EvilSpirit fb667fb8bb Use a dedicated BitmapFont instance per Canvas.
Before this commit, updates to the bitmap font in the graphics window
cause missing characters in the text window and vice versa. This is
because BitmapFont contains a texture that's mutated, and sharing it
would also require sharing display lists between GL contexts, which
is not done (and overly complicated for this case anyway).
2017-01-11 03:33:10 +00:00

116 lines
3.9 KiB

// Discovery and loading of our resources (icons, fonts, templates, etc).
// Copyright 2016 whitequark
#ifndef __RESOURCE_H
#define __RESOURCE_H
class Camera;
class Point2d;
class Pixmap;
class Vector;
// Only the following function is platform-specific.
// It returns a pointer to resource contents that is aligned to at least
// sizeof(void*) and has a global lifetime, or NULL if a resource with
// the specified name does not exist.
const void *LoadResource(const std::string &name, size_t *size);
std::string LoadString(const std::string &name);
std::string LoadStringFromGzip(const std::string &name);
std::shared_ptr<Pixmap> LoadPng(const std::string &name);
class Pixmap {
enum class Format { BGRA, RGBA, BGR, RGB, A };
Format format;
size_t width;
size_t height;
size_t stride;
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
static std::shared_ptr<Pixmap> Create(Format format, size_t width, size_t height);
static std::shared_ptr<Pixmap> FromPng(const uint8_t *data, size_t size, bool flip = false);
static std::shared_ptr<Pixmap> ReadPng(FILE *f, bool flip = false);
static std::shared_ptr<Pixmap> ReadPng(const std::string &filename, bool flip = false);
bool WritePng(FILE *f, bool flip = false);
bool WritePng(const std::string &filename, bool flip = false);
size_t GetBytesPerPixel() const;
RgbaColor GetPixel(size_t x, size_t y) const;
bool Equals(const Pixmap &other) const;
void ConvertTo(Format newFormat);
void SetPixel(size_t x, size_t y, RgbaColor color);
class BitmapFont {
struct Glyph {
uint8_t advanceCells;
uint16_t position;
std::string unifontData;
std::map<char32_t, Glyph> glyphs;
std::shared_ptr<Pixmap> texture;
bool textureUpdated;
uint16_t nextPosition;
static BitmapFont From(std::string &&unifontData);
static BitmapFont Create();
bool IsEmpty() const { return unifontData.empty(); }
const Glyph &GetGlyph(char32_t codepoint);
void LocateGlyph(char32_t codepoint, double *s0, double *t0, double *s1, double *t1,
size_t *advanceWidth, size_t *boundingHeight);
void AddGlyph(char32_t codepoint, std::shared_ptr<const Pixmap> pixmap);
size_t GetWidth(char32_t codepoint);
size_t GetWidth(const std::string &str);
class VectorFont {
struct Contour {
std::vector<Point2d> points;
struct Glyph {
std::vector<Contour> contours;
double leftSideBearing;
double boundingWidth;
double advanceWidth;
std::string lffData;
std::map<char32_t, Glyph> glyphs;
double rightSideBearing;
double capHeight;
double ascender;
double descender;
static VectorFont From(std::string &&lffData);
static VectorFont *Builtin();
bool IsEmpty() const { return lffData.empty(); }
const Glyph &GetGlyph(char32_t codepoint);
double GetCapHeight(double forCapHeight) const;
double GetHeight(double forCapHeight) const;
double GetWidth(double forCapHeight, const std::string &str);
Vector GetExtents(double forCapHeight, const std::string &str);
void Trace(double forCapHeight, Vector o, Vector u, Vector v, const std::string &str,
std::function<void(Vector, Vector)> traceEdge);
void Trace(double forCapHeight, Vector o, Vector u, Vector v, const std::string &str,
std::function<void(Vector, Vector)> traceEdge, const Camera &camera);