//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Declarations relating to our user interface, in both the graphics and // text browser window. // // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __UI_H #define __UI_H // This table describes the top-level menus in the graphics winodw. enum class Command : uint32_t { NONE = 0, // File NEW = 100, OPEN, OPEN_RECENT, SAVE, SAVE_AS, EXPORT_PNG, EXPORT_MESH, EXPORT_SURFACES, EXPORT_VIEW, EXPORT_SECTION, EXPORT_WIREFRAME, IMPORT, EXIT, // View ZOOM_IN, ZOOM_OUT, ZOOM_TO_FIT, SHOW_GRID, PERSPECTIVE_PROJ, ONTO_WORKPLANE, NEAREST_ORTHO, NEAREST_ISO, CENTER_VIEW, SHOW_MENU_BAR, SHOW_TOOLBAR, SHOW_TEXT_WND, UNITS_INCHES, UNITS_MM, FULL_SCREEN, // Edit UNDO, REDO, CUT, COPY, PASTE, PASTE_TRANSFORM, DELETE, SELECT_CHAIN, SELECT_ALL, SNAP_TO_GRID, ROTATE_90, UNSELECT_ALL, REGEN_ALL, // Request SEL_WORKPLANE, FREE_IN_3D, DATUM_POINT, WORKPLANE, LINE_SEGMENT, CONSTR_SEGMENT, CIRCLE, ARC, RECTANGLE, CUBIC, TTF_TEXT, SPLIT_CURVES, TANGENT_ARC, CONSTRUCTION, // Group GROUP_3D, GROUP_WRKPL, GROUP_EXTRUDE, GROUP_LATHE, GROUP_ROT, GROUP_TRANS, GROUP_LINK, GROUP_RECENT, // Constrain DISTANCE_DIA, REF_DISTANCE, ANGLE, REF_ANGLE, OTHER_ANGLE, REFERENCE, EQUAL, RATIO, DIFFERENCE, ON_ENTITY, SYMMETRIC, AT_MIDPOINT, HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, PARALLEL, PERPENDICULAR, ORIENTED_SAME, WHERE_DRAGGED, COMMENT, // Analyze VOLUME, AREA, PERIMETER, INTERFERENCE, NAKED_EDGES, SHOW_DOF, TRACE_PT, STOP_TRACING, STEP_DIM, // Help WEBSITE, ABOUT, // Recent RECENT_OPEN = 0xf000, RECENT_LINK = 0xf100, }; enum class ContextCommand : uint32_t { CANCELLED = 0x000, SUBMENU = 0x001, SEPARATOR = 0x002, UNSELECT_ALL = 0x100, UNSELECT_HOVERED = 0x101, CUT_SEL = 0x102, COPY_SEL = 0x103, PASTE = 0x104, PASTE_XFRM = 0x105, DELETE_SEL = 0x106, SELECT_CHAIN = 0x107, NEW_CUSTOM_STYLE = 0x110, NO_STYLE = 0x111, GROUP_INFO = 0x120, STYLE_INFO = 0x121, REFERENCE_DIM = 0x130, OTHER_ANGLE = 0x131, DEL_COINCIDENT = 0x132, SNAP_TO_GRID = 0x140, REMOVE_SPLINE_PT = 0x141, ADD_SPLINE_PT = 0x142, FIRST_STYLE = 0x40000000 }; class Button; class TextWindow { public: enum { MAX_COLS = 100, MIN_COLS = 45, MAX_ROWS = 2000 }; typedef struct { char c; RgbaColor color; } Color; static const Color fgColors[]; static const Color bgColors[]; float bgColorTable[256*3]; float fgColorTable[256*3]; enum { CHAR_WIDTH = 9, CHAR_HEIGHT = 16, LINE_HEIGHT = 20, LEFT_MARGIN = 6, }; #define CHECK_FALSE "\xEE\x80\x80" // U+E000 #define CHECK_TRUE "\xEE\x80\x81" #define RADIO_FALSE "\xEE\x80\x82" #define RADIO_TRUE "\xEE\x80\x83" int scrollPos; // The scrollbar position, in half-row units int halfRows; // The height of our window, in half-row units uint32_t text[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLS]; typedef void LinkFunction(int link, uint32_t v); enum { NOT_A_LINK = 0 }; struct { char fg; char bg; RgbaColor bgRgb; int link; uint32_t data; LinkFunction *f; LinkFunction *h; } meta[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLS]; int hoveredRow, hoveredCol; int top[MAX_ROWS]; // in half-line units, or -1 for unused int rows; // The row of icons at the top of the text window, to hide/show things void Draw(Canvas *canvas); // These are called by the platform-specific code. void Paint(); void MouseEvent(bool isClick, bool leftDown, double x, double y); void MouseScroll(double x, double y, int delta); void MouseLeave(); void ScrollbarEvent(int newPos); enum DrawOrHitHow : uint32_t { PAINT = 0, HOVER = 1, CLICK = 2 }; void DrawOrHitTestIcons(UiCanvas *canvas, DrawOrHitHow how, double mx, double my); void TimerCallback(); Point2d oldMousePos; Button *hoveredButton, *tooltippedButton; Vector HsvToRgb(Vector hsv); std::shared_ptr HsvPattern2d(int w, int h); std::shared_ptr HsvPattern1d(double hue, double sat, int w, int h); void ColorPickerDone(); bool DrawOrHitTestColorPicker(UiCanvas *canvas, DrawOrHitHow how, bool leftDown, double x, double y); void Init(); void MakeColorTable(const Color *in, float *out); void Printf(bool half, const char *fmt, ...); void ClearScreen(); void Show(); // State for the screen that we are showing in the text window. enum class Screen : uint32_t { LIST_OF_GROUPS = 0, GROUP_INFO = 1, GROUP_SOLVE_INFO = 2, CONFIGURATION = 3, STEP_DIMENSION = 4, LIST_OF_STYLES = 5, STYLE_INFO = 6, PASTE_TRANSFORMED = 7, EDIT_VIEW = 8, TANGENT_ARC = 9 }; typedef struct { Screen screen; hGroup group; hStyle style; hConstraint constraint; bool dimIsDistance; double dimFinish; int dimSteps; struct { int times; Vector trans; double theta; Vector origin; double scale; } paste; } ShownState; ShownState shown; enum class Edit : uint32_t { NOTHING = 0, // For multiple groups TIMES_REPEATED = 1, GROUP_NAME = 2, GROUP_SCALE = 3, GROUP_COLOR = 4, GROUP_OPACITY = 5, // For the configuraiton screen LIGHT_DIRECTION = 100, LIGHT_INTENSITY = 101, COLOR = 102, CHORD_TOLERANCE = 103, MAX_SEGMENTS = 104, CAMERA_TANGENT = 105, GRID_SPACING = 106, DIGITS_AFTER_DECIMAL = 107, EXPORT_SCALE = 108, EXPORT_OFFSET = 109, CANVAS_SIZE = 110, G_CODE_DEPTH = 120, G_CODE_PASSES = 121, G_CODE_FEED = 122, G_CODE_PLUNGE_FEED = 123, AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL = 124, // For TTF text TTF_TEXT = 300, // For the step dimension screen STEP_DIM_FINISH = 400, STEP_DIM_STEPS = 401, // For the styles stuff STYLE_WIDTH = 500, STYLE_TEXT_HEIGHT = 501, STYLE_TEXT_ANGLE = 502, STYLE_COLOR = 503, STYLE_FILL_COLOR = 504, STYLE_NAME = 505, BACKGROUND_COLOR = 506, BACKGROUND_IMG_SCALE = 507, STYLE_STIPPLE_PERIOD = 508, // For paste transforming PASTE_TIMES_REPEATED = 600, PASTE_ANGLE = 601, PASTE_SCALE = 602, // For view VIEW_SCALE = 700, VIEW_ORIGIN = 701, VIEW_PROJ_RIGHT = 702, VIEW_PROJ_UP = 703, // For tangent arc TANGENT_ARC_RADIUS = 800 }; struct { bool showAgain; Edit meaning; int i; hGroup group; hRequest request; hStyle style; } edit; static void ReportHowGroupSolved(hGroup hg); struct { int halfRow; int col; struct { RgbaColor rgb; double h, s, v; bool show; bool picker1dActive; bool picker2dActive; } colorPicker; } editControl; void HideEditControl(); void ShowEditControl(int col, const std::string &str, int halfRow = -1); void ShowEditControlWithColorPicker(int col, RgbaColor rgb); void ClearSuper(); void ShowHeader(bool withNav); // These are self-contained screens, that show some information about // the sketch. void ShowListOfGroups(); void ShowGroupInfo(); void ShowGroupSolveInfo(); void ShowConfiguration(); void ShowListOfStyles(); void ShowStyleInfo(); void ShowStepDimension(); void ShowPasteTransformed(); void ShowEditView(); void ShowTangentArc(); // Special screen, based on selection void DescribeSelection(); void GoToScreen(Screen screen); // All of these are callbacks from the GUI code; first from when // we're describing an entity static void ScreenEditTtfText(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenSetTtfFont(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenUnselectAll(int link, uint32_t v); // when we're describing a constraint static void ScreenConstraintShowAsRadius(int link, uint32_t v); // and the rest from the stuff in textscreens.cpp static void ScreenSelectGroup(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenActivateGroup(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenToggleGroupShown(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenHowGroupSolved(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenShowGroupsSpecial(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenDeleteGroup(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenHoverConstraint(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenHoverRequest(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenSelectRequest(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenSelectConstraint(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeGroupOption(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenColor(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenOpacity(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenShowListOfStyles(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenShowStyleInfo(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenDeleteStyle(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeStylePatternType(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeStyleYesNo(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenCreateCustomStyle(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenLoadFactoryDefaultStyles(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenAssignSelectionToStyle(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenBackgroundImage(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenShowConfiguration(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenShowEditView(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenGoToWebsite(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeFixExportColors(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeBackFaces(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeCheckClosedContour(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangePwlCurves(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeCanvasSizeAuto(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeCanvasSize(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeShadedTriangles(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenAllowRedundant(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenStepDimSteps(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenStepDimFinish(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenStepDimGo(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeTangentArc(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenPasteTransformed(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenHome(int link, uint32_t v); // These ones do stuff with the edit control static void ScreenChangeExprA(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeGroupName(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeGroupScale(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeLightDirection(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeLightIntensity(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeColor(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeChordTolerance(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeMaxSegments(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeExportChordTolerance(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeExportMaxSegments(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeCameraTangent(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeGridSpacing(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeDigitsAfterDecimal(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeExportScale(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeExportOffset(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeGCodeParameter(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeAutosaveInterval(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeStyleName(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeStyleMetric(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeStyleTextAngle(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeStyleColor(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeBackgroundColor(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeBackgroundImageScale(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangePasteTransformed(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeViewScale(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeViewToFullScale(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeViewOrigin(int link, uint32_t v); static void ScreenChangeViewProjection(int link, uint32_t v); bool EditControlDoneForStyles(const char *s); bool EditControlDoneForConfiguration(const char *s); bool EditControlDoneForPaste(const char *s); bool EditControlDoneForView(const char *s); void EditControlDone(const char *s); }; class GraphicsWindow { public: void Init(); typedef void MenuHandler(Command id); enum { ESCAPE_KEY = 27, DELETE_KEY = 127, FUNCTION_KEY_BASE = 0xf0 }; enum { SHIFT_MASK = 0x100, CTRL_MASK = 0x200 }; enum class MenuKind : uint32_t { NORMAL = 0, CHECK, RADIO }; typedef struct { int level; // 0 == on menu bar, 1 == one level down const char *label; // or NULL for a separator Command id; // unique ID int accel; // keyboard accelerator MenuKind kind; MenuHandler *fn; } MenuEntry; static const MenuEntry menu[]; static void MenuView(Command id); static void MenuEdit(Command id); static void MenuRequest(Command id); void DeleteSelection(); void CopySelection(); void PasteClipboard(Vector trans, double theta, double scale); static void MenuClipboard(Command id); // The width and height (in pixels) of the window. double width, height; // These parameters define the map from 2d screen coordinates to the // coordinates of the 3d sketch points. We will use an axonometric // projection. Vector offset; Vector projRight; Vector projUp; double scale; struct { bool mouseDown; Vector offset; Vector projRight; Vector projUp; Point2d mouse; Point2d mouseOnButtonDown; Vector marqueePoint; bool startedMoving; } orig; // We need to detect when the projection is changed to invalidate // caches for drawn items. struct { Vector offset; Vector projRight; Vector projUp; double scale; } cached; // Most recent mouse position, updated every time the mouse moves. Point2d currentMousePosition; // When the user is dragging a point, don't solve multiple times without // allowing a paint in between. The extra solves are wasted if they're // not displayed. bool havePainted; // Some state for the context menu. struct { bool active; } context; Camera GetCamera() const; Lighting GetLighting() const; void NormalizeProjectionVectors(); Point2d ProjectPoint(Vector p); Vector ProjectPoint3(Vector p); Vector ProjectPoint4(Vector p, double *w); Vector UnProjectPoint(Point2d p); Vector UnProjectPoint3(Vector p); void AnimateOnto(Quaternion quatf, Vector offsetf); void AnimateOntoWorkplane(); Vector VectorFromProjs(Vector rightUpForward); void HandlePointForZoomToFit(Vector p, Point2d *pmax, Point2d *pmin, double *wmin, bool usePerspective); void LoopOverPoints(const std::vector &entities, const std::vector &constraints, const std::vector &faces, Point2d *pmax, Point2d *pmin, double *wmin, bool usePerspective, bool includeMesh); void ZoomToFit(bool includingInvisibles, bool useSelection = false); hGroup activeGroup; void EnsureValidActives(); bool LockedInWorkplane(); void SetWorkplaneFreeIn3d(); hEntity ActiveWorkplane(); void ForceTextWindowShown(); // Operations that must be completed by doing something with the mouse // are noted here. enum class Pending : uint32_t { NONE = 0, COMMAND = 1, DRAGGING_POINTS = 2, DRAGGING_NEW_POINT = 3, DRAGGING_NEW_LINE_POINT = 4, DRAGGING_NEW_CUBIC_POINT = 5, DRAGGING_NEW_ARC_POINT = 6, DRAGGING_CONSTRAINT = 7, DRAGGING_RADIUS = 8, DRAGGING_NORMAL = 9, DRAGGING_NEW_RADIUS = 10, DRAGGING_MARQUEE = 11, }; struct { Pending operation; Command command; hRequest request; hEntity point; List points; hEntity circle; hEntity normal; hConstraint constraint; const char *description; bool hasSuggestion; Constraint::Type suggestion; } pending; void ClearPending(); // The constraint that is being edited with the on-screen textbox. hConstraint constraintBeingEdited; bool SuggestLineConstraint(hRequest lineSegment, ConstraintBase::Type *type); Vector SnapToGrid(Vector p); bool ConstrainPointByHovered(hEntity pt); void DeleteTaggedRequests(); hRequest AddRequest(Request::Type type, bool rememberForUndo); hRequest AddRequest(Request::Type type); class ParametricCurve { public: bool isLine; // else circle Vector p0, p1; Vector u, v; double r, theta0, theta1, dtheta; void MakeFromEntity(hEntity he, bool reverse); Vector PointAt(double t); Vector TangentAt(double t); double LengthForAuto(); hRequest CreateRequestTrimmedTo(double t, bool extraConstraints, hEntity orig, hEntity arc, bool arcFinish); void ConstrainPointIfCoincident(hEntity hpt); }; void MakeTangentArc(); void SplitLinesOrCurves(); hEntity SplitEntity(hEntity he, Vector pinter); hEntity SplitLine(hEntity he, Vector pinter); hEntity SplitCircle(hEntity he, Vector pinter); hEntity SplitCubic(hEntity he, Vector pinter); void ReplacePointInConstraints(hEntity oldpt, hEntity newpt); void RemoveConstraintsForPointBeingDeleted(hEntity hpt); void FixConstraintsForRequestBeingDeleted(hRequest hr); void FixConstraintsForPointBeingDeleted(hEntity hpt); // The current selection. class Selection { public: int tag; hEntity entity; hConstraint constraint; bool emphasized; void Draw(bool isHovered, Canvas *canvas); void Clear(); bool IsEmpty(); bool Equals(Selection *b); bool HasEndpoints(); }; Selection hover; bool hoverWasSelectedOnMousedown; List selection; void HitTestMakeSelection(Point2d mp); void ClearSelection(); void ClearNonexistentSelectionItems(); struct { std::vector point; std::vector entity; std::vector anyNormal; std::vector vector; std::vector face; std::vector constraint; int points; int entities; int workplanes; int faces; int lineSegments; int circlesOrArcs; int arcs; int cubics; int periodicCubics; int anyNormals; int vectors; int constraints; int stylables; int constraintLabels; int withEndpoints; int n; } gs; void GroupSelection(); bool IsSelected(Selection *s); bool IsSelected(hEntity he); void MakeSelected(hEntity he); void MakeSelected(hConstraint hc); void MakeSelected(Selection *s); void MakeUnselected(hEntity he, bool coincidentPointTrick); void MakeUnselected(Selection *s, bool coincidentPointTrick); void SelectByMarquee(); void ClearSuper(); void ContextMenuListStyles(); int64_t contextMenuCancelTime; // The toolbar, in toolbar.cpp bool ToolbarDrawOrHitTest(int x, int y, UiCanvas *canvas, Command *menuHit); void ToolbarDraw(UiCanvas *canvas); bool ToolbarMouseMoved(int x, int y); bool ToolbarMouseDown(int x, int y); static void TimerCallback(); Command toolbarHovered; Command toolbarTooltipped; int toolbarMouseX, toolbarMouseY; // This sets what gets displayed. bool showWorkplanes; bool showNormals; bool showPoints; bool showConstraints; bool showTextWindow; bool showShaded; bool showEdges; bool showOutlines; bool showFaces; bool showMesh; bool showHdnLines; void ToggleBool(bool *v); bool showSnapGrid; void DrawSnapGrid(Canvas *canvas); void AddPointToDraggedList(hEntity hp); void StartDraggingByEntity(hEntity he); void StartDraggingBySelection(); void UpdateDraggedNum(Vector *pos, double mx, double my); void UpdateDraggedPoint(hEntity hp, double mx, double my); void DrawPersistent(Canvas *canvas); void Draw(Canvas *canvas); // These are called by the platform-specific code. void Paint(); void MouseMoved(double x, double y, bool leftDown, bool middleDown, bool rightDown, bool shiftDown, bool ctrlDown); void MouseLeftDown(double x, double y); void MouseLeftUp(double x, double y); void MouseLeftDoubleClick(double x, double y); void MouseMiddleOrRightDown(double x, double y); void MouseRightUp(double x, double y); void MouseScroll(double x, double y, int delta); void MouseLeave(); bool KeyDown(int c); void EditControlDone(const char *s); int64_t lastSpaceNavigatorTime; hGroup lastSpaceNavigatorGroup; void SpaceNavigatorMoved(double tx, double ty, double tz, double rx, double ry, double rz, bool shiftDown); void SpaceNavigatorButtonUp(); }; #endif