Jonathan Westhues 5a22982e05 Add sweeps. The user specifies a trajectory and a section, in two
separate groups. The section is swept normal to the trajectory,
producing a mesh. I'm doing the triangles only now, not copying
over any entities.

Also fix a bug in the PNG export; rows are 4-aligned, so that was
breaking when the width of the image wasn't divisible by four. Also
fix a bug in lathes, where it generated overlapping triangles for
one segment.

And change the groups to record both "this mesh", the contribution
due to the extrude/lathe/whatever, and the "running mesh", that we
get after applying the requested Boolean op between "this mesh" and
the previous group's "running mesh". I'll use that to make step and
repeats step the mesh too.

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/solvespace/": change = 1801]
2008-06-21 02:18:20 -08:00

58 lines
2.0 KiB

# Use the multi-threaded static libc because libpng and zlib do; not sure if anything bad
# happens if those mix, but don't want to risk it.
CFLAGS = /W3 /nologo -MT -Iextlib -I..\common\win32 /D_DEBUG /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /I. /Zi /EHs
HEADERS = ..\common\win32\freeze.h ui.h solvespace.h dsc.h sketch.h expr.h polygon.h
OBJDIR = obj
FREEZE = $(OBJDIR)\freeze.obj
W32OBJS = $(OBJDIR)\w32main.obj \
SSOBJS = $(OBJDIR)\solvespace.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\textwin.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\graphicswin.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\util.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\entity.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\drawentity.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\group.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\groupmesh.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\request.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\glhelper.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\expr.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\constraint.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\draw.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\drawconstraint.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\file.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\undoredo.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\system.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\polygon.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\mesh.obj \
LIBS = user32.lib gdi32.lib comctl32.lib advapi32.lib opengl32.lib glu32.lib \
extlib\libpng.lib extlib\zlib.lib
all: $(OBJDIR)/solvespace.exe
@cp $(OBJDIR)/solvespace.exe .
solvespace t.slvs
rm -f obj/*
$(OBJDIR)/solvespace.exe: $(SSOBJS) $(W32OBJS) $(FREEZE)
@$(CC) $(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS) -Fe$(OBJDIR)/solvespace.exe $(SSOBJS) $(W32OBJS) $(FREEZE) $(LIBS)
editbin /nologo /STACK:8388608 $(OBJDIR)/solvespace.exe
@echo solvespace.exe
$(SSOBJS): $(@B).cpp $(HEADERS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -c -Fo$(OBJDIR)/$(@B).obj $(@B).cpp
$(W32OBJS): win32/$(@B).cpp $(HEADERS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -c -Fo$(OBJDIR)/$(@B).obj win32/$(@B).cpp
$(FREEZE): ..\common\win32\$(@B).cpp $(HEADERS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -c -Fo$(OBJDIR)/$(@B).obj ..\common\win32\$(@B).cpp