Jonathan Westhues b2f2f90a27 Add DXF export. The complexity comes from all the different ways to
specify the plane from which we want to grab the triangles. Shared
edges are then removed with the same code used to check for
watertight meshes, and the remaining edges are assembled into

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/solvespace/": change = 1823]
2008-07-07 22:30:13 -08:00

255 lines
5.8 KiB

#ifndef __POLYGON_H
#define __POLYGON_H
class SPolygon;
class SContour;
class SMesh;
class SBsp3;
template <class T>
class SList {
T *elem;
int n;
int elemsAllocated;
void Add(T *t) {
if(n >= elemsAllocated) {
elemsAllocated = (elemsAllocated + 32)*2;
elem = (T *)MemRealloc(elem, elemsAllocated*sizeof(elem[0]));
elem[n++] = *t;
void ClearTags(void) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
elem[i].tag = 0;
void Clear(void) {
if(elem) MemFree(elem);
elem = NULL;
n = elemsAllocated = 0;
void RemoveTagged(void) {
int src, dest;
dest = 0;
for(src = 0; src < n; src++) {
if(elem[src].tag) {
// this item should be deleted
} else {
if(src != dest) {
elem[dest] = elem[src];
n = dest;
// and elemsAllocated is untouched, because we didn't resize
class SEdge {
int tag;
Vector a, b;
static SEdge From(Vector a, Vector b);
class SEdgeList {
SList<SEdge> l;
void Clear(void);
void AddEdge(Vector a, Vector b);
bool AssemblePolygon(SPolygon *dest, SEdge *errorAt);
bool AssembleContour(Vector first, Vector last, SContour *dest,
SEdge *errorAt);
class SPoint {
int tag;
Vector p;
class SContour {
SList<SPoint> l;
void AddPoint(Vector p);
void MakeEdgesInto(SEdgeList *el);
void Reverse(void);
Vector ComputeNormal(void);
bool IsClockwiseProjdToNormal(Vector n);
bool ContainsPointProjdToNormal(Vector n, Vector p);
bool AllPointsInPlane(Vector n, double d, Vector *notCoplanarAt);
typedef struct {
DWORD face;
int color;
} STriMeta;
class SPolygon {
SList<SContour> l;
Vector normal;
Vector ComputeNormal(void);
void AddEmptyContour(void);
int WindingNumberForPoint(Vector p);
bool ContainsPoint(Vector p);
void MakeEdgesInto(SEdgeList *el);
void FixContourDirections(void);
void TriangulateInto(SMesh *m);
void TriangulateInto(SMesh *m, STriMeta meta);
void Clear(void);
bool AllPointsInPlane(Vector *notCoplanarAt);
bool IsEmpty(void);
Vector AnyPoint(void);
class STriangle {
int tag;
STriMeta meta;
Vector a, b, c;
static STriangle From(STriMeta meta, Vector a, Vector b, Vector c);
Vector Normal(void);
void FlipNormal(void);
double MinAltitude(void);
int WindingNumberForPoint(Vector p);
bool ContainsPoint(Vector p);
bool ContainsPointProjd(Vector n, Vector p);
class SBsp2 {
Vector np; // normal to the plane
Vector no; // outer normal to the edge
double d;
SEdge edge;
SBsp2 *pos;
SBsp2 *neg;
SBsp2 *more;
static const int POS = 100, NEG = 101, COPLANAR = 200;
void InsertTriangleHow(int how, STriangle *tr, SMesh *m, SBsp3 *bsp3);
void InsertTriangle(STriangle *tr, SMesh *m, SBsp3 *bsp3);
Vector IntersectionWith(Vector a, Vector b);
SBsp2 *InsertEdge(SEdge *nedge, Vector nnp, Vector out);
static SBsp2 *Alloc(void);
void DebugDraw(Vector n, double d);
class SBsp3 {
Vector n;
double d;
STriangle tri;
SBsp3 *pos;
SBsp3 *neg;
SBsp3 *more;
SBsp2 *edges;
static SBsp3 *Alloc(void);
static SBsp3 *FromMesh(SMesh *m);
Vector IntersectionWith(Vector a, Vector b);
static const int POS = 100, NEG = 101, COPLANAR = 200;
void InsertHow(int how, STriangle *str, SMesh *instead);
SBsp3 *Insert(STriangle *str, SMesh *instead);
void InsertConvexHow(int how, STriMeta meta, Vector *vertex, int n,
SMesh *instead);
SBsp3 *InsertConvex(STriMeta meta, Vector *vertex, int n, SMesh *instead);
void InsertInPlane(bool pos2, STriangle *tr, SMesh *m);
void DebugDraw(void);
class SMesh {
SList<STriangle> l;
bool flipNormal;
bool keepCoplanar;
bool atLeastOneDiscarded;
void Clear(void);
void AddTriangle(STriangle *st);
void AddTriangle(STriMeta meta, Vector a, Vector b, Vector c);
void AddTriangle(STriMeta meta, Vector n, Vector a, Vector b, Vector c);
void DoBounding(Vector v, Vector *vmax, Vector *vmin);
void GetBounding(Vector *vmax, Vector *vmin);
void Simplify(int start);
void AddAgainstBsp(SMesh *srcm, SBsp3 *bsp3);
void MakeFromUnion(SMesh *a, SMesh *b);
void MakeFromDifference(SMesh *a, SMesh *b);
bool MakeFromInterferenceCheck(SMesh *srca, SMesh *srcb, SMesh *errorAt);
void MakeFromCopy(SMesh *a);
DWORD FirstIntersectionWith(Point2d mp);
// A linked list of triangles
class STriangleLl {
int tag;
STriangle *tri;
STriangleLl *next;
static STriangleLl *Alloc(void);
class SKdNode {
static const int BY_X = 0;
static const int BY_Y = 1;
static const int BY_Z = 2;
int which;
double c;
SKdNode *gt;
SKdNode *lt;
STriangleLl *tris;
static SKdNode *Alloc(void);
static SKdNode *From(SMesh *m);
static SKdNode *From(STriangleLl *tll, int which);
void AddTriangle(STriangle *tr);
void MakeMeshInto(SMesh *m);
void ClearTags(void);
void FindEdgeOn(Vector a, Vector b, int *n, int *nOther,
STriMeta m, int cnt);
void MakeCertainEdgesInto(SEdgeList *sel, bool emphasized);
void SnapToMesh(SMesh *m);
void SnapToVertex(Vector v, SMesh *extras);