Jonathan Westhues 0a56a63417 Add a trim command. I can now do circles (or arcs) against lines,
or lines against lines. The constraints get rather screwed up
afterwards, of course.

So make arcs with the endpoints coincident into circles, instead
of nothings; since the first split of a circle produces that.

And don't warn after deleting just point-coincident or horiz/vert
constraints as a dependency; that's just a nuisance, because it
happens too often.

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/solvespace/": change = 1884]
2009-01-03 04:27:33 -08:00

77 lines
2.4 KiB

# Use the multi-threaded static libc because libpng and zlib do; not sure if anything bad
# happens if those mix, but don't want to risk it.
CFLAGS = /W3 /nologo -MT -Iextlib -I..\common\win32 /D_DEBUG /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /I. /Zi /EHs
HEADERS = ..\common\win32\freeze.h ui.h solvespace.h dsc.h sketch.h expr.h polygon.h
OBJDIR = obj
FREEZE = $(OBJDIR)\freeze.obj
W32OBJS = $(OBJDIR)\w32main.obj \
SSOBJS = $(OBJDIR)\solvespace.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\textwin.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\textscreens.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\graphicswin.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\modify.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\util.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\entity.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\drawentity.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\group.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\groupmesh.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\request.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\glhelper.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\expr.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\constraint.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\draw.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\toolbar.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\drawconstraint.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\file.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\undoredo.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\system.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\polygon.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\mesh.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\bsp.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\ttf.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\generate.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\export.obj \
RES = $(OBJDIR)\resource.res
LIBS = user32.lib gdi32.lib comctl32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib opengl32.lib glu32.lib \
extlib\libpng.lib extlib\zlib.lib
all: $(OBJDIR)/solvespace.exe
@cp $(OBJDIR)/solvespace.exe .
solvespace t.slvs
rm -f obj/*
$(OBJDIR)/solvespace.exe: $(SSOBJS) $(W32OBJS) $(FREEZE) $(RES)
@$(CC) $(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS) -Fe$(OBJDIR)/solvespace.exe $(SSOBJS) $(W32OBJS) $(FREEZE) $(RES) $(LIBS)
editbin /nologo /STACK:8388608 $(OBJDIR)/solvespace.exe
@echo solvespace.exe
$(SSOBJS): $(@B).cpp $(HEADERS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -c -Fo$(OBJDIR)/$(@B).obj $(@B).cpp
$(W32OBJS): win32/$(@B).cpp $(HEADERS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -c -Fo$(OBJDIR)/$(@B).obj win32/$(@B).cpp
$(FREEZE): ..\common\win32\$(@B).cpp $(HEADERS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -c -Fo$(OBJDIR)/$(@B).obj ..\common\win32\$(@B).cpp
$(RES): win32/$(@B).rc icon.ico
rc win32/$(@B).rc
mv win32/$(@B).res $(OBJDIR)/$(@B).res
toolbar.cpp: $(OBJDIR)/icons.h
$(OBJDIR)/icons.h: icons/*
perl > $(OBJDIR)/icons.h