//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines to generate our watertight brep shells from the operations // and entities specified by the user in each group; templated to work either // on an SShell of ratpoly surfaces or on an SMesh of triangles. // // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "solvespace.h" void Group::AssembleLoops(bool *allClosed, bool *allCoplanar, bool *allNonZeroLen) { SBezierList sbl = {}; int i; for(i = 0; i < SK.entity.n; i++) { Entity *e = &(SK.entity.elem[i]); if(e->group != h) continue; if(e->construction) continue; if(e->forceHidden) continue; e->GenerateBezierCurves(&sbl); } SBezier *sb; *allNonZeroLen = true; for(sb = sbl.l.First(); sb; sb = sbl.l.NextAfter(sb)) { for(i = 1; i <= sb->deg; i++) { if(!(sb->ctrl[i]).Equals(sb->ctrl[0])) { break; } } if(i > sb->deg) { // This is a zero-length edge. *allNonZeroLen = false; polyError.errorPointAt = sb->ctrl[0]; goto done; } } // Try to assemble all these Beziers into loops. The closed loops go into // bezierLoops, with the outer loops grouped with their holes. The // leftovers, if any, go in bezierOpens. bezierLoops.FindOuterFacesFrom(&sbl, &polyLoops, NULL, SS.ChordTolMm(), allClosed, &(polyError.notClosedAt), allCoplanar, &(polyError.errorPointAt), &bezierOpens); done: sbl.Clear(); } void Group::GenerateLoops() { polyLoops.Clear(); bezierLoops.Clear(); bezierOpens.Clear(); if(type == Type::DRAWING_3D || type == Type::DRAWING_WORKPLANE || type == Type::ROTATE || type == Type::TRANSLATE || type == Type::LINKED) { bool allClosed = false, allCoplanar = false, allNonZeroLen = false; AssembleLoops(&allClosed, &allCoplanar, &allNonZeroLen); if(!allNonZeroLen) { polyError.how = PolyError::ZERO_LEN_EDGE; } else if(!allCoplanar) { polyError.how = PolyError::NOT_COPLANAR; } else if(!allClosed) { polyError.how = PolyError::NOT_CLOSED; } else { polyError.how = PolyError::GOOD; // The self-intersecting check is kind of slow, so don't run it // unless requested. if(SS.checkClosedContour) { if(polyLoops.SelfIntersecting(&(polyError.errorPointAt))) { polyError.how = PolyError::SELF_INTERSECTING; } } } } } void SShell::RemapFaces(Group *g, int remap) { SSurface *ss; for(ss = surface.First(); ss; ss = surface.NextAfter(ss)){ hEntity face = { ss->face }; if(face == Entity::NO_ENTITY) continue; face = g->Remap(face, remap); ss->face = face.v; } } void SMesh::RemapFaces(Group *g, int remap) { STriangle *tr; for(tr = l.First(); tr; tr = l.NextAfter(tr)) { hEntity face = { tr->meta.face }; if(face == Entity::NO_ENTITY) continue; face = g->Remap(face, remap); tr->meta.face = face.v; } } template void Group::GenerateForStepAndRepeat(T *steps, T *outs, Group::CombineAs forWhat) { T workA, workB; workA = {}; workB = {}; T *soFar = &workA, *scratch = &workB; int n = (int)valA, a0 = 0; if(subtype == Subtype::ONE_SIDED && skipFirst) { a0++; n++; } int a; for(a = a0; a < n; a++) { int ap = a*2 - (subtype == Subtype::ONE_SIDED ? 0 : (n-1)); int remap = (a == (n - 1)) ? REMAP_LAST : a; T transd = {}; if(type == Type::TRANSLATE) { Vector trans = Vector::From(h.param(0), h.param(1), h.param(2)); trans = trans.ScaledBy(ap); transd.MakeFromTransformationOf(steps, trans, Quaternion::IDENTITY, 1.0); } else { Vector trans = Vector::From(h.param(0), h.param(1), h.param(2)); double theta = ap * SK.GetParam(h.param(3))->val; double c = cos(theta), s = sin(theta); Vector axis = Vector::From(h.param(4), h.param(5), h.param(6)); Quaternion q = Quaternion::From(c, s*axis.x, s*axis.y, s*axis.z); // Rotation is centered at t; so A(x - t) + t = Ax + (t - At) transd.MakeFromTransformationOf(steps, trans.Minus(q.Rotate(trans)), q, 1.0); } // We need to rewrite any plane face entities to the transformed ones. transd.RemapFaces(this, remap); // And tack this transformed copy on to the return. if(soFar->IsEmpty()) { scratch->MakeFromCopyOf(&transd); } else if (forWhat == CombineAs::ASSEMBLE) { scratch->MakeFromAssemblyOf(soFar, &transd); } else { scratch->MakeFromUnionOf(soFar, &transd); } swap(scratch, soFar); scratch->Clear(); transd.Clear(); } outs->Clear(); *outs = *soFar; } template void Group::GenerateForBoolean(T *prevs, T *thiss, T *outs, Group::CombineAs how) { // If this group contributes no new mesh, then our running mesh is the // same as last time, no combining required. Likewise if we have a mesh // but it's suppressed. if(thiss->IsEmpty() || suppress) { outs->MakeFromCopyOf(prevs); return; } // So our group's shell appears in thisShell. Combine this with the // previous group's shell, using the requested operation. if(how == CombineAs::UNION) { outs->MakeFromUnionOf(prevs, thiss); } else if(how == CombineAs::DIFFERENCE) { outs->MakeFromDifferenceOf(prevs, thiss); } else { outs->MakeFromAssemblyOf(prevs, thiss); } } void Group::GenerateShellAndMesh() { bool prevBooleanFailed = booleanFailed; booleanFailed = false; Group *srcg = this; thisShell.Clear(); thisMesh.Clear(); runningShell.Clear(); runningMesh.Clear(); // Don't attempt a lathe or extrusion unless the source section is good: // planar and not self-intersecting. bool haveSrc = true; if(type == Type::EXTRUDE || type == Type::LATHE || type == Type::REVOLVE) { Group *src = SK.GetGroup(opA); if(src->polyError.how != PolyError::GOOD) { haveSrc = false; } } if(type == Type::TRANSLATE || type == Type::ROTATE) { // A step and repeat gets merged against the group's previous group, // not our own previous group. srcg = SK.GetGroup(opA); if(!srcg->suppress) { if(!IsForcedToMesh()) { GenerateForStepAndRepeat(&(srcg->thisShell), &thisShell, srcg->meshCombine); } else { SMesh prevm = {}; prevm.MakeFromCopyOf(&srcg->thisMesh); srcg->thisShell.TriangulateInto(&prevm); GenerateForStepAndRepeat (&prevm, &thisMesh, srcg->meshCombine); } } } else if(type == Type::EXTRUDE && haveSrc) { Group *src = SK.GetGroup(opA); Vector translate = Vector::From(h.param(0), h.param(1), h.param(2)); Vector tbot, ttop; if(subtype == Subtype::ONE_SIDED) { tbot = Vector::From(0, 0, 0); ttop = translate.ScaledBy(2); } else { tbot = translate.ScaledBy(-1); ttop = translate.ScaledBy(1); } SBezierLoopSetSet *sblss = &(src->bezierLoops); SBezierLoopSet *sbls; for(sbls = sblss->l.First(); sbls; sbls = sblss->l.NextAfter(sbls)) { int is = thisShell.surface.n; // Extrude this outer contour (plus its inner contours, if present) thisShell.MakeFromExtrusionOf(sbls, tbot, ttop, color); // And for any plane faces, annotate the model with the entity for // that face, so that the user can select them with the mouse. Vector onOrig = sbls->point; int i; for(i = is; i < thisShell.surface.n; i++) { SSurface *ss = &(thisShell.surface.elem[i]); hEntity face = Entity::NO_ENTITY; Vector p = ss->PointAt(0, 0), n = ss->NormalAt(0, 0).WithMagnitude(1); double d = n.Dot(p); if(i == is || i == (is + 1)) { // These are the top and bottom of the shell. if(fabs((onOrig.Plus(ttop)).Dot(n) - d) < LENGTH_EPS) { face = Remap(Entity::NO_ENTITY, REMAP_TOP); ss->face = face.v; } if(fabs((onOrig.Plus(tbot)).Dot(n) - d) < LENGTH_EPS) { face = Remap(Entity::NO_ENTITY, REMAP_BOTTOM); ss->face = face.v; } continue; } // So these are the sides if(ss->degm != 1 || ss->degn != 1) continue; Entity *e; for(e = SK.entity.First(); e; e = SK.entity.NextAfter(e)) { if(e->group != opA) continue; if(e->type != Entity::Type::LINE_SEGMENT) continue; Vector a = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum(), b = SK.GetEntity(e->point[1])->PointGetNum(); a = a.Plus(ttop); b = b.Plus(ttop); // Could get taken backwards, so check all cases. if((a.Equals(ss->ctrl[0][0]) && b.Equals(ss->ctrl[1][0])) || (b.Equals(ss->ctrl[0][0]) && a.Equals(ss->ctrl[1][0])) || (a.Equals(ss->ctrl[0][1]) && b.Equals(ss->ctrl[1][1])) || (b.Equals(ss->ctrl[0][1]) && a.Equals(ss->ctrl[1][1]))) { face = Remap(e->h, REMAP_LINE_TO_FACE); ss->face = face.v; break; } } } } } else if(type == Type::LATHE && haveSrc) { Group *src = SK.GetGroup(opA); Vector pt = SK.GetEntity(predef.origin)->PointGetNum(), axis = SK.GetEntity(predef.entityB)->VectorGetNum(); axis = axis.WithMagnitude(1); SBezierLoopSetSet *sblss = &(src->bezierLoops); SBezierLoopSet *sbls; for(sbls = sblss->l.First(); sbls; sbls = sblss->l.NextAfter(sbls)) { thisShell.MakeFromRevolutionOf(sbls, pt, axis, color, this); } } else if(type == Type::REVOLVE && haveSrc) { Group *src = SK.GetGroup(opA); double anglef = SK.GetParam(h.param(3))->val * 4; // why the 4 is needed? double dists = 0, distf = 0; double angles = 0.0; if(subtype != Subtype::ONE_SIDED) { anglef *= 0.5; angles = -anglef; } Vector pt = SK.GetEntity(predef.origin)->PointGetNum(), axis = SK.GetEntity(predef.entityB)->VectorGetNum(); axis = axis.WithMagnitude(1); SBezierLoopSetSet *sblss = &(src->bezierLoops); SBezierLoopSet *sbls; for(sbls = sblss->l.First(); sbls; sbls = sblss->l.NextAfter(sbls)) { if(fabs(anglef - angles) < 2 * PI) { thisShell.MakeFromHelicalRevolutionOf(sbls, pt, axis, color, this, angles, anglef, dists, distf); } else { thisShell.MakeFromRevolutionOf(sbls, pt, axis, color, this); } } } else if(type == Type::HELIX && haveSrc) { Group *src = SK.GetGroup(opA); double anglef = SK.GetParam(h.param(3))->val * 4; // why the 4 is needed? double dists = 0, distf = 0; double angles = 0.0; distf = SK.GetParam(h.param(7))->val * 2; // dist is applied twice if(subtype != Subtype::ONE_SIDED) { anglef *= 0.5; angles = -anglef; distf *= 0.5; dists = -distf; } Vector pt = SK.GetEntity(predef.origin)->PointGetNum(), axis = SK.GetEntity(predef.entityB)->VectorGetNum(); axis = axis.WithMagnitude(1); SBezierLoopSetSet *sblss = &(src->bezierLoops); SBezierLoopSet *sbls; for(sbls = sblss->l.First(); sbls; sbls = sblss->l.NextAfter(sbls)) { thisShell.MakeFromHelicalRevolutionOf(sbls, pt, axis, color, this, angles, anglef, dists, distf); } } else if(type == Type::LINKED) { // The imported shell or mesh are copied over, with the appropriate // transformation applied. We also must remap the face entities. Vector offset = { SK.GetParam(h.param(0))->val, SK.GetParam(h.param(1))->val, SK.GetParam(h.param(2))->val }; Quaternion q = { SK.GetParam(h.param(3))->val, SK.GetParam(h.param(4))->val, SK.GetParam(h.param(5))->val, SK.GetParam(h.param(6))->val }; thisMesh.MakeFromTransformationOf(&impMesh, offset, q, scale); thisMesh.RemapFaces(this, 0); thisShell.MakeFromTransformationOf(&impShell, offset, q, scale); thisShell.RemapFaces(this, 0); } if(srcg->meshCombine != CombineAs::ASSEMBLE) { thisShell.MergeCoincidentSurfaces(); } // So now we've got the mesh or shell for this group. Combine it with // the previous group's mesh or shell with the requested Boolean, and // we're done. Group *prevg = srcg->RunningMeshGroup(); if(!IsForcedToMesh()) { SShell *prevs = &(prevg->runningShell); GenerateForBoolean(prevs, &thisShell, &runningShell, srcg->meshCombine); if(srcg->meshCombine != CombineAs::ASSEMBLE) { runningShell.MergeCoincidentSurfaces(); } // If the Boolean failed, then we should note that in the text screen // for this group. booleanFailed = runningShell.booleanFailed; if(booleanFailed != prevBooleanFailed) { SS.ScheduleShowTW(); } } else { SMesh prevm, thism; prevm = {}; thism = {}; prevm.MakeFromCopyOf(&(prevg->runningMesh)); prevg->runningShell.TriangulateInto(&prevm); thism.MakeFromCopyOf(&thisMesh); thisShell.TriangulateInto(&thism); SMesh outm = {}; GenerateForBoolean(&prevm, &thism, &outm, srcg->meshCombine); // Remove degenerate triangles; if we don't, they'll get split in SnapToMesh // in every generated group, resulting in polynomial increase in triangle count, // and corresponding slowdown. outm.RemoveDegenerateTriangles(); if(srcg->meshCombine != CombineAs::ASSEMBLE) { // And make sure that the output mesh is vertex-to-vertex. SKdNode *root = SKdNode::From(&outm); root->SnapToMesh(&outm); root->MakeMeshInto(&runningMesh); } else { runningMesh.MakeFromCopyOf(&outm); } outm.Clear(); thism.Clear(); prevm.Clear(); } displayDirty = true; } void Group::GenerateDisplayItems() { // This is potentially slow (since we've got to triangulate a shell, or // to find the emphasized edges for a mesh), so we will run it only // if its inputs have changed. if(displayDirty) { Group *pg = RunningMeshGroup(); if(pg && thisMesh.IsEmpty() && thisShell.IsEmpty()) { // We don't contribute any new solid model in this group, so our // display items are identical to the previous group's; which means // that we can just display those, and stop ourselves from // recalculating for those every time we get a change in this group. // // Note that this can end up recursing multiple times (if multiple // groups that contribute no solid model exist in sequence), but // that's okay. pg->GenerateDisplayItems(); displayMesh.Clear(); displayMesh.MakeFromCopyOf(&(pg->displayMesh)); displayOutlines.Clear(); if(SS.GW.showEdges || SS.GW.showOutlines) { displayOutlines.MakeFromCopyOf(&pg->displayOutlines); } } else { // We do contribute new solid model, so we have to triangulate the // shell, and edge-find the mesh. displayMesh.Clear(); runningShell.TriangulateInto(&displayMesh); STriangle *t; for(t = runningMesh.l.First(); t; t = runningMesh.l.NextAfter(t)) { STriangle trn = *t; Vector n = trn.Normal(); trn.an = n; trn.bn = n; trn.cn = n; displayMesh.AddTriangle(&trn); } displayOutlines.Clear(); if(SS.GW.showEdges || SS.GW.showOutlines) { SOutlineList rawOutlines = {}; if(runningMesh.l.n > 0) { // Triangle mesh only; no shell or emphasized edges. runningMesh.MakeOutlinesInto(&rawOutlines, EdgeKind::EMPHASIZED); } else { displayMesh.MakeOutlinesInto(&rawOutlines, EdgeKind::SHARP); } PolylineBuilder builder; builder.MakeFromOutlines(rawOutlines); builder.GenerateOutlines(&displayOutlines); rawOutlines.Clear(); } } // If we render this mesh, we need to know whether it's transparent, // and we'll want all transparent triangles last, to make the depth test // work correctly. displayMesh.PrecomputeTransparency(); // Recalculate mass center if needed if(SS.centerOfMass.draw && SS.centerOfMass.dirty && h == SS.GW.activeGroup) { SS.UpdateCenterOfMass(); } displayDirty = false; } } Group *Group::PreviousGroup() const { int i; for(i = 0; i < SK.groupOrder.n; i++) { Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SK.groupOrder.elem[i]); if(g->h == h) break; } if(i == 0 || i >= SK.groupOrder.n) return NULL; return SK.GetGroup(SK.groupOrder.elem[i - 1]); } Group *Group::RunningMeshGroup() const { if(type == Type::TRANSLATE || type == Type::ROTATE) { return SK.GetGroup(opA)->RunningMeshGroup(); } else { return PreviousGroup(); } } bool Group::IsMeshGroup() { switch(type) { case Group::Type::EXTRUDE: case Group::Type::LATHE: case Group::Type::REVOLVE: case Group::Type::HELIX: case Group::Type::ROTATE: case Group::Type::TRANSLATE: return true; default: return false; } } void Group::DrawMesh(DrawMeshAs how, Canvas *canvas) { if(!(SS.GW.showShaded || SS.GW.drawOccludedAs != GraphicsWindow::DrawOccludedAs::VISIBLE)) return; switch(how) { case DrawMeshAs::DEFAULT: { // Force the shade color to something dim to not distract from // the sketch. Canvas::Fill fillFront = {}; if(!SS.GW.showShaded) { fillFront.layer = Canvas::Layer::DEPTH_ONLY; } if(type == Type::DRAWING_3D || type == Type::DRAWING_WORKPLANE) { fillFront.color = Style::Color(Style::DIM_SOLID); } Canvas::hFill hcfFront = canvas->GetFill(fillFront); // The back faces are drawn in red; should never seem them, since we // draw closed shells, so that's a debugging aid. Canvas::hFill hcfBack = {}; if(SS.drawBackFaces && !displayMesh.isTransparent) { Canvas::Fill fillBack = {}; fillBack.layer = fillFront.layer; fillBack.color = RgbaColor::FromFloat(1.0f, 0.1f, 0.1f); hcfBack = canvas->GetFill(fillBack); } else { hcfBack = hcfFront; } // Draw the shaded solid into the depth buffer for hidden line removal, // and if we're actually going to display it, to the color buffer too. canvas->DrawMesh(displayMesh, hcfFront, hcfBack); // Draw mesh edges, for debugging. if(SS.GW.showMesh) { Canvas::Stroke strokeTriangle = {}; strokeTriangle.zIndex = 1; strokeTriangle.color = RgbaColor::FromFloat(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); strokeTriangle.width = 1; strokeTriangle.unit = Canvas::Unit::PX; Canvas::hStroke hcsTriangle = canvas->GetStroke(strokeTriangle); SEdgeList edges = {}; for(const STriangle &t : displayMesh.l) { edges.AddEdge(t.a, t.b); edges.AddEdge(t.b, t.c); edges.AddEdge(t.c, t.a); } canvas->DrawEdges(edges, hcsTriangle); edges.Clear(); } break; } case DrawMeshAs::HOVERED: { Canvas::Fill fill = {}; fill.color = Style::Color(Style::HOVERED); fill.pattern = Canvas::FillPattern::CHECKERED_A; fill.zIndex = 2; Canvas::hFill hcf = canvas->GetFill(fill); std::vector faces; hEntity he = SS.GW.hover.entity; if(he.v != 0 && SK.GetEntity(he)->IsFace()) { faces.push_back(he.v); } canvas->DrawFaces(displayMesh, faces, hcf); break; } case DrawMeshAs::SELECTED: { Canvas::Fill fill = {}; fill.color = Style::Color(Style::SELECTED); fill.pattern = Canvas::FillPattern::CHECKERED_B; fill.zIndex = 1; Canvas::hFill hcf = canvas->GetFill(fill); std::vector faces; SS.GW.GroupSelection(); auto const &gs = SS.GW.gs; if(gs.faces > 0) faces.push_back(gs.face[0].v); if(gs.faces > 1) faces.push_back(gs.face[1].v); canvas->DrawFaces(displayMesh, faces, hcf); break; } } } void Group::Draw(Canvas *canvas) { // Everything here gets drawn whether or not the group is hidden; we // can control this stuff independently, with show/hide solids, edges, // mesh, etc. GenerateDisplayItems(); DrawMesh(DrawMeshAs::DEFAULT, canvas); if(SS.GW.showEdges) { Canvas::Stroke strokeEdge = Style::Stroke(Style::SOLID_EDGE); strokeEdge.zIndex = 1; Canvas::hStroke hcsEdge = canvas->GetStroke(strokeEdge); canvas->DrawOutlines(displayOutlines, hcsEdge, SS.GW.showOutlines ? Canvas::DrawOutlinesAs::EMPHASIZED_WITHOUT_CONTOUR : Canvas::DrawOutlinesAs::EMPHASIZED_AND_CONTOUR); if(SS.GW.drawOccludedAs != GraphicsWindow::DrawOccludedAs::INVISIBLE) { Canvas::Stroke strokeHidden = Style::Stroke(Style::HIDDEN_EDGE); if(SS.GW.drawOccludedAs == GraphicsWindow::DrawOccludedAs::VISIBLE) { strokeHidden.stipplePattern = StipplePattern::CONTINUOUS; } strokeHidden.layer = Canvas::Layer::OCCLUDED; Canvas::hStroke hcsHidden = canvas->GetStroke(strokeHidden); canvas->DrawOutlines(displayOutlines, hcsHidden, Canvas::DrawOutlinesAs::EMPHASIZED_AND_CONTOUR); } } if(SS.GW.showOutlines) { Canvas::Stroke strokeOutline = Style::Stroke(Style::OUTLINE); strokeOutline.zIndex = 1; Canvas::hStroke hcsOutline = canvas->GetStroke(strokeOutline); canvas->DrawOutlines(displayOutlines, hcsOutline, Canvas::DrawOutlinesAs::CONTOUR_ONLY); } } void Group::DrawPolyError(Canvas *canvas) { const Camera &camera = canvas->GetCamera(); Canvas::Stroke strokeUnclosed = Style::Stroke(Style::DRAW_ERROR); strokeUnclosed.color = strokeUnclosed.color.WithAlpha(50); Canvas::hStroke hcsUnclosed = canvas->GetStroke(strokeUnclosed); Canvas::Stroke strokeError = Style::Stroke(Style::DRAW_ERROR); strokeError.layer = Canvas::Layer::FRONT; strokeError.width = 1.0f; Canvas::hStroke hcsError = canvas->GetStroke(strokeError); double textHeight = Style::DefaultTextHeight() / camera.scale; // And finally show the polygons too, and any errors if it's not possible // to assemble the lines into closed polygons. if(polyError.how == PolyError::NOT_CLOSED) { // Report this error only in sketch-in-workplane groups; otherwise // it's just a nuisance. if(type == Type::DRAWING_WORKPLANE) { canvas->DrawVectorText(_("not closed contour, or not all same style!"), textHeight, polyError.notClosedAt.b, camera.projRight, camera.projUp, hcsError); canvas->DrawLine(polyError.notClosedAt.a, polyError.notClosedAt.b, hcsUnclosed); } } else if(polyError.how == PolyError::NOT_COPLANAR || polyError.how == PolyError::SELF_INTERSECTING || polyError.how == PolyError::ZERO_LEN_EDGE) { // These errors occur at points, not lines if(type == Type::DRAWING_WORKPLANE) { const char *msg; if(polyError.how == PolyError::NOT_COPLANAR) { msg = _("points not all coplanar!"); } else if(polyError.how == PolyError::SELF_INTERSECTING) { msg = _("contour is self-intersecting!"); } else { msg = _("zero-length edge!"); } canvas->DrawVectorText(msg, textHeight, polyError.errorPointAt, camera.projRight, camera.projUp, hcsError); } } else { // The contours will get filled in DrawFilledPaths. } } void Group::DrawFilledPaths(Canvas *canvas) { for(const SBezierLoopSet &sbls : bezierLoops.l) { if(sbls.l.n == 0 || sbls.l.elem[0].l.n == 0) continue; // In an assembled loop, all the styles should be the same; so doesn't // matter which one we grab. SBezier *sb = &(sbls.l.elem[0].l.elem[0]); Style *s = Style::Get({ (uint32_t)sb->auxA }); Canvas::Fill fill = {}; fill.zIndex = 1; if(s->filled) { // This is a filled loop, where the user specified a fill color. fill.color = s->fillColor; } else if(h == SS.GW.activeGroup && SS.checkClosedContour && polyError.how == PolyError::GOOD) { // If this is the active group, and we are supposed to check // for closed contours, and we do indeed have a closed and // non-intersecting contour, then fill it dimly. fill.color = Style::Color(Style::CONTOUR_FILL).WithAlpha(127); } else continue; Canvas::hFill hcf = canvas->GetFill(fill); SPolygon sp = {}; sbls.MakePwlInto(&sp); canvas->DrawPolygon(sp, hcf); sp.Clear(); } } void Group::DrawContourAreaLabels(Canvas *canvas) { const Camera &camera = canvas->GetCamera(); Vector gr = camera.projRight.ScaledBy(1 / camera.scale); Vector gu = camera.projUp.ScaledBy(1 / camera.scale); for(SBezierLoopSet &sbls : bezierLoops.l) { if(sbls.l.n == 0 || sbls.l.elem[0].l.n == 0) continue; Vector min = sbls.l.elem[0].l.elem[0].ctrl[0]; Vector max = min; Vector zero = Vector::From(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); sbls.GetBoundingProjd(Vector::From(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), zero, &min.x, &max.x); sbls.GetBoundingProjd(Vector::From(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), zero, &min.y, &max.y); sbls.GetBoundingProjd(Vector::From(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), zero, &min.z, &max.z); Vector mid = min.Plus(max).ScaledBy(0.5); hStyle hs = { Style::CONSTRAINT }; Canvas::Stroke stroke = Style::Stroke(hs); stroke.layer = Canvas::Layer::FRONT; double scale = SS.MmPerUnit(); std::string label = ssprintf("%.3f %s²", fabs(sbls.SignedArea() / (scale * scale)), SS.UnitName()); double fontHeight = Style::TextHeight(hs); double textWidth = VectorFont::Builtin()->GetWidth(fontHeight, label), textHeight = VectorFont::Builtin()->GetCapHeight(fontHeight); Vector pos = mid.Minus(gr.ScaledBy(textWidth / 2.0)) .Minus(gu.ScaledBy(textHeight / 2.0)); canvas->DrawVectorText(label, fontHeight, pos, gr, gu, canvas->GetStroke(stroke)); } }