Jonathan Westhues 3da334028e Let's use the direction cosines (dot product of unit vectors), not
the arbitrary-magnitude dot product, to classify regions (inside,
outside, coincident) of surfaces against each other.

That lets me always perturb the point for the normals (inside and
outside the edge) by just a chord tolerance, and nothing bad
happens as that distance varies over a few orders of magnitude.

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/solvespace/": change = 1996]
2009-06-21 22:22:30 -08:00

614 lines
22 KiB

// Routines for ray-casting: intersecting a line segment or an infinite line
// with a surface or shell. Ray-casting against a shell is used for point-in-
// shell testing, and the intersection of edge line segments against surfaces
// is used to get rough surface-curve intersections, which are later refined
// numerically.
#include "solvespace.h"
// Dot product tolerance for perpendicular; this is on the direction cosine,
// so it's about 0.001 degrees.
const double SShell::DOTP_TOL = 1e-5;
extern int FLAG;
double SSurface::DepartureFromCoplanar(void) {
int i, j;
int ia, ja, ib, jb, ic, jc;
double best;
// Grab three points to define a plane; first choose (0, 0) arbitrarily.
ia = ja = 0;
// Then the point farthest from pt a.
for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) {
for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) {
if(i == ia && j == ja) continue;
double dist = (ctrl[i][j]).Minus(ctrl[ia][ja]).Magnitude();
if(dist > best) {
best = dist;
ib = i;
jb = j;
// Then biggest magnitude of ab cross ac.
for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) {
for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) {
if(i == ia && j == ja) continue;
if(i == ib && j == jb) continue;
double mag =
(ctrl[ia][ja].Minus(ctrl[i ][j ]))).Magnitude();
if(mag > best) {
best = mag;
ic = i;
jc = j;
Vector n = ((ctrl[ia][ja].Minus(ctrl[ib][jb]))).Cross(
n = n.WithMagnitude(1);
double d = (ctrl[ia][ja]).Dot(n);
// Finally, calculate the deviation from each point to the plane.
double farthest = VERY_NEGATIVE;
for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) {
for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) {
double dist = fabs(n.Dot(ctrl[i][j]) - d);
if(dist > farthest) {
farthest = dist;
return farthest;
void SSurface::WeightControlPoints(void) {
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) {
for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) {
ctrl[i][j] = (ctrl[i][j]).ScaledBy(weight[i][j]);
void SSurface::UnWeightControlPoints(void) {
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) {
for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) {
ctrl[i][j] = (ctrl[i][j]).ScaledBy(1.0/weight[i][j]);
void SSurface::CopyRowOrCol(bool row, int this_ij, SSurface *src, int src_ij) {
if(row) {
int j;
for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) {
ctrl [this_ij][j] = src->ctrl [src_ij][j];
weight[this_ij][j] = src->weight[src_ij][j];
} else {
int i;
for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) {
ctrl [i][this_ij] = src->ctrl [i][src_ij];
weight[i][this_ij] = src->weight[i][src_ij];
void SSurface::BlendRowOrCol(bool row, int this_ij, SSurface *a, int a_ij,
SSurface *b, int b_ij)
if(row) {
int j;
for(j = 0; j <= degn; j++) {
Vector c = (a->ctrl [a_ij][j]).Plus(b->ctrl [b_ij][j]);
double w = (a->weight[a_ij][j] + b->weight[b_ij][j]);
ctrl [this_ij][j] = c.ScaledBy(0.5);
weight[this_ij][j] = w / 2;
} else {
int i;
for(i = 0; i <= degm; i++) {
Vector c = (a->ctrl [i][a_ij]).Plus(b->ctrl [i][b_ij]);
double w = (a->weight[i][a_ij] + b->weight[i][b_ij]);
ctrl [i][this_ij] = c.ScaledBy(0.5);
weight[i][this_ij] = w / 2;
void SSurface::SplitInHalf(bool byU, SSurface *sa, SSurface *sb) {
sa->degm = sb->degm = degm;
sa->degn = sb->degn = degn;
// by de Casteljau's algorithm in a projective space; so we must work
// on points (w*x, w*y, w*z, w)
switch(byU ? degm : degn) {
case 1:
sa->CopyRowOrCol (byU, 0, this, 0);
sb->CopyRowOrCol (byU, 1, this, 1);
sa->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 1, this, 0, this, 1);
sb->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 0, this, 0, this, 1);
case 2:
sa->CopyRowOrCol (byU, 0, this, 0);
sb->CopyRowOrCol (byU, 2, this, 2);
sa->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 1, this, 0, this, 1);
sb->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 1, this, 1, this, 2);
sa->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 2, sa, 1, sb, 1);
sb->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 0, sa, 1, sb, 1);
case 3: {
SSurface st;
st.degm = degm; st.degn = degn;
sa->CopyRowOrCol (byU, 0, this, 0);
sb->CopyRowOrCol (byU, 3, this, 3);
sa->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 1, this, 0, this, 1);
sb->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 2, this, 2, this, 3);
st. BlendRowOrCol(byU, 0, this, 1, this, 2); // scratch var
sa->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 2, sa, 1, &st, 0);
sb->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 1, sb, 2, &st, 0);
sa->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 3, sa, 2, sb, 1);
sb->BlendRowOrCol(byU, 0, sa, 2, sb, 1);
default: oops();
// Find all points where the indicated finite (if segment) or infinite (if not
// segment) line intersects our surface. Report them in uv space in the list.
// We first do a bounding box check; if the line doesn't intersect, then we're
// done. If it does, then we check how small our surface is. If it's big,
// then we subdivide into quarters and recurse. If it's small, then we refine
// by Newton's method and record the point.
void SSurface::AllPointsIntersectingUntrimmed(Vector a, Vector b,
int *cnt, int *level,
List<Inter> *l, bool segment,
SSurface *sorig)
// Test if the line intersects our axis-aligned bounding box; if no, then
// no possibility of an intersection
if(LineEntirelyOutsideBbox(a, b, segment)) return;
if(*cnt > 2000) {
dbp("!!! too many subdivisions (level=%d)!", *level);
dbp("degm = %d degn = %d", degm, degn);
// If we might intersect, and the surface is small, then switch to Newton
// iterations.
if(DepartureFromCoplanar() < 0.2*SS.ChordTolMm()) {
Vector p = (ctrl[0 ][0 ]).Plus(
ctrl[0 ][degn]).Plus(
ctrl[degm][0 ]).Plus(
Inter inter;
sorig->ClosestPointTo(p, &(inter.p.x), &(inter.p.y), false);
if(sorig->PointIntersectingLine(a, b, &(inter.p.x), &(inter.p.y))) {
Vector p = sorig->PointAt(inter.p.x, inter.p.y);
// Debug check, verify that the point lies in both surfaces
// (which it ought to, since the surfaces should be coincident)
double u, v;
ClosestPointTo(p, &u, &v);
} else {
// Might not converge if line is almost tangent to surface...
// But the surface is big, so split it, alternating by u and v
SSurface surf0, surf1;
SplitInHalf((*level & 1) == 0, &surf0, &surf1);
int nextLevel = (*level) + 1;
(*level) = nextLevel;
surf0.AllPointsIntersectingUntrimmed(a, b, cnt, level, l, segment, sorig);
(*level) = nextLevel;
surf1.AllPointsIntersectingUntrimmed(a, b, cnt, level, l, segment, sorig);
// Find all points where a line through a and b intersects our surface, and
// add them to the list. If seg is true then report only intersections that
// lie within the finite line segment (not including the endpoints); otherwise
// we work along the infinite line. And we report either just intersections
// inside the trim curve, or any intersection with u, v in [0, 1]. And we
// either disregard or report tangent points.
void SSurface::AllPointsIntersecting(Vector a, Vector b,
List<SInter> *l,
bool seg, bool trimmed, bool inclTangent)
if(LineEntirelyOutsideBbox(a, b, seg)) return;
Vector ba = b.Minus(a);
double bam = ba.Magnitude();
List<Inter> inters;
// All the intersections between the line and the surface; either special
// cases that we can quickly solve in closed form, or general numerical.
Vector center, axis, start, finish;
double radius;
if(degm == 1 && degn == 1) {
// Against a plane, easy.
Vector n = NormalAt(0, 0).WithMagnitude(1);
double d = n.Dot(PointAt(0, 0));
// Trim to line segment now if requested, don't generate points that
// would just get discarded later.
if(!seg ||
(n.Dot(a) > d + LENGTH_EPS && n.Dot(b) < d - LENGTH_EPS) ||
(n.Dot(b) > d + LENGTH_EPS && n.Dot(a) < d - LENGTH_EPS))
Vector p = Vector::AtIntersectionOfPlaneAndLine(n, d, a, b, NULL);
Inter inter;
ClosestPointTo(p, &(inter.p.x), &(inter.p.y));
} else if(IsCylinder(&axis, &center, &radius, &start, &finish)) {
// This one can be solved in closed form too.
Vector ab = b.Minus(a);
if(axis.Cross(ab).Magnitude() < LENGTH_EPS) {
// edge is parallel to axis of cylinder, no intersection points
// A coordinate system centered at the center of the circle, with
// the edge under test horizontal
Vector u, v, n = axis.WithMagnitude(1);
u = (ab.Minus(n.ScaledBy(ab.Dot(n)))).WithMagnitude(1);
v = n.Cross(u);
Point2d ap = (a.Minus(center)).DotInToCsys(u, v, n).ProjectXy(),
bp = (b.Minus(center)).DotInToCsys(u, v, n).ProjectXy(),
sp = (start. Minus(center)).DotInToCsys(u, v, n).ProjectXy(),
fp = (finish.Minus(center)).DotInToCsys(u, v, n).ProjectXy();
double thetas = atan2(sp.y, sp.x), thetaf = atan2(fp.y, fp.x);
Point2d ip[2];
int ip_n = 0;
if(fabs(fabs(ap.y) - radius) < LENGTH_EPS) {
// tangent
if(inclTangent) {
ip[0] = Point2d::From(0, ap.y);
ip_n = 1;
} else if(fabs(ap.y) < radius) {
// two intersections
double xint = sqrt(radius*radius - ap.y*ap.y);
ip[0] = Point2d::From(-xint, ap.y);
ip[1] = Point2d::From( xint, ap.y);
ip_n = 2;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < ip_n; i++) {
double t = (ip[i].Minus(ap)).DivPivoting(bp.Minus(ap));
// This is a point on the circle; but is it on the arc?
Point2d pp = ap.Plus((bp.Minus(ap)).ScaledBy(t));
double theta = atan2(pp.y, pp.x);
double dp = WRAP_SYMMETRIC(theta - thetas, 2*PI),
df = WRAP_SYMMETRIC(thetaf - thetas, 2*PI);
double tol = LENGTH_EPS/radius;
if((df > 0 && ((dp < -tol) || (dp > df + tol))) ||
(df < 0 && ((dp > tol) || (dp < df - tol))))
Vector p = a.Plus((b.Minus(a)).ScaledBy(t));
Inter inter;
ClosestPointTo(p, &(inter.p.x), &(inter.p.y));
} else {
// General numerical solution by subdivision, fallback
int cnt = 0, level = 0;
AllPointsIntersectingUntrimmed(a, b, &cnt, &level, &inters, seg, this);
// Remove duplicate intersection points
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < inters.n; i++) {
for(j = i + 1; j < inters.n; j++) {
if(inters.elem[i].p.Equals(inters.elem[j].p)) {
inters.elem[j].tag = 1;
for(i = 0; i < inters.n; i++) {
Point2d puv = inters.elem[i].p;
// Make sure the point lies within the finite line segment
Vector pxyz = PointAt(puv.x, puv.y);
double t = (pxyz.Minus(a)).DivPivoting(ba);
if(seg && (t > 1 - LENGTH_EPS/bam || t < LENGTH_EPS/bam)) {
// And that it lies inside our trim region
Point2d dummy = { 0, 0 }, ia = { 0, 0 }, ib = { 0, 0 };
int c = bsp->ClassifyPoint(puv, dummy, &ia, &ib);
if(trimmed && c == SBspUv::OUTSIDE) {
// It does, so generate the intersection
SInter si;
si.p = pxyz;
si.surfNormal = NormalAt(puv.x, puv.y);
si.pinter = puv;
si.srf = this;
si.onEdge = (c != SBspUv::INSIDE);
si.edgeA = ia;
si.edgeB = ib;
void SShell::AllPointsIntersecting(Vector a, Vector b,
List<SInter> *il,
bool seg, bool trimmed, bool inclTangent)
SSurface *ss;
for(ss = surface.First(); ss; ss = surface.NextAfter(ss)) {
ss->AllPointsIntersecting(a, b, il, seg, trimmed, inclTangent);
int SShell::ClassifyRegion(Vector edge_n, Vector inter_surf_n,
Vector edge_surf_n)
double dot = inter_surf_n.DirectionCosineWith(edge_n);
if(fabs(dot) < DOTP_TOL) {
// The edge's surface and the edge-on-face surface
// are coincident. Test the edge's surface normal
// to see if it's with same or opposite normals.
if(inter_surf_n.Dot(edge_surf_n) > 0) {
return COINC_SAME;
} else {
return COINC_OPP;
} else if(dot > 0) {
return OUTSIDE;
} else {
return INSIDE;
// Does the given point lie on our shell? There are many cases; inside and
// outside are obvious, but then there's all the edge-on-edge and edge-on-face
// possibilities.
// To calculate, we intersect a ray through p with our shell, and classify
// using the closest intersection point. If the ray hits a surface on edge,
// then just reattempt in a different random direction.
bool SShell::ClassifyEdge(int *indir, int *outdir,
Vector ea, Vector eb,
Vector p,
Vector edge_n_in, Vector edge_n_out, Vector surf_n)
List<SInter> l;
// First, check for edge-on-edge
int edge_inters = 0;
Vector inter_surf_n[2], inter_edge_n[2];
SSurface *srf;
for(srf = surface.First(); srf; srf = surface.NextAfter(srf)) {
if(srf->LineEntirelyOutsideBbox(ea, eb, true)) continue;
SEdgeList *sel = &(srf->edges);
SEdge *se;
for(se = sel->l.First(); se; se = sel->l.NextAfter(se)) {
if((ea.Equals(se->a) && eb.Equals(se->b)) ||
(eb.Equals(se->a) && ea.Equals(se->b)) ||
p.OnLineSegment(se->a, se->b))
if(edge_inters < 2) {
// Edge-on-edge case
Point2d pm;
srf->ClosestPointTo(p, &pm, false);
// A vector normal to the surface, at the intersection point
inter_surf_n[edge_inters] = srf->NormalAt(pm);
// A vector normal to the intersecting edge (but within the
// intersecting surface) at the intersection point, pointing
// out.
inter_edge_n[edge_inters] =
if(edge_inters == 2) {
// TODO, make this use the appropriate curved normals
double dotp[2];
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
dotp[i] = edge_n_out.DirectionCosineWith(inter_surf_n[i]);
if(fabs(dotp[1]) < DOTP_TOL) {
SWAP(double, dotp[0], dotp[1]);
SWAP(Vector, inter_surf_n[0], inter_surf_n[1]);
SWAP(Vector, inter_edge_n[0], inter_edge_n[1]);
int coinc = (surf_n.Dot(inter_surf_n[0])) > 0 ? COINC_SAME : COINC_OPP;
if(fabs(dotp[0]) < DOTP_TOL && fabs(dotp[1]) < DOTP_TOL) {
// This is actually an edge on face case, just that the face
// is split into two pieces joining at our edge.
*indir = coinc;
*outdir = coinc;
} else if(fabs(dotp[0]) < DOTP_TOL && dotp[1] > DOTP_TOL) {
if(edge_n_out.Dot(inter_edge_n[0]) > 0) {
*indir = coinc;
*outdir = OUTSIDE;
} else {
*indir = INSIDE;
*outdir = coinc;
} else if(fabs(dotp[0]) < DOTP_TOL && dotp[1] < -DOTP_TOL) {
if(edge_n_out.Dot(inter_edge_n[0]) > 0) {
*indir = coinc;
*outdir = INSIDE;
} else {
*indir = OUTSIDE;
*outdir = coinc;
} else if(dotp[0] > DOTP_TOL && dotp[1] > DOTP_TOL) {
*indir = INSIDE;
*outdir = OUTSIDE;
} else if(dotp[0] < -DOTP_TOL && dotp[1] < -DOTP_TOL) {
*indir = OUTSIDE;
*outdir = INSIDE;
} else {
// Edge is tangent to the shell at shell's edge, so can't be
// a boundary of the surface.
return false;
return true;
if(edge_inters != 0) dbp("bad, edge_inters=%d", edge_inters);
// Next, check for edge-on-surface. The ray-casting for edge-inside-shell
// would catch this too, but test separately, for speed (since many edges
// are on surface) and for numerical stability, so we don't pick up
// the additional error from the line intersection.
for(srf = surface.First(); srf; srf = surface.NextAfter(srf)) {
if(srf->LineEntirelyOutsideBbox(ea, eb, true)) continue;
Point2d puv;
srf->ClosestPointTo(p, &(puv.x), &(puv.y), false);
Vector pp = srf->PointAt(puv);
if((pp.Minus(p)).Magnitude() > LENGTH_EPS) continue;
Point2d dummy = { 0, 0 }, ia = { 0, 0 }, ib = { 0, 0 };
int c = srf->bsp->ClassifyPoint(puv, dummy, &ia, &ib);
if(c == SBspUv::OUTSIDE) continue;
// Edge-on-face (unless edge-on-edge above superceded)
Point2d pin, pout;
srf->ClosestPointTo(p.Plus(edge_n_in), &pin, false);
srf->ClosestPointTo(p.Plus(edge_n_out), &pout, false);
Vector surf_n_in = srf->NormalAt(pin),
surf_n_out = srf->NormalAt(pout);
*indir = ClassifyRegion(edge_n_in, surf_n_in, surf_n);
*outdir = ClassifyRegion(edge_n_out, surf_n_out, surf_n);
return true;
// Edge is not on face or on edge; so it's either inside or outside
// the shell, and we'll determine which by raycasting.
int cnt = 0;
for(;;) {
// Cast a ray in a random direction (two-sided so that we test if
// the point lies on a surface, but use only one side for in/out
// testing)
Vector ray = Vector::From(Random(1), Random(1), Random(1));
p.Minus(ray), p.Plus(ray), &l, false, true, false);
// no intersections means it's outside
*indir = OUTSIDE;
*outdir = OUTSIDE;
double dmin = VERY_POSITIVE;
bool onEdge = false;
edge_inters = 0;
SInter *si;
for(si = l.First(); si; si = l.NextAfter(si)) {
double t = ((si->p).Minus(p)).DivPivoting(ray);
if(t*ray.Magnitude() < -LENGTH_EPS) {
// wrong side, doesn't count
double d = ((si->p).Minus(p)).Magnitude();
// We actually should never hit this case; it should have been
// handled above.
if(d < LENGTH_EPS && si->onEdge) {
if(d < dmin) {
dmin = d;
// Edge does not lie on surface; either strictly inside
// or strictly outside
if((si->surfNormal).Dot(ray) > 0) {
*indir = INSIDE;
*outdir = INSIDE;
} else {
*indir = OUTSIDE;
*outdir = OUTSIDE;
onEdge = si->onEdge;
// If the point being tested lies exactly on an edge of the shell,
// then our ray always lies on edge, and that's okay. Otherwise
// try again in a different random direction.
if(!onEdge) break;
if(cnt++ > 5) {
dbp("can't find a ray that doesn't hit on edge!");
dbp("on edge = %d, edge_inters = %d", onEdge, edge_inters);
SS.nakedEdges.AddEdge(ea, eb);
return true;