#ifndef __DSC_H #define __DSC_H typedef unsigned long DWORD; typedef unsigned char BYTE; class Vector; class Point2d; class hEntity; class Quaternion { public: // a + (vx)*i + (vy)*j + (vz)*k double w, vx, vy, vz; static Quaternion MakeFrom(double w, double vx, double vy, double vz); static Quaternion MakeFrom(Vector u, Vector v); Quaternion Plus(Quaternion b); Quaternion Minus(Quaternion b); Quaternion ScaledBy(double s); double Magnitude(void); Quaternion WithMagnitude(double s); // Call a rotation matrix [ u' v' n' ]'; this returns the first and // second rows, where that matrix is generated by this quaternion Vector RotationU(void); Vector RotationV(void); Vector RotationN(void); Vector Rotate(Vector p); Quaternion Times(Quaternion b); }; class Vector { public: double x, y, z; static Vector MakeFrom(double x, double y, double z); bool Equals(Vector v); Vector Plus(Vector b); Vector Minus(Vector b); Vector Negated(void); Vector Cross(Vector b); double Dot(Vector b); Vector Normal(int which); Vector RotatedAbout(Vector axis, double theta); double Magnitude(void); Vector WithMagnitude(double s); Vector ScaledBy(double s); Vector ProjectInto(hEntity wrkpl); double DivPivoting(Vector delta); }; class Point2d { public: double x, y; Point2d Plus(Point2d b); Point2d Minus(Point2d b); Point2d ScaledBy(double s); double DistanceTo(Point2d p); double DistanceToLine(Point2d p0, Point2d dp, bool segment); double Magnitude(void); Point2d WithMagnitude(double v); }; template class IdList { public: T *elem; int n; int elemsAllocated; H AddAndAssignId(T *t) { int i; DWORD id = 0; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { id = max(id, elem[i].h.v); } t->h.v = (id + 1); Add(t); return t->h; } void Add(T *t) { if(n >= elemsAllocated) { elemsAllocated = (elemsAllocated + 32)*2; elem = (T *)MemRealloc(elem, elemsAllocated*sizeof(elem[0])); if(!elem) oops(); } elem[n] = *t; n++; } T *FindById(H h) { T *t = FindByIdNoOops(h); if(!t) { dbp("failed to look up item %08x, searched %d items", h.v, n); oops(); } return t; } T *FindByIdNoOops(H h) { int i; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(elem[i].h.v == h.v) { return &(elem[i]); } } return NULL; } void ClearTags(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { elem[i].tag = 0; } } void Tag(H h, int tag) { int i; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(elem[i].h.v == h.v) { elem[i].tag = tag; } } } void RemoveTagged(void) { int src, dest; dest = 0; for(src = 0; src < n; src++) { if(elem[src].tag) { // this item should be deleted } else { if(src != dest) { elem[dest] = elem[src]; } dest++; } } n = dest; // and elemsAllocated is untouched, because we didn't resize } void MoveSelfInto(IdList *l) { memcpy(l, this, sizeof(*this)); elemsAllocated = n = 0; elem = NULL; } void DeepCopyInto(IdList *l) { l->elem = (T *)MemAlloc(elemsAllocated * sizeof(elem[0])); memcpy(l->elem, elem, elemsAllocated * sizeof(elem[0])); l->elemsAllocated = elemsAllocated; l->n = n; } void Clear(void) { elemsAllocated = n = 0; if(elem) MemFree(elem); elem = NULL; } }; class NameStr { public: char str[20]; inline void strcpy(char *in) { memcpy(str, in, min(strlen(in)+1, sizeof(str))); str[sizeof(str)-1] = '\0'; } }; #endif