whitequark 20d87d93c5 Add const qualifiers to functions where trivially possible.
This will allow us in future to accept `const T &` anywhere it's
necessary to reduce the amount of copying.

This commit is quite conservative: it does not attempt very hard to
refactor code that performs incidental mutation. In particular
dogd and caches are not marked with the `mutable` keyword.
dogd will be eliminated later, opening up more opportunities to
add const qualifiers.

This commit also doesn't introduce any uses of the newly added const
qualifers. This will be done later.
2016-05-25 03:22:54 +00:00

860 lines
25 KiB

// Operations on polygons (planar, of line segment edges).
// Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues.
#include "solvespace.h"
Vector STriangle::Normal() const {
Vector ab = b.Minus(a), bc = c.Minus(b);
return ab.Cross(bc);
double STriangle::MinAltitude() const {
double altA = a.DistanceToLine(b, c.Minus(b)),
altB = b.DistanceToLine(c, a.Minus(c)),
altC = c.DistanceToLine(a, b.Minus(a));
return min(altA, min(altB, altC));
bool STriangle::ContainsPoint(Vector p) const {
Vector n = Normal();
if(MinAltitude() < LENGTH_EPS) {
// shouldn't happen; zero-area triangle
return false;
return ContainsPointProjd(n.WithMagnitude(1), p);
bool STriangle::ContainsPointProjd(Vector n, Vector p) const {
Vector ab = b.Minus(a), bc = c.Minus(b), ca = a.Minus(c);
Vector no_ab = n.Cross(ab);
if(no_ab.Dot(p) < no_ab.Dot(a) - LENGTH_EPS) return false;
Vector no_bc = n.Cross(bc);
if(no_bc.Dot(p) < no_bc.Dot(b) - LENGTH_EPS) return false;
Vector no_ca = n.Cross(ca);
if(no_ca.Dot(p) < no_ca.Dot(c) - LENGTH_EPS) return false;
return true;
void STriangle::FlipNormal() {
swap(a, b);
swap(an, bn);
STriangle STriangle::From(STriMeta meta, Vector a, Vector b, Vector c) {
STriangle tr = {};
tr.meta = meta;
tr.a = a;
tr.b = b;
tr.c = c;
return tr;
SEdge SEdge::From(Vector a, Vector b) {
SEdge se = {};
se.a = a;
se.b = b;
return se;
bool SEdge::EdgeCrosses(Vector ea, Vector eb, Vector *ppi, SPointList *spl) const {
Vector d = eb.Minus(ea);
double t_eps = LENGTH_EPS/d.Magnitude();
double t, tthis;
bool skew;
Vector pi;
bool inOrEdge0, inOrEdge1;
Vector dthis = b.Minus(a);
double tthis_eps = LENGTH_EPS/dthis.Magnitude();
if((ea.Equals(a) && eb.Equals(b)) ||
(eb.Equals(a) && ea.Equals(b)))
if(ppi) *ppi = a;
if(spl) spl->Add(a);
return true;
// Can't just test if distance between d and a equals distance between d and b;
// they could be on opposite sides, since we don't have the sign.
double m = sqrt(d.Magnitude()*dthis.Magnitude());
if(sqrt(fabs(d.Dot(dthis))) > (m - LENGTH_EPS)) {
// The edges are parallel.
if(fabs(a.DistanceToLine(ea, d)) > LENGTH_EPS) {
// and not coincident, so can't be interesecting
return false;
// The edges are coincident. Make sure that neither endpoint lies
// on the other
bool inters = false;
double t;
t = a.Minus(ea).DivPivoting(d);
if(t > t_eps && t < (1 - t_eps)) inters = true;
t = b.Minus(ea).DivPivoting(d);
if(t > t_eps && t < (1 - t_eps)) inters = true;
t = ea.Minus(a).DivPivoting(dthis);
if(t > tthis_eps && t < (1 - tthis_eps)) inters = true;
t = eb.Minus(a).DivPivoting(dthis);
if(t > tthis_eps && t < (1 - tthis_eps)) inters = true;
if(inters) {
if(ppi) *ppi = a;
if(spl) spl->Add(a);
return true;
} else {
// So coincident but disjoint, okay.
return false;
// Lines are not parallel, so look for an intersection.
pi = Vector::AtIntersectionOfLines(ea, eb, a, b,
&t, &tthis);
if(skew) return false;
inOrEdge0 = (t > -t_eps) && (t < (1 + t_eps));
inOrEdge1 = (tthis > -tthis_eps) && (tthis < (1 + tthis_eps));
if(inOrEdge0 && inOrEdge1) {
if(a.Equals(ea) || b.Equals(ea) ||
a.Equals(eb) || b.Equals(eb))
// Not an intersection if we share an endpoint with an edge
return false;
// But it's an intersection if a vertex of one edge lies on the
// inside of the other (or if they cross away from either's
// vertex).
if(ppi) *ppi = pi;
if(spl) spl->Add(pi);
return true;
return false;
void SEdgeList::Clear() {
void SEdgeList::AddEdge(Vector a, Vector b, int auxA, int auxB) {
SEdge e = {};
e.a = a;
e.b = b;
e.auxA = auxA;
e.auxB = auxB;
bool SEdgeList::AssembleContour(Vector first, Vector last, SContour *dest,
SEdge *errorAt, bool keepDir) const
int i;
do {
for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
SEdge *se = &(l.elem[i]);
if(se->tag) continue;
if(se->a.Equals(last)) {
last = se->b;
se->tag = 1;
// Don't allow backwards edges if keepDir is true.
if(!keepDir && se->b.Equals(last)) {
last = se->a;
se->tag = 1;
if(i >= l.n) {
// Couldn't assemble a closed contour; mark where.
if(errorAt) {
errorAt->a = first;
errorAt->b = last;
return false;
} while(!last.Equals(first));
return true;
bool SEdgeList::AssemblePolygon(SPolygon *dest, SEdge *errorAt, bool keepDir) const {
bool allClosed = true;
for(;;) {
Vector first = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
Vector last = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
if(!l.elem[i].tag) {
first = l.elem[i].a;
last = l.elem[i].b;
l.elem[i].tag = 1;
if(i >= l.n) {
return allClosed;
// Create a new empty contour in our polygon, and finish assembling
// into that contour.
if(!AssembleContour(first, last, &(dest->l.elem[dest->l.n-1]),
errorAt, keepDir))
allClosed = false;
// But continue assembling, even if some of the contours are open
// Test if the specified edge crosses any of the edges in our list. Two edges
// are not considered to cross if they share an endpoint (within LENGTH_EPS),
// but they are considered to cross if they are coincident and overlapping.
// If pi is not NULL, then a crossing is returned in that.
int SEdgeList::AnyEdgeCrossings(Vector a, Vector b,
Vector *ppi, SPointList *spl) const
int cnt = 0;
for(const SEdge *se = l.First(); se; se = l.NextAfter(se)) {
if(se->EdgeCrosses(a, b, ppi, spl)) {
return cnt;
// Returns true if the intersecting edge list contains an edge that shares
// an endpoint with one of our edges.
bool SEdgeList::ContainsEdgeFrom(const SEdgeList *sel) const {
for(const SEdge *se = l.First(); se; se = l.NextAfter(se)) {
if(sel->ContainsEdge(se)) return true;
return false;
bool SEdgeList::ContainsEdge(const SEdge *set) const {
for(const SEdge *se = l.First(); se; se = l.NextAfter(se)) {
if((se->a).Equals(set->a) && (se->b).Equals(set->b)) return true;
if((se->b).Equals(set->a) && (se->a).Equals(set->b)) return true;
return false;
// Remove unnecessary edges: if two are anti-parallel then remove both, and if
// two are parallel then remove one.
void SEdgeList::CullExtraneousEdges() {
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
SEdge *se = &(l.elem[i]);
for(j = i+1; j < l.n; j++) {
SEdge *set = &(l.elem[j]);
if((set->a).Equals(se->a) && (set->b).Equals(se->b)) {
// Two parallel edges exist; so keep only the first one.
set->tag = 1;
if((set->a).Equals(se->b) && (set->b).Equals(se->a)) {
// Two anti-parallel edges exist; so keep neither.
se->tag = 1;
set->tag = 1;
// Make a kd-tree of edges. This is used for O(log(n)) implementations of stuff
// that would naively be O(n).
SKdNodeEdges *SKdNodeEdges::Alloc() {
SKdNodeEdges *ne = (SKdNodeEdges *)AllocTemporary(sizeof(SKdNodeEdges));
*ne = {};
return ne;
SEdgeLl *SEdgeLl::Alloc() {
SEdgeLl *sell = (SEdgeLl *)AllocTemporary(sizeof(SEdgeLl));
*sell = {};
return sell;
SKdNodeEdges *SKdNodeEdges::From(SEdgeList *sel) {
SEdgeLl *sell = NULL;
SEdge *se;
for(se = sel->l.First(); se; se = sel->l.NextAfter(se)) {
SEdgeLl *n = SEdgeLl::Alloc();
n->se = se;
n->next = sell;
sell = n;
return SKdNodeEdges::From(sell);
SKdNodeEdges *SKdNodeEdges::From(SEdgeLl *sell) {
SKdNodeEdges *n = SKdNodeEdges::Alloc();
// Compute the midpoints (just mean, though median would be better) of
// each component.
Vector ptAve = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
SEdgeLl *flip;
int totaln = 0;
for(flip = sell; flip; flip = flip->next) {
ptAve = ptAve.Plus(flip->se->a);
ptAve = ptAve.Plus(flip->se->b);
ptAve = ptAve.ScaledBy(1.0 / (2*totaln));
// For each component, see how it splits.
int ltln[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }, gtln[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
double badness[3];
for(flip = sell; flip; flip = flip->next) {
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if(flip->se->a.Element(i) < ptAve.Element(i) + KDTREE_EPS ||
flip->se->b.Element(i) < ptAve.Element(i) + KDTREE_EPS)
if(flip->se->a.Element(i) > ptAve.Element(i) - KDTREE_EPS ||
flip->se->b.Element(i) > ptAve.Element(i) - KDTREE_EPS)
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
badness[i] = pow((double)ltln[i], 4) + pow((double)gtln[i], 4);
// Choose the least bad coordinate to split along.
if(badness[0] < badness[1] && badness[0] < badness[2]) {
n->which = 0;
} else if(badness[1] < badness[2]) {
n->which = 1;
} else {
n->which = 2;
n->c = ptAve.Element(n->which);
if(totaln < 3 || totaln == gtln[n->which] || totaln == ltln[n->which]) {
n->edges = sell;
// and we're a leaf node
return n;
// Sort the edges according to which side(s) of the split plane they're on.
SEdgeLl *gtl = NULL, *ltl = NULL;
for(flip = sell; flip; flip = flip->next) {
if(flip->se->a.Element(n->which) < n->c + KDTREE_EPS ||
flip->se->b.Element(n->which) < n->c + KDTREE_EPS)
SEdgeLl *selln = SEdgeLl::Alloc();
selln->se = flip->se;
selln->next = ltl;
ltl = selln;
if(flip->se->a.Element(n->which) > n->c - KDTREE_EPS ||
flip->se->b.Element(n->which) > n->c - KDTREE_EPS)
SEdgeLl *selln = SEdgeLl::Alloc();
selln->se = flip->se;
selln->next = gtl;
gtl = selln;
n->lt = SKdNodeEdges::From(ltl);
n->gt = SKdNodeEdges::From(gtl);
return n;
int SKdNodeEdges::AnyEdgeCrossings(Vector a, Vector b, int cnt,
Vector *pi, SPointList *spl) const
int inters = 0;
if(gt && lt) {
if(a.Element(which) < c + KDTREE_EPS ||
b.Element(which) < c + KDTREE_EPS)
inters += lt->AnyEdgeCrossings(a, b, cnt, pi, spl);
if(a.Element(which) > c - KDTREE_EPS ||
b.Element(which) > c - KDTREE_EPS)
inters += gt->AnyEdgeCrossings(a, b, cnt, pi, spl);
} else {
SEdgeLl *sell;
for(sell = edges; sell; sell = sell->next) {
SEdge *se = sell->se;
if(se->tag == cnt) continue;
if(se->EdgeCrosses(a, b, pi, spl)) {
se->tag = cnt;
return inters;
// We have an edge list that contains only collinear edges, maybe with more
// splits than necessary. Merge any collinear segments that join.
static Vector LineStart, LineDirection;
static int ByTAlongLine(const void *av, const void *bv)
SEdge *a = (SEdge *)av,
*b = (SEdge *)bv;
double ta = (a->a.Minus(LineStart)).DivPivoting(LineDirection),
tb = (b->a.Minus(LineStart)).DivPivoting(LineDirection);
return (ta > tb) ? 1 : -1;
void SEdgeList::MergeCollinearSegments(Vector a, Vector b) {
LineStart = a;
LineDirection = b.Minus(a);
qsort(l.elem, l.n, sizeof(l.elem[0]), ByTAlongLine);
int i;
for(i = 1; i < l.n; i++) {
SEdge *prev = &(l.elem[i-1]),
*now = &(l.elem[i]);
if((prev->b).Equals(now->a) && prev->auxA == now->auxA) {
// The previous segment joins up to us; so merge it into us.
prev->tag = 1;
now->a = prev->a;
void SPointList::Clear() {
bool SPointList::ContainsPoint(Vector pt) const {
return (IndexForPoint(pt) >= 0);
int SPointList::IndexForPoint(Vector pt) const {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
SPoint *p = &(l.elem[i]);
if(pt.Equals(p->p)) {
return i;
// Not found, so return negative to indicate that.
return -1;
void SPointList::IncrementTagFor(Vector pt) {
SPoint *p;
for(p = l.First(); p; p = l.NextAfter(p)) {
if(pt.Equals(p->p)) {
SPoint pa;
pa.p = pt;
pa.tag = 1;
void SPointList::Add(Vector pt) {
SPoint p = {};
p.p = pt;
void SContour::AddPoint(Vector p) {
SPoint sp;
sp.tag = 0;
sp.p = p;
void SContour::MakeEdgesInto(SEdgeList *el) const {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < (l.n - 1); i++) {
el->AddEdge(l.elem[i].p, l.elem[i+1].p);
void SContour::CopyInto(SContour *dest) const {
for(const SPoint *sp = l.First(); sp; sp = l.NextAfter(sp)) {
void SContour::FindPointWithMinX() {
xminPt = Vector::From(1e10, 1e10, 1e10);
for(const SPoint *sp = l.First(); sp; sp = l.NextAfter(sp)) {
if(sp->p.x < xminPt.x) {
xminPt = sp->p;
Vector SContour::ComputeNormal() const {
Vector n = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
for(int i = 0; i < l.n - 2; i++) {
Vector u = (l.elem[i+1].p).Minus(l.elem[i+0].p).WithMagnitude(1);
Vector v = (l.elem[i+2].p).Minus(l.elem[i+1].p).WithMagnitude(1);
Vector nt = u.Cross(v);
if(nt.Magnitude() > n.Magnitude()) {
n = nt;
return n.WithMagnitude(1);
Vector SContour::AnyEdgeMidpoint() const {
ssassert(l.n >= 2, "Need two points to find a midpoint");
return ((l.elem[0].p).Plus(l.elem[1].p)).ScaledBy(0.5);
bool SContour::IsClockwiseProjdToNormal(Vector n) const {
// Degenerate things might happen as we draw; doesn't really matter
// what we do then.
if(n.Magnitude() < 0.01) return true;
return (SignedAreaProjdToNormal(n) < 0);
double SContour::SignedAreaProjdToNormal(Vector n) const {
// An arbitrary 2d coordinate system that has n as its normal
Vector u = n.Normal(0);
Vector v = n.Normal(1);
double area = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < (l.n - 1); i++) {
double u0 = (l.elem[i ].p).Dot(u);
double v0 = (l.elem[i ].p).Dot(v);
double u1 = (l.elem[i+1].p).Dot(u);
double v1 = (l.elem[i+1].p).Dot(v);
area += ((v0 + v1)/2)*(u1 - u0);
return area;
bool SContour::ContainsPointProjdToNormal(Vector n, Vector p) const {
Vector u = n.Normal(0);
Vector v = n.Normal(1);
double up = p.Dot(u);
double vp = p.Dot(v);
bool inside = false;
for(int i = 0; i < (l.n - 1); i++) {
double ua = (l.elem[i ].p).Dot(u);
double va = (l.elem[i ].p).Dot(v);
// The curve needs to be exactly closed; approximation is death.
double ub = (l.elem[(i+1)%(l.n-1)].p).Dot(u);
double vb = (l.elem[(i+1)%(l.n-1)].p).Dot(v);
if ((((va <= vp) && (vp < vb)) ||
((vb <= vp) && (vp < va))) &&
(up < (ub - ua) * (vp - va) / (vb - va) + ua))
inside = !inside;
return inside;
void SContour::Reverse() {
void SPolygon::Clear() {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
void SPolygon::AddEmptyContour() {
SContour c = {};
void SPolygon::MakeEdgesInto(SEdgeList *el) const {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
Vector SPolygon::ComputeNormal() {
if(l.n < 1) return Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
return (l.elem[0]).ComputeNormal();
double SPolygon::SignedArea() const {
double area = 0;
// This returns the true area only if the contours are all oriented
// correctly, with the holes backwards from the outer contours.
for(const SContour *sc = l.First(); sc; sc = l.NextAfter(sc)) {
area += sc->SignedAreaProjdToNormal(normal);
return area;
bool SPolygon::ContainsPoint(Vector p) const {
return (WindingNumberForPoint(p) % 2) == 1;
int SPolygon::WindingNumberForPoint(Vector p) const {
int winding = 0;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
SContour *sc = &(l.elem[i]);
if(sc->ContainsPointProjdToNormal(normal, p)) {
return winding;
void SPolygon::FixContourDirections() {
// At output, the contour's tag will be 1 if we reversed it, else 0.
// Outside curve looks counterclockwise, projected against our normal.
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
SContour *sc = &(l.elem[i]);
if(sc->l.n < 2) continue;
// The contours may not intersect, but they may share vertices; so
// testing a vertex for point-in-polygon may fail, but the midpoint
// of an edge is okay.
Vector pt = (((sc->l.elem[0]).p).Plus(sc->l.elem[1].p)).ScaledBy(0.5);
sc->timesEnclosed = 0;
bool outer = true;
for(j = 0; j < l.n; j++) {
if(i == j) continue;
SContour *sct = &(l.elem[j]);
if(sct->ContainsPointProjdToNormal(normal, pt)) {
outer = !outer;
bool clockwise = sc->IsClockwiseProjdToNormal(normal);
if((clockwise && outer) || (!clockwise && !outer)) {
sc->tag = 1;
bool SPolygon::IsEmpty() const {
if(l.n == 0 || l.elem[0].l.n == 0) return true;
return false;
Vector SPolygon::AnyPoint() const {
ssassert(!IsEmpty(), "Need at least one point");
return l.elem[0].l.elem[0].p;
bool SPolygon::SelfIntersecting(Vector *intersectsAt) const {
SEdgeList el = {};
SKdNodeEdges *kdtree = SKdNodeEdges::From(&el);
int cnt = 1;
bool ret = false;
SEdge *se;
for(se = el.l.First(); se; se = el.l.NextAfter(se)) {
int inters = kdtree->AnyEdgeCrossings(se->a, se->b, cnt, intersectsAt);
if(inters != 1) {
ret = true;
return ret;
// Low-quality routines to cutter radius compensate a polygon. Assumes the
// polygon is in the xy plane, and the contours all go in the right direction
// with respect to normal (0, 0, -1).
void SPolygon::OffsetInto(SPolygon *dest, double r) const {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
SContour *sc = &(l.elem[i]);
sc->OffsetInto(&(dest->l.elem[dest->l.n-1]), r);
// Calculate the intersection point of two lines. Returns true for success,
// false if they're parallel.
static bool IntersectionOfLines(double x0A, double y0A, double dxA, double dyA,
double x0B, double y0B, double dxB, double dyB,
double *xi, double *yi)
double A[2][2];
double b[2];
// The line is given to us in the form:
// (x(t), y(t)) = (x0, y0) + t*(dx, dy)
// so first rewrite it as
// (x - x0, y - y0) dot (dy, -dx) = 0
// x*dy - x0*dy - y*dx + y0*dx = 0
// x*dy - y*dx = (x0*dy - y0*dx)
// So write the matrix, pre-pivoted.
if(fabs(dyA) > fabs(dyB)) {
A[0][0] = dyA; A[0][1] = -dxA; b[0] = x0A*dyA - y0A*dxA;
A[1][0] = dyB; A[1][1] = -dxB; b[1] = x0B*dyB - y0B*dxB;
} else {
A[1][0] = dyA; A[1][1] = -dxA; b[1] = x0A*dyA - y0A*dxA;
A[0][0] = dyB; A[0][1] = -dxB; b[0] = x0B*dyB - y0B*dxB;
// Check the determinant; if it's zero then no solution.
if(fabs(A[0][0]*A[1][1] - A[0][1]*A[1][0]) < LENGTH_EPS) {
return false;
// Solve
double v = A[1][0] / A[0][0];
A[1][0] -= A[0][0]*v;
A[1][1] -= A[0][1]*v;
b[1] -= b[0]*v;
// Back-substitute.
*yi = b[1] / A[1][1];
*xi = (b[0] - A[0][1]*(*yi)) / A[0][0];
return true;
void SContour::OffsetInto(SContour *dest, double r) const {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
Vector a, b, c;
Vector dp, dn;
double thetan, thetap;
a = l.elem[WRAP(i-1, (l.n-1))].p;
b = l.elem[WRAP(i, (l.n-1))].p;
c = l.elem[WRAP(i+1, (l.n-1))].p;
dp = a.Minus(b);
thetap = atan2(dp.y, dp.x);
dn = b.Minus(c);
thetan = atan2(dn.y, dn.x);
// A short line segment in a badly-generated polygon might look
// okay but screw up our sense of direction.
if(dp.Magnitude() < LENGTH_EPS || dn.Magnitude() < LENGTH_EPS) {
if(thetan > thetap && (thetan - thetap) > PI) {
thetap += 2*PI;
if(thetan < thetap && (thetap - thetan) > PI) {
thetan += 2*PI;
if(fabs(thetan - thetap) < (1*PI)/180) {
Vector p = { b.x - r*sin(thetap), b.y + r*cos(thetap), 0 };
} else if(thetan < thetap) {
// This is an inside corner. We have two edges, Ep and En. Move
// out from their intersection by radius, normal to En, and
// then draw a line parallel to En. Move out from their
// intersection by radius, normal to Ep, and then draw a second
// line parallel to Ep. The point that we want to generate is
// the intersection of these two lines--it removes as much
// material as we can without removing any that we shouldn't.
double px0, py0, pdx, pdy;
double nx0, ny0, ndx, ndy;
double x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
px0 = b.x - r*sin(thetap);
py0 = b.y + r*cos(thetap);
pdx = cos(thetap);
pdy = sin(thetap);
nx0 = b.x - r*sin(thetan);
ny0 = b.y + r*cos(thetan);
ndx = cos(thetan);
ndy = sin(thetan);
IntersectionOfLines(px0, py0, pdx, pdy,
nx0, ny0, ndx, ndy,
&x, &y);
dest->AddPoint(Vector::From(x, y, 0));
} else {
if(fabs(thetap - thetan) < (6*PI)/180) {
Vector pp = { b.x - r*sin(thetap),
b.y + r*cos(thetap), 0 };
Vector pn = { b.x - r*sin(thetan),
b.y + r*cos(thetan), 0 };
} else {
double theta;
for(theta = thetap; theta <= thetan; theta += (6*PI)/180) {
Vector p = { b.x - r*sin(theta),
b.y + r*cos(theta), 0 };