//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Discovery and loading of our resources (icons, fonts, templates, etc). // // Copyright 2016 whitequark //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include "solvespace.h" namespace SolveSpace { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Resource loading functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string LoadString(const std::string &name) { size_t size; const void *data = LoadResource(name, &size); return std::string(static_cast(data), size); } std::string LoadStringFromGzip(const std::string &name) { size_t size; const void *data = LoadResource(name, &size); z_stream stream; stream.zalloc = Z_NULL; stream.zfree = Z_NULL; stream.opaque = Z_NULL; ssassert(inflateInit2(&stream, /*decode gzip header*/16) == Z_OK, "Cannot start inflation"); // Extract length mod 2**32 from the gzip trailer. std::string result; ssassert(size >= 4, "Resource too small to have gzip trailer"); result.resize(*(uint32_t *)((uintptr_t)data + size - 4)); stream.next_in = (Bytef *)data; stream.avail_in = size; stream.next_out = (Bytef *)&result[0]; stream.avail_out = result.length(); ssassert(inflate(&stream, Z_NO_FLUSH) == Z_STREAM_END, "Cannot inflate resource"); ssassert(stream.avail_out == 0, "Inflated resource larger than what trailer indicates"); inflateEnd(&stream); return result; } Pixmap LoadPNG(const std::string &name) { size_t size; const void *data = LoadResource(name, &size); Pixmap pixmap = Pixmap::FromPNG(static_cast(data), size); ssassert(!pixmap.IsEmpty(), "Cannot load pixmap"); return pixmap; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pixmap manipulation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Pixmap::Clear() { *this = {}; } RgbaColor Pixmap::GetPixel(size_t x, size_t y) const { const uint8_t *pixel = &data[y * stride + x * GetBytesPerPixel()]; if(hasAlpha) { return RgbaColor::From(pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[3]); } else { return RgbaColor::From(pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2]); } } static Pixmap ReadPNGIntoPixmap(png_struct *png_ptr, png_info *info_ptr) { png_read_png(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_TRANSFORM_EXPAND | PNG_TRANSFORM_GRAY_TO_RGB, NULL); Pixmap pixmap = {}; pixmap.width = png_get_image_width(png_ptr, info_ptr); pixmap.height = png_get_image_height(png_ptr, info_ptr); pixmap.hasAlpha = (png_get_color_type(png_ptr, info_ptr) & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA) != 0; size_t stride = pixmap.width * pixmap.GetBytesPerPixel(); if(stride % 4 != 0) stride += 4 - stride % 4; pixmap.stride = stride; pixmap.data = std::vector(pixmap.stride * pixmap.height); uint8_t **rows = png_get_rows(png_ptr, info_ptr); for(size_t y = 0; y < pixmap.height; y++) { memcpy(&pixmap.data[pixmap.stride * y], rows[y], pixmap.width * pixmap.GetBytesPerPixel()); } return pixmap; } Pixmap Pixmap::FromPNG(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { Pixmap pixmap = {}; struct Slice { const uint8_t *data; size_t size; }; Slice dataSlice = { data, size }; png_struct *png_ptr = NULL; png_info *info_ptr = NULL; png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(!png_ptr) goto exit; info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); if(!info_ptr) goto exit; if(setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) goto exit; png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, &dataSlice, [](png_struct *png_ptr, uint8_t *data, size_t size) { Slice *dataSlice = (Slice *)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr); if(size <= dataSlice->size) { memcpy(data, dataSlice->data, size); dataSlice->data += size; dataSlice->size -= size; } else { png_error(png_ptr, "EOF"); } }); pixmap = ReadPNGIntoPixmap(png_ptr, info_ptr); exit: png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); return pixmap; } Pixmap Pixmap::FromPNG(FILE *f) { Pixmap pixmap = {}; png_struct *png_ptr = NULL; png_info *info_ptr = NULL; uint8_t header[8]; if(fread(header, 1, sizeof(header), f) != sizeof(header)) goto exit; if(png_sig_cmp(header, 0, sizeof(header))) goto exit; png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(!png_ptr) goto exit; info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); if(!info_ptr) goto exit; if(setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) goto exit; png_init_io(png_ptr, f); png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, sizeof(header)); pixmap = ReadPNGIntoPixmap(png_ptr, info_ptr); exit: png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); return pixmap; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ASCII sequence parsing //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASCIIReader { public: std::string::const_iterator pos, end; static ASCIIReader From(const std::string &str) { return ASCIIReader({ str.cbegin(), str.cend() }); } bool AtEnd() const { return pos == end; } size_t CountUntilEOL() const { return std::find(pos, end, '\n') - pos; } void SkipUntilEOL() { pos = std::find(pos, end, '\n'); } char ReadChar() { ssassert(!AtEnd(), "Unexpected EOF"); return *pos++; } bool TryChar(char c) { ssassert(!AtEnd(), "Unexpected EOF"); if(*pos == c) { pos++; return true; } else { return false; } } void ExpectChar(char c) { ssassert(ReadChar() == c, "Unexpected character"); } uint8_t Read4HexBits() { char c = ReadChar(); if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return c - '0'; } else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { return 10 + (c - 'a'); } else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { return 10 + (c - 'A'); } else ssassert(false, "Unexpected hex digit"); } uint8_t Read8HexBits() { uint8_t h = Read4HexBits(), l = Read4HexBits(); return (h << 4) + l; } uint16_t Read16HexBits() { uint16_t h = Read8HexBits(), l = Read8HexBits(); return (h << 8) + l; } double ReadDoubleString() { char *endptr; double d = strtod(&*pos, &endptr); ssassert(&*pos != endptr, "Cannot read a double-precision number"); pos += endptr - &*pos; return d; } bool TryRegex(const std::regex &re, std::smatch *m) { if(std::regex_search(pos, end, *m, re, std::regex_constants::match_continuous)) { pos = (*m)[0].second; return true; } else { return false; } } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bitmap font manipulation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const size_t CHARS_PER_ROW = BitmapFont::TEXTURE_DIM / 16; static uint8_t *BitmapFontTextureRow(uint8_t *texture, uint16_t position, size_t y) { // position = 0; size_t col = position % CHARS_PER_ROW, row = position / CHARS_PER_ROW; return &texture[BitmapFont::TEXTURE_DIM * (16 * row + y) + 16 * col]; } BitmapFont BitmapFont::From(std::string &&unifontData) { BitmapFont font = {}; font.unifontData = std::move(unifontData); font.texture = std::vector(TEXTURE_DIM * TEXTURE_DIM); return font; } void BitmapFont::AddGlyph(char32_t codepoint, const Pixmap &pixmap) { ssassert((pixmap.width == 8 || pixmap.width == 16) && pixmap.height == 16, "Unexpected glyph dimensions"); ssassert(glyphs.find(codepoint) == glyphs.end(), "Glyph with this codepoint already exists"); ssassert(nextPosition != 0xffff, "Too many glyphs for current texture size"); BitmapFont::Glyph glyph = {}; glyph.advanceCells = pixmap.width / 8; glyph.position = nextPosition++; glyphs.emplace(codepoint, std::move(glyph)); for(size_t y = 0; y < pixmap.height; y++) { uint8_t *row = BitmapFontTextureRow(&texture[0], glyph.position, y); for(size_t x = 0; x < pixmap.width; x++) { if(pixmap.GetPixel(x, y).ToPackedInt() != 0) { row[x] = 255; } } } } const BitmapFont::Glyph &BitmapFont::GetGlyph(char32_t codepoint) { auto it = glyphs.find(codepoint); if(it != glyphs.end()) { return (*it).second; } ssassert(nextPosition != 0xffff, "Too many glyphs for current texture size"); // Find the hex representation in the (sorted) Unifont file. auto first = unifontData.cbegin(), last = unifontData.cend(); while(first <= last) { auto mid = first + (last - first) / 2; while(mid != unifontData.cbegin()) { if(*mid == '\n') { mid++; break; } mid--; } // Read the codepoint. ASCIIReader reader = { mid, unifontData.cend() }; char32_t foundCodepoint = reader.Read16HexBits(); reader.ExpectChar(':'); if(foundCodepoint > codepoint) { last = mid - 1; continue; // and first stays the same } if(foundCodepoint < codepoint) { first = mid + 1; while(first != unifontData.cend()) { if(*first == '\n') break; first++; } continue; // and last stays the same } // Found the codepoint. Glyph glyph = {}; glyph.position = nextPosition++; // Read glyph bits. unsigned short glyphBits[16]; int glyphLength = reader.CountUntilEOL(); if(glyphLength == 4 * 16) { glyph.advanceCells = 2; for(size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { glyphBits[i] = reader.Read16HexBits(); } } else if(glyphLength == 2 * 16) { glyph.advanceCells = 1; for(size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { glyphBits[i] = (uint16_t)reader.Read8HexBits() << 8; } } else ssassert(false, "Unexpected glyph bitmap length"); // Fill in the texture (one texture byte per glyph bit). for(size_t y = 0; y < 16; y++) { uint8_t *row = BitmapFontTextureRow(&texture[0], glyph.position, y); for(size_t x = 0; x < 16; x++) { if(glyphBits[y] & (1 << (15 - x))) { row[x] = 255; } } } it = glyphs.emplace(codepoint, std::move(glyph)).first; return (*it).second; } // Glyph doesn't exist; return replacement glyph instead. ssassert(codepoint != 0xfffd, "Cannot parse replacement glyph"); return GetGlyph(0xfffd); } bool BitmapFont::LocateGlyph(char32_t codepoint, double *s0, double *t0, double *s1, double *t1, size_t *w, size_t *h) { bool textureUpdated = (glyphs.find(codepoint) == glyphs.end()); const Glyph &glyph = GetGlyph(codepoint); *w = glyph.advanceCells * 8; *h = 16; *s0 = (16.0 * (glyph.position % CHARS_PER_ROW)) / TEXTURE_DIM; *s1 = *s0 + (double)(*w) / TEXTURE_DIM; *t0 = (16.0 * (glyph.position / CHARS_PER_ROW)) / TEXTURE_DIM; *t1 = *t0 + (double)(*h) / TEXTURE_DIM; return textureUpdated; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Vector font manipulation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const static int ARC_POINTS = 8; static void MakePwlArc(VectorFont::Contour *contour, bool isReversed, const Point2d &cp, double radius, double a1, double a2) { if (radius < LENGTH_EPS) return; double aSign = 1.0; if(isReversed) { if(a1 <= a2 + LENGTH_EPS) a1 += 2.0 * M_PI; aSign = -1.0; } else { if(a2 <= a1 + LENGTH_EPS) a2 += 2.0 * M_PI; } double aStep = aSign * fabs(a2 - a1) / (double)ARC_POINTS; for(int i = 0; i <= ARC_POINTS; i++) { contour->points.emplace_back(cp.Plus(Point2d::FromPolar(radius, a1 + aStep * i))); } } static void MakePwlBulge(VectorFont::Contour *contour, const Point2d &v, double bulge) { bool reversed = bulge < 0.0; double alpha = atan(bulge) * 4.0; const Point2d &point = contour->points.back(); Point2d middle = point.Plus(v).ScaledBy(0.5); double dist = point.DistanceTo(v) / 2.0; double angle = point.AngleTo(v); // alpha can't be 0.0 at this point double radius = fabs(dist / sin(alpha / 2.0)); double wu = fabs(radius*radius - dist*dist); double h = sqrt(wu); if(bulge > 0.0) { angle += M_PI_2; } else { angle -= M_PI_2; } if (fabs(alpha) > M_PI) { h = -h; } Point2d center = Point2d::FromPolar(h, angle).Plus(middle); double a1 = center.AngleTo(point); double a2 = center.AngleTo(v); MakePwlArc(contour, reversed, center, radius, a1, a2); } static void GetGlyphBBox(const VectorFont::Glyph &glyph, double *rminx, double *rmaxx, double *rminy, double *rmaxy) { double minx = 0.0, maxx = 0.0, miny = 0.0, maxy = 0.0; if(!glyph.contours.empty()) { const Point2d &start = glyph.contours[0].points[0]; minx = maxx = start.x; miny = maxy = start.y; for(const VectorFont::Contour &c : glyph.contours) { for(const Point2d &p : c.points) { maxx = std::max(maxx, p.x); minx = std::min(minx, p.x); maxy = std::max(maxy, p.y); miny = std::min(miny, p.y); } } } if(rminx) *rminx = minx; if(rmaxx) *rmaxx = maxx; if(rminy) *rminy = miny; if(rmaxy) *rmaxy = maxy; } VectorFont VectorFont::From(std::string &&lffData) { VectorFont font = {}; font.lffData = std::move(lffData); ASCIIReader reader = ASCIIReader::From(font.lffData); std::smatch m; while(reader.TryRegex(std::regex("#\\s*(\\w+)\\s*:\\s*(.+?)\n"), &m)) { std::string name = m.str(1), value = m.str(2); std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::tolower); if (name == "letterspacing") { font.rightSideBearing = std::stod(value); } else if (name == "wordspacing") { Glyph space = {}; space.advanceWidth = std::stod(value); font.glyphs.emplace(' ', std::move(space)); } } GetGlyphBBox(font.GetGlyph('A'), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &font.capHeight); GetGlyphBBox(font.GetGlyph('h'), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &font.ascender); GetGlyphBBox(font.GetGlyph('p'), nullptr, nullptr, &font.descender, nullptr); return font; } const VectorFont::Glyph &VectorFont::GetGlyph(char32_t codepoint) { auto it = glyphs.find(codepoint); if(it != glyphs.end()) { return (*it).second; } auto firstGlyph = std::find(lffData.cbegin(), lffData.cend(), '['); ssassert(firstGlyph != lffData.cend(), "Vector font contains no glyphs"); // Find the serialized representation in the (sorted) lff file. auto first = firstGlyph, last = lffData.cend(); while(first <= last) { auto mid = first + (last - first) / 2; while(mid > first) { if(*mid == '[' && *(mid - 1) == '\n') break; mid--; } // Read the codepoint. ASCIIReader reader = { mid, lffData.cend() }; reader.ExpectChar('['); char32_t foundCodepoint = reader.Read16HexBits(); reader.ExpectChar(']'); reader.SkipUntilEOL(); if(foundCodepoint > codepoint) { last = mid - 1; continue; // and first stays the same } if(foundCodepoint < codepoint) { first = mid + 1; while(first != lffData.cend()) { if(*first == '[' && *(first - 1) == '\n') break; first++; } continue; // and last stays the same } // Found the codepoint. VectorFont::Glyph glyph = {}; // Read glyph contours. while(!reader.AtEnd()) { if(reader.TryChar('\n')) { // Skip. } else if(reader.TryChar('[')) { // End of glyph. if(glyph.contours.back().points.empty()) { // Remove an useless empty contour, if any. glyph.contours.pop_back(); } break; } else if(reader.TryChar('C')) { // Another character is referenced in this one. char32_t baseCodepoint = reader.Read16HexBits(); const VectorFont::Glyph &baseGlyph = GetGlyph(baseCodepoint); std::copy(baseGlyph.contours.begin(), baseGlyph.contours.end(), std::back_inserter(glyph.contours)); } else { Contour contour; do { Point2d p; p.x = reader.ReadDoubleString(); reader.ExpectChar(','); p.y = reader.ReadDoubleString(); if(reader.TryChar(',')) { // Point with a bulge. reader.ExpectChar('A'); double bulge = reader.ReadDoubleString(); MakePwlBulge(&contour, p, bulge); } else { // Just a point. contour.points.emplace_back(std::move(p)); } } while(reader.TryChar(';')); reader.ExpectChar('\n'); glyph.contours.emplace_back(std::move(contour)); } } // Calculate metrics. GetGlyphBBox(glyph, &glyph.leftSideBearing, &glyph.boundingWidth, nullptr, nullptr); glyph.advanceWidth = glyph.leftSideBearing + glyph.boundingWidth + rightSideBearing; it = glyphs.emplace(codepoint, std::move(glyph)).first; return (*it).second; } // Glyph doesn't exist; return replacement glyph instead. ssassert(codepoint != 0xfffd, "Cannot parse replacement glyph"); return GetGlyph(0xfffd); } }