Jonathan Westhues 248f74547e Add user interface to specify union/difference for extrudes, and
implement that. Also make solver work only between the first and
last visible group; earlier can just work from previous solve
result, and later don't matter.

There's some issues with the csg code; it will eventually produce
an open mesh, which is very bad. Not sure whether that's a logic
bug, or a numerical issue; still generating absurd triangles pretty

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/solvespace/": change = 1741]
2008-05-25 05:11:44 -08:00

243 lines
6.7 KiB

#ifndef __SOLVESPACE_H
#define __SOLVESPACE_H
// Debugging functions
#define oops() do { dbp("oops at line %d, file %s", __LINE__, __FILE__); \
if(1) *(char *)0 = 1; exit(-1); } while(0)
#ifndef min
#define min(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#ifndef max
#define max(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define SWAP(T, a, b) do { T temp = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = temp; } while(0)
#define ZERO(v) memset((v), 0, sizeof(*(v)))
#define CO(v) (v).x, (v).y, (v).z
#define LENGTH_EPS (0.0001)
#define isforname(c) (isalnum(c) || (c) == '_' || (c) == '-' || (c) == '#')
typedef signed long SDWORD;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <windows.h> // required for GL stuff
#include <gl/gl.h>
#include <gl/glu.h>
class Expr;
class ExprVector;
class ExprQuaternion;
// From the platform-specific code.
int SaveFileYesNoCancel(void);
BOOL GetSaveFile(char *file, char *defExtension, char *selPattern);
BOOL GetOpenFile(char *file, char *defExtension, char *selPattern);
void CheckMenuById(int id, BOOL checked);
void EnableMenuById(int id, BOOL checked);
void ShowGraphicsEditControl(int x, int y, char *s);
void HideGraphicsEditControl(void);
BOOL GraphicsEditControlIsVisible(void);
void ShowTextWindow(BOOL visible);
void InvalidateText(void);
void InvalidateGraphics(void);
void PaintGraphics(void);
SDWORD GetMilliseconds(void);
void dbp(char *str, ...);
void Error(char *str, ...);
void *AllocTemporary(int n);
void FreeAllTemporary(void);
void *MemRealloc(void *p, int n);
void *MemAlloc(int n);
void MemFree(void *p);
void vl(void); // debug function to validate
#include "dsc.h"
#include "polygon.h"
#include "sketch.h"
#include "ui.h"
#include "expr.h"
// Utility functions that are provided in the platform-independent code.
void glxVertex3v(Vector u);
#define GLX_CALLBACK __stdcall
typedef void GLX_CALLBACK glxCallbackFptr(void);
void glxTesselatePolygon(GLUtesselator *gt, SPolygon *p);
void glxFillPolygon(SPolygon *p);
void glxFillMesh(SMesh *m);
void glxDebugPolygon(SPolygon *p);
void glxDebugEdgeList(SEdgeList *l);
void glxDebugMesh(SMesh *m);
void glxMarkPolygonNormal(SPolygon *p);
void glxWriteText(char *str);
void glxWriteTextRefCenter(char *str);
double glxStrWidth(char *str);
double glxStrHeight(void);
void glxTranslatev(Vector u);
void glxOntoWorkplane(Vector u, Vector v);
void glxLockColorTo(double r, double g, double b);
void glxUnlockColor(void);
void glxColor3d(double r, double g, double b);
void glxColor4d(double r, double g, double b, double a);
#define arraylen(x) (sizeof((x))/sizeof((x)[0]))
#define PI (3.1415926535897931)
void MakeMatrix(double *mat, double a11, double a12, double a13, double a14,
double a21, double a22, double a23, double a24,
double a31, double a32, double a33, double a34,
double a41, double a42, double a43, double a44);
class System {
#define MAX_UNKNOWNS 200
IdList<Entity,hEntity> entity;
IdList<Param,hParam> param;
IdList<Equation,hEquation> eq;
// In general, the tag indicates the subsys that a variable/equation
// has been assigned to; these are exceptions for variables:
static const int VAR_ASSUMED = 10000;
static const int VAR_SUBSTITUTED = 10001;
// and for equations:
static const int EQ_SUBSTITUTED = 20000;
// The system Jacobian matrix
struct {
// The corresponding equation for each row
hEquation eq[MAX_UNKNOWNS];
// The corresponding parameter for each column
hParam param[MAX_UNKNOWNS];
bool bound[MAX_UNKNOWNS];
// We're solving AX = B
int m, n;
struct {
} A;
double scale[MAX_UNKNOWNS];
// Some helpers for the least squares solve
struct {
Expr *sym[MAX_UNKNOWNS];
double num[MAX_UNKNOWNS];
} B;
} mat;
bool Tol(double v);
int GaussJordan(void);
static bool SolveLinearSystem(double X[], double A[][MAX_UNKNOWNS],
double B[], int N);
bool SolveLeastSquares(void);
void WriteJacobian(int eqTag, int paramTag);
void EvalJacobian(void);
void SolveBySubstitution(void);
static bool IsDragged(hParam p);
bool NewtonSolve(int tag);
bool Solve(void);
class SolveSpace {
TextWindow TW;
GraphicsWindow GW;
// These lists define the sketch, and are edited by the user.
IdList<Group,hGroup> group;
IdList<Request,hRequest> request;
IdList<Constraint,hConstraint> constraint;
// These lists are generated automatically when we solve the sketch.
IdList<Entity,hEntity> entity;
IdList<Param,hParam> param;
inline Constraint *GetConstraint(hConstraint h)
{ return constraint.FindById(h); }
inline Request *GetRequest(hRequest h) { return request.FindById(h); }
inline Entity *GetEntity (hEntity h) { return entity. FindById(h); }
inline Param *GetParam (hParam h) { return param. FindById(h); }
inline Group *GetGroup (hGroup h) { return group. FindById(h); }
hGroup activeGroup;
FILE *fh;
void Init(char *cmdLine);
char saveFile[MAX_PATH];
bool unsaved;
typedef struct {
char type;
char *desc;
char fmt;
void *ptr;
} SaveTable;
static const SaveTable SAVED[];
void SaveUsingTable(int type);
void LoadUsingTable(char *key, char *val);
struct {
Group g;
Request r;
Entity e;
Param p;
Constraint c;
} sv;
static void MenuFile(int id);
void NewFile(void);
bool SaveToFile(char *filename);
bool LoadFromFile(char *filename);
struct {
int requests;
int groups;
int constraints;
} deleted;
bool GroupExists(hGroup hg);
bool PruneOrphans(void);
bool EntityExists(hEntity he);
bool GroupsInOrder(hGroup before, hGroup after);
bool PruneGroups(hGroup hg);
bool PruneRequests(hGroup hg);
bool PruneConstraints(hGroup hg);
void GenerateAll(bool andSolve);
void GenerateAll(bool andSolve, int first, int last);
bool SolveGroup(hGroup hg);
void ForceReferences(void);
// The system to be solved.
System sys;
extern SolveSpace SS;