whitequark 20d87d93c5 Add const qualifiers to functions where trivially possible.
This will allow us in future to accept `const T &` anywhere it's
necessary to reduce the amount of copying.

This commit is quite conservative: it does not attempt very hard to
refactor code that performs incidental mutation. In particular
dogd and caches are not marked with the `mutable` keyword.
dogd will be eliminated later, opening up more opportunities to
add const qualifiers.

This commit also doesn't introduce any uses of the newly added const
qualifers. This will be done later.
2016-05-25 03:22:54 +00:00

809 lines
21 KiB

// The symbolic algebra system used to write our constraint equations;
// routines to build expressions in software or from a user-provided string,
// and to compute the partial derivatives that we'll use when write our
// Jacobian matrix.
// Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues.
#include "solvespace.h"
ExprVector ExprVector::From(Expr *x, Expr *y, Expr *z) {
ExprVector r = { x, y, z};
return r;
ExprVector ExprVector::From(Vector vn) {
ExprVector ve;
ve.x = Expr::From(vn.x);
ve.y = Expr::From(vn.y);
ve.z = Expr::From(vn.z);
return ve;
ExprVector ExprVector::From(hParam x, hParam y, hParam z) {
ExprVector ve;
ve.x = Expr::From(x);
ve.y = Expr::From(y);
ve.z = Expr::From(z);
return ve;
ExprVector ExprVector::From(double x, double y, double z) {
ExprVector ve;
ve.x = Expr::From(x);
ve.y = Expr::From(y);
ve.z = Expr::From(z);
return ve;
ExprVector ExprVector::Minus(ExprVector b) const {
ExprVector r;
r.x = x->Minus(b.x);
r.y = y->Minus(b.y);
r.z = z->Minus(b.z);
return r;
ExprVector ExprVector::Plus(ExprVector b) const {
ExprVector r;
r.x = x->Plus(b.x);
r.y = y->Plus(b.y);
r.z = z->Plus(b.z);
return r;
Expr *ExprVector::Dot(ExprVector b) const {
Expr *r;
r = x->Times(b.x);
r = r->Plus(y->Times(b.y));
r = r->Plus(z->Times(b.z));
return r;
ExprVector ExprVector::Cross(ExprVector b) const {
ExprVector r;
r.x = (y->Times(b.z))->Minus(z->Times(b.y));
r.y = (z->Times(b.x))->Minus(x->Times(b.z));
r.z = (x->Times(b.y))->Minus(y->Times(b.x));
return r;
ExprVector ExprVector::ScaledBy(Expr *s) const {
ExprVector r;
r.x = x->Times(s);
r.y = y->Times(s);
r.z = z->Times(s);
return r;
ExprVector ExprVector::WithMagnitude(Expr *s) const {
Expr *m = Magnitude();
return ScaledBy(s->Div(m));
Expr *ExprVector::Magnitude() const {
Expr *r;
r = x->Square();
r = r->Plus(y->Square());
r = r->Plus(z->Square());
return r->Sqrt();
Vector ExprVector::Eval() const {
Vector r;
r.x = x->Eval();
r.y = y->Eval();
r.z = z->Eval();
return r;
ExprQuaternion ExprQuaternion::From(hParam w, hParam vx, hParam vy, hParam vz) {
ExprQuaternion q;
q.w = Expr::From(w);
q.vx = Expr::From(vx);
q.vy = Expr::From(vy);
q.vz = Expr::From(vz);
return q;
ExprQuaternion ExprQuaternion::From(Expr *w, Expr *vx, Expr *vy, Expr *vz)
ExprQuaternion q;
q.w = w;
q.vx = vx;
q.vy = vy;
q.vz = vz;
return q;
ExprQuaternion ExprQuaternion::From(Quaternion qn) {
ExprQuaternion qe;
qe.w = Expr::From(qn.w);
qe.vx = Expr::From(qn.vx);
qe.vy = Expr::From(qn.vy);
qe.vz = Expr::From(qn.vz);
return qe;
ExprVector ExprQuaternion::RotationU() const {
ExprVector u;
Expr *two = Expr::From(2);
u.x = w->Square();
u.x = (u.x)->Plus(vx->Square());
u.x = (u.x)->Minus(vy->Square());
u.x = (u.x)->Minus(vz->Square());
u.y = two->Times(w->Times(vz));
u.y = (u.y)->Plus(two->Times(vx->Times(vy)));
u.z = two->Times(vx->Times(vz));
u.z = (u.z)->Minus(two->Times(w->Times(vy)));
return u;
ExprVector ExprQuaternion::RotationV() const {
ExprVector v;
Expr *two = Expr::From(2);
v.x = two->Times(vx->Times(vy));
v.x = (v.x)->Minus(two->Times(w->Times(vz)));
v.y = w->Square();
v.y = (v.y)->Minus(vx->Square());
v.y = (v.y)->Plus(vy->Square());
v.y = (v.y)->Minus(vz->Square());
v.z = two->Times(w->Times(vx));
v.z = (v.z)->Plus(two->Times(vy->Times(vz)));
return v;
ExprVector ExprQuaternion::RotationN() const {
ExprVector n;
Expr *two = Expr::From(2);
n.x = two->Times( w->Times(vy));
n.x = (n.x)->Plus (two->Times(vx->Times(vz)));
n.y = two->Times(vy->Times(vz));
n.y = (n.y)->Minus(two->Times( w->Times(vx)));
n.z = w->Square();
n.z = (n.z)->Minus(vx->Square());
n.z = (n.z)->Minus(vy->Square());
n.z = (n.z)->Plus (vz->Square());
return n;
ExprVector ExprQuaternion::Rotate(ExprVector p) const {
// Express the point in the new basis
return (RotationU().ScaledBy(p.x)).Plus(
ExprQuaternion ExprQuaternion::Times(ExprQuaternion b) const {
Expr *sa = w, *sb = b.w;
ExprVector va = { vx, vy, vz };
ExprVector vb = { b.vx, b.vy, b.vz };
ExprQuaternion r;
r.w = (sa->Times(sb))->Minus(va.Dot(vb));
ExprVector vr = vb.ScaledBy(sa).Plus(
r.vx = vr.x;
r.vy = vr.y;
r.vz = vr.z;
return r;
Expr *ExprQuaternion::Magnitude() const {
return ((w ->Square())->Plus(
Expr *Expr::From(hParam p) {
Expr *r = AllocExpr();
r->op = PARAM;
r->parh = p;
return r;
Expr *Expr::From(double v) {
// Statically allocate common constants.
// Note: this is only valid because AllocExpr() uses AllocTemporary(),
// and Expr* is never explicitly freed.
if(v == 0.0) {
static Expr zero(0.0);
return &zero;
if(v == 1.0) {
static Expr one(1.0);
return &one;
if(v == -1.0) {
static Expr mone(-1.0);
return &mone;
if(v == 0.5) {
static Expr half(0.5);
return ½
if(v == -0.5) {
static Expr mhalf(-0.5);
return &mhalf;
Expr *r = AllocExpr();
r->op = CONSTANT;
r->v = v;
return r;
Expr *Expr::AnyOp(int newOp, Expr *b) {
Expr *r = AllocExpr();
r->op = newOp;
r->a = this;
r->b = b;
return r;
int Expr::Children() const {
switch(op) {
case PARAM:
return 0;
case PLUS:
case MINUS:
case TIMES:
case DIV:
return 2;
case NEGATE:
case SQRT:
case SQUARE:
case SIN:
case COS:
case ASIN:
case ACOS:
return 1;
default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected operation");
int Expr::Nodes() const {
switch(Children()) {
case 0: return 1;
case 1: return 1 + a->Nodes();
case 2: return 1 + a->Nodes() + b->Nodes();
default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected children count");
Expr *Expr::DeepCopy() const {
Expr *n = AllocExpr();
*n = *this;
int c = n->Children();
if(c > 0) n->a = a->DeepCopy();
if(c > 1) n->b = b->DeepCopy();
return n;
Expr *Expr::DeepCopyWithParamsAsPointers(IdList<Param,hParam> *firstTry,
IdList<Param,hParam> *thenTry) const
Expr *n = AllocExpr();
if(op == PARAM) {
// A param that is referenced by its hParam gets rewritten to go
// straight in to the parameter table with a pointer, or simply
// into a constant if it's already known.
Param *p = firstTry->FindByIdNoOops(parh);
if(!p) p = thenTry->FindById(parh);
if(p->known) {
n->op = CONSTANT;
n->v = p->val;
} else {
n->op = PARAM_PTR;
n->parp = p;
return n;
*n = *this;
int c = n->Children();
if(c > 0) n->a = a->DeepCopyWithParamsAsPointers(firstTry, thenTry);
if(c > 1) n->b = b->DeepCopyWithParamsAsPointers(firstTry, thenTry);
return n;
double Expr::Eval() const {
switch(op) {
case PARAM: return SK.GetParam(parh)->val;
case PARAM_PTR: return parp->val;
case CONSTANT: return v;
case PLUS: return a->Eval() + b->Eval();
case MINUS: return a->Eval() - b->Eval();
case TIMES: return a->Eval() * b->Eval();
case DIV: return a->Eval() / b->Eval();
case NEGATE: return -(a->Eval());
case SQRT: return sqrt(a->Eval());
case SQUARE: { double r = a->Eval(); return r*r; }
case SIN: return sin(a->Eval());
case COS: return cos(a->Eval());
case ACOS: return acos(a->Eval());
case ASIN: return asin(a->Eval());
default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected operation");
Expr *Expr::PartialWrt(hParam p) const {
Expr *da, *db;
switch(op) {
case PARAM_PTR: return From(p.v == parp->h.v ? 1 : 0);
case PARAM: return From(p.v == parh.v ? 1 : 0);
case CONSTANT: return From(0.0);
case PLUS: return (a->PartialWrt(p))->Plus(b->PartialWrt(p));
case MINUS: return (a->PartialWrt(p))->Minus(b->PartialWrt(p));
case TIMES:
da = a->PartialWrt(p);
db = b->PartialWrt(p);
return (a->Times(db))->Plus(b->Times(da));
case DIV:
da = a->PartialWrt(p);
db = b->PartialWrt(p);
return ((da->Times(b))->Minus(a->Times(db)))->Div(b->Square());
case SQRT:
return (From(0.5)->Div(a->Sqrt()))->Times(a->PartialWrt(p));
case SQUARE:
return (From(2.0)->Times(a))->Times(a->PartialWrt(p));
case NEGATE: return (a->PartialWrt(p))->Negate();
case SIN: return (a->Cos())->Times(a->PartialWrt(p));
case COS: return ((a->Sin())->Times(a->PartialWrt(p)))->Negate();
case ASIN:
return (From(1)->Div((From(1)->Minus(a->Square()))->Sqrt()))
case ACOS:
return (From(-1)->Div((From(1)->Minus(a->Square()))->Sqrt()))
default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected operation");
uint64_t Expr::ParamsUsed() const {
uint64_t r = 0;
if(op == PARAM) r |= ((uint64_t)1 << (parh.v % 61));
if(op == PARAM_PTR) r |= ((uint64_t)1 << (parp->h.v % 61));
int c = Children();
if(c >= 1) r |= a->ParamsUsed();
if(c >= 2) r |= b->ParamsUsed();
return r;
bool Expr::DependsOn(hParam p) const {
if(op == PARAM) return (parh.v == p.v);
if(op == PARAM_PTR) return (parp->h.v == p.v);
int c = Children();
if(c == 1) return a->DependsOn(p);
if(c == 2) return a->DependsOn(p) || b->DependsOn(p);
return false;
bool Expr::Tol(double a, double b) {
return fabs(a - b) < 0.001;
Expr *Expr::FoldConstants() {
Expr *n = AllocExpr();
*n = *this;
int c = Children();
if(c >= 1) n->a = a->FoldConstants();
if(c >= 2) n->b = b->FoldConstants();
switch(op) {
case PARAM:
case MINUS:
case TIMES:
case DIV:
case PLUS:
// If both ops are known, then we can evaluate immediately
if(n->a->op == CONSTANT && n->b->op == CONSTANT) {
double nv = n->Eval();
n->op = CONSTANT;
n->v = nv;
// x + 0 = 0 + x = x
if(op == PLUS && n->b->op == CONSTANT && Tol(n->b->v, 0)) {
*n = *(n->a); break;
if(op == PLUS && n->a->op == CONSTANT && Tol(n->a->v, 0)) {
*n = *(n->b); break;
// 1*x = x*1 = x
if(op == TIMES && n->b->op == CONSTANT && Tol(n->b->v, 1)) {
*n = *(n->a); break;
if(op == TIMES && n->a->op == CONSTANT && Tol(n->a->v, 1)) {
*n = *(n->b); break;
// 0*x = x*0 = 0
if(op == TIMES && n->b->op == CONSTANT && Tol(n->b->v, 0)) {
n->op = CONSTANT; n->v = 0; break;
if(op == TIMES && n->a->op == CONSTANT && Tol(n->a->v, 0)) {
n->op = CONSTANT; n->v = 0; break;
case SQRT:
case SQUARE:
case NEGATE:
case SIN:
case COS:
case ASIN:
case ACOS:
if(n->a->op == CONSTANT) {
double nv = n->Eval();
n->op = CONSTANT;
n->v = nv;
default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected operation");
return n;
void Expr::Substitute(hParam oldh, hParam newh) {
ssassert(op != PARAM_PTR, "Expected an expression that refer to params via handles");
if(op == PARAM && parh.v == oldh.v) {
parh = newh;
int c = Children();
if(c >= 1) a->Substitute(oldh, newh);
if(c >= 2) b->Substitute(oldh, newh);
// If the expression references only one parameter that appears in pl, then
// return that parameter. If no param is referenced, then return NO_PARAMS.
// If multiple params are referenced, then return MULTIPLE_PARAMS.
const hParam Expr::NO_PARAMS = { 0 };
const hParam Expr::MULTIPLE_PARAMS = { 1 };
hParam Expr::ReferencedParams(ParamList *pl) const {
if(op == PARAM) {
if(pl->FindByIdNoOops(parh)) {
return parh;
} else {
return NO_PARAMS;
ssassert(op != PARAM_PTR, "Expected an expression that refer to params via handles");
int c = Children();
if(c == 0) {
return NO_PARAMS;
} else if(c == 1) {
return a->ReferencedParams(pl);
} else if(c == 2) {
hParam pa, pb;
pa = a->ReferencedParams(pl);
pb = b->ReferencedParams(pl);
if(pa.v == NO_PARAMS.v) {
return pb;
} else if(pb.v == NO_PARAMS.v) {
return pa;
} else if(pa.v == pb.v) {
return pa; // either, doesn't matter
} else {
} else ssassert(false, "Unexpected children count");
// Routines to pretty-print an expression. Mostly for debugging.
std::string Expr::Print() const {
char c;
switch(op) {
case PARAM: return ssprintf("param(%08x)", parh.v);
case PARAM_PTR: return ssprintf("param(p%08x)", parp->h.v);
case CONSTANT: return ssprintf("%.3f", v);
case PLUS: c = '+'; goto p;
case MINUS: c = '-'; goto p;
case TIMES: c = '*'; goto p;
case DIV: c = '/'; goto p;
return "(" + a->Print() + " " + c + " " + b->Print() + ")";
case NEGATE: return "(- " + a->Print() + ")";
case SQRT: return "(sqrt " + a->Print() + ")";
case SQUARE: return "(square " + a->Print() + ")";
case SIN: return "(sin " + a->Print() + ")";
case COS: return "(cos " + a->Print() + ")";
case ASIN: return "(asin " + a->Print() + ")";
case ACOS: return "(acos " + a->Print() + ")";
default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected operation");
// A parser; convert a string to an expression. Infix notation, with the
// usual shift/reduce approach. I had great hopes for user-entered eq
// constraints, but those don't seem very useful, so right now this is just
// to provide calculator type functionality wherever numbers are entered.
#define MAX_UNPARSED 1024
static Expr *Unparsed[MAX_UNPARSED];
static int UnparsedCnt, UnparsedP;
static Expr *Operands[MAX_UNPARSED];
static int OperandsP;
static Expr *Operators[MAX_UNPARSED];
static int OperatorsP;
void Expr::PushOperator(Expr *e) {
if(OperatorsP >= MAX_UNPARSED) throw "operator stack full!";
Operators[OperatorsP++] = e;
Expr *Expr::TopOperator() {
if(OperatorsP <= 0) throw "operator stack empty (get top)";
return Operators[OperatorsP-1];
Expr *Expr::PopOperator() {
if(OperatorsP <= 0) throw "operator stack empty (pop)";
return Operators[--OperatorsP];
void Expr::PushOperand(Expr *e) {
if(OperandsP >= MAX_UNPARSED) throw "operand stack full";
Operands[OperandsP++] = e;
Expr *Expr::PopOperand() {
if(OperandsP <= 0) throw "operand stack empty";
return Operands[--OperandsP];
Expr *Expr::Next() {
if(UnparsedP >= UnparsedCnt) return NULL;
return Unparsed[UnparsedP];
void Expr::Consume() {
if(UnparsedP >= UnparsedCnt) throw "no token to consume";
int Expr::Precedence(Expr *e) {
if(e->op == ALL_RESOLVED) return -1; // never want to reduce this marker
ssassert(e->op == BINARY_OP || e->op == UNARY_OP, "Unexpected operation");
switch(e->c) {
case 'q':
case 's':
case 'c':
case 'n': return 30;
case '*':
case '/': return 20;
case '+':
case '-': return 10;
default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected operator");
void Expr::Reduce() {
Expr *a, *b;
Expr *op = PopOperator();
Expr *n;
int o;
switch(op->c) {
case '+': o = PLUS; goto c;
case '-': o = MINUS; goto c;
case '*': o = TIMES; goto c;
case '/': o = DIV; goto c;
b = PopOperand();
a = PopOperand();
n = a->AnyOp(o, b);
case 'n': n = PopOperand()->Negate(); break;
case 'q': n = PopOperand()->Sqrt(); break;
case 's': n = (PopOperand()->Times(Expr::From(PI/180)))->Sin(); break;
case 'c': n = (PopOperand()->Times(Expr::From(PI/180)))->Cos(); break;
default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected operator");
void Expr::ReduceAndPush(Expr *n) {
while(Precedence(n) <= Precedence(TopOperator())) {
void Expr::Parse() {
Expr *e = AllocExpr();
for(;;) {
Expr *n = Next();
if(!n) throw "end of expression unexpected";
if(n->op == CONSTANT) {
} else if(n->op == PAREN && n->c == '(') {
n = Next();
if(n->op != PAREN || n->c != ')') throw "expected: )";
} else if(n->op == UNARY_OP) {
} else if(n->op == BINARY_OP && n->c == '-') {
// The minus sign is special, because it might be binary or
// unary, depending on context.
n->op = UNARY_OP;
n->c = 'n';
} else {
throw "expected expression";
n = Next();
if(n && n->op == BINARY_OP) {
} else {
while(TopOperator()->op != ALL_RESOLVED) {
PopOperator(); // discard the ALL_RESOLVED marker
void Expr::Lex(const char *in) {
while(*in) {
if(UnparsedCnt >= MAX_UNPARSED) throw "too long";
char c = *in;
if(isdigit(c) || c == '.') {
// A number literal
char number[70];
int len = 0;
while((isdigit(*in) || *in == '.') && len < 30) {
number[len++] = *in;
number[len++] = '\0';
Expr *e = AllocExpr();
e->op = CONSTANT;
e->v = atof(number);
Unparsed[UnparsedCnt++] = e;
} else if(isalpha(c) || c == '_') {
char name[70];
int len = 0;
while(isforname(*in) && len < 30) {
name[len++] = *in;
name[len++] = '\0';
Expr *e = AllocExpr();
if(strcmp(name, "sqrt")==0) {
e->op = UNARY_OP;
e->c = 'q';
} else if(strcmp(name, "cos")==0) {
e->op = UNARY_OP;
e->c = 'c';
} else if(strcmp(name, "sin")==0) {
e->op = UNARY_OP;
e->c = 's';
} else if(strcmp(name, "pi")==0) {
e->op = CONSTANT;
e->v = PI;
} else {
throw "unknown name";
Unparsed[UnparsedCnt++] = e;
} else if(strchr("+-*/()", c)) {
Expr *e = AllocExpr();
e->op = (c == '(' || c == ')') ? PAREN : BINARY_OP;
e->c = c;
Unparsed[UnparsedCnt++] = e;
} else if(isspace(c)) {
// Ignore whitespace
} else {
// This is a lex error.
throw "unexpected characters";
Expr *Expr::From(const char *in, bool popUpError) {
UnparsedCnt = 0;
UnparsedP = 0;
OperandsP = 0;
OperatorsP = 0;
Expr *r;
try {
r = PopOperand();
} catch (const char *e) {
dbp("exception: parse/lex error: %s", e);
if(popUpError) {
Error("Not a valid number or expression: '%s'", in);
return NULL;
return r;