#include "solvespace.h" extern int FLAG; void SSurface::AddExactIntersectionCurve(SBezier *sb, SSurface *srfB, SShell *agnstA, SShell *agnstB, SShell *into) { SCurve sc; ZERO(&sc); // Important to keep the order of (surfA, surfB) consistent; when we later // rewrite the identifiers, we rewrite surfA from A and surfB from B. sc.surfA = h; sc.surfB = srfB->h; sc.exact = *sb; sc.isExact = true; // Now we have to piecewise linearize the curve. If there's already an // identical curve in the shell, then follow that pwl exactly, otherwise // calculate from scratch. SCurve split, *existing = NULL, *se; SBezier sbrev = *sb; sbrev.Reverse(); bool backwards = false; for(se = into->curve.First(); se; se = into->curve.NextAfter(se)) { if(se->isExact) { if(sb->Equals(&(se->exact))) { existing = se; break; } if(sbrev.Equals(&(se->exact))) { existing = se; backwards = true; break; } } } if(existing) { Vector *v; for(v = existing->pts.First(); v; v = existing->pts.NextAfter(v)) { sc.pts.Add(v); } if(backwards) sc.pts.Reverse(); split = sc; ZERO(&sc); } else { sb->MakePwlInto(&(sc.pts)); // and split the line where it intersects our existing surfaces split = sc.MakeCopySplitAgainst(agnstA, agnstB, this, srfB); sc.Clear(); } if(0 && sb->deg == 1) { dbp(" "); Vector *prev = NULL, *v; dbp("split.pts.n =%d", split.pts.n); for(v = split.pts.First(); v; v = split.pts.NextAfter(v)) { if(prev) { SS.nakedEdges.AddEdge(*prev, *v); } prev = v; } } // Nothing should be generating zero-len edges. if((sb->Start()).Equals(sb->Finish())) oops(); split.source = SCurve::FROM_INTERSECTION; into->curve.AddAndAssignId(&split); } void SSurface::IntersectAgainst(SSurface *b, SShell *agnstA, SShell *agnstB, SShell *into) { Vector amax, amin, bmax, bmin; GetAxisAlignedBounding(&amax, &amin); b->GetAxisAlignedBounding(&bmax, &bmin); if(Vector::BoundingBoxesDisjoint(amax, amin, bmax, bmin)) { // They cannot possibly intersect, no curves to generate return; } if(degm == 1 && degn == 1 && b->degm == 1 && b->degn == 1) { // Line-line intersection; it's a plane or nothing. Vector na = NormalAt(0, 0).WithMagnitude(1), nb = b->NormalAt(0, 0).WithMagnitude(1); double da = na.Dot(PointAt(0, 0)), db = nb.Dot(b->PointAt(0, 0)); Vector dl = na.Cross(nb); if(dl.Magnitude() < LENGTH_EPS) return; // parallel planes dl = dl.WithMagnitude(1); Vector p = Vector::AtIntersectionOfPlanes(na, da, nb, db); // Trim it to the region 0 <= {u,v} <= 1 for each plane; not strictly // necessary, since line will be split and excess edges culled, but // this improves speed and robustness. int i; double tmax = VERY_POSITIVE, tmin = VERY_NEGATIVE; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { SSurface *s = (i == 0) ? this : b; Vector tu, tv; s->TangentsAt(0, 0, &tu, &tv); double up, vp, ud, vd; s->ClosestPointTo(p, &up, &vp); ud = (dl.Dot(tu)) / tu.MagSquared(); vd = (dl.Dot(tv)) / tv.MagSquared(); // so u = up + t*ud // v = vp + t*vd if(ud > LENGTH_EPS) { tmin = max(tmin, -up/ud); tmax = min(tmax, (1 - up)/ud); } else if(ud < -LENGTH_EPS) { tmax = min(tmax, -up/ud); tmin = max(tmin, (1 - up)/ud); } else { if(up < -LENGTH_EPS || up > 1 + LENGTH_EPS) { // u is constant, and outside [0, 1] tmax = VERY_NEGATIVE; } } if(vd > LENGTH_EPS) { tmin = max(tmin, -vp/vd); tmax = min(tmax, (1 - vp)/vd); } else if(vd < -LENGTH_EPS) { tmax = min(tmax, -vp/vd); tmin = max(tmin, (1 - vp)/vd); } else { if(vp < -LENGTH_EPS || vp > 1 + LENGTH_EPS) { // v is constant, and outside [0, 1] tmax = VERY_NEGATIVE; } } } if(tmax > tmin + LENGTH_EPS) { SBezier bezier = SBezier::From(p.Plus(dl.ScaledBy(tmin)), p.Plus(dl.ScaledBy(tmax))); AddExactIntersectionCurve(&bezier, b, agnstA, agnstB, into); } } else if((degm == 1 && degn == 1 && b->IsExtrusion(NULL, NULL)) || (b->degm == 1 && b->degn == 1 && this->IsExtrusion(NULL, NULL))) { // The intersection between a plane and a surface of extrusion SSurface *splane, *sext; if(degm == 1 && degn == 1) { splane = this; sext = b; } else { splane = b; sext = this; } Vector n = splane->NormalAt(0, 0).WithMagnitude(1), along; double d = n.Dot(splane->PointAt(0, 0)); SBezier bezier; (void)sext->IsExtrusion(&bezier, &along); if(fabs(n.Dot(along)) < LENGTH_EPS) { // Direction of extrusion is parallel to plane; so intersection // is zero or more lines. Build a line within the plane, and // normal to the direction of extrusion, and intersect that line // against the surface; each intersection point corresponds to // a line. Vector pm, alu, p0, dp; // a point halfway along the extrusion pm = ((sext->ctrl[0][0]).Plus(sext->ctrl[0][1])).ScaledBy(0.5); alu = along.WithMagnitude(1); dp = (n.Cross(along)).WithMagnitude(1); // n, alu, and dp form an orthogonal csys; set n component to // place it on the plane, alu component to lie halfway along // extrusion, and dp component doesn't matter so zero p0 = n.ScaledBy(d).Plus(alu.ScaledBy(pm.Dot(alu))); List inters; ZERO(&inters); sext->AllPointsIntersecting(p0, p0.Plus(dp), &inters, false, false); SInter *si; for(si = inters.First(); si; si = inters.NextAfter(si)) { Vector al = along.ScaledBy(0.5); SBezier bezier; bezier = SBezier::From((si->p).Minus(al), (si->p).Plus(al)); AddExactIntersectionCurve(&bezier, b, agnstA, agnstB, into); } inters.Clear(); } else { // Direction of extrusion is not parallel to plane; so // intersection is projection of extruded curve into our plane. int i; for(i = 0; i <= bezier.deg; i++) { Vector p0 = bezier.ctrl[i], p1 = p0.Plus(along); bezier.ctrl[i] = Vector::AtIntersectionOfPlaneAndLine(n, d, p0, p1, NULL); } AddExactIntersectionCurve(&bezier, b, agnstA, agnstB, into); } } // need to implement general numerical surface intersection for tough // cases, just giving up for now } double SSurface::DepartureFromCoplanar(void) { int i, j; int ia, ja, ib, jb, ic, jc; double best; // Grab three points to define a plane; first choose (0, 0) arbitrarily. ia = ja = 0; // Then the point farthest from pt a. best = VERY_NEGATIVE; for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) { for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) { if(i == ia && j == ja) continue; double dist = (ctrl[i][j]).Minus(ctrl[ia][ja]).Magnitude(); if(dist > best) { best = dist; ib = i; jb = j; } } } // Then biggest magnitude of ab cross ac. best = VERY_NEGATIVE; for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) { for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) { if(i == ia && j == ja) continue; if(i == ib && j == jb) continue; double mag = ((ctrl[ia][ja].Minus(ctrl[ib][jb]))).Cross( (ctrl[ia][ja].Minus(ctrl[i ][j ]))).Magnitude(); if(mag > best) { best = mag; ic = i; jc = j; } } } Vector n = ((ctrl[ia][ja].Minus(ctrl[ib][jb]))).Cross( (ctrl[ia][ja].Minus(ctrl[ic][jc]))); n = n.WithMagnitude(1); double d = (ctrl[ia][ja]).Dot(n); // Finally, calculate the deviation from each point to the plane. double farthest = VERY_NEGATIVE; for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) { for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) { double dist = fabs(n.Dot(ctrl[i][j]) - d); if(dist > farthest) { farthest = dist; } } } return farthest; } void SSurface::WeightControlPoints(void) { int i, j; for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) { for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) { ctrl[i][j] = (ctrl[i][j]).ScaledBy(weight[i][j]); } } } void SSurface::UnWeightControlPoints(void) { int i, j; for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) { for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) { ctrl[i][j] = (ctrl[i][j]).ScaledBy(1.0/weight[i][j]); } } } void SSurface::CopyRowOrCol(bool row, int this_ij, SSurface *src, int src_ij) { if(row) { int j; for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) { ctrl [this_ij][j] = src->ctrl [src_ij][j]; weight[this_ij][j] = src->weight[src_ij][j]; } } else { int i; for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) { ctrl [i][this_ij] = src->ctrl [i][src_ij]; weight[i][this_ij] = src->weight[i][src_ij]; } } } void SSurface::BlendRowOrCol(bool row, int this_ij, SSurface *a, int a_ij, SSurface *b, int b_ij) { if(row) { int j; for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) { Vector c = (a->ctrl [a_ij][j]).Plus(b->ctrl [b_ij][j]); double w = (a->weight[a_ij][j] + b->weight[b_ij][j]); ctrl [this_ij][j] = c.ScaledBy(0.5); weight[this_ij][j] = w / 2; } } else { int i; for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) { Vector c = (a->ctrl [i][a_ij]).Plus(b->ctrl [i][b_ij]); double w = (a->weight[i][a_ij] + b->weight[i][b_ij]); ctrl [i][this_ij] = c.ScaledBy(0.5); weight[i][this_ij] = w / 2; } } } void SSurface::SplitInHalf(bool byU, SSurface *sa, SSurface *sb) { sa->degm = sb->degm = degm; sa->degn = sb->degn = degn; // by de Casteljau's algorithm in a projective space; so we must work // on points (w*x, w*y, w*z, w) WeightControlPoints(); switch(byU ? degm : degn) { case 1: sa->CopyRowOrCol (byU, 0, this, 0); sb->CopyRowOrCol (byU, 1, this, 1); sa->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 1, this, 0, this, 1); sb->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 0, this, 0, this, 1); break; case 2: sa->CopyRowOrCol (byU, 0, this, 0); sb->CopyRowOrCol (byU, 2, this, 2); sa->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 1, this, 0, this, 1); sb->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 1, this, 1, this, 2); sa->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 2, sa, 1, sb, 1); sb->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 0, sa, 1, sb, 1); break; case 3: { SSurface st; st.degm = degm; st.degn = degn; sa->CopyRowOrCol (byU, 0, this, 0); sb->CopyRowOrCol (byU, 3, this, 3); sa->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 1, this, 0, this, 1); sb->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 2, this, 2, this, 3); st. BlendRowOrCol(byU, 0, this, 1, this, 2); // scratch var sa->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 2, sa, 1, &st, 0); sb->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 1, sb, 2, &st, 0); sa->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 3, sa, 2, sb, 1); sb->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 0, sa, 2, sb, 1); break; } default: oops(); } sa->UnWeightControlPoints(); sb->UnWeightControlPoints(); UnWeightControlPoints(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Find all points where the indicated finite (if segment) or infinite (if not // segment) line intersects our surface. Report them in uv space in the list. // We first do a bounding box check; if the line doesn't intersect, then we're // done. If it does, then we check how small our surface is. If it's big, // then we subdivide into quarters and recurse. If it's small, then we refine // by Newton's method and record the point. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SSurface::AllPointsIntersectingUntrimmed(Vector a, Vector b, int *cnt, int *level, List *l, bool segment, SSurface *sorig) { // Test if the line intersects our axis-aligned bounding box; if no, then // no possibility of an intersection Vector amax, amin; GetAxisAlignedBounding(&amax, &amin); if(!Vector::BoundingBoxIntersectsLine(amax, amin, a, b, segment)) { // The line segment could fail to intersect the bbox, but lie entirely // within it and intersect the surface. if(a.OutsideAndNotOn(amax, amin) && b.OutsideAndNotOn(amax, amin)) { return; } } if(*cnt > 2000) { dbp("!!! too many subdivisions (level=%d)!", *level); dbp("degm = %d degn = %d", degm, degn); return; } (*cnt)++; // If we might intersect, and the surface is small, then switch to Newton // iterations. if(DepartureFromCoplanar() < 0.2*SS.ChordTolMm()) { Vector p = (amax.Plus(amin)).ScaledBy(0.5); Inter inter; sorig->ClosestPointTo(p, &(inter.p.x), &(inter.p.y), false); if(sorig->PointIntersectingLine(a, b, &(inter.p.x), &(inter.p.y))) { Vector p = sorig->PointAt(inter.p.x, inter.p.y); // Debug check, verify that the point lies in both surfaces // (which it ought to, since the surfaces should be coincident) double u, v; ClosestPointTo(p, &u, &v); l->Add(&inter); } else { // Might not converge if line is almost tangent to surface... } return; } // But the surface is big, so split it, alternating by u and v SSurface surf0, surf1; SplitInHalf((*level & 1) == 0, &surf0, &surf1); int nextLevel = (*level) + 1; (*level) = nextLevel; surf0.AllPointsIntersectingUntrimmed(a, b, cnt, level, l, segment, sorig); (*level) = nextLevel; surf1.AllPointsIntersectingUntrimmed(a, b, cnt, level, l, segment, sorig); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Find all points where a line through a and b intersects our surface, and // add them to the list. If seg is true then report only intersections that // lie within the finite line segment (not including the endpoints); otherwise // we work along the infinite line. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SSurface::AllPointsIntersecting(Vector a, Vector b, List *l, bool seg, bool trimmed) { Vector ba = b.Minus(a); double bam = ba.Magnitude(); List inters; ZERO(&inters); // All the intersections between the line and the surface; either special // cases that we can quickly solve in closed form, or general numerical. Vector center, axis, start, finish; double radius; if(degm == 1 && degn == 1) { // Against a plane, easy. Vector n = NormalAt(0, 0).WithMagnitude(1); double d = n.Dot(PointAt(0, 0)); // Trim to line segment now if requested, don't generate points that // would just get discarded later. if(!seg || (n.Dot(a) > d + LENGTH_EPS && n.Dot(b) < d - LENGTH_EPS) || (n.Dot(b) > d + LENGTH_EPS && n.Dot(a) < d - LENGTH_EPS)) { Vector p = Vector::AtIntersectionOfPlaneAndLine(n, d, a, b, NULL); Inter inter; ClosestPointTo(p, &(inter.p.x), &(inter.p.y)); inters.Add(&inter); } } else if(IsCylinder(¢er, &axis, &radius, &start, &finish) && 0) { // XXX, cylinder is easy in closed form } else { // General numerical solution by subdivision, fallback int cnt = 0, level = 0; AllPointsIntersectingUntrimmed(a, b, &cnt, &level, &inters, seg, this); } // Remove duplicate intersection points inters.ClearTags(); int i, j; for(i = 0; i < inters.n; i++) { for(j = i + 1; j < inters.n; j++) { if(inters.elem[i].p.Equals(inters.elem[j].p)) { inters.elem[j].tag = 1; } } } inters.RemoveTagged(); for(i = 0; i < inters.n; i++) { Point2d puv = inters.elem[i].p; // Make sure the point lies within the finite line segment Vector pxyz = PointAt(puv.x, puv.y); double t = (pxyz.Minus(a)).DivPivoting(ba); if(seg && (t > 1 - LENGTH_EPS/bam || t < LENGTH_EPS/bam)) { continue; } // And that it lies inside our trim region Point2d dummy = { 0, 0 }; int c = bsp->ClassifyPoint(puv, dummy); if(trimmed && c == SBspUv::OUTSIDE) { continue; } // It does, so generate the intersection SInter si; si.p = pxyz; si.surfNormal = NormalAt(puv.x, puv.y); si.hsrf = h; si.srf = this; si.onEdge = (c != SBspUv::INSIDE); l->Add(&si); } inters.Clear(); } void SShell::AllPointsIntersecting(Vector a, Vector b, List *il, bool seg, bool trimmed) { SSurface *ss; for(ss = surface.First(); ss; ss = surface.NextAfter(ss)) { ss->AllPointsIntersecting(a, b, il, seg, trimmed); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Does the given point lie on our shell? It might be inside or outside, or // it might be on the surface with pout parallel or anti-parallel to the // intersecting surface's normal. // // To calculate, we intersect a ray through p with our shell, and classify // using the closest intersection point. If the ray hits a surface on edge, // then just reattempt in a different random direction. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int SShell::ClassifyPoint(Vector p, Vector pout) { List l; ZERO(&l); srand(0); int ret, cnt = 0, edge_inters; double edge_dotp[2]; for(;;) { // Cast a ray in a random direction (two-sided so that we test if // the point lies on a surface, but use only one side for in/out // testing) Vector ray = Vector::From(Random(1), Random(1), Random(1)); AllPointsIntersecting(p.Minus(ray), p.Plus(ray), &l, false, true); double dmin = VERY_POSITIVE; ret = OUTSIDE; // no intersections means it's outside bool onEdge = false; edge_inters = 0; SInter *si; for(si = l.First(); si; si = l.NextAfter(si)) { double t = ((si->p).Minus(p)).DivPivoting(ray); if(t*ray.Magnitude() < -LENGTH_EPS) { // wrong side, doesn't count continue; } double d = ((si->p).Minus(p)).Magnitude(); // Handle edge-on-edge if(d < LENGTH_EPS && si->onEdge && edge_inters < 2) { edge_dotp[edge_inters] = (si->surfNormal).Dot(pout); edge_inters++; } if(d < dmin) { dmin = d; if(d < LENGTH_EPS) { // Edge-on-face (unless edge-on-edge above supercedes) if((si->surfNormal).Dot(pout) > 0) { ret = SURF_PARALLEL; } else { ret = SURF_ANTIPARALLEL; } } else { // Edge does not lie on surface; either strictly inside // or strictly outside if((si->surfNormal).Dot(ray) > 0) { ret = INSIDE; } else { ret = OUTSIDE; } } onEdge = si->onEdge; } } l.Clear(); // If the point being tested lies exactly on an edge of the shell, // then our ray always lies on edge, and that's okay. Otherwise // try again in a different random direction. if((edge_inters == 2) || !onEdge) break; if(cnt++ > 5) { dbp("can't find a ray that doesn't hit on edge!"); dbp("on edge = %d, edge_inters = %d", onEdge, edge_inters); break; } } if(edge_inters == 2) { double tol = 1e-3; if(edge_dotp[0] > -tol && edge_dotp[1] > -tol) { return EDGE_PARALLEL; } else if(edge_dotp[0] < tol && edge_dotp[1] < tol) { return EDGE_ANTIPARALLEL; } else { return EDGE_TANGENT; } } else { return ret; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Are two surfaces coincident, with the same (or with opposite) normals? // Currently handles planes only. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool SSurface::CoincidentWith(SSurface *ss, bool sameNormal) { if(degm != 1 || degn != 1) return false; if(ss->degm != 1 || ss->degn != 1) return false; Vector p = ctrl[0][0]; Vector n = NormalAt(0, 0).WithMagnitude(1); double d = n.Dot(p); if(!ss->CoincidentWithPlane(n, d)) return false; Vector n2 = ss->NormalAt(0, 0); if(sameNormal) { if(n2.Dot(n) < 0) return false; } else { if(n2.Dot(n) > 0) return false; } return true; } bool SSurface::CoincidentWithPlane(Vector n, double d) { if(degm != 1 || degn != 1) return false; if(fabs(n.Dot(ctrl[0][0]) - d) > LENGTH_EPS) return false; if(fabs(n.Dot(ctrl[0][1]) - d) > LENGTH_EPS) return false; if(fabs(n.Dot(ctrl[1][0]) - d) > LENGTH_EPS) return false; if(fabs(n.Dot(ctrl[1][1]) - d) > LENGTH_EPS) return false; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // In our shell, find all surfaces that are coincident with the prototype // surface (with same or opposite normal, as specified), and copy all of // their trim polygons into el. The edges are returned in uv coordinates for // the prototype surface. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SShell::MakeCoincidentEdgesInto(SSurface *proto, bool sameNormal, SEdgeList *el, SShell *useCurvesFrom) { SSurface *ss; for(ss = surface.First(); ss; ss = surface.NextAfter(ss)) { if(proto->CoincidentWith(ss, sameNormal)) { ss->MakeEdgesInto(this, el, false, useCurvesFrom); } } SEdge *se; for(se = el->l.First(); se; se = el->l.NextAfter(se)) { double ua, va, ub, vb; proto->ClosestPointTo(se->a, &ua, &va); proto->ClosestPointTo(se->b, &ub, &vb); if(sameNormal) { se->a = Vector::From(ua, va, 0); se->b = Vector::From(ub, vb, 0); } else { // Flip normal, so flip all edge directions se->b = Vector::From(ua, va, 0); se->a = Vector::From(ub, vb, 0); } } }