A51 MACRO ASSEMBLER STARTUP 05/03/2018 10:39:44 PAGE 1 MACRO ASSEMBLER A51 V8.02b OBJECT MODULE PLACED IN STARTUP.OBJ ASSEMBLER INVOKED BY: D:\KEIL_51\C51\BIN\A51.EXE STARTUP.A51 SET(SMALL) DEBUG EP LOC OBJ LINE SOURCE 1 $nomod51 2 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 ; This file is part of the C51 Compiler package 4 ; Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Keil Elektronik GmbH and Keil Software, Inc. 5 ; Version 8.01 6 ; 7 ; *** <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> *** 8 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 ; STARTUP.A51: This code is executed after processor reset. 10 ; 11 ; To translate this file use A51 with the following invocation: 12 ; 13 ; A51 STARTUP.A51 14 ; 15 ; To link the modified STARTUP.OBJ file to your application use the following 16 ; Lx51 invocation: 17 ; 18 ; Lx51 your object file list, STARTUP.OBJ controls 19 ; 20 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21 ; 22 ; User-defined Power-On Initialization of Memory 23 ; 24 ; With the following EQU statements the initialization of memory 25 ; at processor reset can be defined: 26 ; 27 ; IDATALEN: IDATA memory size <0x0-0x100> 28 ; Note: The absolute start-address of IDATA memory is always 0 29 ; The IDATA space overlaps physically the DATA and BIT areas. 0080 30 IDATALEN EQU 80H 31 ; 32 ; XDATASTART: XDATA memory start address <0x0-0xFFFF> 33 ; The absolute start address of XDATA memory 0000 34 XDATASTART EQU 0 35 ; 36 ; XDATALEN: XDATA memory size <0x0-0xFFFF> 37 ; The length of XDATA memory in bytes. 0000 38 XDATALEN EQU 0 39 ; 40 ; PDATASTART: PDATA memory start address <0x0-0xFFFF> 41 ; The absolute start address of PDATA memory 0000 42 PDATASTART EQU 0H 43 ; 44 ; PDATALEN: PDATA memory size <0x0-0xFF> 45 ; The length of PDATA memory in bytes. 0000 46 PDATALEN EQU 0H 47 ; 48 ; 49 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 50 ; 51 ; Reentrant Stack Initialization 52 ; 53 ; The following EQU statements define the stack pointer for reentrant 54 ; functions and initialized it: 55 ; 56 ; Stack Space for reentrant functions in the SMALL model. 57 ; IBPSTACK: Enable SMALL model reentrant stack 58 ; Stack space for reentrant functions in the SMALL model. A51 MACRO ASSEMBLER STARTUP 05/03/2018 10:39:44 PAGE 2 0000 59 IBPSTACK EQU 0 ; set to 1 if small reentrant is used. 60 ; IBPSTACKTOP: End address of SMALL model stack <0x0-0xFF> 61 ; Set the top of the stack to the highest location. 0100 62 IBPSTACKTOP EQU 0xFF +1 ; default 0FFH+1 63 ; 64 ; 65 ; Stack Space for reentrant functions in the LARGE model. 66 ; XBPSTACK: Enable LARGE model reentrant stack 67 ; Stack space for reentrant functions in the LARGE model. 0000 68 XBPSTACK EQU 0 ; set to 1 if large reentrant is used. 69 ; XBPSTACKTOP: End address of LARGE model stack <0x0-0xFFFF> 70 ; Set the top of the stack to the highest location. 0000 71 XBPSTACKTOP EQU 0xFFFF +1 ; default 0FFFFH+1 72 ; 73 ; 74 ; Stack Space for reentrant functions in the COMPACT model. 75 ; PBPSTACK: Enable COMPACT model reentrant stack 76 ; Stack space for reentrant functions in the COMPACT model. 0000 77 PBPSTACK EQU 0 ; set to 1 if compact reentrant is used. 78 ; 79 ; PBPSTACKTOP: End address of COMPACT model stack <0x0-0xFFFF> 80 ; Set the top of the stack to the highest location. 0100 81 PBPSTACKTOP EQU 0xFF +1 ; default 0FFH+1 82 ; 83 ; 84 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 85 ; 86 ; Memory Page for Using the Compact Model with 64 KByte xdata RAM 87 ; Compact Model Page Definition 88 ; 89 ; Define the XDATA page used for PDATA variables. 90 ; PPAGE must conform with the PPAGE set in the linker invocation. 91 ; 92 ; Enable pdata memory page initalization 0000 93 PPAGEENABLE EQU 0 ; set to 1 if pdata object are used. 94 ; 95 ; PPAGE number <0x0-0xFF> 96 ; uppermost 256-byte address of the page used for PDATA variables. 0000 97 PPAGE EQU 0 98 ; 99 ; SFR address which supplies uppermost address byte <0x0-0xFF> 100 ; most 8051 variants use P2 as uppermost address byte 00A0 101 PPAGE_SFR DATA 0A0H 102 ; 103 ; 104 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 105 106 ; Standard SFR Symbols 00E0 107 ACC DATA 0E0H 00F0 108 B DATA 0F0H 0081 109 SP DATA 81H 0082 110 DPL DATA 82H 0083 111 DPH DATA 83H 112 113 NAME ?C_STARTUP 114 115 116 ?C_C51STARTUP SEGMENT CODE 117 ?STACK SEGMENT IDATA 118 ---- 119 RSEG ?STACK 0000 120 DS 1 121 122 EXTRN CODE (?C_START) 123 PUBLIC ?C_STARTUP 124 A51 MACRO ASSEMBLER STARTUP 05/03/2018 10:39:44 PAGE 3 ---- 125 CSEG AT 0 0000 020000 F 126 ?C_STARTUP: LJMP STARTUP1 127 ---- 128 RSEG ?C_C51STARTUP 129 0000 130 STARTUP1: 131 132 IF IDATALEN <> 0 0000 787F 133 MOV R0,#IDATALEN - 1 0002 E4 134 CLR A 0003 F6 135 IDATALOOP: MOV @R0,A 0004 D8FD 136 DJNZ R0,IDATALOOP 137 ENDIF 138 139 IF XDATALEN <> 0 MOV DPTR,#XDATASTART MOV R7,#LOW (XDATALEN) IF (LOW (XDATALEN)) <> 0 MOV R6,#(HIGH (XDATALEN)) +1 ELSE MOV R6,#HIGH (XDATALEN) ENDIF CLR A XDATALOOP: MOVX @DPTR,A INC DPTR DJNZ R7,XDATALOOP DJNZ R6,XDATALOOP ENDIF 153 154 IF PPAGEENABLE <> 0 MOV PPAGE_SFR,#PPAGE ENDIF 157 158 IF PDATALEN <> 0 MOV R0,#LOW (PDATASTART) MOV R7,#LOW (PDATALEN) CLR A PDATALOOP: MOVX @R0,A INC R0 DJNZ R7,PDATALOOP ENDIF 166 167 IF IBPSTACK <> 0 EXTRN DATA (?C_IBP) MOV ?C_IBP,#LOW IBPSTACKTOP ENDIF 172 173 IF XBPSTACK <> 0 EXTRN DATA (?C_XBP) MOV ?C_XBP,#HIGH XBPSTACKTOP MOV ?C_XBP+1,#LOW XBPSTACKTOP ENDIF 179 180 IF PBPSTACK <> 0 EXTRN DATA (?C_PBP) MOV ?C_PBP,#LOW PBPSTACKTOP ENDIF 184 0006 758100 F 185 MOV SP,#?STACK-1 186 187 ; This code is required if you use L51_BANK.A51 with Banking Mode 4 188 ; Code Banking 189 ; Select Bank 0 for L51_BANK.A51 Mode 4 190 A51 MACRO ASSEMBLER STARTUP 05/03/2018 10:39:44 PAGE 4 195 ; 0009 020000 F 196 LJMP ?C_START 197 198 END A51 MACRO ASSEMBLER STARTUP 05/03/2018 10:39:44 PAGE 5 SYMBOL TABLE LISTING ------ ----- ------- N A M E T Y P E V A L U E ATTRIBUTES ?C_C51STARTUP. . . C SEG 000CH REL=UNIT ?C_START . . . . . C ADDR ----- EXT ?C_STARTUP . . . . C ADDR 0000H A ?STACK . . . . . . I SEG 0001H REL=UNIT ACC. . . . . . . . D ADDR 00E0H A B. . . . . . . . . D ADDR 00F0H A DPH. . . . . . . . D ADDR 0083H A DPL. . . . . . . . D ADDR 0082H A IBPSTACK . . . . . N NUMB 0000H A IBPSTACKTOP. . . . N NUMB 0100H A IDATALEN . . . . . N NUMB 0080H A IDATALOOP. . . . . C ADDR 0003H R SEG=?C_C51STARTUP PBPSTACK . . . . . N NUMB 0000H A PBPSTACKTOP. . . . N NUMB 0100H A PDATALEN . . . . . N NUMB 0000H A PDATASTART . . . . N NUMB 0000H A PPAGE. . . . . . . N NUMB 0000H A PPAGEENABLE. . . . N NUMB 0000H A PPAGE_SFR. . . . . D ADDR 00A0H A SP . . . . . . . . D ADDR 0081H A STARTUP1 . . . . . C ADDR 0000H R SEG=?C_C51STARTUP XBPSTACK . . . . . N NUMB 0000H A XBPSTACKTOP. . . . N NUMB 0000H A XDATALEN . . . . . N NUMB 0000H A XDATASTART . . . . N NUMB 0000H A REGISTER BANK(S) USED: 0 ASSEMBLY COMPLETE. 0 WARNING(S), 0 ERROR(S)