#include "solvespace.h" #include "libdxfrw.h" #include "libdwgr.h" namespace SolveSpace { static std::string ToUpper(std::string str) { std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::toupper); return str; } class DxfImport : public DRW_Interface { public: Vector blockX; Vector blockY; Vector blockZ; Vector blockT; void invertXTransform() { blockX.x = -blockX.x; blockY.x = -blockY.x; blockT.x = -blockT.x; } void multBlockTransform(double x, double y, double sx, double sy, double angle) { Vector oldX = blockX; Vector oldY = blockY; Vector oldT = blockT; Vector newX = Vector::From(sx, 0.0, 0.0).RotatedAbout(Vector::From(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), angle); Vector newY = Vector::From(0.0, sy, 0.0).RotatedAbout(Vector::From(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), angle); Vector newT = Vector::From(x, y, 0.0); blockX = oldX.ScaledBy(newX.x).Plus( oldY.ScaledBy(newX.y)); blockY = oldX.ScaledBy(newY.x).Plus( oldY.ScaledBy(newY.y)); blockT = oldX.ScaledBy(newT.x).Plus( oldY.ScaledBy(newT.y)).Plus(oldT); } void clearBlockTransform() { blockX = Vector::From(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); blockY = Vector::From(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); blockZ = Vector::From(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); blockT = Vector::From(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } Vector blockTransform(Vector v) { Vector r = blockT; r = r.Plus(blockX.ScaledBy(v.x)); r = r.Plus(blockY.ScaledBy(v.y)); r = r.Plus(blockZ.ScaledBy(v.z)); return r; } void blockTransformArc(Vector *c, Vector *p0, Vector *p1) { bool oldSign = p0->Minus(*c).Cross(p1->Minus(*c)).z > 0.0; *c = blockTransform(*c); *p0 = blockTransform(*p0); *p1 = blockTransform(*p1); bool newSign = p0->Minus(*c).Cross(p1->Minus(*c)).z > 0.0; if(oldSign != newSign) std::swap(*p0, *p1); } Vector toVector(const DRW_Coord &c, bool transform = true) { Vector result = Vector::From(c.x, c.y, c.z); if(transform) return blockTransform(result); return result; } Vector toVector(const DRW_Vertex2D &c) { Vector result = Vector::From(c.x, c.y, 0.0); return blockTransform(result); } Vector toVector(const DRW_Vertex &c) { Vector result = Vector::From(c.basePoint.x, c.basePoint.y, c.basePoint.z); return blockTransform(result); } double angleTo(Vector v0, Vector v1) { Vector d = v1.Minus(v0); double a = atan2(d.y, d.x); return M_PI + remainder(a - M_PI, 2 * M_PI); } Vector polar(double radius, double angle) { return Vector::From(radius * cos(angle), radius * sin(angle), 0.0); } hRequest createBulge(Vector p0, Vector p1, double bulge) { bool reversed = bulge < 0.0; double alpha = atan(bulge) * 4.0; Vector middle = p1.Plus(p0).ScaledBy(0.5); double dist = p1.Minus(p0).Magnitude() / 2.0; double angle = angleTo(p0, p1); // alpha can't be 0.0 at this point double radius = fabs(dist / sin(alpha / 2.0)); double wu = fabs(radius * radius - dist * dist); double h = sqrt(wu); if(bulge > 0.0) { angle += M_PI_2; } else { angle -= M_PI_2; } if (fabs(alpha) > M_PI) { h *= -1.0; } Vector center = polar(h, angle); center = center.Plus(middle); if(reversed) std::swap(p0, p1); blockTransformArc(¢er, &p0, &p1); hRequest hr = SS.GW.AddRequest(Request::Type::ARC_OF_CIRCLE, /*rememberForUndo=*/false); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(1))->PointForceTo(center); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(2))->PointForceTo(p0); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(3))->PointForceTo(p1); processPoint(hr.entity(1)); processPoint(hr.entity(2)); processPoint(hr.entity(3)); return hr; } struct Block { std::vector> entities; DRW_Block data; }; bool asConstruction = false; unsigned unknownEntities = 0; std::map styles; std::map blocks; std::map layers; Block *readBlock = NULL; const DRW_Insert *insertInsert = NULL; template bool addPendingBlockEntity(const T &e) { if(readBlock == NULL) return false; readBlock->entities.emplace_back(new T(e)); return true; } void addEntity(DRW_Entity *e) { switch(e->eType) { case DRW::POINT: addPoint(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::LINE: addLine(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::ARC: addArc(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::CIRCLE: addCircle(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::POLYLINE: addPolyline(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::LWPOLYLINE: addLWPolyline(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::SPLINE: addSpline(static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::INSERT: addInsert(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::TEXT: addText(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::MTEXT: addMText(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::DIMALIGNED: addDimAlign(static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::DIMLINEAR: addDimLinear(static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::DIMRADIAL: addDimRadial(static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::DIMDIAMETRIC: addDimDiametric(static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::DIMANGULAR: addDimAngular(static_cast(e)); break; default: unknownEntities++; } } Style::TextOrigin dxfAlignToOrigin(DRW_Text::HAlign alignH, DRW_Text::VAlign alignV) { uint32_t origin = 0; switch(alignH) { case DRW_Text::HLeft: origin |= (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::LEFT; break; case DRW_Text::HMiddle: case DRW_Text::HCenter: break; case DRW_Text::HRight: origin |= (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::RIGHT; break; case DRW_Text::HAligned: case DRW_Text::HFit: default: origin |= (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::LEFT; break; } switch(alignV) { case DRW_Text::VBaseLine: case DRW_Text::VBottom: origin |= (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::BOT; break; case DRW_Text::VMiddle: break; case DRW_Text::VTop: origin |= (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::TOP; break; default: origin |= (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::BOT; break; } return (Style::TextOrigin)origin; } DRW_Layer *getSourceLayer(const DRW_Entity *e) { DRW_Layer *layer = NULL; if(insertInsert != NULL) { std::string l = insertInsert->layer; auto bi = layers.find(l); if(bi != layers.end()) layer = &bi->second; } else { std::string l = e->layer; auto bi = layers.find(l); if(bi != layers.end()) layer = &bi->second; } return layer; } int getColor(const DRW_Entity *e) { int col = e->color; if(col == DRW::ColorByBlock) { if(insertInsert != NULL) { col = insertInsert->color; } else { col = 7; } } if(col == DRW::ColorByLayer) { DRW_Layer *layer = getSourceLayer(e); if(layer != NULL) { col = layer->color; } else { col = 7; } } return col; } DRW_LW_Conv::lineWidth getLineWidth(const DRW_Entity *e) { DRW_LW_Conv::lineWidth result = e->lWeight; if(result == DRW_LW_Conv::widthByBlock) { if(insertInsert != NULL) { result = insertInsert->lWeight; } else { result = DRW_LW_Conv::widthDefault; } } if(result == DRW_LW_Conv::widthByLayer) { DRW_Layer *layer = getSourceLayer(e); if(layer != NULL) { result = layer->lWeight; } else { result = DRW_LW_Conv::widthDefault; } } return result; } std::string getLineType(const DRW_Entity *e) { std::string result = e->lineType; if(result == "BYBLOCK") { if(insertInsert != NULL) { result = ToUpper(insertInsert->lineType); } else { result = "CONTINUOUS"; } } if(result == "BYLAYER") { DRW_Layer *layer = getSourceLayer(e); if(layer != NULL) { result = ToUpper(layer->lineType); } else { result = "CONTINUOUS"; } } return result; } hStyle invisibleStyle() { std::string id = "@dxf-invisible"; auto si = styles.find(id); if(si != styles.end()) { return si->second; } hStyle hs = { Style::CreateCustomStyle(/*rememberForUndo=*/false) }; Style *s = Style::Get(hs); s->name = id; s->visible = false; styles.emplace(id, hs); return hs; } hStyle styleFor(const DRW_Entity *e) { // Color. //! @todo which color to choose: index or RGB one? int col = getColor(e); RgbaColor c = RgbaColor::From(DRW::dxfColors[col][0], DRW::dxfColors[col][1], DRW::dxfColors[col][2]); // Line width. DRW_LW_Conv::lineWidth lw = getLineWidth(e); double width = DRW_LW_Conv::lineWidth2dxfInt(e->lWeight) / 100.0; if(width < 0.0) width = 1.0; // Line stipple. //! @todo Probably, we can load default autocad patterns and match it with ours. std::string lineType = getLineType(e); StipplePattern stipple = StipplePattern::CONTINUOUS; for(uint32_t i = 0; i <= (uint32_t)StipplePattern::LAST; i++) { StipplePattern st = (StipplePattern)i; if(lineType == DxfFileWriter::lineTypeName(st)) { stipple = st; break; } } // Text properties. DRW_Text::HAlign alignH = DRW_Text::HLeft; DRW_Text::VAlign alignV = DRW_Text::VBaseLine; double textAngle = 0.0; double textHeight = Style::DefaultTextHeight(); if(e->eType == DRW::TEXT || e->eType == DRW::MTEXT) { const DRW_Text *text = static_cast(e); alignH = text->alignH; alignV = text->alignV; textHeight = text->height; textAngle = text->angle; // I have no idea why, but works if(alignH == DRW_Text::HMiddle) { alignV = DRW_Text::VMiddle; } } // Unique identifier based on style properties. std::string id = "@dxf"; if(lw != DRW_LW_Conv::widthDefault) id += ssprintf("-w%.4g", width); if(lineType != "CONTINUOUS") id += ssprintf("-%s", lineType.c_str()); if(c.red != 0 || c.green != 0 || c.blue != 0) id += ssprintf("-#%02x%02x%02x", c.red, c.green, c.blue); if(textHeight != Style::DefaultTextHeight()) id += ssprintf("-h%.4g", textHeight); if(textAngle != 0.0) id += ssprintf("-a%.5g", textAngle); if(alignH != DRW_Text::HLeft) id += ssprintf("-oh%d", alignH); if(alignV != DRW_Text::VBaseLine) id += ssprintf("-ov%d", alignV); auto si = styles.find(id); if(si != styles.end()) { return si->second; } hStyle hs = { Style::CreateCustomStyle(/*rememberForUndo=*/false) }; Style *s = Style::Get(hs); if(lw != DRW_LW_Conv::widthDefault) { s->widthAs = Style::UnitsAs::MM; s->width = width; s->stippleScale = 1.0 + width * 2.0; } s->name = id; s->stippleType = stipple; if(c.red != 0 || c.green != 0 || c.blue != 0) s->color = c; s->textHeightAs = Style::UnitsAs::MM; s->textHeight = textHeight; s->textAngle = textAngle; s->textOrigin = dxfAlignToOrigin(alignH, alignV); styles.emplace(id, hs); return hs; } void configureRequest(hRequest hr, hStyle hs) { Request *r = SK.GetRequest(hr); r->construction = asConstruction; r->style = hs; } struct VectorHash { size_t operator()(const Vector &v) const { static const size_t size = std::numeric_limits::max() / 2 - 1; static const double eps = (4.0 * LENGTH_EPS); double x = fabs(v.x) / eps; double y = fabs(v.y) / eps; size_t xs = size_t(fmod(x, double(size))); size_t ys = size_t(fmod(y, double(size))); return ys * size + xs; } }; struct VectorPred { bool operator()(Vector a, Vector b) const { return a.Equals(b, LENGTH_EPS); } }; std::unordered_map points; void processPoint(hEntity he, bool constrain = true) { Entity *e = SK.GetEntity(he); Vector pos = e->PointGetNum(); hEntity p = findPoint(pos); if(p == he) return; if(p != Entity::NO_ENTITY) { if(constrain) { Constraint::ConstrainCoincident(he, p); } // We don't add point because we already // have point in this position return; } points.emplace(pos, he); } hEntity findPoint(const Vector &p) { auto it = points.find(p); if(it == points.end()) return Entity::NO_ENTITY; return it->second; } hEntity createOrGetPoint(const Vector &p) { hEntity he = findPoint(p); if(he != Entity::NO_ENTITY) return he; hRequest hr = SS.GW.AddRequest(Request::Type::DATUM_POINT, /*rememberForUndo=*/false); he = hr.entity(0); SK.GetEntity(he)->PointForceTo(p); points.emplace(p, he); return he; } hEntity createLine(Vector p0, Vector p1, hStyle style, bool constrainHV = false) { if(p0.Equals(p1)) return Entity::NO_ENTITY; hRequest hr = SS.GW.AddRequest(Request::Type::LINE_SEGMENT, /*rememberForUndo=*/false); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(1))->PointForceTo(p0); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(2))->PointForceTo(p1); processPoint(hr.entity(1)); processPoint(hr.entity(2)); if(constrainHV && SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()) { bool hasConstraint = false; Constraint::Type cType; if(fabs(p0.x - p1.x) < LENGTH_EPS) { hasConstraint = true; cType = Constraint::Type::VERTICAL; } else if(fabs(p0.y - p1.y) < LENGTH_EPS) { hasConstraint = true; cType = Constraint::Type::HORIZONTAL; } if(hasConstraint) { Constraint::Constrain( cType, Entity::NO_ENTITY, Entity::NO_ENTITY, hr.entity(0) ); } } configureRequest(hr, style); return hr.entity(0); } hEntity createCircle(const Vector &c, double r, hStyle style) { hRequest hr = SS.GW.AddRequest(Request::Type::CIRCLE, /*rememberForUndo=*/false); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(1))->PointForceTo(c); processPoint(hr.entity(1)); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(64))->DistanceForceTo(r); configureRequest(hr, style); return hr.entity(0); } void addLayer(const DRW_Layer &data) override { layers.emplace(data.name, data); } void addBlock(const DRW_Block &data) override { readBlock = &blocks[data.name]; readBlock->data = data; } void endBlock() override { readBlock = NULL; } void addPoint(const DRW_Point &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(data)) return; hRequest hr = SS.GW.AddRequest(Request::Type::DATUM_POINT, /*rememberForUndo=*/false); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(0))->PointForceTo(toVector(data.basePoint)); processPoint(hr.entity(0)); } void addLine(const DRW_Line &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(data)) return; createLine(toVector(data.basePoint), toVector(data.secPoint), styleFor(&data), /*constrainHV=*/true); } void addArc(const DRW_Arc &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(data)) return; hRequest hr = SS.GW.AddRequest(Request::Type::ARC_OF_CIRCLE, /*rememberForUndo=*/false); double r = data.radious; double sa = data.staangle; double ea = data.endangle; Vector c = Vector::From(data.basePoint.x, data.basePoint.y, data.basePoint.z); Vector rvs = Vector::From(r * cos(sa), r * sin(sa), data.basePoint.z).Plus(c); Vector rve = Vector::From(r * cos(ea), r * sin(ea), data.basePoint.z).Plus(c); if(data.extPoint.z == -1.0) { c.x = -c.x; rvs.x = - rvs.x; rve.x = - rve.x; std::swap(rvs, rve); } blockTransformArc(&c, &rvs, &rve); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(1))->PointForceTo(c); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(2))->PointForceTo(rvs); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(3))->PointForceTo(rve); processPoint(hr.entity(1)); processPoint(hr.entity(2)); processPoint(hr.entity(3)); configureRequest(hr, styleFor(&data)); } void addCircle(const DRW_Circle &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(data)) return; createCircle(toVector(data.basePoint), data.radious, styleFor(&data)); } void addLWPolyline(const DRW_LWPolyline &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(data)) return; size_t vNum = data.vertlist.size(); // Check for closed polyline. if((data.flags & 1) != 1) vNum--; // Correct coordinate system for the case where z=-1, as described in // http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/dxf/dxf10.html. bool needSwapX = data.extPoint.z == -1.0; for(size_t i = 0; i < vNum; i++) { DRW_Vertex2D c0 = *data.vertlist[i]; DRW_Vertex2D c1 = *data.vertlist[(i + 1) % data.vertlist.size()]; if(needSwapX) { c0.x = -c0.x; c1.x = -c1.x; c0.bulge = -c0.bulge; } Vector p0 = Vector::From(c0.x, c0.y, 0.0); Vector p1 = Vector::From(c1.x, c1.y, 0.0); hStyle hs = styleFor(&data); if(EXACT(data.vertlist[i]->bulge == 0.0)) { createLine(blockTransform(p0), blockTransform(p1), hs, /*constrainHV=*/true); } else { hRequest hr = createBulge(p0, p1, c0.bulge); configureRequest(hr, hs); } } } void addPolyline(const DRW_Polyline &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(data)) return; size_t vNum = data.vertlist.size(); // Check for closed polyline. if((data.flags & 1) != 1) vNum--; // Correct coordinate system for the case where z=-1, as described in // http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/dxf/dxf10.html. bool needSwapX = (data.extPoint.z == -1.0); for(size_t i = 0; i < vNum; i++) { DRW_Coord c0 = data.vertlist[i]->basePoint; DRW_Coord c1 = data.vertlist[(i + 1) % data.vertlist.size()]->basePoint; double bulge = data.vertlist[i]->bulge; if(needSwapX) { c0.x = -c0.x; c1.x = -c1.x; bulge = -bulge; } Vector p0 = Vector::From(c0.x, c0.y, c0.z); Vector p1 = Vector::From(c1.x, c1.y, c1.z); hStyle hs = styleFor(&data); if(EXACT(bulge == 0.0)) { createLine(blockTransform(p0), blockTransform(p1), hs, /*constrainHV=*/true); } else { hRequest hr = createBulge(p0, p1, bulge); configureRequest(hr, hs); } } } void addSpline(const DRW_Spline *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(data->degree != 3) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(*data)) return; hRequest hr = SS.GW.AddRequest(Request::Type::CUBIC, /*rememberForUndo=*/false); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(i + 1))->PointForceTo(toVector(*data->controllist[i])); processPoint(hr.entity(i + 1)); } configureRequest(hr, styleFor(data)); } void addInsert(const DRW_Insert &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(data)) return; auto bi = blocks.find(data.name); ssassert(bi != blocks.end(), "Inserted block does not exist"); Block *block = &bi->second; // Push transform. Vector x = blockX; Vector y = blockY; Vector t = blockT; const DRW_Insert *oldInsert = insertInsert; insertInsert = &data; if(data.extPoint.z == -1.0) invertXTransform(); multBlockTransform(data.basePoint.x, data.basePoint.y, data.xscale, data.yscale, data.angle); for(auto &e : block->entities) { addEntity(&*e); } insertInsert = oldInsert; // Pop transform. blockX = x; blockY = y; blockT = t; } void addMText(const DRW_MText &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(data)) return; DRW_MText text = data; text.secPoint = text.basePoint; addText(text); } void addText(const DRW_Text &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(data)) return; Constraint c = {}; c.group = SS.GW.activeGroup; c.workplane = SS.GW.ActiveWorkplane(); c.type = Constraint::Type::COMMENT; if(data.alignH == DRW_Text::HLeft && data.alignV == DRW_Text::VBaseLine) { c.disp.offset = toVector(data.basePoint); } else { c.disp.offset = toVector(data.secPoint); } c.comment = data.text; c.disp.style = styleFor(&data); Constraint::AddConstraint(&c, /*rememberForUndo=*/false); } void addDimAlign(const DRW_DimAligned *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(*data)) return; Vector p0 = toVector(data->getDef1Point()); Vector p1 = toVector(data->getDef2Point()); Vector p2 = toVector(data->getTextPoint()); hConstraint hc = Constraint::Constrain( Constraint::Type::PT_PT_DISTANCE, createOrGetPoint(p0), createOrGetPoint(p1), Entity::NO_ENTITY ); Constraint *c = SK.GetConstraint(hc); if(data->hasActualMeasurement()) { c->valA = data->getActualMeasurement(); } else { c->ModifyToSatisfy(); } c->disp.offset = p2.Minus(p0.Plus(p1).ScaledBy(0.5)); } void addDimLinear(const DRW_DimLinear *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(*data)) return; Vector p0 = toVector(data->getDef1Point(), /*transform=*/false); Vector p1 = toVector(data->getDef2Point(), /*transform=*/false); Vector p2 = toVector(data->getTextPoint(), /*transform=*/false); double angle = data->getAngle() * PI / 180.0; Vector dir = Vector::From(cos(angle), sin(angle), 0.0); Vector p3 = p1.Minus(p1.ClosestPointOnLine(p2, dir)).Plus(p1); if(p1.Minus(p3).Magnitude() < LENGTH_EPS) { p3 = p0.Minus(p0.ClosestPointOnLine(p2, dir)).Plus(p1); } Vector p4 = p0.ClosestPointOnLine(p1, p3.Minus(p1)).Plus(p0).ScaledBy(0.5); p0 = blockTransform(p0); p1 = blockTransform(p1); p2 = blockTransform(p2); p3 = blockTransform(p3); p4 = blockTransform(p4); hConstraint hc = Constraint::Constrain( Constraint::Type::PT_LINE_DISTANCE, createOrGetPoint(p0), Entity::NO_ENTITY, createLine(p1, p3, invisibleStyle()) ); Constraint *c = SK.GetConstraint(hc); if(data->hasActualMeasurement()) { c->valA = data->getActualMeasurement(); } else { c->ModifyToSatisfy(); } c->disp.offset = p2.Minus(p4); } void addDimAngular(const DRW_DimAngular *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(*data)) return; Vector l0p0 = toVector(data->getFirstLine1()); Vector l0p1 = toVector(data->getFirstLine2()); Vector l1p0 = toVector(data->getSecondLine1()); Vector l1p1 = toVector(data->getSecondLine2()); hConstraint hc = Constraint::Constrain( Constraint::Type::ANGLE, Entity::NO_ENTITY, Entity::NO_ENTITY, createLine(l0p0, l0p1, invisibleStyle()), createLine(l1p1, l1p0, invisibleStyle()), /*other=*/false, /*other2=*/false ); Constraint *c = SK.GetConstraint(hc); c->ModifyToSatisfy(); if(data->hasActualMeasurement()) { double actual = data->getActualMeasurement() / PI * 180.0; if(fabs(180.0 - actual - c->valA) < fabs(actual - c->valA)) { c->other = true; } c->valA = actual; } bool skew = false; Vector pi = Vector::AtIntersectionOfLines(l0p0, l0p1, l1p0, l1p1, &skew); if(!skew) { c->disp.offset = toVector(data->getTextPoint()).Minus(pi); } } hConstraint createDiametric(Vector cp, double r, Vector tp, double actual, bool asRadius = false) { hEntity he = createCircle(cp, r, invisibleStyle()); hConstraint hc = Constraint::Constrain( Constraint::Type::DIAMETER, Entity::NO_ENTITY, Entity::NO_ENTITY, he ); Constraint *c = SK.GetConstraint(hc); if(actual > 0.0) { c->valA = asRadius ? actual * 2.0 : actual; } else { c->ModifyToSatisfy(); } c->disp.offset = tp.Minus(cp); if(asRadius) c->other = true; return hc; } void addDimRadial(const DRW_DimRadial *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(*data)) return; Vector cp = toVector(data->getCenterPoint()); Vector dp = toVector(data->getDiameterPoint()); Vector tp = toVector(data->getTextPoint()); double actual = -1.0; if(data->hasActualMeasurement()) { actual = data->getActualMeasurement(); } createDiametric(cp, cp.Minus(dp).Magnitude(), tp, actual, /*asRadius=*/true); } void addDimDiametric(const DRW_DimDiametric *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(*data)) return; Vector dp1 = toVector(data->getDiameter1Point()); Vector dp2 = toVector(data->getDiameter2Point()); Vector cp = dp1.Plus(dp2).ScaledBy(0.5); Vector tp = toVector(data->getTextPoint()); double actual = -1.0; if(data->hasActualMeasurement()) { actual = data->getActualMeasurement(); } createDiametric(cp, cp.Minus(dp1).Magnitude(), tp, actual, /*asRadius=*/false); } void addDimAngular3P(const DRW_DimAngular3p *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(addPendingBlockEntity(*data)) return; DRW_DimAngular dim = *static_cast(data); dim.setFirstLine1(data->getVertexPoint()); dim.setFirstLine2(data->getFirstLine()); dim.setSecondLine1(data->getVertexPoint()); dim.setSecondLine2(data->getSecondLine()); addDimAngular(&dim); } }; class DxfCheck3D : public DRW_Interface { public: bool is3d; void addEntity(DRW_Entity *e) { switch(e->eType) { case DRW::POINT: addPoint(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::LINE: addLine(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::ARC: addArc(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::CIRCLE: addCircle(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::POLYLINE: addPolyline(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::LWPOLYLINE: addLWPolyline(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::SPLINE: addSpline(static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::INSERT: addInsert(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::TEXT: addText(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::MTEXT: addMText(*static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::DIMALIGNED: addDimAlign(static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::DIMLINEAR: addDimLinear(static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::DIMRADIAL: addDimRadial(static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::DIMDIAMETRIC: addDimDiametric(static_cast(e)); break; case DRW::DIMANGULAR: addDimAngular(static_cast(e)); break; default: break; } } void addPoint(const DRW_Point &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; checkCoord(data.basePoint); } void addLine(const DRW_Line &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; checkCoord(data.basePoint); checkCoord(data.secPoint); } void addArc(const DRW_Arc &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; checkCoord(data.basePoint); } void addCircle(const DRW_Circle &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; checkCoord(data.basePoint); } void addPolyline(const DRW_Polyline &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; for(size_t i = 0; i < data.vertlist.size(); i++) { checkCoord(data.vertlist[i]->basePoint); } } void addSpline(const DRW_Spline *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; if(data->degree != 3) return; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { checkCoord(*data->controllist[i]); } } void addInsert(const DRW_Insert &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; checkCoord(data.basePoint); } void addMText(const DRW_MText &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; DRW_MText text = data; text.secPoint = text.basePoint; addText(text); } void addText(const DRW_Text &data) override { if(data.space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; checkCoord(data.basePoint); checkCoord(data.secPoint); } void addDimAlign(const DRW_DimAligned *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; checkCoord(data->getDef1Point()); checkCoord(data->getDef2Point()); checkCoord(data->getTextPoint()); } void addDimLinear(const DRW_DimLinear *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; checkCoord(data->getDef1Point()); checkCoord(data->getDef2Point()); checkCoord(data->getTextPoint()); } void addDimAngular(const DRW_DimAngular *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; checkCoord(data->getFirstLine1()); checkCoord(data->getFirstLine2()); checkCoord(data->getSecondLine1()); checkCoord(data->getSecondLine2()); checkCoord(data->getTextPoint()); } void addDimRadial(const DRW_DimRadial *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; checkCoord(data->getCenterPoint()); checkCoord(data->getDiameterPoint()); checkCoord(data->getTextPoint()); } void addDimDiametric(const DRW_DimDiametric *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; checkCoord(data->getDiameter1Point()); checkCoord(data->getDiameter2Point()); checkCoord(data->getTextPoint()); } void addDimAngular3P(const DRW_DimAngular3p *data) override { if(data->space != DRW::ModelSpace) return; DRW_DimAngular dim = *static_cast(data); dim.setFirstLine1(data->getVertexPoint()); dim.setFirstLine2(data->getFirstLine()); dim.setSecondLine1(data->getVertexPoint()); dim.setSecondLine2(data->getSecondLine()); addDimAngular(&dim); } void checkCoord(const DRW_Coord &coord) { if(fabs(coord.z) > LENGTH_EPS) { is3d = true; } } }; static void ImportDwgDxf(const Platform::Path &filename, std::function read) { std::string fileType = ToUpper(filename.Extension()); std::string data; if(!ReadFile(filename, &data)) { Error("Couldn't read from '%s'", filename.raw.c_str()); return; } bool asConstruction = true; if(SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()) { DxfCheck3D checker = {}; read(data, &checker); if(checker.is3d) { Message("This %s file contains entities with non-zero Z coordinate; " "the entire file will be imported as construction entities in 3d.", fileType.c_str()); SS.GW.SetWorkplaneFreeIn3d(); SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); } else { asConstruction = false; } } SS.UndoRemember(); DxfImport importer = {}; importer.asConstruction = asConstruction; importer.clearBlockTransform(); if(!read(data, &importer)) { Error("Corrupted %s file.", fileType.c_str()); return; } if(importer.unknownEntities > 0) { Message("%u %s entities of unknown type were ignored.", importer.unknownEntities, fileType.c_str()); } } void ImportDxf(const Platform::Path &filename) { ImportDwgDxf(filename, [](const std::string &data, DRW_Interface *intf) { std::stringstream stream(data); return dxfRW().read(stream, intf, /*ext=*/false); }); } void ImportDwg(const Platform::Path &filename) { ImportDwgDxf(filename, [](const std::string &data, DRW_Interface *intf) { std::stringstream stream(data); return dwgR().read(stream, intf, /*ext=*/false); }); } }