Jonathan Westhues 0d3217c0df Rename some stuff in the IdList again. Rough in the file save
stuff, though no file load stuff, and perhaps this can all be made
to work from a table somehow. Move the quaternion stuff into its
own class, and add a fancy animated view when you orient onto a

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/solvespace/": change = 1672]
2008-04-18 03:11:48 -08:00

199 lines
5.4 KiB

#ifndef __UI_H
#define __UI_H
class TextWindow {
static const int MAX_COLS = 150;
static const int MAX_ROWS = 300;
#ifndef RGB
#define RGB(r, g, b) ((r) | ((g) << 8) | ((b) << 16))
static const int COLOR_BG_DEFAULT = RGB( 15, 15, 0);
typedef struct {
int fg;
int bg;
} Color;
static const Color colors[];
static const int COLOR_DEFAULT = 0;
static const int COLOR_MEANS_HIDDEN = 1;
static const int COLOR_MEANS_SHOWN = 2;
static const int COLOR_MEANS_MIXED = 3;
// The rest of the window, text displayed in response to typed commands;
// some of this might do something if you click on it.
static const int NOT_A_LINK = 0;
typedef void LinkFunction(int link, DWORD v);
struct {
int color;
int link;
DWORD data;
LinkFunction *f;
int rows;
void Init(void);
void Printf(char *fmt, ...);
void ClearScreen(void);
void Show(void);
// State for the screen that we are showing in the text window.
static const int SCREEN_ALL_GROUPS = 0;
static const int SCREEN_REQUESTS_IN_GROUP = 1;
typedef struct {
int screen;
hGroup group;
} ShownState;
static const int HISTORY_LEN = 16;
ShownState showns[HISTORY_LEN];
int shownIndex;
int history;
ShownState *shown;
void ShowHeader(void);
// These are self-contained screens, that show some information about
// the sketch.
void ShowAllGroups(void);
void ShowRequestsInGroup(void);
void OneScreenForward(void);
static void ScreenSelectGroup(int link, DWORD v);
static void ScreenNavigaton(int link, DWORD v);
class GraphicsWindow {
void Init(void);
// This table describes the top-level menus in the graphics winodw.
typedef enum {
// File
MNU_NEW = 100,
// View
// Edit
// Request
// Constrain
} MenuId;
typedef void MenuHandler(int id);
typedef struct {
int level; // 0 == on menu bar, 1 == one level down
char *label; // or NULL for a separator
int id; // unique ID
int accel; // keyboard accelerator
MenuHandler *fn;
} MenuEntry;
static const MenuEntry menu[];
static void MenuView(int id);
static void MenuEdit(int id);
static void MenuRequest(int id);
// The width and height (in pixels) of the window.
double width, height;
// These parameters define the map from 2d screen coordinates to the
// coordinates of the 3d sketch points. We will use an axonometric
// projection.
Vector offset;
Vector projRight;
Vector projUp;
double scale;
struct {
Vector offset;
Vector projRight;
Vector projUp;
Point2d mouse;
} orig;
bool viewLocked;
void NormalizeProjectionVectors(void);
Point2d ProjectPoint(Vector p);
hGroup activeGroup;
hEntity activeCsys;
void EnsureValidActives();
// Operations that must be completed by doing something with the mouse
// are noted here.
static const int PENDING_OPERATION_DRAGGING_POINT = 0x0f000000;
hPoint pendingPoint;
int pendingOperation;
char *pendingDescription;
hRequest AddRequest(int type);
// The current selection.
class Selection {
hPoint point;
hEntity entity;
hConstraint constraint;
void Draw(void);
void Clear(void);
bool IsEmpty(void);
bool Equals(Selection *b);
Selection hover;
static const int MAX_SELECTED = 32;
Selection selection[MAX_SELECTED];
void HitTestMakeSelection(Point2d mp, Selection *dest);
void ClearSelection(void);
struct {
hPoint point[MAX_SELECTED];
hEntity entity[MAX_SELECTED];
int points;
int entities;
int csyss;
int lineSegments;
int n;
} gs;
void GroupSelection(void);
// This sets what gets displayed.
bool show2dCsyss;
bool showAxes;
bool showPoints;
bool showAllGroups;
bool showConstraints;
static void ToggleBool(int link, DWORD v);
static void ToggleAnyDatumShown(int link, DWORD v);
void UpdateDraggedPoint(Vector *pos, double mx, double my);
void UpdateDraggedHPoint(hPoint hp, double mx, double my);
// These are called by the platform-specific code.
void Paint(int w, int h);
void MouseMoved(double x, double y, bool leftDown, bool middleDown,
bool rightDown, bool shiftDown, bool ctrlDown);
void MouseLeftDown(double x, double y);
void MouseLeftDoubleClick(double x, double y);
void MouseMiddleDown(double x, double y);
void MouseScroll(double x, double y, int delta);