whitequark 1442ee5ec3 Refactor InitPlatform.
This commit performs three related cleanups:
  * The slvs library no longer uses explicit platform initialization
    (which drags in the side effects of InitPlatform that are not
    desirable in a library). Instead, it just ensures that it has
    the temporary heap, which is what it was callingInitPlatform for.
  * InitPlatform is simplified and moved to platform.cpp, next to
    other path related functions.
  * InitPlatform is renamed to InitCli and is called from InitGui
    implementations. GUI toolkits sometimes have options they use
    internally (that's the case for for GTK and Cocoa at least),
    and we shouldn't try to parse those as a file to open.
2020-05-10 08:29:25 +00:00

414 lines
14 KiB

// Our harness for running test cases, and reusable checks.
// Copyright 2016 whitequark
#include <regex>
#include <cairo.h>
#include "harness.h"
#if defined(WIN32)
# include <windows.h>
# include <unistd.h>
namespace SolveSpace {
namespace Platform {
// These are defined in headless.cpp, and aren't exposed in solvespace.h.
extern std::vector<Platform::Path> fontFiles;
static const char *VALID_BUILD_PATH_SEPS = "/\\";
static char BUILD_PATH_SEP = '\\';
static const char *VALID_BUILD_PATH_SEPS = "/";
static char BUILD_PATH_SEP = '/';
static std::string BuildRoot() {
static std::string rootDir;
if(!rootDir.empty()) return rootDir;
rootDir = __FILE__;
rootDir.erase(rootDir.find_last_of(VALID_BUILD_PATH_SEPS) + 1);
return rootDir;
static Platform::Path HostRoot() {
static Platform::Path rootDir;
if(!rootDir.IsEmpty()) return rootDir;
// No especially good way to do this, so let's assume somewhere up from
// the current directory there's our repository, with CMakeLists.txt, and
// pivot from there.
rootDir = Platform::Path::CurrentDirectory();
// We're never more than four levels deep.
for(size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
FILE *f = OpenFile(rootDir.Join("CMakeLists.txt"), "r");
if(f) {
rootDir = rootDir.Join("test");
return rootDir;
rootDir = rootDir.Parent();
ssassert(false, "Couldn't locate repository root");
enum class Color {
static std::string Colorize(Color color, std::string input) {
#if !defined(WIN32)
if(isatty(fileno(stdout))) {
switch(color) {
case Color::Red:
return "\e[1;31m" + input + "\e[0m";
case Color::Green:
return "\e[1;32m" + input + "\e[0m";
case Color::DarkGreen:
return "\e[36m" + input + "\e[0m";
return input;
// Normalizes a savefile. Different platforms have slightly different floating-point
// behavior, so if we want to compare savefiles byte-by-byte, we need to do something
// to get rid of irrelevant differences in LSB.
static std::string PrepareSavefile(std::string data) {
// Round everything to 2**30 ~ 1e9
const double precision = pow(2, 30);
size_t lineBegin = 0;
while(lineBegin < data.length()) {
size_t nextLineBegin = data.find('\n', lineBegin);
if(nextLineBegin == std::string::npos) {
nextLineBegin = data.length();
} else {
size_t eqPos = data.find('=', lineBegin);
if(eqPos < nextLineBegin) {
std::string key = data.substr(lineBegin, eqPos - lineBegin),
value = data.substr(eqPos + 1, nextLineBegin - eqPos - 2);
for(int i = 0; SolveSpaceUI::SAVED[i].type != 0; i++) {
if(SolveSpaceUI::SAVED[i].fmt != 'f') continue;
if(SolveSpaceUI::SAVED[i].desc != key) continue;
double f = strtod(value.c_str(), NULL);
f = round(f * precision) / precision;
std::string newValue = ssprintf("%.20f", f);
ssassert(value.size() == newValue.size(), "Expected no change in value length");
std::copy(newValue.begin(), newValue.end(),
data.begin() + eqPos + 1);
if(key == "Group.impFile") {
data.erase(lineBegin, nextLineBegin - lineBegin);
nextLineBegin = lineBegin;
size_t spPos = data.find(' ', lineBegin);
if(spPos < nextLineBegin) {
std::string cmd = data.substr(lineBegin, spPos - lineBegin);
if(!cmd.empty()) {
if(cmd == "Surface" || cmd == "SCtrl" || cmd == "TrimBy" ||
cmd == "Curve" || cmd == "CCtrl" || cmd == "CurvePt") {
data.erase(lineBegin, nextLineBegin - lineBegin);
nextLineBegin = lineBegin;
lineBegin = nextLineBegin;
return data;
bool Test::Helper::RecordCheck(bool success) {
if(!success) failCount++;
return success;
void Test::Helper::PrintFailure(const char *file, int line, std::string msg) {
std::string shortFile = file;
shortFile.erase(0, BuildRoot().size());
fprintf(stderr, "test%c%s:%d: FAILED: %s\n",
BUILD_PATH_SEP, shortFile.c_str(), line, msg.c_str());
Platform::Path Test::Helper::GetAssetPath(std::string testFile, std::string assetName,
std::string mangle) {
if(!mangle.empty()) {
assetName.insert(assetName.rfind('.'), "." + mangle);
testFile.erase(0, BuildRoot().size());
testFile.erase(testFile.find_last_of(VALID_BUILD_PATH_SEPS) + 1);
return HostRoot().Join(Platform::Path::FromPortable(testFile + assetName));
bool Test::Helper::CheckBool(const char *file, int line, const char *expr, bool value,
bool reference) {
if(!RecordCheck(value == reference)) {
std::string msg = ssprintf("(%s) = %s ≠ %s", expr,
value ? "true" : "false",
reference ? "true" : "false");
PrintFailure(file, line, msg);
return false;
} else {
return true;
bool Test::Helper::CheckEqualString(const char *file, int line, const char *valueExpr,
const std::string &value, const std::string &reference) {
if(!RecordCheck(value == reference)) {
std::string msg = ssprintf("(%s) = \"%s\"\"%s\"", valueExpr,
value.c_str(), reference.c_str());
PrintFailure(file, line, msg);
return false;
} else {
return true;
bool Test::Helper::CheckEqualEpsilon(const char *file, int line, const char *valueExpr,
double value, double reference) {
bool result = fabs(value - reference) < LENGTH_EPS;
if(!RecordCheck(result)) {
std::string msg = ssprintf("(%s) = %.4g ≉ %.4g", valueExpr,
value, reference);
PrintFailure(file, line, msg);
return false;
} else {
return true;
bool Test::Helper::CheckLoad(const char *file, int line, const char *fixture) {
Platform::Path fixturePath = GetAssetPath(file, fixture);
FILE *f = OpenFile(fixturePath, "rb");
bool fixtureExists = (f != NULL);
if(f) fclose(f);
bool result = fixtureExists && SS.LoadFromFile(fixturePath);
if(!RecordCheck(result)) {
PrintFailure(file, line,
ssprintf("loading file '%s'", fixturePath.raw.c_str()));
return false;
} else {
SS.GW.offset = {};
SS.GW.scale = 10.0;
return true;
bool Test::Helper::CheckSave(const char *file, int line, const char *reference) {
Platform::Path refPath = GetAssetPath(file, reference),
outPath = GetAssetPath(file, reference, "out");
if(!RecordCheck(SS.SaveToFile(outPath))) {
PrintFailure(file, line,
ssprintf("saving file '%s'", refPath.raw.c_str()));
return false;
} else {
std::string refData, outData;
ReadFile(refPath, &refData);
ReadFile(outPath, &outData);
if(!RecordCheck(PrepareSavefile(refData) == PrepareSavefile(outData))) {
PrintFailure(file, line, "savefile doesn't match reference");
return false;
return true;
bool Test::Helper::CheckRender(const char *file, int line, const char *reference) {
// First, render to a framebuffer.
Camera camera = {};
camera.pixelRatio = 1;
camera.gridFit = true;
camera.width = 600;
camera.height = 600;
camera.projUp = SS.GW.projUp;
camera.projRight = SS.GW.projRight;
camera.scale = SS.GW.scale;
CairoPixmapRenderer pixmapCanvas;
std::shared_ptr<Pixmap> frame = pixmapCanvas.ReadFrame();
// Now, diff framebuffer against reference render.
Platform::Path refPath = GetAssetPath(file, reference),
outPath = GetAssetPath(file, reference, "out"),
diffPath = GetAssetPath(file, reference, "diff");
std::shared_ptr<Pixmap> refPixmap = Pixmap::ReadPng(refPath, /*flip=*/true);
if(!RecordCheck(refPixmap && refPixmap->Equals(*frame))) {
frame->WritePng(outPath, /*flip=*/true);
if(!refPixmap) {
PrintFailure(file, line, "reference render not present");
return false;
ssassert(refPixmap->format == frame->format, "Expected buffer formats to match");
if(refPixmap->width != frame->width ||
refPixmap->height != frame->height) {
PrintFailure(file, line, "render doesn't match reference; dimensions differ");
} else {
std::shared_ptr<Pixmap> diffPixmap =
Pixmap::Create(refPixmap->format, refPixmap->width, refPixmap->height);
int diffPixelCount = 0;
for(size_t j = 0; j < refPixmap->height; j++) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < refPixmap->width; i++) {
if(!refPixmap->GetPixel(i, j).Equals(frame->GetPixel(i, j))) {
diffPixmap->SetPixel(i, j, RgbaColor::From(255, 0, 0, 255));
diffPixmap->WritePng(diffPath, /*flip=*/true);
std::string message =
ssprintf("render doesn't match reference; %d (%.2f%%) pixels differ",
100.0 * diffPixelCount / (refPixmap->width * refPixmap->height));
PrintFailure(file, line, message);
return false;
} else {
return true;
bool Test::Helper::CheckRenderXY(const char *file, int line, const char *fixture) {
SS.GW.projRight = Vector::From(1, 0, 0);
SS.GW.projUp = Vector::From(0, 1, 0);
return CheckRender(file, line, fixture);
bool Test::Helper::CheckRenderIso(const char *file, int line, const char *fixture) {
SS.GW.projRight = Vector::From(0.707, 0.000, -0.707);
SS.GW.projUp = Vector::From(-0.408, 0.816, -0.408);
return CheckRender(file, line, fixture);
// Avoid global constructors; using a global static vector instead of a local one
// breaks MinGW for some obscure reason.
static std::vector<Test::Case> *testCasesPtr;
int Test::Case::Register(Test::Case testCase) {
static std::vector<Test::Case> testCases;
testCasesPtr = &testCases;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
std::vector<std::string> args = Platform::InitCli(argc, argv);
std::regex filter(".*");
if(args.size() == 1) {
} else if(args.size() == 2) {
filter = args[1];
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [test filter regex]\n", args[0].c_str());
return 1;
// Wreck order dependencies between tests!
std::random_shuffle(testCasesPtr->begin(), testCasesPtr->end());
auto testStartTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
size_t ranTally = 0, skippedTally = 0, checkTally = 0, failTally = 0;
for(Test::Case &testCase : *testCasesPtr) {
std::string testCaseName = testCase.fileName;
testCaseName.erase(0, BuildRoot().size());
testCaseName += BUILD_PATH_SEP + testCase.caseName;
std::smatch filterMatch;
if(!std::regex_search(testCaseName, filterMatch, filter)) {
skippedTally += 1;
SS.showToolbar = false;
SS.checkClosedContour = false;
Test::Helper helper = {};
ranTally += 1;
checkTally += helper.checkCount;
failTally += helper.failCount;
if(helper.checkCount == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, " %s test %s (empty)\n",
Colorize(Color::Red, "??").c_str(),
Colorize(Color::DarkGreen, testCaseName).c_str());
} else if(helper.failCount > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, " %s test %s\n",
Colorize(Color::Red, "NG").c_str(),
Colorize(Color::DarkGreen, testCaseName).c_str());
} else {
fprintf(stderr, " %s test %s\n",
Colorize(Color::Green, "OK").c_str(),
Colorize(Color::DarkGreen, testCaseName).c_str());
auto testEndTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> testTime = testEndTime - testStartTime;
if(failTally > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failure! %u checks failed\n",
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Success! %u test cases (%u skipped), %u checks, %.3fs\n",
(unsigned)ranTally, (unsigned)skippedTally,
(unsigned)checkTally, testTime.count());
// At last, try to reset all caches we or our dependencies have, to make SNR
// of memory checking tools like valgrind higher.
return (failTally > 0);