//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The clipboard that gets manipulated when the user selects Edit -> Cut, // Copy, Paste, etc.; may contain entities only, not constraints. // // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "solvespace.h" void SolveSpaceUI::Clipboard::Clear() { c.Clear(); r.Clear(); } bool SolveSpaceUI::Clipboard::ContainsEntity(hEntity he) { if(he.v == Entity::NO_ENTITY.v) return true; ClipboardRequest *cr; for(cr = r.First(); cr; cr = r.NextAfter(cr)) { if(cr->oldEnt.v == he.v) return true; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_POINTS_IN_ENTITY; i++) { if(cr->oldPointEnt[i].v == he.v) return true; } } return false; } hEntity SolveSpaceUI::Clipboard::NewEntityFor(hEntity he) { if(he.v == Entity::NO_ENTITY.v) return Entity::NO_ENTITY; ClipboardRequest *cr; for(cr = r.First(); cr; cr = r.NextAfter(cr)) { if(cr->oldEnt.v == he.v) return cr->newReq.entity(0); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_POINTS_IN_ENTITY; i++) { if(cr->oldPointEnt[i].v == he.v) return cr->newReq.entity(1+i); } } ssassert(false, "Expected to find entity in some clipboard request"); } void GraphicsWindow::DeleteSelection() { SK.request.ClearTags(); SK.constraint.ClearTags(); List *ls = &(selection); for(Selection *s = ls->First(); s; s = ls->NextAfter(s)) { hRequest r = { 0 }; if(s->entity.v && s->entity.isFromRequest()) { r = s->entity.request(); } if(r.v && !r.IsFromReferences()) { SK.request.Tag(r, 1); } if(s->constraint.v) { SK.constraint.Tag(s->constraint, 1); } } SK.constraint.RemoveTagged(); // Note that this regenerates and clears the selection, to avoid // lingering references to the just-deleted items. DeleteTaggedRequests(); } void GraphicsWindow::CopySelection() { SS.clipboard.Clear(); Entity *wrkpl = SK.GetEntity(ActiveWorkplane()); Entity *wrkpln = SK.GetEntity(wrkpl->normal); Vector u = wrkpln->NormalU(), v = wrkpln->NormalV(), n = wrkpln->NormalN(), p = SK.GetEntity(wrkpl->point[0])->PointGetNum(); List *ls = &(selection); for(Selection *s = ls->First(); s; s = ls->NextAfter(s)) { if(!s->entity.v) continue; // Work only on entities that have requests that will generate them. Entity *e = SK.GetEntity(s->entity); bool hasDistance; int req, pts; if(!EntReqTable::GetEntityInfo(e->type, e->extraPoints, &req, &pts, NULL, &hasDistance)) { continue; } if(req == Request::WORKPLANE) continue; ClipboardRequest cr = {}; cr.type = req; cr.extraPoints = e->extraPoints; cr.style = e->style; cr.str = e->str; cr.font = e->font; cr.construction = e->construction; {for(int i = 0; i < pts; i++) { Vector pt = SK.GetEntity(e->point[i])->PointGetNum(); pt = pt.Minus(p); pt = pt.DotInToCsys(u, v, n); cr.point[i] = pt; }} if(hasDistance) { cr.distance = SK.GetEntity(e->distance)->DistanceGetNum(); } cr.oldEnt = e->h; for(int i = 0; i < pts; i++) { cr.oldPointEnt[i] = e->point[i]; } SS.clipboard.r.Add(&cr); } Constraint *c; for(c = SK.constraint.First(); c; c = SK.constraint.NextAfter(c)) { if(!SS.clipboard.ContainsEntity(c->ptA) || !SS.clipboard.ContainsEntity(c->ptB) || !SS.clipboard.ContainsEntity(c->entityA) || !SS.clipboard.ContainsEntity(c->entityB) || !SS.clipboard.ContainsEntity(c->entityC) || !SS.clipboard.ContainsEntity(c->entityD)) { continue; } SS.clipboard.c.Add(c); } } void GraphicsWindow::PasteClipboard(Vector trans, double theta, double scale) { Entity *wrkpl = SK.GetEntity(ActiveWorkplane()); Entity *wrkpln = SK.GetEntity(wrkpl->normal); Vector u = wrkpln->NormalU(), v = wrkpln->NormalV(), n = wrkpln->NormalN(), p = SK.GetEntity(wrkpl->point[0])->PointGetNum(); ClipboardRequest *cr; for(cr = SS.clipboard.r.First(); cr; cr = SS.clipboard.r.NextAfter(cr)) { hRequest hr = AddRequest(cr->type, false); Request *r = SK.GetRequest(hr); r->extraPoints = cr->extraPoints; r->style = cr->style; r->str = cr->str; r->font = cr->font; r->construction = cr->construction; // Need to regen to get the right number of points, if extraPoints // changed. SS.GenerateAll(SolveSpaceUI::GENERATE_REGEN); SS.MarkGroupDirty(r->group); bool hasDistance; int i, pts; EntReqTable::GetRequestInfo(r->type, r->extraPoints, NULL, &pts, NULL, &hasDistance); for(i = 0; i < pts; i++) { Vector pt = cr->point[i]; // We need the reflection to occur within the workplane; it may // otherwise correspond to just a rotation as projected. if(scale < 0) { pt.x *= -1; } // Likewise the scale, which could otherwise take us out of the // workplane. pt = pt.ScaledBy(fabs(scale)); pt = pt.ScaleOutOfCsys(u, v, Vector::From(0, 0, 0)); pt = pt.Plus(p); pt = pt.RotatedAbout(n, theta); pt = pt.Plus(trans); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(i+1))->PointForceTo(pt); } if(hasDistance) { SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(64))->DistanceForceTo( cr->distance*fabs(scale)); } cr->newReq = hr; MakeSelected(hr.entity(0)); for(i = 0; i < pts; i++) { MakeSelected(hr.entity(i+1)); } } Constraint *cc; for(cc = SS.clipboard.c.First(); cc; cc = SS.clipboard.c.NextAfter(cc)) { Constraint c = {}; c.group = SS.GW.activeGroup; c.workplane = SS.GW.ActiveWorkplane(); c.type = cc->type; c.valA = cc->valA; c.ptA = SS.clipboard.NewEntityFor(cc->ptA); c.ptB = SS.clipboard.NewEntityFor(cc->ptB); c.entityA = SS.clipboard.NewEntityFor(cc->entityA); c.entityB = SS.clipboard.NewEntityFor(cc->entityB); c.entityC = SS.clipboard.NewEntityFor(cc->entityC); c.entityD = SS.clipboard.NewEntityFor(cc->entityD); c.other = cc->other; c.other2 = cc->other2; c.reference = cc->reference; c.disp = cc->disp; Constraint::AddConstraint(&c, /*rememberForUndo=*/false); } SS.ScheduleGenerateAll(); } void GraphicsWindow::MenuClipboard(int id) { if(id != MNU_DELETE && !SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()) { Error("Cut, paste, and copy work only in a workplane.\n\n" "Select one with Sketch -> In Workplane."); return; } switch(id) { case MNU_PASTE: { SS.UndoRemember(); Vector trans = SS.GW.projRight.ScaledBy(80/SS.GW.scale).Plus( SS.GW.projUp .ScaledBy(40/SS.GW.scale)); SS.GW.ClearSelection(); SS.GW.PasteClipboard(trans, 0, 1); break; } case MNU_PASTE_TRANSFORM: { if(SS.clipboard.r.n == 0) { Error("Clipboard is empty; nothing to paste."); break; } Entity *wrkpl = SK.GetEntity(SS.GW.ActiveWorkplane()); Vector p = SK.GetEntity(wrkpl->point[0])->PointGetNum(); SS.TW.shown.paste.times = 1; SS.TW.shown.paste.trans = Vector::From(0, 0, 0); SS.TW.shown.paste.theta = 0; SS.TW.shown.paste.origin = p; SS.TW.shown.paste.scale = 1; SS.TW.GoToScreen(TextWindow::SCREEN_PASTE_TRANSFORMED); SS.GW.ForceTextWindowShown(); SS.ScheduleShowTW(); break; } case MNU_COPY: SS.GW.CopySelection(); SS.GW.ClearSelection(); break; case MNU_CUT: SS.UndoRemember(); SS.GW.CopySelection(); SS.GW.DeleteSelection(); break; case MNU_DELETE: SS.UndoRemember(); SS.GW.DeleteSelection(); break; default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected menu ID"); } } bool TextWindow::EditControlDoneForPaste(const char *s) { Expr *e; switch(edit.meaning) { case EDIT_PASTE_TIMES_REPEATED: { e = Expr::From(s, true); if(!e) break; int v = (int)e->Eval(); if(v > 0) { shown.paste.times = v; } else { Error("Number of copies to paste must be at least one."); } break; } case EDIT_PASTE_ANGLE: e = Expr::From(s, true); if(!e) break; shown.paste.theta = WRAP_SYMMETRIC((e->Eval())*PI/180, 2*PI); break; case EDIT_PASTE_SCALE: { e = Expr::From(s, true); double v = e->Eval(); if(fabs(v) > 1e-6) { shown.paste.scale = v; } else { Error("Scale cannot be zero."); } break; } default: return false; } return true; } void TextWindow::ScreenChangePasteTransformed(int link, uint32_t v) { switch(link) { case 't': SS.TW.ShowEditControl(13, ssprintf("%d", SS.TW.shown.paste.times)); SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_PASTE_TIMES_REPEATED; break; case 'r': SS.TW.ShowEditControl(13, ssprintf("%.3f", SS.TW.shown.paste.theta*180/PI)); SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_PASTE_ANGLE; break; case 's': SS.TW.ShowEditControl(13, ssprintf("%.3f", SS.TW.shown.paste.scale)); SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_PASTE_SCALE; break; } } void TextWindow::ScreenPasteTransformed(int link, uint32_t v) { SS.GW.GroupSelection(); switch(link) { case 'o': if(SS.GW.gs.points == 1 && SS.GW.gs.n == 1) { Entity *e = SK.GetEntity(SS.GW.gs.point[0]); SS.TW.shown.paste.origin = e->PointGetNum(); } else { Error("Select one point to define origin of rotation."); } SS.GW.ClearSelection(); break; case 't': if(SS.GW.gs.points == 2 && SS.GW.gs.n == 2) { Entity *pa = SK.GetEntity(SS.GW.gs.point[0]), *pb = SK.GetEntity(SS.GW.gs.point[1]); SS.TW.shown.paste.trans = (pb->PointGetNum()).Minus(pa->PointGetNum()); } else { Error("Select two points to define translation vector."); } SS.GW.ClearSelection(); break; case 'g': { if(fabs(SS.TW.shown.paste.theta) < LENGTH_EPS && SS.TW.shown.paste.trans.Magnitude() < LENGTH_EPS && SS.TW.shown.paste.times != 1) { Message("Transformation is identity. So all copies will be " "exactly on top of each other."); } if(SS.TW.shown.paste.times*SS.clipboard.r.n > 100) { Error("Too many items to paste; split this into smaller " "pastes."); break; } if(!SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()) { Error("No workplane active."); break; } Entity *wrkpl = SK.GetEntity(SS.GW.ActiveWorkplane()); Entity *wrkpln = SK.GetEntity(wrkpl->normal); Vector wn = wrkpln->NormalN(); SS.UndoRemember(); SS.GW.ClearSelection(); for(int i = 0; i < SS.TW.shown.paste.times; i++) { Vector trans = SS.TW.shown.paste.trans.ScaledBy(i+1), origin = SS.TW.shown.paste.origin; double theta = SS.TW.shown.paste.theta*(i+1); // desired transformation is Q*(p - o) + o + t = // Q*p - Q*o + o + t = Q*p + (t + o - Q*o) Vector t = trans.Plus( origin).Minus( origin.RotatedAbout(wn, theta)); SS.GW.PasteClipboard(t, theta, SS.TW.shown.paste.scale); } SS.TW.GoToScreen(SCREEN_LIST_OF_GROUPS); SS.ScheduleShowTW(); break; } } } void TextWindow::ShowPasteTransformed() { Printf(true, "%FtPASTE TRANSFORMED%E"); Printf(true, "%Ba %Ftrepeat%E %d time%s %Fl%Lt%f[change]%E", shown.paste.times, (shown.paste.times == 1) ? "" : "s", &ScreenChangePasteTransformed); Printf(false, "%Bd %Ftrotate%E %@ degrees %Fl%Lr%f[change]%E", shown.paste.theta*180/PI, &ScreenChangePasteTransformed); Printf(false, "%Ba %Ftabout pt%E (%s, %s, %s) %Fl%Lo%f[use selected]%E", SS.MmToString(shown.paste.origin.x).c_str(), SS.MmToString(shown.paste.origin.y).c_str(), SS.MmToString(shown.paste.origin.z).c_str(), &ScreenPasteTransformed); Printf(false, "%Bd %Fttranslate%E (%s, %s, %s) %Fl%Lt%f[use selected]%E", SS.MmToString(shown.paste.trans.x).c_str(), SS.MmToString(shown.paste.trans.y).c_str(), SS.MmToString(shown.paste.trans.z).c_str(), &ScreenPasteTransformed); Printf(false, "%Ba %Ftscale%E %@ %Fl%Ls%f[change]%E", shown.paste.scale, &ScreenChangePasteTransformed); Printf(true, " %Fl%Lg%fpaste transformed now%E", &ScreenPasteTransformed); Printf(true, "(or %Fl%Ll%fcancel operation%E)", &ScreenHome); }