() { clear(); } void clear() { for(Edge *e : edges) { delete e; } edges.clear(); for(auto &v : vertices) { delete v.second; } vertices.clear(); } Vertex *addVertex(const Vector &pos) { auto it = vertices.find(pos); if(it != vertices.end()) { return it->second; } Vertex *result = new Vertex; result->pos = pos; vertices.emplace(pos, result); return result; } Edge *addEdge(const Vector &p0, const Vector &p1, int style) { Vertex *v0 = addVertex(p0); Vertex *v1 = addVertex(p1); if(v0 == v1) return NULL; Edge *edge = new Edge { v0, v1, hStyle { (uint32_t)style }, 0 }; edges.push_back(edge); v0->edges.push_back(edge); v1->edges.push_back(edge); return edge; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines for DXF export //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DxfWriteInterface : public DRW_Interface { public: DxfFileWriter *writer; dxfRW *dxf; std::set messages; static DRW_Coord toCoord(const Vector &v) { return DRW_Coord(v.x, v.y, v.z); } Vector xfrm(Vector v) { return writer->Transform(v); } void writeTextstyles() override { DRW_Textstyle ts; ts.name = "unicode"; ts.font = "unicode"; dxf->writeTextstyle(&ts); } void writeLayers() override { DRW_Layer layer; layer.name = "dimensions"; dxf->writeLayer(&layer); layer.name = "text"; dxf->writeLayer(&layer); std::set usedStyles; for(DxfFileWriter::BezierPath &path : writer->paths) { for(SBezier *sb : path.beziers) { usedStyles.insert((uint32_t)sb->auxA); } } for(uint32_t v : usedStyles) { Style *s = Style::Get(hStyle{v}); layer.name = s->DescriptionString(); dxf->writeLayer(&layer); } } void writeLTypes() override { for(uint32_t i = 0; i <= (uint32_t)StipplePattern::LAST; i++) { StipplePattern st = (StipplePattern)i; DRW_LType type; // LibreCAD requires the line type to have one of these exact names, // or otherwise it overwrites it with its own (continuous) style. type.name = DxfFileWriter::lineTypeName(st); double sw = 1.0; switch(st) { case StipplePattern::CONTINUOUS: break; case StipplePattern::SHORT_DASH: type.path.push_back(sw); type.path.push_back(-sw * 2.0); break; case StipplePattern::DASH: type.path.push_back(sw); type.path.push_back(-sw); break; case StipplePattern::LONG_DASH: type.path.push_back(sw * 2.0); type.path.push_back(-sw); break; case StipplePattern::DASH_DOT: type.path.push_back(sw); type.path.push_back(-sw); type.path.push_back(0.0); type.path.push_back(-sw); break; case StipplePattern::DOT: type.path.push_back(sw); type.path.push_back(0.0); break; case StipplePattern::DASH_DOT_DOT: type.path.push_back(sw); type.path.push_back(-sw); type.path.push_back(0.0); type.path.push_back(-sw); type.path.push_back(0.0); type.path.push_back(-sw); break; case StipplePattern::FREEHAND: case StipplePattern::ZIGZAG: // Not implemented; exported as continuous. break; } dxf->writeLineType(&type); } } void writePolylines() { PolylineBuilder builder; for(DxfFileWriter::BezierPath &path : writer->paths) { for(SBezier *sb : path.beziers) { if(sb->deg != 1) continue; builder.addEdge(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[1], sb->auxA); } } bool found; bool loop = false; do { found = false; for(PolylineBuilder::Edge *e : builder.edges) { if(e->tag != 0) continue; PolylineBuilder::Vertex *start; PolylineBuilder::Vertex *next; if(!e->getStartAndNext(&start, &next, loop)) continue; found = true; e->tag = 1; DRW_LWPolyline polyline; assignEntityDefaults(&polyline, e->style); polyline.vertlist.push_back(new DRW_Vertex2D(start->pos.x, start->pos.y, 0.0)); polyline.vertlist.push_back(new DRW_Vertex2D(next->pos.x, next->pos.y, 0.0)); while(next->getNext(e->style, &next)) { polyline.vertlist.push_back(new DRW_Vertex2D(next->pos.x, next->pos.y, 0.0)); } dxf->writeLWPolyline(&polyline); } if(!found && !loop) { loop = true; found = true; } } while(found); for(PolylineBuilder::Edge *e : builder.edges) { if(e->tag != 0) continue; writeLine(e->a->pos, e->b->pos, e->style); } } void writeEntities() override { writePolylines(); for(DxfFileWriter::BezierPath &path : writer->paths) { for(SBezier *sb : path.beziers) { if(sb->deg == 1) continue; writeBezier(sb); } } if(writer->constraint) { Constraint *c; for(c = writer->constraint->First(); c; c = writer->constraint->NextAfter(c)) { if(!writer->NeedToOutput(c)) continue; switch(c->type) { case Constraint::Type::PT_PT_DISTANCE: { Vector ap = SK.GetEntity(c->ptA)->PointGetNum(); Vector bp = SK.GetEntity(c->ptB)->PointGetNum(); Vector ref = ((ap.Plus(bp)).ScaledBy(0.5)).Plus(c->disp.offset); writeAlignedDimension(xfrm(ap), xfrm(bp), xfrm(ref), xfrm(ref), c->Label(), c->GetStyle(), c->valA); break; } case Constraint::Type::PT_LINE_DISTANCE: { Vector pt = SK.GetEntity(c->ptA)->PointGetNum(); Entity *line = SK.GetEntity(c->entityA); Vector lA = SK.GetEntity(line->point[0])->PointGetNum(); Vector lB = SK.GetEntity(line->point[1])->PointGetNum(); Vector dl = lB.Minus(lA); Vector closest = pt.ClosestPointOnLine(lA, dl); if(pt.Equals(closest)) break; Vector ref = ((closest.Plus(pt)).ScaledBy(0.5)).Plus(c->disp.offset); Vector refClosest = ref.ClosestPointOnLine(lA, dl); double ddl = dl.Dot(dl); if(fabs(ddl) > LENGTH_EPS * LENGTH_EPS) { double t = refClosest.Minus(lA).Dot(dl) / ddl; if(t < 0.0) { refClosest = lA; } else if(t > 1.0) { refClosest = lB; } } Vector xdl = xfrm(lB).Minus(xfrm(lA)); writeLinearDimension(xfrm(pt), xfrm(refClosest), xfrm(ref), xfrm(ref), c->Label(), atan2(xdl.y, xdl.x) / PI * 180.0 + 90.0, 0.0, c->GetStyle(), c->valA); break; } case Constraint::Type::DIAMETER: { Entity *circle = SK.GetEntity(c->entityA); Vector center = SK.GetEntity(circle->point[0])->PointGetNum(); Quaternion q = SK.GetEntity(circle->normal)->NormalGetNum(); Vector n = q.RotationN().WithMagnitude(1); double r = circle->CircleGetRadiusNum(); Vector ref = center.Plus(c->disp.offset); // Force the label into the same plane as the circle. ref = ref.Minus(n.ScaledBy(n.Dot(ref) - n.Dot(center))); Vector rad = ref.Minus(center).WithMagnitude(r); if(/*isRadius*/c->other) { writeRadialDimension( xfrm(center), xfrm(center.Plus(rad)), xfrm(ref), c->Label(), c->GetStyle(), c->valA); } else { writeDiametricDimension( xfrm(center.Minus(rad)), xfrm(center.Plus(rad)), xfrm(ref), c->Label(), c->GetStyle(), c->valA); } break; } case Constraint::Type::ANGLE: { Entity *a = SK.GetEntity(c->entityA); Entity *b = SK.GetEntity(c->entityB); Vector a0 = a->VectorGetStartPoint(); Vector b0 = b->VectorGetStartPoint(); Vector da = a->VectorGetNum(); Vector db = b->VectorGetNum(); if(/*otherAngle*/c->other) { a0 = a0.Plus(da); da = da.ScaledBy(-1); } bool skew = false; Vector ref = c->disp.offset; Vector pi = Vector::AtIntersectionOfLines(a0, a0.Plus(da), b0, b0.Plus(db), &skew); if(!skew) ref = pi.Plus(c->disp.offset); Vector norm = da.Cross(db); Vector dna = norm.Cross(da).WithMagnitude(1.0); double thetaf = acos(da.DirectionCosineWith(db)); // Calculate median Vector m = da.WithMagnitude(1.0).ScaledBy(cos(thetaf/2)).Plus( dna.ScaledBy(sin(thetaf/2))); Vector rm = ref.Minus(pi); // Test which side we have to place an arc if(m.Dot(rm) < 0) { da = da.ScaledBy(-1); dna = dna.ScaledBy(-1); db = db.ScaledBy(-1); } Vector bisect = da.WithMagnitude(1.0).ScaledBy(cos(thetaf / 2.0)).Plus( dna.ScaledBy(sin(thetaf / 2.0))); ref = pi.Plus(bisect.WithMagnitude(c->disp.offset.Magnitude())); // Get lines agian to write exact line. a0 = a->VectorGetStartPoint(); b0 = b->VectorGetStartPoint(); da = a->VectorGetNum(); db = b->VectorGetNum(); writeAngularDimension( xfrm(a0), xfrm(a0.Plus(da)), xfrm(b0), xfrm(b0.Plus(db)), xfrm(ref), xfrm(ref), c->Label(), c->GetStyle(), c->valA); break; } case Constraint::Type::COMMENT: { Style *st = SK.style.FindById(c->GetStyle()); writeText(xfrm(c->disp.offset), c->Label(), Style::TextHeight(c->GetStyle()) / SS.GW.scale, st->textAngle, st->textOrigin, c->GetStyle()); break; } default: // Other types of constraints do not have a DXF dimension equivalent. break; } } } } int findDxfColor(const RgbaColor &src) { int best = 0; double minDist = VERY_POSITIVE; Vector srcv = Vector::From(src.redF(), src.greenF(), src.blueF()); for(int i = 1; i < 256; i++) { RgbaColor dst = RGBi(DRW::dxfColors[i][0], DRW::dxfColors[i][1], DRW::dxfColors[i][2]); Vector dstv = Vector::From(dst.redF(), dst.greenF(), dst.blueF()); double dist = srcv.Minus(dstv).Magnitude(); if(dist < minDist || best == 0) { best = i; minDist = dist; } } return best; } void assignEntityDefaults(DRW_Entity *entity, hStyle hs) { Style *s = Style::Get(hs); RgbaColor color = s->Color(hs, /*forExport=*/true); entity->color24 = color.ToPackedIntBGRA(); entity->color = findDxfColor(color); entity->layer = s->DescriptionString(); entity->lineType = DxfFileWriter::lineTypeName(s->stippleType); entity->ltypeScale = Style::StippleScaleMm(s->h); entity->setWidthMm(Style::WidthMm(hs.v)); if(s->stippleType == StipplePattern::FREEHAND) { messages.insert("freehand lines were replaced with continuous lines"); } else if(s->stippleType == StipplePattern::ZIGZAG) { messages.insert("zigzag lines were replaced with continuous lines"); } } void assignDimensionDefaults(DRW_Dimension *dimension, hStyle hs) { assignEntityDefaults(dimension, hs); dimension->layer = "dimensions"; } void writeLine(const Vector &p0, const Vector &p1, hStyle hs) { DRW_Line line; assignEntityDefaults(&line, hs); line.basePoint = toCoord(p0); line.secPoint = toCoord(p1); dxf->writeLine(&line); } void writeArc(const Vector &c, double r, double sa, double ea, hStyle hs) { DRW_Arc arc; assignEntityDefaults(&arc, hs); arc.radious = r; arc.basePoint = toCoord(c); arc.staangle = sa; arc.endangle = ea; dxf->writeArc(&arc); } void writeBezierAsPwl(SBezier *sb) { List lv = {}; sb->MakePwlInto(&lv, SS.ExportChordTolMm()); hStyle hs = { (uint32_t)sb->auxA }; DRW_LWPolyline polyline; assignEntityDefaults(&polyline, hs); for(int i = 0; i < lv.n; i++) { Vector *v = &lv.elem[i]; DRW_Vertex2D *vertex = new DRW_Vertex2D(); vertex->x = v->x; vertex->y = v->y; polyline.vertlist.push_back(vertex); } dxf->writeLWPolyline(&polyline); lv.Clear(); } void makeKnotsFor(DRW_Spline *spline) { // QCad/LibreCAD require this for some reason. if(spline->degree == 3) { spline->nknots = 8; spline->knotslist.push_back(0.0); spline->knotslist.push_back(0.0); spline->knotslist.push_back(0.0); spline->knotslist.push_back(0.0); spline->knotslist.push_back(1.0); spline->knotslist.push_back(1.0); spline->knotslist.push_back(1.0); spline->knotslist.push_back(1.0); } else if(spline->degree == 2) { spline->nknots = 6; spline->knotslist.push_back(0.0); spline->knotslist.push_back(0.0); spline->knotslist.push_back(0.0); spline->knotslist.push_back(1.0); spline->knotslist.push_back(1.0); spline->knotslist.push_back(1.0); } else ssassert(false, "Unexpected degree of spline"); } void writeSpline(SBezier *sb) { bool isRational = sb->IsRational(); hStyle hs = { (uint32_t)sb->auxA }; DRW_Spline spline; assignEntityDefaults(&spline, hs); spline.flags = (isRational) ? 0x04 : 0x08; spline.degree = sb->deg; spline.ncontrol = sb->deg + 1; makeKnotsFor(&spline); for(int i = 0; i <= sb->deg; i++) { spline.controllist.push_back(new DRW_Coord(sb->ctrl[i].x, sb->ctrl[i].y, 0.0)); if(isRational) spline.weightlist.push_back(sb->weight[i]); } dxf->writeSpline(&spline); } void writeBezier(SBezier *sb) { hStyle hs = { (uint32_t)sb->auxA }; Vector c; Vector n = Vector::From(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); double r; if(sb->deg == 1) { // Line writeLine(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[1], hs); } else if(sb->IsInPlane(n, 0) && sb->IsCircle(n, &c, &r)) { // Circle perpendicular to camera double theta0 = atan2(sb->ctrl[0].y - c.y, sb->ctrl[0].x - c.x); double theta1 = atan2(sb->ctrl[2].y - c.y, sb->ctrl[2].x - c.x); double dtheta = WRAP_SYMMETRIC(theta1 - theta0, 2.0 * PI); if(dtheta < 0.0) swap(theta0, theta1); writeArc(c, r, theta0, theta1, hs); } else if(sb->IsRational()) { // Rational bezier // We'd like to export rational beziers exactly, but the resulting DXF // files can only be read by AutoCAD; LibreCAD/QCad simply do not // implement the feature. So, export as piecewise linear for compatiblity. writeBezierAsPwl(sb); } else { // Any other curve writeSpline(sb); } } void writeAlignedDimension(Vector def1, Vector def2, Vector dimp, Vector textp, const std::string &text, hStyle hs, double actual) { DRW_DimAligned dim; assignDimensionDefaults(&dim, hs); dim.setDef1Point(toCoord(def1)); dim.setDef2Point(toCoord(def2)); dim.setDimPoint(toCoord(dimp)); dim.setTextPoint(toCoord(textp)); dim.setText(text); dim.setActualMeasurement(actual); dxf->writeDimension(&dim); } void writeLinearDimension(Vector def1, Vector def2, Vector dimp, Vector textp, const std::string &text, double angle, double oblique, hStyle hs, double actual) { DRW_DimLinear dim; assignDimensionDefaults(&dim, hs); dim.setDef1Point(toCoord(def1)); dim.setDef2Point(toCoord(def2)); dim.setDimPoint(toCoord(dimp)); dim.setTextPoint(toCoord(textp)); dim.setText(text); dim.setAngle(angle); dim.setOblique(oblique); dim.setActualMeasurement(actual); dxf->writeDimension(&dim); } void writeRadialDimension(Vector center, Vector radius, Vector textp, const std::string &text, hStyle hs, double actual) { DRW_DimRadial dim; assignDimensionDefaults(&dim, hs); dim.setCenterPoint(toCoord(center)); dim.setDiameterPoint(toCoord(radius)); dim.setTextPoint(toCoord(textp)); dim.setText(text); dim.setActualMeasurement(actual); dxf->writeDimension(&dim); } void writeDiametricDimension(Vector def1, Vector def2, Vector textp, const std::string &text, hStyle hs, double actual) { DRW_DimDiametric dim; assignDimensionDefaults(&dim, hs); dim.setDiameter1Point(toCoord(def1)); dim.setDiameter2Point(toCoord(def2)); dim.setTextPoint(toCoord(textp)); dim.setText(text); dim.setActualMeasurement(actual); dxf->writeDimension(&dim); } void writeAngularDimension(Vector fl1, Vector fl2, Vector sl1, Vector sl2, Vector dimp, Vector textp, const std::string &text, hStyle hs, double actual) { DRW_DimAngular dim; assignDimensionDefaults(&dim, hs); dim.setFirstLine1(toCoord(fl1)); dim.setFirstLine2(toCoord(fl2)); dim.setSecondLine1(toCoord(sl1)); dim.setSecondLine2(toCoord(sl2)); dim.setDimPoint(toCoord(dimp)); dim.setTextPoint(toCoord(textp)); dim.setText(text); dim.setActualMeasurement(actual * PI / 180.0); dxf->writeDimension(&dim); } void writeText(Vector textp, const std::string &text, double height, double angle, Style::TextOrigin origin, hStyle hs) { DRW_Text txt; assignEntityDefaults(&txt, hs); txt.layer = "text"; txt.style = "unicode"; txt.basePoint = toCoord(textp); txt.secPoint = txt.basePoint; txt.text = text; txt.height = height; txt.angle = angle; txt.alignH = DRW_Text::HCenter; if((uint32_t)origin & (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::LEFT) { txt.alignH = DRW_Text::HLeft; } else if((uint32_t)origin & (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::RIGHT) { txt.alignH = DRW_Text::HRight; } txt.alignV = DRW_Text::VMiddle; if((uint32_t)origin & (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::TOP) { txt.alignV = DRW_Text::VTop; } else if((uint32_t)origin & (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::BOT) { txt.alignV = DRW_Text::VBaseLine; } dxf->writeText(&txt); } }; bool DxfFileWriter::OutputConstraints(IdList *constraint) { this->constraint = constraint; return true; } void DxfFileWriter::StartFile() { paths.clear(); } void DxfFileWriter::StartPath(RgbaColor strokeRgb, double lineWidth, bool filled, RgbaColor fillRgb, hStyle hs) { BezierPath path = {}; paths.push_back(path); } void DxfFileWriter::FinishPath(RgbaColor strokeRgb, double lineWidth, bool filled, RgbaColor fillRgb, hStyle hs) { } void DxfFileWriter::Triangle(STriangle *tr) { } void DxfFileWriter::Bezier(SBezier *sb) { paths.back().beziers.push_back(sb); } void DxfFileWriter::FinishAndCloseFile() { dxfRW dxf; DxfWriteInterface interface = {}; interface.writer = this; interface.dxf = &dxf; std::stringstream stream; dxf.write(stream, &interface, DRW::AC1021, /*bin=*/false); paths.clear(); constraint = NULL; if(!WriteFile(filename, stream.str())) { Error("Couldn't write to '%s'", filename.c_str()); return; } if(!interface.messages.empty()) { std::string text = "Some aspects of the drawing have no DXF equivalent and " "were not exported:\n"; for(const std::string &message : interface.messages) { text += " * " + message + "\n"; } Message(text.c_str()); } } bool DxfFileWriter::NeedToOutput(Constraint *c) { switch(c->type) { case Constraint::Type::PT_PT_DISTANCE: case Constraint::Type::PT_LINE_DISTANCE: case Constraint::Type::DIAMETER: case Constraint::Type::ANGLE: case Constraint::Type::COMMENT: return c->IsVisible(); default: // See writeEntities(). break; } return false; } const char *DxfFileWriter::lineTypeName(StipplePattern stippleType) { switch(stippleType) { case StipplePattern::CONTINUOUS: return "CONTINUOUS"; case StipplePattern::SHORT_DASH: return "DASHED"; case StipplePattern::DASH: return "DASHED"; case StipplePattern::LONG_DASH: return "DASHEDX2"; case StipplePattern::DASH_DOT: return "DASHDOT"; case StipplePattern::DASH_DOT_DOT: return "DIVIDE"; case StipplePattern::DOT: return "DOT"; case StipplePattern::FREEHAND: case StipplePattern::ZIGZAG: /* no corresponding DXF line type */ return "CONTINUOUS"; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines for EPS output //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static std::string MakeStipplePattern(StipplePattern pattern, double scale, char delimiter, bool inkscapeWorkaround = false) { scale /= 2.0; // Inkscape ignores all elements that are exactly zero instead of drawing // them as dots. double zero = inkscapeWorkaround ? 1e-6 : 0; std::string result; switch(pattern) { case StipplePattern::CONTINUOUS: return ""; case StipplePattern::SHORT_DASH: result = ssprintf("%.3f_%.3f", scale, scale * 2.0); break; case StipplePattern::DASH: result = ssprintf("%.3f_%.3f", scale, scale); break; case StipplePattern::DASH_DOT: result = ssprintf("%.3f_%.3f_%.6f_%.3f", scale, scale * 0.5, zero, scale * 0.5); break; case StipplePattern::DASH_DOT_DOT: result = ssprintf("%.3f_%.3f_%.6f_%.3f_%.6f_%.3f", scale, scale * 0.5, zero, scale * 0.5, scale * 0.5, zero); break; case StipplePattern::DOT: result = ssprintf("%.6f_%.3f", zero, scale * 0.5); break; case StipplePattern::LONG_DASH: result = ssprintf("%.3f_%.3f", scale * 2.0, scale * 0.5); break; case StipplePattern::FREEHAND: case StipplePattern::ZIGZAG: ssassert(false, "Freehand and zigzag export not implemented"); } std::replace(result.begin(), result.end(), '_', delimiter); return result; } void EpsFileWriter::StartFile() { fprintf(f, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0\r\n" "%%%%Creator: SolveSpace\r\n" "%%%%Title: title\r\n" "%%%%Pages: 0\r\n" "%%%%PageOrder: Ascend\r\n" "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\r\n" "%%%%HiResBoundingBox: 0 0 %.3f %.3f\r\n" "%%%%EndComments\r\n" "\r\n" "gsave\r\n" "\r\n", (int)ceil(MmToPts(ptMax.x - ptMin.x)), (int)ceil(MmToPts(ptMax.y - ptMin.y)), MmToPts(ptMax.x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(ptMax.y - ptMin.y)); } void EpsFileWriter::StartPath(RgbaColor strokeRgb, double lineWidth, bool filled, RgbaColor fillRgb, hStyle hs) { fprintf(f, "newpath\r\n"); prevPt = Vector::From(VERY_POSITIVE, VERY_POSITIVE, VERY_POSITIVE); } void EpsFileWriter::FinishPath(RgbaColor strokeRgb, double lineWidth, bool filled, RgbaColor fillRgb, hStyle hs) { StipplePattern pattern = Style::PatternType(hs); double stippleScale = MmToPts(Style::StippleScaleMm(hs)); fprintf(f, " %.3f setlinewidth\r\n" " %.3f %.3f %.3f setrgbcolor\r\n" " 1 setlinejoin\r\n" // rounded " 1 setlinecap\r\n" // rounded " [%s] 0 setdash\r\n" " gsave stroke grestore\r\n", MmToPts(lineWidth), strokeRgb.redF(), strokeRgb.greenF(), strokeRgb.blueF(), MakeStipplePattern(pattern, stippleScale, ' ').c_str()); if(filled) { fprintf(f, " %.3f %.3f %.3f setrgbcolor\r\n" " gsave fill grestore\r\n", fillRgb.redF(), fillRgb.greenF(), fillRgb.blueF()); } } void EpsFileWriter::MaybeMoveTo(Vector st, Vector fi) { if(!prevPt.Equals(st)) { fprintf(f, " %.3f %.3f moveto\r\n", MmToPts(st.x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(st.y - ptMin.y)); } prevPt = fi; } void EpsFileWriter::Triangle(STriangle *tr) { fprintf(f, "%.3f %.3f %.3f setrgbcolor\r\n" "newpath\r\n" " %.3f %.3f moveto\r\n" " %.3f %.3f lineto\r\n" " %.3f %.3f lineto\r\n" " closepath\r\n" "gsave fill grestore\r\n", tr->meta.color.redF(), tr->meta.color.greenF(), tr->meta.color.blueF(), MmToPts(tr->a.x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(tr->a.y - ptMin.y), MmToPts(tr->b.x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(tr->b.y - ptMin.y), MmToPts(tr->c.x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(tr->c.y - ptMin.y)); // same issue with cracks, stroke it to avoid them double sw = max(ptMax.x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - ptMin.y) / 1000; fprintf(f, "1 setlinejoin\r\n" "1 setlinecap\r\n" "%.3f setlinewidth\r\n" "gsave stroke grestore\r\n", MmToPts(sw)); } void EpsFileWriter::Bezier(SBezier *sb) { Vector c, n = Vector::From(0, 0, 1); double r; if(sb->deg == 1) { MaybeMoveTo(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[1]); fprintf(f, " %.3f %.3f lineto\r\n", MmToPts(sb->ctrl[1].x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[1].y - ptMin.y)); } else if(sb->IsCircle(n, &c, &r)) { Vector p0 = sb->ctrl[0], p1 = sb->ctrl[2]; double theta0 = atan2(p0.y - c.y, p0.x - c.x), theta1 = atan2(p1.y - c.y, p1.x - c.x), dtheta = WRAP_SYMMETRIC(theta1 - theta0, 2*PI); MaybeMoveTo(p0, p1); fprintf(f, " %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %s\r\n", MmToPts(c.x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(c.y - ptMin.y), MmToPts(r), theta0*180/PI, theta1*180/PI, dtheta < 0 ? "arcn" : "arc"); } else if(sb->deg == 3 && !sb->IsRational()) { MaybeMoveTo(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[3]); fprintf(f, " %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f curveto\r\n", MmToPts(sb->ctrl[1].x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[1].y - ptMin.y), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[2].x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[2].y - ptMin.y), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[3].x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[3].y - ptMin.y)); } else { BezierAsNonrationalCubic(sb); } } void EpsFileWriter::FinishAndCloseFile() { fprintf(f, "\r\n" "grestore\r\n" "\r\n"); fclose(f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines for PDF output, some extra complexity because we have to generate // a correct xref table. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PdfFileWriter::StartFile() { if((ptMax.x - ptMin.x) > 200*25.4 || (ptMax.y - ptMin.y) > 200*25.4) { Message("PDF page size exceeds 200 by 200 inches; many viewers may " "reject this file."); } fprintf(f, "%%PDF-1.1\r\n" "%%%c%c%c%c\r\n", 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xcf, 0xd3); xref[1] = (uint32_t)ftell(f); fprintf(f, "1 0 obj\r\n" " << /Type /Catalog\r\n" " /Outlines 2 0 R\r\n" " /Pages 3 0 R\r\n" " >>\r\n" "endobj\r\n"); xref[2] = (uint32_t)ftell(f); fprintf(f, "2 0 obj\r\n" " << /Type /Outlines\r\n" " /Count 0\r\n" " >>\r\n" "endobj\r\n"); xref[3] = (uint32_t)ftell(f); fprintf(f, "3 0 obj\r\n" " << /Type /Pages\r\n" " /Kids [4 0 R]\r\n" " /Count 1\r\n" " >>\r\n" "endobj\r\n"); xref[4] = (uint32_t)ftell(f); fprintf(f, "4 0 obj\r\n" " << /Type /Page\r\n" " /Parent 3 0 R\r\n" " /MediaBox [0 0 %.3f %.3f]\r\n" " /Contents 5 0 R\r\n" " /Resources << /ProcSet 7 0 R\r\n" " /Font << /F1 8 0 R >>\r\n" " >>\r\n" " >>\r\n" "endobj\r\n", MmToPts(ptMax.x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(ptMax.y - ptMin.y)); xref[5] = (uint32_t)ftell(f); fprintf(f, "5 0 obj\r\n" " << /Length 6 0 R >>\r\n" "stream\r\n"); bodyStart = (uint32_t)ftell(f); } void PdfFileWriter::FinishAndCloseFile() { uint32_t bodyEnd = (uint32_t)ftell(f); fprintf(f, "endstream\r\n" "endobj\r\n"); xref[6] = (uint32_t)ftell(f); fprintf(f, "6 0 obj\r\n" " %d\r\n" "endobj\r\n", bodyEnd - bodyStart); xref[7] = (uint32_t)ftell(f); fprintf(f, "7 0 obj\r\n" " [/PDF /Text]\r\n" "endobj\r\n"); xref[8] = (uint32_t)ftell(f); fprintf(f, "8 0 obj\r\n" " << /Type /Font\r\n" " /Subtype /Type1\r\n" " /Name /F1\r\n" " /BaseFont /Helvetica\r\n" " /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding\r\n" " >>\r\n" "endobj\r\n"); xref[9] = (uint32_t)ftell(f); fprintf(f, "9 0 obj\r\n" " << /Creator (SolveSpace)\r\n" " >>\r\n"); uint32_t xrefStart = (uint32_t)ftell(f); fprintf(f, "xref\r\n" "0 10\r\n" "0000000000 65535 f\r\n"); int i; for(i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { fprintf(f, "%010d %05d n\r\n", xref[i], 0); } fprintf(f, "\r\n" "trailer\r\n" " << /Size 10\r\n" " /Root 1 0 R\r\n" " /Info 9 0 R\r\n" " >>\r\n" "startxref\r\n" "%d\r\n" "%%%%EOF\r\n", xrefStart); fclose(f); } void PdfFileWriter::StartPath(RgbaColor strokeRgb, double lineWidth, bool filled, RgbaColor fillRgb, hStyle hs) { StipplePattern pattern = Style::PatternType(hs); double stippleScale = MmToPts(Style::StippleScaleMm(hs)); fprintf(f, "1 J 1 j " // round endcaps and joins "%.3f w [%s] 0 d " "%.3f %.3f %.3f RG\r\n", MmToPts(lineWidth), MakeStipplePattern(pattern, stippleScale, ' ').c_str(), strokeRgb.redF(), strokeRgb.greenF(), strokeRgb.blueF()); if(filled) { fprintf(f, "%.3f %.3f %.3f rg\r\n", fillRgb.redF(), fillRgb.greenF(), fillRgb.blueF()); } prevPt = Vector::From(VERY_POSITIVE, VERY_POSITIVE, VERY_POSITIVE); } void PdfFileWriter::FinishPath(RgbaColor strokeRgb, double lineWidth, bool filled, RgbaColor fillRgb, hStyle hs) { if(filled) { fprintf(f, "b\r\n"); } else { fprintf(f, "S\r\n"); } } void PdfFileWriter::MaybeMoveTo(Vector st, Vector fi) { if(!prevPt.Equals(st)) { fprintf(f, "%.3f %.3f m\r\n", MmToPts(st.x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(st.y - ptMin.y)); } prevPt = fi; } void PdfFileWriter::Triangle(STriangle *tr) { double sw = max(ptMax.x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - ptMin.y) / 1000; fprintf(f, "1 J 1 j\r\n" "%.3f %.3f %.3f RG\r\n" "%.3f %.3f %.3f rg\r\n" "%.3f w\r\n" "%.3f %.3f m\r\n" "%.3f %.3f l\r\n" "%.3f %.3f l\r\n" "b\r\n", tr->meta.color.redF(), tr->meta.color.greenF(), tr->meta.color.blueF(), tr->meta.color.redF(), tr->meta.color.greenF(), tr->meta.color.blueF(), MmToPts(sw), MmToPts(tr->a.x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(tr->a.y - ptMin.y), MmToPts(tr->b.x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(tr->b.y - ptMin.y), MmToPts(tr->c.x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(tr->c.y - ptMin.y)); } void PdfFileWriter::Bezier(SBezier *sb) { if(sb->deg == 1) { MaybeMoveTo(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[1]); fprintf(f, "%.3f %.3f l\r\n", MmToPts(sb->ctrl[1].x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[1].y - ptMin.y)); } else if(sb->deg == 3 && !sb->IsRational()) { MaybeMoveTo(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[3]); fprintf(f, "%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f c\r\n", MmToPts(sb->ctrl[1].x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[1].y - ptMin.y), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[2].x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[2].y - ptMin.y), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[3].x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[3].y - ptMin.y)); } else { BezierAsNonrationalCubic(sb); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines for SVG output //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvgFileWriter::StartFile() { fprintf(f, "\r\n" "\r\n" "\r\n" "Exported SVG\r\n" "\r\n", (ptMax.x - ptMin.x), (ptMax.y - ptMin.y), (ptMax.x - ptMin.x), (ptMax.y - ptMin.y)); fprintf(f, "\r\n"); } void SvgFileWriter::StartPath(RgbaColor strokeRgb, double lineWidth, bool filled, RgbaColor fillRgb, hStyle hs) { fprintf(f, "\r\n", cls.c_str(), fill.c_str()); } void SvgFileWriter::MaybeMoveTo(Vector st, Vector fi) { // SVG uses a coordinate system with the origin at top left, +y down if(!prevPt.Equals(st)) { fprintf(f, "M%.3f %.3f ", (st.x - ptMin.x), (ptMax.y - st.y)); } prevPt = fi; } void SvgFileWriter::Triangle(STriangle *tr) { fprintf(f, "\r\n", (tr->a.x - ptMin.x), (ptMax.y - tr->a.y), (tr->b.x - ptMin.x), (ptMax.y - tr->b.y), (tr->c.x - ptMin.x), (ptMax.y - tr->c.y), tr->meta.color.red, tr->meta.color.green, tr->meta.color.blue, tr->meta.color.red, tr->meta.color.green, tr->meta.color.blue); } void SvgFileWriter::Bezier(SBezier *sb) { Vector c, n = Vector::From(0, 0, 1); double r; if(sb->deg == 1) { MaybeMoveTo(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[1]); fprintf(f, "L%.3f,%.3f ", (sb->ctrl[1].x - ptMin.x), (ptMax.y - sb->ctrl[1].y)); } else if(sb->IsCircle(n, &c, &r)) { Vector p0 = sb->ctrl[0], p1 = sb->ctrl[2]; double theta0 = atan2(p0.y - c.y, p0.x - c.x), theta1 = atan2(p1.y - c.y, p1.x - c.x), dtheta = WRAP_SYMMETRIC(theta1 - theta0, 2*PI); // The arc must be less than 180 degrees, or else it couldn't have // been represented as a single rational Bezier. So large-arc-flag // must be false. sweep-flag is determined by the sign of dtheta. // Note that clockwise and counter-clockwise are backwards in SVG's // mirrored csys. MaybeMoveTo(p0, p1); fprintf(f, "A%.3f,%.3f 0 0,%d %.3f,%.3f ", r, r, (dtheta < 0) ? 1 : 0, p1.x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - p1.y); } else if(!sb->IsRational()) { if(sb->deg == 2) { MaybeMoveTo(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[2]); fprintf(f, "Q%.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f ", sb->ctrl[1].x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - sb->ctrl[1].y, sb->ctrl[2].x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - sb->ctrl[2].y); } else if(sb->deg == 3) { MaybeMoveTo(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[3]); fprintf(f, "C%.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f ", sb->ctrl[1].x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - sb->ctrl[1].y, sb->ctrl[2].x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - sb->ctrl[2].y, sb->ctrl[3].x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - sb->ctrl[3].y); } } else { BezierAsNonrationalCubic(sb); } } void SvgFileWriter::FinishAndCloseFile() { fprintf(f, "\r\n\r\n"); fclose(f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines for HPGL output //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- double HpglFileWriter::MmToHpglUnits(double mm) { return mm*40; } void HpglFileWriter::StartFile() { fprintf(f, "IN;\r\n"); fprintf(f, "SP1;\r\n"); } void HpglFileWriter::StartPath(RgbaColor strokeRgb, double lineWidth, bool filled, RgbaColor fillRgb, hStyle hs) { } void HpglFileWriter::FinishPath(RgbaColor strokeRgb, double lineWidth, bool filled, RgbaColor fillRgb, hStyle hs) { } void HpglFileWriter::Triangle(STriangle *tr) { } void HpglFileWriter::Bezier(SBezier *sb) { if(sb->deg == 1) { fprintf(f, "PU%d,%d;\r\n", (int)MmToHpglUnits(sb->ctrl[0].x), (int)MmToHpglUnits(sb->ctrl[0].y)); fprintf(f, "PD%d,%d;\r\n", (int)MmToHpglUnits(sb->ctrl[1].x), (int)MmToHpglUnits(sb->ctrl[1].y)); } else { BezierAsPwl(sb); } } void HpglFileWriter::FinishAndCloseFile() { fclose(f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines for G Code output. Slightly complicated by our ability to generate // multiple passes, and to specify the feeds and depth; those parameters get // set in the configuration screen. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GCodeFileWriter::StartFile() { sel = {}; } void GCodeFileWriter::StartPath(RgbaColor strokeRgb, double lineWidth, bool filled, RgbaColor fillRgb, hStyle hs) { } void GCodeFileWriter::FinishPath(RgbaColor strokeRgb, double lineWidth, bool filled, RgbaColor fillRgb, hStyle hs) { } void GCodeFileWriter::Triangle(STriangle *tr) { } void GCodeFileWriter::Bezier(SBezier *sb) { if(sb->deg == 1) { sel.AddEdge(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[1]); } else { BezierAsPwl(sb); } } void GCodeFileWriter::FinishAndCloseFile() { SPolygon sp = {}; sel.AssemblePolygon(&sp, NULL); int i; for(i = 0; i < SS.gCode.passes; i++) { double depth = (SS.gCode.depth / SS.gCode.passes)*(i+1); SContour *sc; for(sc = sp.l.First(); sc; sc = sp.l.NextAfter(sc)) { if(sc->l.n < 2) continue; SPoint *pt = sc->l.First(); fprintf(f, "G00 X%s Y%s\r\n", SS.MmToString(pt->p.x).c_str(), SS.MmToString(pt->p.y).c_str()); fprintf(f, "G01 Z%s F%s\r\n", SS.MmToString(depth).c_str(), SS.MmToString(SS.gCode.plungeFeed).c_str()); pt = sc->l.NextAfter(pt); for(; pt; pt = sc->l.NextAfter(pt)) { fprintf(f, "G01 X%s Y%s F%s\r\n", SS.MmToString(pt->p.x).c_str(), SS.MmToString(pt->p.y).c_str(), SS.MmToString(SS.gCode.feed).c_str()); } // Move up to a clearance plane 5mm above the work. fprintf(f, "G00 Z%s\r\n", SS.MmToString(SS.gCode.depth < 0 ? +5 : -5).c_str()); } } sp.Clear(); sel.Clear(); fclose(f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routine for STEP output; just a wrapper around the general STEP stuff that // can also be used for surfaces or 3d curves. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Step2dFileWriter::StartFile() { sfw = {}; sfw.f = f; sfw.WriteHeader(); } void Step2dFileWriter::Triangle(STriangle *tr) { } void Step2dFileWriter::StartPath(RgbaColor strokeRgb, double lineWidth, bool filled, RgbaColor fillRgb, hStyle hs) { } void Step2dFileWriter::FinishPath(RgbaColor strokeRgb, double lineWidth, bool filled, RgbaColor fillRgb, hStyle hs) { } void Step2dFileWriter::Bezier(SBezier *sb) { int c = sfw.ExportCurve(sb); sfw.curves.Add(&c); } void Step2dFileWriter::FinishAndCloseFile() { sfw.WriteWireframe(); sfw.WriteFooter(); fclose(f); }