whitequark 9d2a035a71 Rasterize non-ASCII glyphs in the UI.
Now it is possible to give non-ASCII names to groups
as well as see non-ASCII filenames of imported files.
In the future this makes localization possible.

This works for LTR languages, such as European and CJK,
but not RTL such as Arabic. Does Arabic even exist in
monospaced form? I have no idea.
2016-01-13 06:45:16 +00:00

360 lines
14 KiB

// The screens when an entity is selected, that show some description of it--
// endpoints of the lines, diameter of the circle, etc.
// Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues.
#include "solvespace.h"
void TextWindow::ScreenUnselectAll(int link, uint32_t v) {
void TextWindow::ScreenEditTtfText(int link, uint32_t v) {
hRequest hr = { v };
Request *r = SK.GetRequest(hr);
SS.TW.ShowEditControl(13, 10, r->str.str);
SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_TTF_TEXT;
SS.TW.edit.request = hr;
#define gs (
void TextWindow::ScreenSetTtfFont(int link, uint32_t v) {
int i = (int)v;
if(i < 0) return;
if(i >= SS.fonts.l.n) return;
if(gs.entities != 1 || gs.n != 1) return;
Entity *e = SK.entity.FindByIdNoOops(gs.entity[0]);
if(!e || e->type != Entity::TTF_TEXT || !e->h.isFromRequest()) return;
Request *r = SK.request.FindByIdNoOops(e->h.request());
if(!r) return;
void TextWindow::ScreenConstraintShowAsRadius(int link, uint32_t v) {
hConstraint hc = { v };
Constraint *c = SK.GetConstraint(hc);
c->other = !c->other;
void TextWindow::DescribeSelection(void) {
Entity *e;
Vector p;
int i;
Printf(false, "");
if(gs.n == 1 && (gs.points == 1 || gs.entities == 1)) {
e = SK.GetEntity(gs.points == 1 ? gs.point[0] : gs.entity[0]);
#define COSTR(p) \
SS.MmToString((p).x), SS.MmToString((p).y), SS.MmToString((p).z)
#define PT_AS_STR "(%Fi%s%E, %Fi%s%E, %Fi%s%E)"
#define PT_AS_NUM "(%Fi%3%E, %Fi%3%E, %Fi%3%E)"
switch(e->type) {
case Entity::POINT_IN_3D:
case Entity::POINT_IN_2D:
case Entity::POINT_N_TRANS:
case Entity::POINT_N_ROT_TRANS:
case Entity::POINT_N_COPY:
case Entity::POINT_N_ROT_AA:
p = e->PointGetNum();
Printf(false, "%FtPOINT%E at " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
case Entity::NORMAL_IN_3D:
case Entity::NORMAL_IN_2D:
case Entity::NORMAL_N_COPY:
case Entity::NORMAL_N_ROT:
case Entity::NORMAL_N_ROT_AA: {
Quaternion q = e->NormalGetNum();
p = q.RotationN();
Printf(true, " basis n = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p));
p = q.RotationU();
Printf(false, " u = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p));
p = q.RotationV();
Printf(false, " v = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p));
case Entity::WORKPLANE: {
p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum();
Printf(false, "%FtWORKPLANE%E");
Printf(true, " origin = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
Quaternion q = e->Normal()->NormalGetNum();
p = q.RotationN();
Printf(true, " normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p));
case Entity::LINE_SEGMENT: {
Vector p0 = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum();
p = p0;
Printf(false, "%FtLINE SEGMENT%E");
Printf(true, " thru " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
Vector p1 = SK.GetEntity(e->point[1])->PointGetNum();
p = p1;
Printf(false, " " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
Printf(true, " len = %Fi%s%E",
case Entity::CUBIC_PERIODIC:
case Entity::CUBIC:
int pts;
if(e->type == Entity::CUBIC_PERIODIC) {
Printf(false, "%FtPERIODIC C2 CUBIC SPLINE%E");
pts = (3 + e->extraPoints);
} else if(e->extraPoints > 0) {
pts = (4 + e->extraPoints);
} else {
Printf(false, "%FtCUBIC BEZIER CURVE%E");
pts = 4;
for(i = 0; i < pts; i++) {
p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[i])->PointGetNum();
Printf((i==0), " p%d = " PT_AS_STR, i, COSTR(p));
case Entity::ARC_OF_CIRCLE: {
Printf(false, "%FtARC OF A CIRCLE%E");
p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum();
Printf(true, " center = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[1])->PointGetNum();
Printf(true, " endpoints = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[2])->PointGetNum();
Printf(false, " " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
double r = e->CircleGetRadiusNum();
Printf(true, " diameter = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(r*2));
Printf(false, " radius = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(r));
double thetas, thetaf, dtheta;
e->ArcGetAngles(&thetas, &thetaf, &dtheta);
Printf(false, " arc len = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(dtheta*r));
case Entity::CIRCLE: {
Printf(false, "%FtCIRCLE%E");
p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum();
Printf(true, " center = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
double r = e->CircleGetRadiusNum();
Printf(true, " diameter = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(r*2));
Printf(false, " radius = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(r));
case Entity::FACE_NORMAL_PT:
case Entity::FACE_XPROD:
case Entity::FACE_N_ROT_TRANS:
case Entity::FACE_N_ROT_AA:
case Entity::FACE_N_TRANS:
Printf(false, "%FtPLANE FACE%E");
p = e->FaceGetNormalNum();
Printf(true, " normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p));
p = e->FaceGetPointNum();
Printf(false, " thru = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
case Entity::TTF_TEXT: {
Printf(false, "%FtTRUETYPE FONT TEXT%E");
Printf(true, " font = '%Fi%s%E'", e->font.str);
if(e->h.isFromRequest()) {
Printf(false, " text = '%Fi%s%E' %Fl%Ll%f%D[change]%E",
e->str.str, &ScreenEditTtfText, e->h.request());
Printf(true, " select new font");
int i;
for(i = 0; i < SS.fonts.l.n; i++) {
TtfFont *tf = &(SS.fonts.l.elem[i]);
if(strcmp(e->font.str, tf->FontFileBaseName().c_str())==0) {
Printf(false, "%Bp %s",
(i & 1) ? 'd' : 'a',
} else {
Printf(false, "%Bp %f%D%Fl%Ll%s%E%Bp",
(i & 1) ? 'd' : 'a',
&ScreenSetTtfFont, i,
(i & 1) ? 'd' : 'a');
} else {
Printf(false, " text = '%Fi%s%E'", e->str.str);
Printf(true, "%Ft?? ENTITY%E");
Group *g = SK.GetGroup(e->group);
Printf(false, "");
Printf(false, "%FtIN GROUP%E %s", g->DescriptionString());
if(e->workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
Printf(false, "%FtNOT LOCKED IN WORKPLANE%E");
} else {
Entity *w = SK.GetEntity(e->workplane);
Printf(false, "%FtIN WORKPLANE%E %s", w->DescriptionString());
if(e->style.v) {
Style *s = Style::Get(e->style);
Printf(false, "%FtIN STYLE%E %s", s->DescriptionString());
} else {
Printf(false, "%FtIN STYLE%E none");
if(e->construction) {
Printf(false, "%FtCONSTRUCTION");
} else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.points == 2) {
Printf(false, "%FtTWO POINTS");
Vector p0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[0])->PointGetNum();
Printf(true, " at " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p0));
Vector p1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[1])->PointGetNum();
Printf(false, " " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p1));
double d = (p1.Minus(p0)).Magnitude();
Printf(true, " d = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(d));
} else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.faces == 1 && gs.points == 1) {
Printf(false, "%FtA POINT AND A PLANE FACE");
Vector pt = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[0])->PointGetNum();
Printf(true, " point = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(pt));
Vector n = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[0])->FaceGetNormalNum();
Printf(true, " plane normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(n));
Vector pl = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[0])->FaceGetPointNum();
Printf(false, " plane thru = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(pl));
double dd = n.Dot(pl) - n.Dot(pt);
Printf(true, " distance = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(dd));
} else if(gs.n == 3 && gs.points == 2 && gs.vectors == 1) {
Printf(false, "%FtTWO POINTS AND A VECTOR");
Vector p0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[0])->PointGetNum();
Printf(true, " pointA = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p0));
Vector p1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[1])->PointGetNum();
Printf(false, " pointB = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p1));
Vector v = SK.GetEntity(gs.vector[0])->VectorGetNum();
v = v.WithMagnitude(1);
Printf(true, " vector = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(v));
double d = (p1.Minus(p0)).Dot(v);
Printf(true, " proj_d = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(d));
} else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.points == 1) {
Entity *ln = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0]);
Vector lp0 = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[0])->PointGetNum(),
lp1 = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[1])->PointGetNum();
Printf(false, "%FtLINE SEGMENT AND POINT%E");
Printf(true, " ln thru " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(lp0));
Printf(false, " " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(lp1));
Vector pp = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[0])->PointGetNum();
Printf(true, " point " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(pp));
Printf(true, " pt-ln distance = %Fi%s%E",
SS.MmToString(pp.DistanceToLine(lp0, lp1.Minus(lp0))));
} else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.vectors == 2) {
Printf(false, "%FtTWO VECTORS");
Vector v0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0])->VectorGetNum(),
v1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[1])->VectorGetNum();
v0 = v0.WithMagnitude(1);
v1 = v1.WithMagnitude(1);
Printf(true, " vectorA = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(v0));
Printf(false, " vectorB = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(v1));
double theta = acos(v0.Dot(v1));
Printf(true, " angle = %Fi%2%E degrees", theta*180/PI);
while(theta < PI/2) theta += PI;
while(theta > PI/2) theta -= PI;
Printf(false, " or angle = %Fi%2%E (mod 180)", theta*180/PI);
} else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.faces == 2) {
Printf(false, "%FtTWO PLANE FACES");
Vector n0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[0])->FaceGetNormalNum();
Printf(true, " planeA normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(n0));
Vector p0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[0])->FaceGetPointNum();
Printf(false, " planeA thru = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p0));
Vector n1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[1])->FaceGetNormalNum();
Printf(true, " planeB normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(n1));
Vector p1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[1])->FaceGetPointNum();
Printf(false, " planeB thru = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p1));
double theta = acos(n0.Dot(n1));
Printf(true, " angle = %Fi%2%E degrees", theta*180/PI);
while(theta < PI/2) theta += PI;
while(theta > PI/2) theta -= PI;
Printf(false, " or angle = %Fi%2%E (mod 180)", theta*180/PI);
if(fabs(theta) < 0.01) {
double d = (p1.Minus(p0)).Dot(n0);
Printf(true, " distance = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(d));
} else if(gs.n == 0 && gs.stylables > 0) {
Printf(false, "%FtSELECTED:%E comment text");
} else if(gs.n == 0 && gs.constraints == 1) {
Constraint *c = SK.GetConstraint(gs.constraint[0]);
if(c->type == Constraint::DIAMETER) {
Printf(false, "%FtDIAMETER CONSTRAINT");
Printf(true, " %Fd%f%D%Ll%s show as radius",
&ScreenConstraintShowAsRadius, gs.constraint[0],
} else {
Printf(false, "%FtSELECTED:%E %s",
} else {
int n = SS.GW.selection.n;
Printf(false, "%FtSELECTED:%E %d item%s", n, n == 1 ? "" : "s");
if(shown.screen == SCREEN_STYLE_INFO && >= Style::FIRST_CUSTOM && gs.stylables > 0)
// If we are showing a screen for a particular style, then offer the
// option to assign our selected entities to that style.
Style *s = Style::Get(;
Printf(true, "%Fl%D%f%Ll(assign to style %s)%E",,
// If any of the selected entities have an assigned style, then offer
// the option to remove that style.
bool styleAssigned = false;
for(i = 0; i < gs.entities; i++) {
Entity *e = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[i]);
if(e->style.v != 0) {
styleAssigned = true;
for(i = 0; i < gs.constraints; i++) {
Constraint *c = SK.GetConstraint(gs.constraint[i]);
if(c->type == Constraint::COMMENT && c-> != 0) {
styleAssigned = true;
if(styleAssigned) {
Printf(true, "%Fl%D%f%Ll(remove assigned style)%E",
Printf(true, "%Fl%f%Ll(unselect all)%E", &TextWindow::ScreenUnselectAll);
void TextWindow::GoToScreen(int screen) {
shown.screen = screen;