//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The user-visible undo/redo operation; whenever they change something, we // record our state and push it on a stack, and we pop the stack when they // select undo. // // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "solvespace.h" void SolveSpaceUI::UndoRemember(void) { unsaved = true; PushFromCurrentOnto(&undo); UndoClearStack(&redo); UndoEnableMenus(); } void SolveSpaceUI::UndoUndo(void) { if(undo.cnt <= 0) return; PushFromCurrentOnto(&redo); PopOntoCurrentFrom(&undo); UndoEnableMenus(); } void SolveSpaceUI::UndoRedo(void) { if(redo.cnt <= 0) return; PushFromCurrentOnto(&undo); PopOntoCurrentFrom(&redo); UndoEnableMenus(); } void SolveSpaceUI::UndoEnableMenus(void) { EnableMenuById(GraphicsWindow::MNU_UNDO, undo.cnt > 0); EnableMenuById(GraphicsWindow::MNU_REDO, redo.cnt > 0); } void SolveSpaceUI::PushFromCurrentOnto(UndoStack *uk) { int i; if(uk->cnt == MAX_UNDO) { UndoClearState(&(uk->d[uk->write])); // And then write in to this one again } else { (uk->cnt)++; } UndoState *ut = &(uk->d[uk->write]); *ut = {}; for(i = 0; i < SK.group.n; i++) { Group *src = &(SK.group.elem[i]); Group dest = *src; // And then clean up all the stuff that needs to be a deep copy, // and zero out all the dynamic stuff that will get regenerated. dest.clean = false; dest.solved = {}; dest.polyLoops = {}; dest.bezierLoops = {}; dest.bezierOpens = {}; dest.polyError = {}; dest.thisMesh = {}; dest.runningMesh = {}; dest.thisShell = {}; dest.runningShell = {}; dest.displayMesh = {}; dest.displayEdges = {}; dest.displayOutlines = {}; dest.remap = {}; src->remap.DeepCopyInto(&(dest.remap)); dest.impMesh = {}; dest.impShell = {}; dest.impEntity = {}; ut->group.Add(&dest); } for(i = 0; i < SK.groupOrder.n; i++) { ut->groupOrder.Add(&(SK.groupOrder.elem[i])); } for(i = 0; i < SK.request.n; i++) { ut->request.Add(&(SK.request.elem[i])); } for(i = 0; i < SK.constraint.n; i++) { Constraint *src = &(SK.constraint.elem[i]); Constraint dest = *src; dest.dogd = {}; ut->constraint.Add(&dest); } for(i = 0; i < SK.param.n; i++) { ut->param.Add(&(SK.param.elem[i])); } for(i = 0; i < SK.style.n; i++) { ut->style.Add(&(SK.style.elem[i])); } ut->activeGroup = SS.GW.activeGroup; uk->write = WRAP(uk->write + 1, MAX_UNDO); } void SolveSpaceUI::PopOntoCurrentFrom(UndoStack *uk) { int i; if(uk->cnt <= 0) oops(); (uk->cnt)--; uk->write = WRAP(uk->write - 1, MAX_UNDO); UndoState *ut = &(uk->d[uk->write]); // Free everything in the main copy of the program before replacing it for(i = 0; i < SK.groupOrder.n; i++) { Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SK.groupOrder.elem[i]); g->Clear(); } SK.group.Clear(); SK.groupOrder.Clear(); SK.request.Clear(); SK.constraint.Clear(); SK.param.Clear(); SK.style.Clear(); // And then do a shallow copy of the state from the undo list ut->group.MoveSelfInto(&(SK.group)); for(i = 0; i < ut->groupOrder.n; i++) SK.groupOrder.Add(&ut->groupOrder.elem[i]); ut->request.MoveSelfInto(&(SK.request)); ut->constraint.MoveSelfInto(&(SK.constraint)); ut->param.MoveSelfInto(&(SK.param)); ut->style.MoveSelfInto(&(SK.style)); SS.GW.activeGroup = ut->activeGroup; // No need to free it, since a shallow copy was made above *ut = {}; // And reset the state everywhere else in the program, since the // sketch just changed a lot. SS.GW.ClearSuper(); SS.TW.ClearSuper(); SS.ReloadAllImported(); SS.GenerateAll(SolveSpaceUI::GENERATE_ALL); SS.ScheduleShowTW(); // Activate the group that was active before. Group *activeGroup = SK.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup); activeGroup->Activate(); } void SolveSpaceUI::UndoClearStack(UndoStack *uk) { while(uk->cnt > 0) { uk->write = WRAP(uk->write - 1, MAX_UNDO); (uk->cnt)--; UndoClearState(&(uk->d[uk->write])); } *uk = {}; // for good measure } void SolveSpaceUI::UndoClearState(UndoState *ut) { int i; for(i = 0; i < ut->group.n; i++) { Group *g = &(ut->group.elem[i]); g->remap.Clear(); } ut->group.Clear(); ut->request.Clear(); ut->constraint.Clear(); ut->param.Clear(); ut->style.Clear(); *ut = {}; }