//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Binary space partitioning tree, used to represent a volume in 3-space // bounded by a triangle mesh. These are used to compute Boolean operations // on meshes. These aren't used for anything relating to an SShell of // ratpoly surfaces. // // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "solvespace.h" SBsp2 *SBsp2::Alloc(void) { return (SBsp2 *)AllocTemporary(sizeof(SBsp2)); } SBsp3 *SBsp3::Alloc(void) { return (SBsp3 *)AllocTemporary(sizeof(SBsp3)); } SBsp3 *SBsp3::FromMesh(SMesh *m) { SBsp3 *bsp3 = NULL; int i; SMesh mc = {}; for(i = 0; i < m->l.n; i++) { mc.AddTriangle(&(m->l.elem[i])); } srand(0); // Let's be deterministic, at least! int n = mc.l.n; while(n > 1) { int k = rand() % n; n--; swap(mc.l.elem[k], mc.l.elem[n]); } for(i = 0; i < mc.l.n; i++) { bsp3 = bsp3->Insert(&(mc.l.elem[i]), NULL); } mc.Clear(); return bsp3; } Vector SBsp3::IntersectionWith(Vector a, Vector b) { double da = a.Dot(n) - d; double db = b.Dot(n) - d; if(da*db > 0) oops(); double dab = (db - da); return (a.ScaledBy(db/dab)).Plus(b.ScaledBy(-da/dab)); } void SBsp3::InsertInPlane(bool pos2, STriangle *tr, SMesh *m) { Vector tc = ((tr->a).Plus(tr->b).Plus(tr->c)).ScaledBy(1.0/3); bool onFace = false; bool sameNormal = false; double maxNormalMag = -1; Vector lln, trn = tr->Normal(); SBsp3 *ll = this; while(ll) { if((ll->tri).ContainsPoint(tc)) { onFace = true; // If the mesh contains almost-zero-area triangles, and we're // just on the edge of one of those, then don't trust its normal. lln = (ll->tri).Normal(); if(lln.Magnitude() > maxNormalMag) { sameNormal = trn.Dot(lln) > 0; maxNormalMag = lln.Magnitude(); } } ll = ll->more; } if(m->flipNormal && ((!pos2 && !onFace) || (onFace && !sameNormal && m->keepCoplanar))) { m->AddTriangle(tr->meta, tr->c, tr->b, tr->a); } else if(!(m->flipNormal) && ((pos2 && !onFace) || (onFace && sameNormal && m->keepCoplanar))) { m->AddTriangle(tr->meta, tr->a, tr->b, tr->c); } else { m->atLeastOneDiscarded = true; } } void SBsp3::InsertHow(int how, STriangle *tr, SMesh *instead) { switch(how) { case POS: if(instead && !pos) goto alt; pos = pos->Insert(tr, instead); break; case NEG: if(instead && !neg) goto alt; neg = neg->Insert(tr, instead); break; case COPLANAR: { if(instead) goto alt; SBsp3 *m = Alloc(); m->n = n; m->d = d; m->tri = *tr; m->more = more; more = m; break; } default: oops(); } return; alt: if(how == POS && !(instead->flipNormal)) { instead->AddTriangle(tr->meta, tr->a, tr->b, tr->c); } else if(how == NEG && instead->flipNormal) { instead->AddTriangle(tr->meta, tr->c, tr->b, tr->a); } else if(how == COPLANAR) { if(edges) { edges->InsertTriangle(tr, instead, this); } else { // I suppose this actually is allowed to happen, if the coplanar // face is the leaf, and all of its neighbors are earlier in tree? InsertInPlane(false, tr, instead); } } else { instead->atLeastOneDiscarded = true; } } void SBsp3::InsertConvexHow(int how, STriMeta meta, Vector *vertex, int n, SMesh *instead) { switch(how) { case POS: if(pos) { pos = pos->InsertConvex(meta, vertex, n, instead); return; } break; case NEG: if(neg) { neg = neg->InsertConvex(meta, vertex, n, instead); return; } break; default: oops(); } int i; for(i = 0; i < n - 2; i++) { STriangle tr = STriangle::From(meta, vertex[0], vertex[i+1], vertex[i+2]); InsertHow(how, &tr, instead); } } SBsp3 *SBsp3::InsertConvex(STriMeta meta, Vector *vertex, int cnt, SMesh *instead) { Vector e01 = (vertex[1]).Minus(vertex[0]); Vector e12 = (vertex[2]).Minus(vertex[1]); Vector out = e01.Cross(e12); #define MAX_VERTICES 50 if(cnt+1 >= MAX_VERTICES) goto triangulate; int i; Vector on[2]; bool isPos[MAX_VERTICES]; bool isNeg[MAX_VERTICES]; bool isOn[MAX_VERTICES]; int posc, negc, onc; posc = negc = onc = 0; for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { double dt = n.Dot(vertex[i]); isPos[i] = isNeg[i] = isOn[i] = false; if(fabs(dt - d) < LENGTH_EPS) { isOn[i] = true; if(onc < 2) { on[onc] = vertex[i]; } onc++; } else if(dt > d) { isPos[i] = true; posc++; } else { isNeg[i] = true; negc++; } } if(onc != 2 && onc != 1 && onc != 0) goto triangulate; if(onc == 2) { if(!instead) { SEdge se = SEdge::From(on[0], on[1]); edges = edges->InsertEdge(&se, n, out); } } if(posc == 0) { InsertConvexHow(NEG, meta, vertex, cnt, instead); return this; } if(negc == 0) { InsertConvexHow(POS, meta, vertex, cnt, instead); return this; } Vector vpos[MAX_VERTICES]; Vector vneg[MAX_VERTICES]; int npos, nneg; npos = nneg = 0; Vector inter[2]; int inters; inters = 0; for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int ip = WRAP((i + 1), cnt); if(isPos[i]) { vpos[npos++] = vertex[i]; } if(isNeg[i]) { vneg[nneg++] = vertex[i]; } if(isOn[i]) { vneg[nneg++] = vertex[i]; vpos[npos++] = vertex[i]; } if((isPos[i] && isNeg[ip]) || (isNeg[i] && isPos[ip])) { Vector vi = IntersectionWith(vertex[i], vertex[ip]); vpos[npos++] = vi; vneg[nneg++] = vi; if(inters >= 2) goto triangulate; // XXX shouldn't happen but does inter[inters++] = vi; } } if(npos > cnt + 1 || nneg > cnt + 1) oops(); if(!instead) { if(inters == 2) { SEdge se = SEdge::From(inter[0], inter[1]); edges = edges->InsertEdge(&se, n, out); } else if(inters == 1 && onc == 1) { SEdge se = SEdge::From(inter[0], on[0]); edges = edges->InsertEdge(&se, n, out); } else if(inters == 0 && onc == 2) { // We already handled this on-plane existing edge } else { goto triangulate; } } if(nneg < 3 || npos < 3) goto triangulate; // XXX InsertConvexHow(NEG, meta, vneg, nneg, instead); InsertConvexHow(POS, meta, vpos, npos, instead); return this; triangulate: // We don't handle the special case for this; do it as triangles SBsp3 *r = this; for(i = 0; i < cnt - 2; i++) { STriangle tr = STriangle::From(meta, vertex[0], vertex[i+1], vertex[i+2]); r = r->Insert(&tr, instead); } return r; } SBsp3 *SBsp3::Insert(STriangle *tr, SMesh *instead) { if(!this) { if(instead) { if(instead->flipNormal) { instead->atLeastOneDiscarded = true; } else { instead->AddTriangle(tr->meta, tr->a, tr->b, tr->c); } return NULL; } // Brand new node; so allocate for it, and fill us in. SBsp3 *r = Alloc(); r->n = (tr->Normal()).WithMagnitude(1); r->d = (tr->a).Dot(r->n); r->tri = *tr; return r; } double dt[3] = { (tr->a).Dot(n), (tr->b).Dot(n), (tr->c).Dot(n) }; int inc = 0, posc = 0, negc = 0; bool isPos[3] = {}, isNeg[3] = {}, isOn[3] = {}; // Count vertices in the plane for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(fabs(dt[i] - d) < LENGTH_EPS) { inc++; isOn[i] = true; } else if(dt[i] > d) { posc++; isPos[i] = true; } else { negc++; isNeg[i] = true; } } // All vertices in-plane if(inc == 3) { InsertHow(COPLANAR, tr, instead); return this; } // No split required if(posc == 0 || negc == 0) { if(inc == 2) { Vector a, b; if (!isOn[0]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; } else if(!isOn[1]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; } else if(!isOn[2]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; } else oops(); if(!instead) { SEdge se = SEdge::From(a, b); edges = edges->InsertEdge(&se, n, tr->Normal()); } } if(posc > 0) { InsertHow(POS, tr, instead); } else { InsertHow(NEG, tr, instead); } return this; } // The polygon must be split into two pieces, one above, one below. Vector a, b, c; if(posc == 1 && negc == 1 && inc == 1) { bool bpos; // Standardize so that a is on the plane if (isOn[0]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; c = tr->c; bpos = isPos[1]; } else if(isOn[1]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; c = tr->a; bpos = isPos[2]; } else if(isOn[2]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; c = tr->b; bpos = isPos[0]; } else oops(); Vector bPc = IntersectionWith(b, c); STriangle btri = STriangle::From(tr->meta, a, b, bPc); STriangle ctri = STriangle::From(tr->meta, c, a, bPc); if(bpos) { InsertHow(POS, &btri, instead); InsertHow(NEG, &ctri, instead); } else { InsertHow(POS, &ctri, instead); InsertHow(NEG, &btri, instead); } if(!instead) { SEdge se = SEdge::From(a, bPc); edges = edges->InsertEdge(&se, n, tr->Normal()); } return this; } if(posc == 2 && negc == 1) { // Standardize so that a is on one side, and b and c are on the other. if (isNeg[0]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; c = tr->c; } else if(isNeg[1]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; c = tr->a; } else if(isNeg[2]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; c = tr->b; } else oops(); } else if(posc == 1 && negc == 2) { if (isPos[0]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; c = tr->c; } else if(isPos[1]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; c = tr->a; } else if(isPos[2]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; c = tr->b; } else oops(); } else oops(); Vector aPb = IntersectionWith(a, b); Vector cPa = IntersectionWith(c, a); STriangle alone = STriangle::From(tr->meta, a, aPb, cPa); Vector quad[4] = { aPb, b, c, cPa }; if(posc == 2 && negc == 1) { InsertConvexHow(POS, tr->meta, quad, 4, instead); InsertHow(NEG, &alone, instead); } else { InsertConvexHow(NEG, tr->meta, quad, 4, instead); InsertHow(POS, &alone, instead); } if(!instead) { SEdge se = SEdge::From(aPb, cPa); edges = edges->InsertEdge(&se, n, alone.Normal()); } return this; } void SBsp3::GenerateInPaintOrder(SMesh *m) { if(!this) return; // Doesn't matter which branch we take if the normal has zero z // component, so don't need a separate case for that. if(n.z < 0) { pos->GenerateInPaintOrder(m); } else { neg->GenerateInPaintOrder(m); } SBsp3 *flip = this; while(flip) { m->AddTriangle(&(flip->tri)); flip = flip->more; } if(n.z < 0) { neg->GenerateInPaintOrder(m); } else { pos->GenerateInPaintOrder(m); } } void SBsp3::DebugDraw(void) { if(!this) return; pos->DebugDraw(); Vector norm = tri.Normal(); glNormal3d(norm.x, norm.y, norm.z); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); ssglVertex3v(tri.a); ssglVertex3v(tri.b); ssglVertex3v(tri.c); glEnd(); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); ssglDepthRangeOffset(2); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); ssglVertex3v(tri.a); ssglVertex3v(tri.b); ssglVertex3v(tri.c); glEnd(); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_POINT); glPointSize(10); ssglDepthRangeOffset(2); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); ssglVertex3v(tri.a); ssglVertex3v(tri.b); ssglVertex3v(tri.c); glEnd(); ssglDepthRangeOffset(0); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); more->DebugDraw(); neg->DebugDraw(); edges->DebugDraw(n, d); } ///////////////////////////////// Vector SBsp2::IntersectionWith(Vector a, Vector b) { double da = a.Dot(no) - d; double db = b.Dot(no) - d; if(da*db > 0) oops(); double dab = (db - da); return (a.ScaledBy(db/dab)).Plus(b.ScaledBy(-da/dab)); } SBsp2 *SBsp2::InsertEdge(SEdge *nedge, Vector nnp, Vector out) { if(!this) { // Brand new node; so allocate for it, and fill us in. SBsp2 *r = Alloc(); r->np = nnp; r->no = ((r->np).Cross((nedge->b).Minus(nedge->a))).WithMagnitude(1); if(out.Dot(r->no) < 0) { r->no = (r->no).ScaledBy(-1); } r->d = (nedge->a).Dot(r->no); r->edge = *nedge; return r; } double dt[2] = { (nedge->a).Dot(no), (nedge->b).Dot(no) }; bool isPos[2] = {}, isNeg[2] = {}, isOn[2] = {}; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if(fabs(dt[i] - d) < LENGTH_EPS) { isOn[i] = true; } else if(dt[i] > d) { isPos[i] = true; } else { isNeg[i] = true; } } if((isPos[0] && isPos[1])||(isPos[0] && isOn[1])||(isOn[0] && isPos[1])) { pos = pos->InsertEdge(nedge, nnp, out); return this; } if((isNeg[0] && isNeg[1])||(isNeg[0] && isOn[1])||(isOn[0] && isNeg[1])) { neg = neg->InsertEdge(nedge, nnp, out); return this; } if(isOn[0] && isOn[1]) { SBsp2 *m = Alloc(); m->np = nnp; m->no = ((m->np).Cross((nedge->b).Minus(nedge->a))).WithMagnitude(1); if(out.Dot(m->no) < 0) { m->no = (m->no).ScaledBy(-1); } m->d = (nedge->a).Dot(m->no); m->edge = *nedge; m->more = more; more = m; return this; } if((isPos[0] && isNeg[1]) || (isNeg[0] && isPos[1])) { Vector aPb = IntersectionWith(nedge->a, nedge->b); SEdge ea = SEdge::From(nedge->a, aPb); SEdge eb = SEdge::From(aPb, nedge->b); if(isPos[0]) { pos = pos->InsertEdge(&ea, nnp, out); neg = neg->InsertEdge(&eb, nnp, out); } else { neg = neg->InsertEdge(&ea, nnp, out); pos = pos->InsertEdge(&eb, nnp, out); } return this; } oops(); } void SBsp2::InsertTriangleHow(int how, STriangle *tr, SMesh *m, SBsp3 *bsp3) { switch(how) { case POS: if(pos) { pos->InsertTriangle(tr, m, bsp3); } else { bsp3->InsertInPlane(true, tr, m); } break; case NEG: if(neg) { neg->InsertTriangle(tr, m, bsp3); } else { bsp3->InsertInPlane(false, tr, m); } break; default: oops(); } } void SBsp2::InsertTriangle(STriangle *tr, SMesh *m, SBsp3 *bsp3) { double dt[3] = { (tr->a).Dot(no), (tr->b).Dot(no), (tr->c).Dot(no) }; bool isPos[3] = {}, isNeg[3] = {}, isOn[3] = {}; int inc = 0, posc = 0, negc = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(fabs(dt[i] - d) < LENGTH_EPS) { isOn[i] = true; inc++; } else if(dt[i] > d) { isPos[i] = true; posc++; } else { isNeg[i] = true; negc++; } } if(inc == 3) { // All vertices on-line; so it's a degenerate triangle, to ignore. return; } // No split required if(posc == 0 || negc == 0) { if(posc > 0) { InsertTriangleHow(POS, tr, m, bsp3); } else { InsertTriangleHow(NEG, tr, m, bsp3); } return; } // The polygon must be split into two pieces, one above, one below. Vector a, b, c; if(posc == 1 && negc == 1 && inc == 1) { bool bpos; // Standardize so that a is on the plane if (isOn[0]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; c = tr->c; bpos = isPos[1]; } else if(isOn[1]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; c = tr->a; bpos = isPos[2]; } else if(isOn[2]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; c = tr->b; bpos = isPos[0]; } else oops(); Vector bPc = IntersectionWith(b, c); STriangle btri = STriangle::From(tr->meta, a, b, bPc); STriangle ctri = STriangle::From(tr->meta, c, a, bPc); if(bpos) { InsertTriangleHow(POS, &btri, m, bsp3); InsertTriangleHow(NEG, &ctri, m, bsp3); } else { InsertTriangleHow(POS, &ctri, m, bsp3); InsertTriangleHow(NEG, &btri, m, bsp3); } return; } if(posc == 2 && negc == 1) { // Standardize so that a is on one side, and b and c are on the other. if (isNeg[0]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; c = tr->c; } else if(isNeg[1]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; c = tr->a; } else if(isNeg[2]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; c = tr->b; } else oops(); } else if(posc == 1 && negc == 2) { if (isPos[0]) { a = tr->a; b = tr->b; c = tr->c; } else if(isPos[1]) { a = tr->b; b = tr->c; c = tr->a; } else if(isPos[2]) { a = tr->c; b = tr->a; c = tr->b; } else oops(); } else oops(); Vector aPb = IntersectionWith(a, b); Vector cPa = IntersectionWith(c, a); STriangle alone = STriangle::From(tr->meta, a, aPb, cPa); STriangle quad1 = STriangle::From(tr->meta, aPb, b, c ); STriangle quad2 = STriangle::From(tr->meta, aPb, c, cPa); if(posc == 2 && negc == 1) { InsertTriangleHow(POS, &quad1, m, bsp3); InsertTriangleHow(POS, &quad2, m, bsp3); InsertTriangleHow(NEG, &alone, m, bsp3); } else { InsertTriangleHow(NEG, &quad1, m, bsp3); InsertTriangleHow(NEG, &quad2, m, bsp3); InsertTriangleHow(POS, &alone, m, bsp3); } return; } void SBsp2::DebugDraw(Vector n, double d) { if(!this) return; if(fabs((edge.a).Dot(n) - d) > LENGTH_EPS) oops(); if(fabs((edge.b).Dot(n) - d) > LENGTH_EPS) oops(); ssglLineWidth(10); glBegin(GL_LINES); ssglVertex3v(edge.a); ssglVertex3v(edge.b); glEnd(); pos->DebugDraw(n, d); neg->DebugDraw(n, d); more->DebugDraw(n, d); ssglLineWidth(1); }