EvilSpirit 6d2c2aecff Implement an OpenGL 2 renderer.
There are two main reasons to desire an OpenGL 2 renderer:
 1. Compatibility. The compatibility profile, ironically, does not
    offer a lot of compatibility, and our OpenGL 1 renderer will not
    run on Android, iOS, or WebGL.
 2. Performance. The immediate mode does not scale, and in fact
    becomes very slow with only a moderate amount of lines on screen,
    and only a somewhat large amount of triangles.

This commit implements a basic OpenGL 2 renderer that uses only
features from the (OpenGL 3.2) core profile. It is not yet faster
than the OpenGL 1 renderer, primarily because it uses a lot of small
draw calls.

This commit uses OpenGL 2 on Linux and Mac OS X directly (i.e. links
to the GL symbols from version 2+); on Windows this is impossible
with the default drivers, so for now OpenGL 1 is still used there.
2016-11-18 04:04:29 +00:00

63 lines
1.9 KiB

// SolveSpace Outline rendering shader
// Copyright 2016 Aleksey Egorov
#version 120
const int CONTOUR_ONLY = 2;
const float feather = 0.5;
attribute vec3 pos;
attribute vec4 loc;
attribute vec3 tan;
attribute vec3 nol;
attribute vec3 nor;
uniform mat4 modelview;
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform float width;
uniform float pixel;
uniform int mode;
varying vec3 fragLoc;
void main() {
// get camera direction from modelview matrix
vec3 dir = vec3(modelview[0].z, modelview[1].z, modelview[2].z);
// perform outline visibility test
float ldot = dot(nol, dir);
float rdot = dot(nor, dir);
bool isOutline = (ldot > -1e-6) == (rdot < 1e-6) ||
(rdot > -1e-6) == (ldot < 1e-6);
bool isTagged = loc.w > 0.5;
float visible = float((mode == CONTOUR_ONLY && isOutline) ||
(mode == EMPHASIZED_AND_CONTOUR && (isOutline || isTagged)) ||
(mode == EMPHASIZED_WITHOUT_CONTOUR && isTagged && !isOutline));
// calculate line contour extension basis for constant width and caps
vec3 norm = normalize(cross(tan, dir));
norm = normalize(norm - dir * dot(dir, norm));
vec3 perp = normalize(cross(dir, norm));
// calculate line extension width considering antialiasing
float ext = (width + feather * pixel) * visible;
// extend line contour
vec3 vertex = pos;
vertex += ext * loc.x * normalize(perp);
vertex += ext * loc.y * normalize(norm);
// write fragment location for calculating caps and antialiasing
fragLoc = vec3(loc);
// transform resulting vertex with modelview and projection matrices
gl_Position = projection * modelview * vec4(vertex, 1.0);