Jonathan Westhues 364938f332 Add an arc entity. That's not allowed to exist in free space (since
we need something to force the points into plane, and the workplane
supplies that), but otherwise straightforward. And add diameter and
equal radius constraints for the arc.

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/solvespace/": change = 1718]
2008-05-12 02:01:44 -08:00

188 lines
4.1 KiB

#ifndef __DSC_H
#define __DSC_H
typedef unsigned long DWORD;
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
class Vector;
class Point2d;
class hEntity;
class Quaternion {
// a + (vx)*i + (vy)*j + (vz)*k
double w, vx, vy, vz;
static Quaternion MakeFrom(double w, double vx, double vy, double vz);
static Quaternion MakeFrom(Vector u, Vector v);
Quaternion Plus(Quaternion b);
Quaternion Minus(Quaternion b);
Quaternion ScaledBy(double s);
double Magnitude(void);
Quaternion WithMagnitude(double s);
// Call a rotation matrix [ u' v' n' ]'; this returns the first and
// second rows, where that matrix is generated by this quaternion
Vector RotationU(void);
Vector RotationV(void);
Vector RotationN(void);
Vector Rotate(Vector p);
Quaternion Times(Quaternion b);
class Vector {
double x, y, z;
static Vector MakeFrom(double x, double y, double z);
bool Equals(Vector v);
Vector Plus(Vector b);
Vector Minus(Vector b);
Vector Negated(void);
Vector Cross(Vector b);
double Dot(Vector b);
Vector Normal(int which);
Vector RotatedAbout(Vector axis, double theta);
double Magnitude(void);
Vector WithMagnitude(double s);
Vector ScaledBy(double s);
Vector ProjectInto(hEntity wrkpl);
double DivPivoting(Vector delta);
Vector ClosestOrtho(void);
Point2d Project2d(Vector u, Vector v);
class Point2d {
double x, y;
Point2d Plus(Point2d b);
Point2d Minus(Point2d b);
Point2d ScaledBy(double s);
double DistanceTo(Point2d p);
double DistanceToLine(Point2d p0, Point2d dp, bool segment);
double Magnitude(void);
Point2d WithMagnitude(double v);
template <class T, class H>
class IdList {
T *elem;
int n;
int elemsAllocated;
H AddAndAssignId(T *t) {
int i;
DWORD id = 0;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
id = max(id, elem[i].h.v);
t->h.v = (id + 1);
return t->h;
void Add(T *t) {
if(n >= elemsAllocated) {
elemsAllocated = (elemsAllocated + 32)*2;
elem = (T *)MemRealloc(elem, elemsAllocated*sizeof(elem[0]));
if(!elem) oops();
elem[n] = *t;
T *FindById(H h) {
T *t = FindByIdNoOops(h);
if(!t) {
dbp("failed to look up item %08x, searched %d items", h.v, n);
return t;
T *FindByIdNoOops(H h) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(elem[i].h.v == h.v) {
return &(elem[i]);
return NULL;
void ClearTags(void) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
elem[i].tag = 0;
void Tag(H h, int tag) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(elem[i].h.v == h.v) {
elem[i].tag = tag;
void RemoveTagged(void) {
int src, dest;
dest = 0;
for(src = 0; src < n; src++) {
if(elem[src].tag) {
// this item should be deleted
} else {
if(src != dest) {
elem[dest] = elem[src];
n = dest;
// and elemsAllocated is untouched, because we didn't resize
void MoveSelfInto(IdList<T,H> *l) {
memcpy(l, this, sizeof(*this));
elemsAllocated = n = 0;
elem = NULL;
void DeepCopyInto(IdList<T,H> *l) {
l->elem = (T *)MemAlloc(elemsAllocated * sizeof(elem[0]));
memcpy(l->elem, elem, elemsAllocated * sizeof(elem[0]));
l->elemsAllocated = elemsAllocated;
l->n = n;
void Clear(void) {
elemsAllocated = n = 0;
if(elem) MemFree(elem);
elem = NULL;
class NameStr {
char str[20];
inline void strcpy(char *in) {
memcpy(str, in, min(strlen(in)+1, sizeof(str)));
str[sizeof(str)-1] = '\0';