os: linux dist: xenial language: c git: submodules: false if: tag != edge stages: - test - name: deploy if: (NOT type IN (pull_request)) AND (branch = master) jobs: include: - stage: test name: macOS os: osx osx_image: xcode12.2 install: ".travis/install-macos.sh" script: ".travis/build-macos.sh" - stage: deploy name: macOS os: osx osx_image: xcode12.2 install: ".travis/install-macos.sh" script: ".travis/build-macos.sh release && .travis/sign-macos.sh" before_deploy: - git config --local user.name "solvespace-cd" - git config --local user.email "no-reply@solvespace.com" - export TRAVIS_TAG=${TRAVIS_TAG:-edge} - git tag $TRAVIS_TAG deploy: provider: releases skip_cleanup: true prerelease: true overwrite: true edge: true name: ${TRAVIS_TAG:-edge} release_notes: $TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE file: build/bin/SolveSpace.dmg on: repo: solvespace/solvespace - stage: test name: "Ubuntu" os: linux dist: bionic install: .travis/install-ubuntu.sh script: .travis/build-ubuntu.sh - stage: test name: "Windows" os: windows install: .travis/install-windows.sh script: .travis/build-windows.sh - stage: deploy name: "Windows" os: windows install: .travis/install-windows.sh script: .travis/build-windows.sh release before_deploy: - git config --local user.name "solvespace-cd" - git config --local user.email "no-reply@solvespace.com" - export TRAVIS_TAG=${TRAVIS_TAG:-edge} - git tag $TRAVIS_TAG deploy: provider: releases skip_cleanup: true prerelease: true overwrite: true edge: true name: ${TRAVIS_TAG:-edge} release_notes: $TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE file: build/bin/RelWithDebInfo/solvespace.exe on: repo: solvespace/solvespace - stage: deploy name: "Windows with OpenMP" os: windows install: .travis/install-windows.sh script: .travis/build-windows.sh release openmp before_deploy: - git config --local user.name "solvespace-cd" - git config --local user.email "no-reply@solvespace.com" - export TRAVIS_TAG=${TRAVIS_TAG:-edge} - git tag $TRAVIS_TAG deploy: provider: releases skip_cleanup: true prerelease: true overwrite: true edge: true name: ${TRAVIS_TAG:-edge} release_notes: $TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE file: build/bin/RelWithDebInfo/solvespace-openmp.exe on: repo: solvespace/solvespace - &deploy-snap stage: deploy name: Snap amd64 os: linux arch: amd64 dist: bionic addons: snaps: - name: snapcraft confinement: classic script: .travis/build-snap.sh deploy: - provider: script script: sudo .travis/deploy-snap.sh edge skip_cleanup: true on: branch: master tags: false - provider: script script: sudo .travis/deploy-snap.sh edge,beta skip_cleanup: true on: branch: master tags: true - <<: *deploy-snap name: Snap arm64 arch: arm64-graviton2 group: edge virt: lxd