//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Anything relating to plane polygons and triangles, and (generally, non- // planar) meshes thereof. // // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef SOLVESPACE_POLYGON_H #define SOLVESPACE_POLYGON_H class SPointList; class SPolygon; class SContour; class SMesh; class SBsp3; class SOutlineList; enum class EarType : uint32_t { UNKNOWN = 0, NOT_EAR = 1, EAR = 2 }; enum class BspClass : uint32_t { POS = 100, NEG = 101, COPLANAR = 200 }; enum class EdgeKind : uint32_t { NAKED_OR_SELF_INTER = 100, SELF_INTER = 200, TURNING = 300, EMPHASIZED = 400, SHARP = 500, }; class SEdge { public: int tag; int auxA, auxB; Vector a, b; static SEdge From(Vector a, Vector b); bool EdgeCrosses(Vector a, Vector b, Vector *pi=NULL, SPointList *spl=NULL) const; }; class SEdgeList { public: List l; void Clear(); void AddEdge(Vector a, Vector b, int auxA=0, int auxB=0, int tag=0); bool AssemblePolygon(SPolygon *dest, SEdge *errorAt, bool keepDir=false) const; bool AssembleContour(Vector first, Vector last, SContour *dest, SEdge *errorAt, bool keepDir) const; int AnyEdgeCrossings(Vector a, Vector b, Vector *pi=NULL, SPointList *spl=NULL) const; bool ContainsEdgeFrom(const SEdgeList *sel) const; bool ContainsEdge(const SEdge *se) const; void CullExtraneousEdges(); void MergeCollinearSegments(Vector a, Vector b); }; // A kd-tree element needs to go on a side of a node if it's when KDTREE_EPS // of the boundary. So increasing this number never breaks anything, but may // result in more duplicated elements. So it's conservative to be sloppy here. #define KDTREE_EPS (20*LENGTH_EPS) class SEdgeLl { public: SEdge *se; SEdgeLl *next; static SEdgeLl *Alloc(); }; class SKdNodeEdges { public: int which; // whether c is x, y, or z double c; SKdNodeEdges *gt; SKdNodeEdges *lt; SEdgeLl *edges; static SKdNodeEdges *From(SEdgeList *sel); static SKdNodeEdges *From(SEdgeLl *sell); static SKdNodeEdges *Alloc(); int AnyEdgeCrossings(Vector a, Vector b, int cnt, Vector *pi=NULL, SPointList *spl=NULL) const; }; class SPoint { public: int tag; EarType ear; Vector p; Vector auxv; }; class SPointList { public: List l; void Clear(); bool ContainsPoint(Vector pt) const; int IndexForPoint(Vector pt) const; void IncrementTagFor(Vector pt); void Add(Vector pt); }; class SContour { public: int tag; int timesEnclosed; Vector xminPt; List l; void AddPoint(Vector p); void MakeEdgesInto(SEdgeList *el) const; void Reverse(); Vector ComputeNormal() const; double SignedAreaProjdToNormal(Vector n) const; bool IsClockwiseProjdToNormal(Vector n) const; bool ContainsPointProjdToNormal(Vector n, Vector p) const; void OffsetInto(SContour *dest, double r) const; void CopyInto(SContour *dest) const; void FindPointWithMinX(); Vector AnyEdgeMidpoint() const; bool IsEar(int bp, double scaledEps) const; bool BridgeToContour(SContour *sc, SEdgeList *el, List *vl); void ClipEarInto(SMesh *m, int bp, double scaledEps); void UvTriangulateInto(SMesh *m, SSurface *srf); }; typedef struct { uint32_t face; RgbaColor color; } STriMeta; class SPolygon { public: List l; Vector normal; Vector ComputeNormal() const; void AddEmptyContour(); int WindingNumberForPoint(Vector p) const; double SignedArea() const; bool ContainsPoint(Vector p) const; void MakeEdgesInto(SEdgeList *el) const; void FixContourDirections(); void Clear(); bool SelfIntersecting(Vector *intersectsAt) const; bool IsEmpty() const; Vector AnyPoint() const; void OffsetInto(SPolygon *dest, double r) const; void UvTriangulateInto(SMesh *m, SSurface *srf); void UvGridTriangulateInto(SMesh *m, SSurface *srf); void TriangulateInto(SMesh *m) const; void InverseTransformInto(SPolygon *sp, Vector u, Vector v, Vector n) const; }; class STriangle { public: int tag; STriMeta meta; union { struct { Vector a, b, c; }; Vector vertices[3]; }; union { struct { Vector an, bn, cn; }; Vector normals[3]; }; static STriangle From(STriMeta meta, Vector a, Vector b, Vector c); Vector Normal() const; void FlipNormal(); double MinAltitude() const; int WindingNumberForPoint(Vector p) const; bool ContainsPoint(Vector p) const; bool ContainsPointProjd(Vector n, Vector p) const; STriangle Transform(Vector o, Vector u, Vector v) const; bool Raytrace(const Vector &rayPoint, const Vector &rayDir, double *t, Vector *inters) const; double SignedVolume() const; bool IsDegenerate() const; }; class SBsp2 { public: Vector np; // normal to the plane Vector no; // outer normal to the edge double d; SEdge edge; SBsp2 *pos; SBsp2 *neg; SBsp2 *more; void InsertTriangleHow(BspClass how, STriangle *tr, SMesh *m, SBsp3 *bsp3); void InsertTriangle(STriangle *tr, SMesh *m, SBsp3 *bsp3); Vector IntersectionWith(Vector a, Vector b) const; void InsertEdge(SEdge *nedge, Vector nnp, Vector out); static SBsp2 *InsertOrCreateEdge(SBsp2 *where, SEdge *nedge, Vector nnp, Vector out); static SBsp2 *Alloc(); }; class SBsp3 { public: Vector n; double d; STriangle tri; SBsp3 *pos; SBsp3 *neg; SBsp3 *more; SBsp2 *edges; static SBsp3 *Alloc(); static SBsp3 *FromMesh(const SMesh *m); Vector IntersectionWith(Vector a, Vector b) const; void InsertHow(BspClass how, STriangle *str, SMesh *instead); void Insert(STriangle *str, SMesh *instead); static SBsp3 *InsertOrCreate(SBsp3 *where, STriangle *str, SMesh *instead); void InsertConvexHow(BspClass how, STriMeta meta, Vector *vertex, size_t n, SMesh *instead); SBsp3 *InsertConvex(STriMeta meta, Vector *vertex, size_t n, SMesh *instead); void InsertInPlane(bool pos2, STriangle *tr, SMesh *m); void GenerateInPaintOrder(SMesh *m) const; }; class SMesh { public: List l; bool flipNormal; bool keepCoplanar; bool atLeastOneDiscarded; bool isTransparent; void Clear(); void AddTriangle(const STriangle *st); void AddTriangle(STriMeta meta, Vector a, Vector b, Vector c); void AddTriangle(STriMeta meta, Vector n, Vector a, Vector b, Vector c); void DoBounding(Vector v, Vector *vmax, Vector *vmin) const; void GetBounding(Vector *vmax, Vector *vmin) const; void Simplify(int start); void AddAgainstBsp(SMesh *srcm, SBsp3 *bsp3); void MakeFromUnionOf(SMesh *a, SMesh *b); void MakeFromDifferenceOf(SMesh *a, SMesh *b); void MakeFromCopyOf(SMesh *a); void MakeFromTransformationOf(SMesh *a, Vector trans, Quaternion q, double scale); void MakeFromAssemblyOf(SMesh *a, SMesh *b); void MakeEdgesInPlaneInto(SEdgeList *sel, Vector n, double d); void MakeOutlinesInto(SOutlineList *sol, EdgeKind type); void PrecomputeTransparency(); void RemoveDegenerateTriangles(); bool IsEmpty() const; void RemapFaces(Group *g, int remap); uint32_t FirstIntersectionWith(Point2d mp) const; Vector GetCenterOfMass() const; }; // A linked list of triangles class STriangleLl { public: STriangle *tri; STriangleLl *next; static STriangleLl *Alloc(); }; class SOutline { public: int tag; Vector a, b, nl, nr; bool IsVisible(Vector projDir) const; }; class SOutlineList { public: List l; void Clear(); void AddEdge(Vector a, Vector b, Vector nl, Vector nr, int tag = 0); void ListTaggedInto(SEdgeList *el, int auxA = 0, int auxB = 0); void MakeFromCopyOf(SOutlineList *ol); }; class SKdNode { public: struct EdgeOnInfo { int count; bool frontFacing; bool intersectsMesh; STriangle *tr; int ai; int bi; }; int which; // whether c is x, y, or z double c; SKdNode *gt; SKdNode *lt; STriangleLl *tris; static SKdNode *Alloc(); static SKdNode *From(SMesh *m); static SKdNode *From(STriangleLl *tll); void AddTriangle(STriangle *tr); void MakeMeshInto(SMesh *m) const; void ListTrianglesInto(std::vector *tl) const; void ClearTags() const; void FindEdgeOn(Vector a, Vector b, int cnt, bool coplanarIsInter, EdgeOnInfo *info) const; void MakeCertainEdgesInto(SEdgeList *sel, EdgeKind how, bool coplanarIsInter, bool *inter, bool *leaky, int auxA = 0) const; void MakeOutlinesInto(SOutlineList *sel, EdgeKind tagKind) const; void OcclusionTestLine(SEdge orig, SEdgeList *sel, int cnt) const; void SplitLinesAgainstTriangle(SEdgeList *sel, STriangle *tr) const; void SnapToMesh(SMesh *m); void SnapToVertex(Vector v, SMesh *extras); }; class PolylineBuilder { public: struct Edge; struct Vertex { Vector pos; std::vector edges; bool GetNext(uint32_t kind, Vertex **next, Edge **nextEdge); bool GetNext(uint32_t kind, Vector plane, double d, Vertex **next, Edge **nextEdge); size_t CountEdgesWithTagAndKind(int tag, uint32_t kind) const; }; struct VertexPairHash { size_t operator()(const std::pair &v) const; }; struct Edge { Vertex *a; Vertex *b; uint32_t kind; int tag; union { uintptr_t data; SOutline *outline; SEdge *edge; }; Vertex *GetOtherVertex(Vertex *v) const; bool GetStartAndNext(Vertex **start, Vertex **next, bool loop) const; }; std::unordered_map vertices; std::unordered_map, Edge *, VertexPairHash> edgeMap; std::vector edges; ~PolylineBuilder(); void Clear(); Vertex *AddVertex(const Vector &pos); Edge *AddEdge(const Vector &p0, const Vector &p1, uint32_t kind, uintptr_t data = 0); void Generate( std::function startFunc, std::function nextFunc, std::function aloneFunc, std::function endFunc = [](){}); void MakeFromEdges(const SEdgeList &sel); void MakeFromOutlines(const SOutlineList &sol); void GenerateEdges(SEdgeList *sel); void GenerateOutlines(SOutlineList *sol); }; #endif