#include "solvespace.h" #include const TextWindow::Color TextWindow::fgColors[] = { { 'd', RGB(255, 255, 255) }, { 'l', RGB(100, 100, 255) }, { 't', RGB(255, 200, 0) }, { 'h', RGB( 90, 90, 90) }, { 's', RGB( 40, 255, 40) }, { 'm', RGB(200, 200, 0) }, { 'r', RGB( 0, 0, 0) }, { 'x', RGB(255, 20, 20) }, { 'i', RGB( 0, 255, 255) }, { 'g', RGB(160, 160, 160) }, { 0, 0 }, }; const TextWindow::Color TextWindow::bgColors[] = { { 'd', RGB( 0, 0, 0) }, { 't', RGB( 34, 15, 15) }, { 'a', RGB( 20, 20, 20) }, { 'r', RGB(255, 255, 255) }, { 0, 0 }, }; void TextWindow::Init(void) { ClearSuper(); } void TextWindow::ClearSuper(void) { HideTextEditControl(); memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); ClearScreen(); Show(); } void TextWindow::ClearScreen(void) { int i, j; for(i = 0; i < MAX_ROWS; i++) { for(j = 0; j < MAX_COLS; j++) { text[i][j] = ' '; meta[i][j].fg = 'd'; meta[i][j].bg = 'd'; meta[i][j].link = NOT_A_LINK; } top[i] = i*2; } rows = 0; } void TextWindow::Printf(bool halfLine, char *fmt, ...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); if(rows >= MAX_ROWS) return; int r, c; r = rows; top[r] = (r == 0) ? 0 : (top[r-1] + (halfLine ? 3 : 2)); rows++; for(c = 0; c < MAX_COLS; c++) { text[r][c] = ' '; meta[r][c].link = NOT_A_LINK; } int fg = 'd', bg = 'd'; int link = NOT_A_LINK; DWORD data = 0; LinkFunction *f = NULL, *h = NULL; c = 0; while(*fmt) { char buf[1024]; if(*fmt == '%') { fmt++; if(*fmt == '\0') goto done; strcpy(buf, ""); switch(*fmt) { case 'd': { int v = va_arg(vl, int); sprintf(buf, "%d", v); break; } case 'x': { DWORD v = va_arg(vl, DWORD); sprintf(buf, "%08x", v); break; } case '@': { double v = va_arg(vl, double); sprintf(buf, "%.2f", v); break; } case '2': { double v = va_arg(vl, double); sprintf(buf, "%s%.2f", v < 0 ? "" : " ", v); break; } case '3': { double v = va_arg(vl, double); sprintf(buf, "%s%.3f", v < 0 ? "" : " ", v); break; } case 's': { char *s = va_arg(vl, char *); memcpy(buf, s, min(sizeof(buf), strlen(s)+1)); break; } case 'c': { char v = va_arg(vl, char); sprintf(buf, "%c", v); break; } case 'E': fg = 'd'; // leave the background, though link = NOT_A_LINK; data = 0; f = NULL; h = NULL; break; case 'F': case 'B': { int color; if(fmt[1] == '\0') goto done; if(fmt[1] == 'p') { color = va_arg(vl, int); } else { color = fmt[1]; } if((color < 0 || color > 255) && !(color & 0x80000000)) { color = 0; } if(*fmt == 'F') { fg = color; } else { bg = color; } fmt++; break; } case 'L': if(fmt[1] == '\0') goto done; fmt++; link = *fmt; break; case 'f': f = va_arg(vl, LinkFunction *); break; case 'h': h = va_arg(vl, LinkFunction *); break; case 'D': data = va_arg(vl, DWORD); break; case '%': strcpy(buf, "%"); break; } } else { buf[0] = *fmt; buf[1]= '\0'; } for(unsigned i = 0; i < strlen(buf); i++) { if(c >= MAX_COLS) goto done; text[r][c] = buf[i]; meta[r][c].fg = fg; meta[r][c].bg = bg; meta[r][c].link = link; meta[r][c].data = data; meta[r][c].f = f; meta[r][c].h = h; c++; } fmt++; } while(c < MAX_COLS) { meta[r][c].fg = fg; meta[r][c].bg = bg; c++; } done: va_end(vl); } #define gs (SS.GW.gs) void TextWindow::Show(void) { if(!(SS.GW.pending.operation)) SS.GW.ClearPending(); SS.GW.GroupSelection(); if(SS.GW.pending.description) { // A pending operation (that must be completed with the mouse in // the graphics window) will preempt our usual display. HideTextEditControl(); ShowHeader(false); Printf(false, ""); Printf(false, "%s", SS.GW.pending.description); Printf(true, "%Fl%f%Ll(cancel operation)%E", &TextWindow::ScreenUnselectAll); } else if(gs.n > 0) { if(edit.meaning != EDIT_TTF_TEXT) HideTextEditControl(); ShowHeader(false); DescribeSelection(); } else { if(edit.meaning == EDIT_TTF_TEXT) HideTextEditControl(); ShowHeader(true); switch(shown.screen) { default: shown.screen = SCREEN_LIST_OF_GROUPS; // fall through case SCREEN_LIST_OF_GROUPS: ShowListOfGroups(); break; case SCREEN_GROUP_INFO: ShowGroupInfo(); break; case SCREEN_GROUP_SOLVE_INFO: ShowGroupSolveInfo(); break; case SCREEN_CONFIGURATION: ShowConfiguration(); break; case SCREEN_STEP_DIMENSION: ShowStepDimension(); break; case SCREEN_MESH_VOLUME: ShowMeshVolume(); break; case SCREEN_LIST_OF_STYLES: ShowListOfStyles(); break; case SCREEN_STYLE_INFO: ShowStyleInfo(); break; } } Printf(false, ""); InvalidateText(); } void TextWindow::ScreenUnselectAll(int link, DWORD v) { GraphicsWindow::MenuEdit(GraphicsWindow::MNU_UNSELECT_ALL); } void TextWindow::ScreenEditTtfText(int link, DWORD v) { hRequest hr = { v }; Request *r = SK.GetRequest(hr); ShowTextEditControl(13, 10, r->str.str); SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_TTF_TEXT; SS.TW.edit.request = hr; } void TextWindow::ScreenSetTtfFont(int link, DWORD v) { int i = (int)v; if(i < 0) return; if(i >= SS.fonts.l.n) return; SS.GW.GroupSelection(); if(gs.entities != 1 || gs.n != 1) return; Entity *e = SK.entity.FindByIdNoOops(gs.entity[0]); if(!e || e->type != Entity::TTF_TEXT || !e->h.isFromRequest()) return; Request *r = SK.request.FindByIdNoOops(e->h.request()); if(!r) return; SS.UndoRemember(); r->font.strcpy(SS.fonts.l.elem[i].FontFileBaseName()); SS.MarkGroupDirty(r->group); SS.later.generateAll = true; SS.later.showTW = true; } void TextWindow::DescribeSelection(void) { Entity *e; Vector p; int i; Printf(false, ""); if(gs.n == 1 && (gs.points == 1 || gs.entities == 1)) { e = SK.GetEntity(gs.points == 1 ? gs.point[0] : gs.entity[0]); #define COSTR(p) \ SS.MmToString((p).x), SS.MmToString((p).y), SS.MmToString((p).z) #define PT_AS_STR "(%Fi%s%E, %Fi%s%E, %Fi%s%E)" #define PT_AS_NUM "(%Fi%3%E, %Fi%3%E, %Fi%3%E)" switch(e->type) { case Entity::POINT_IN_3D: case Entity::POINT_IN_2D: case Entity::POINT_N_TRANS: case Entity::POINT_N_ROT_TRANS: case Entity::POINT_N_COPY: case Entity::POINT_N_ROT_AA: p = e->PointGetNum(); Printf(false, "%FtPOINT%E at " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p)); break; case Entity::NORMAL_IN_3D: case Entity::NORMAL_IN_2D: case Entity::NORMAL_N_COPY: case Entity::NORMAL_N_ROT: case Entity::NORMAL_N_ROT_AA: { Quaternion q = e->NormalGetNum(); p = q.RotationN(); Printf(false, "%FtNORMAL / COORDINATE SYSTEM%E"); Printf(true, " basis n = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p)); p = q.RotationU(); Printf(false, " u = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p)); p = q.RotationV(); Printf(false, " v = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p)); break; } case Entity::WORKPLANE: { p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum(); Printf(false, "%FtWORKPLANE%E"); Printf(true, " origin = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p)); Quaternion q = e->Normal()->NormalGetNum(); p = q.RotationN(); Printf(true, " normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p)); break; } case Entity::LINE_SEGMENT: { Vector p0 = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum(); p = p0; Printf(false, "%FtLINE SEGMENT%E"); Printf(true, " thru " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p)); Vector p1 = SK.GetEntity(e->point[1])->PointGetNum(); p = p1; Printf(false, " " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p)); Printf(true, " len = %Fi%s%E", SS.MmToString((p1.Minus(p0).Magnitude()))); break; } case Entity::CUBIC: Printf(false, "%FtCUBIC BEZIER CURVE%E"); for(i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[i])->PointGetNum(); Printf((i==0), " p%c = " PT_AS_STR, '0'+i, COSTR(p)); } break; case Entity::ARC_OF_CIRCLE: { Printf(false, "%FtARC OF A CIRCLE%E"); p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum(); Printf(true, " center = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p)); p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[1])->PointGetNum(); Printf(true, " endpoints = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p)); p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[2])->PointGetNum(); Printf(false, " " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p)); double r = e->CircleGetRadiusNum(); Printf(true, " diameter = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(r*2)); Printf(false, " radius = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(r)); double thetas, thetaf, dtheta; e->ArcGetAngles(&thetas, &thetaf, &dtheta); Printf(false, " arc len = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(dtheta*r)); break; } case Entity::CIRCLE: { Printf(false, "%FtCIRCLE%E"); p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum(); Printf(true, " center = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p)); double r = e->CircleGetRadiusNum(); Printf(true, " diameter = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(r*2)); Printf(false, " radius = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(r)); break; } case Entity::FACE_NORMAL_PT: case Entity::FACE_XPROD: case Entity::FACE_N_ROT_TRANS: case Entity::FACE_N_ROT_AA: case Entity::FACE_N_TRANS: Printf(false, "%FtPLANE FACE%E"); p = e->FaceGetNormalNum(); Printf(true, " normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p)); p = e->FaceGetPointNum(); Printf(false, " thru = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p)); break; case Entity::TTF_TEXT: { Printf(false, "%FtTRUETYPE FONT TEXT%E"); Printf(true, " font = '%Fi%s%E'", e->font.str); if(e->h.isFromRequest()) { Printf(false, " text = '%Fi%s%E' %Fl%Ll%f%D[change]%E", e->str.str, &ScreenEditTtfText, e->h.request()); Printf(true, " select new font"); SS.fonts.LoadAll(); int i; for(i = 0; i < SS.fonts.l.n; i++) { TtfFont *tf = &(SS.fonts.l.elem[i]); if(strcmp(e->font.str, tf->FontFileBaseName())==0) { Printf(false, "%Bp %s", (i & 1) ? 'd' : 'a', tf->name.str); } else { Printf(false, "%Bp %f%D%Fl%Ll%s%E%Bp", (i & 1) ? 'd' : 'a', &ScreenSetTtfFont, i, tf->name.str, (i & 1) ? 'd' : 'a'); } } } else { Printf(false, " text = '%Fi%s%E'", e->str.str); } break; } default: Printf(true, "%Ft?? ENTITY%E"); break; } Group *g = SK.GetGroup(e->group); Printf(false, ""); Printf(false, "%FtIN GROUP%E %s", g->DescriptionString()); if(e->workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) { Printf(false, "%FtNOT LOCKED IN WORKPLANE%E"); } else { Entity *w = SK.GetEntity(e->workplane); Printf(false, "%FtIN WORKPLANE%E %s", w->DescriptionString()); } } else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.points == 2) { Printf(false, "%FtTWO POINTS"); Vector p0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[0])->PointGetNum(); Printf(true, " at " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p0)); Vector p1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[1])->PointGetNum(); Printf(false, " " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p1)); double d = (p1.Minus(p0)).Magnitude(); Printf(true, " d = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(d)); } else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.faces == 1 && gs.points == 1) { Printf(false, "%FtA POINT AND A PLANE FACE"); Vector pt = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[0])->PointGetNum(); Printf(true, " point = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(pt)); Vector n = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[0])->FaceGetNormalNum(); Printf(true, " plane normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(n)); Vector pl = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[0])->FaceGetPointNum(); Printf(false, " plane thru = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(pl)); double dd = n.Dot(pl) - n.Dot(pt); Printf(true, " distance = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(dd)); } else if(gs.n == 3 && gs.points == 2 && gs.vectors == 1) { Printf(false, "%FtTWO POINTS AND A VECTOR"); Vector p0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[0])->PointGetNum(); Printf(true, " pointA = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p0)); Vector p1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[1])->PointGetNum(); Printf(false, " pointB = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p1)); Vector v = SK.GetEntity(gs.vector[0])->VectorGetNum(); v = v.WithMagnitude(1); Printf(true, " vector = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(v)); double d = (p1.Minus(p0)).Dot(v); Printf(true, " proj_d = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(d)); } else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.points == 1) { Entity *ln = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0]); Vector lp0 = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[0])->PointGetNum(), lp1 = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[1])->PointGetNum(); Printf(false, "%FtLINE SEGMENT AND POINT%E"); Printf(true, " ln thru " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(lp0)); Printf(false, " " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(lp1)); Vector pp = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[0])->PointGetNum(); Printf(true, " point " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(pp)); Printf(true, " pt-ln distance = %Fi%s%E", SS.MmToString(pp.DistanceToLine(lp0, lp1.Minus(lp0)))); } else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.faces == 2) { Printf(false, "%FtTWO PLANE FACES"); Vector n0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[0])->FaceGetNormalNum(); Printf(true, " planeA normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(n0)); Vector p0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[0])->FaceGetPointNum(); Printf(false, " planeA thru = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p0)); Vector n1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[1])->FaceGetNormalNum(); Printf(true, " planeB normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(n1)); Vector p1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[1])->FaceGetPointNum(); Printf(false, " planeB thru = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p1)); double theta = acos(n0.Dot(n1)); Printf(true, " angle = %Fi%2%E degrees", theta*180/PI); while(theta < PI/2) theta += PI; while(theta > PI/2) theta -= PI; Printf(false, " or angle = %Fi%2%E (mod 180)", theta*180/PI); if(fabs(theta) < 0.01) { double d = (p1.Minus(p0)).Dot(n0); Printf(true, " distance = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(d)); } } else { Printf(true, "%FtSELECTED:%E %d item%s", gs.n, gs.n == 1 ? "" : "s"); } Printf(true, "%Fl%f%Ll(unselect all)%E", &TextWindow::ScreenUnselectAll); } void TextWindow::GoToScreen(int screen) { shown.screen = screen; }