Jonathan Westhues 70bf14530d Add point on line constraints, in 2d and 3d. The 3d equations do
not have much motivation behind them, but they seem to work. And
make sure that we don't solve multiple times without repainting in
between, and tweak the text window a bit more.

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/solvespace/": change = 1696]
2008-04-28 01:40:02 -08:00

338 lines
8.6 KiB

#ifndef __SKETCH_H
#define __SKETCH_H
class hGroup;
class hRequest;
class hEntity;
class hParam;
class Entity;
class Param;
class hEquation;
class Equation;
// All of the hWhatever handles are a 32-bit ID, that is used to represent
// some data structure in the sketch.
class hGroup {
// bits 15: 0 -- group index
inline hEntity entity(int i);
inline hParam param(int i);
class hRequest {
// bits 15: 0 -- request index
inline hEntity entity(int i);
inline hParam param(int i);
inline bool IsFromReferences(void);
class hEntity {
// bits 15: 0 -- entity index
// 31:16 -- request index
inline bool isFromRequest(void);
inline hRequest request(void);
class hParam {
// bits 15: 0 -- param index
// 31:16 -- request index
inline hRequest request(void);
class EntityId {
DWORD v; // entity ID, starting from 0
class EntityMap {
int tag;
EntityId h;
hEntity input;
int copyNumber;
// (input, copyNumber) gets mapped to ((Request)xxx).entity(h.v)
// A set of requests. Every request must have an associated group.
class Group {
static const hGroup HGROUP_REFERENCES;
int tag;
hGroup h;
static const int DRAWING = 5000;
static const int EXTRUDE = 5010;
int type;
int solveOrder;
bool solved;
hGroup opA;
hGroup opB;
bool visible;
SEdgeList edges;
SPolygon poly;
NameStr name;
char *DescriptionString(void);
static void AddParam(IdList<Param,hParam> *param, hParam hp, double v);
void Generate(IdList<Entity,hEntity> *entity, IdList<Param,hParam> *param);
// When a request generates entities from entities, and the source
// entities may have come from multiple requests, it's necessary to
// remap the entity ID so that it's still unique. We do this with a
// mapping list.
IdList<EntityMap,EntityId> remap;
hEntity Remap(hEntity in, int copyNumber);
void CopyEntity(hEntity in, int a, hParam dx, hParam dy, hParam dz);
void Draw(void);
SPolygon GetPolygon(void);
static void MenuGroup(int id);
// A user request for some primitive or derived operation; for example a
// line, or a step and repeat.
class Request {
// Some predefined requests, that are present in every sketch.
static const hRequest HREQUEST_REFERENCE_XY;
static const hRequest HREQUEST_REFERENCE_YZ;
static const hRequest HREQUEST_REFERENCE_ZX;
int tag;
hRequest h;
// Types of requests
static const int WORKPLANE = 100;
static const int DATUM_POINT = 101;
static const int LINE_SEGMENT = 200;
static const int CUBIC = 300;
int type;
hEntity workplane; // or Entity::FREE_IN_3D
hGroup group;
NameStr name;
bool construction;
static hParam AddParam(IdList<Param,hParam> *param, hParam hp);
void Generate(IdList<Entity,hEntity> *entity, IdList<Param,hParam> *param);
char *DescriptionString(void);
class Entity {
int tag;
hEntity h;
static const hEntity FREE_IN_3D;
static const int WORKPLANE = 1000;
static const int POINT_IN_3D = 2000;
static const int POINT_IN_2D = 2001;
static const int POINT_XFRMD = 2010;
static const int LINE_SEGMENT = 10000;
static const int CUBIC = 11000;
static const int EDGE_LIST = 90000;
static const int FACE_LIST = 91000;
int type;
// When it comes time to draw an entity, we look here to get the
// defining variables.
hParam param[4];
hEntity point[4];
hEntity direction;
hGroup group;
hEntity workplane; // or Entity::FREE_IN_3D
// For entities that are derived by a transformation, the number of
// times to apply the transformation.
int timesApplied;
// Applies only for a WORKPLANE type
void WorkplaneGetBasisVectors(Vector *u, Vector *v);
Vector WorkplaneGetNormalVector(void);
void WorkplaneGetBasisExprs(ExprVector *u, ExprVector *v);
ExprVector WorkplaneGetOffsetExprs(void);
bool IsPoint(void);
// Applies for any of the point types
bool PointIsLocked(void);
Vector PointGetCoords(void);
ExprVector PointGetExprs(void);
void PointGetExprsInWorkplane(hEntity wrkpl, Expr **u, Expr **v);
void PointForceTo(Vector v);
bool PointIsFromReferences(void);
// Applies for anything that comes with a plane
bool HasPlane(void);
// The plane is points P such that P dot (xn, yn, zn) - d = 0
void PlaneGetExprs(ExprVector *n, Expr **d);
// Routines to draw and hit-test the representation of the entity
// on-screen.
struct {
bool drawing;
Point2d mp;
double dmin;
SEdgeList *edges;
} dogd; // state for drawing or getting distance (for hit testing)
void LineDrawOrGetDistance(Vector a, Vector b);
void LineDrawOrGetDistanceOrEdge(Vector a, Vector b);
void DrawOrGetDistance(int order);
void Draw(int order);
double GetDistance(Point2d mp);
void GenerateEdges(SEdgeList *el);
char *DescriptionString(void);
class Param {
int tag;
hParam h;
double val;
bool known;
bool assumed;
inline hEntity hGroup::entity(int i)
{ hEntity r; r.v = 0x80000000 | (v << 16) | i; return r; }
inline hParam hGroup::param(int i)
{ hParam r; r.v = 0x80000000 | (v << 16) | i; return r; }
inline bool hRequest::IsFromReferences(void) {
if(v == Request::HREQUEST_REFERENCE_XY.v) return true;
if(v == Request::HREQUEST_REFERENCE_YZ.v) return true;
if(v == Request::HREQUEST_REFERENCE_ZX.v) return true;
return false;
inline hEntity hRequest::entity(int i)
{ hEntity r; r.v = (v << 16) | i; return r; }
inline hParam hRequest::param(int i)
{ hParam r; r.v = (v << 16) | i; return r; }
inline bool hEntity::isFromRequest(void)
{ if(v & 0x80000000) return false; else return true; }
inline hRequest hEntity::request(void)
{ hRequest r; r.v = (v >> 16); return r; }
inline hRequest hParam::request(void)
{ hRequest r; r.v = (v >> 16); return r; }
class hConstraint {
hEquation equation(int i);
class Constraint {
static const int USER_EQUATION = 10;
static const int POINTS_COINCIDENT = 20;
static const int PT_PT_DISTANCE = 30;
static const int PT_LINE_DISTANCE = 31;
static const int PT_IN_PLANE = 40;
static const int PT_ON_LINE = 41;
static const int EQUAL_LENGTH_LINES = 50;
static const int HORIZONTAL = 80;
static const int VERTICAL = 81;
int tag;
hConstraint h;
int type;
hGroup group;
hEntity workplane;
// These are the parameters for the constraint.
Expr *exprA;
Expr *exprB;
hEntity ptA;
hEntity ptB;
hEntity ptC;
hEntity entityA;
hEntity entityB;
// These define how the constraint is drawn on-screen.
struct {
Vector offset;
} disp;
char *DescriptionString(void);
static hConstraint AddConstraint(Constraint *c);
static void MenuConstrain(int id);
struct {
bool drawing;
Point2d mp;
double dmin;
} dogd; // state for drawing or getting distance (for hit testing)
void LineDrawOrGetDistance(Vector a, Vector b);
void DrawOrGetDistance(Vector *labelPos);
double GetDistance(Point2d mp);
Vector GetLabelPos(void);
void Draw(void);
bool HasLabel(void);
void Generate(IdList<Equation,hEquation> *l);
// Some helpers when generating symbolic constraint equations
void ModifyToSatisfy(void);
void AddEq(IdList<Equation,hEquation> *l, Expr *expr, int index);
static Expr *Distance(hEntity workplane, hEntity pa, hEntity pb);
static Expr *PointLineDistance(hEntity workplane, hEntity pt, hEntity ln);
static void ConstrainCoincident(hEntity ptA, hEntity ptB);
class hEquation {
class Equation {
int tag;
hEquation h;
Expr *e;
inline hEquation hConstraint::equation(int i)
{ hEquation r; r.v = (v << 16) | i; return r; }