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2021-04-29 18:42:52 +08:00
2021-05-04 16:50:29 +08:00
const basicWorkflowTS = [
10, 'Sketching on a plane',
10, 'Extruding a sketch to a solid',
10, 'Sketch on a face of a solid',
10, 'Peforming boolean operation between solids',
const editWorkflowTS = [
10, 'opening a file from disk',
10, 'editing an existing sketch',
10, 'accepting the edit and exiting',
const exportTS = [
10, 'selecting a body for export',
10, 'initiate export',
10, 'loading exported stl into 3dprint slicer',
10, 'result',
2021-04-29 18:42:52 +08:00
2021-05-03 07:44:54 +08:00
2021-04-29 18:42:52 +08:00
2021-05-03 07:44:54 +08:00
Turn the shapes you drew into 3D solids
Combine multiple solids to form more complex solids
2021-04-29 18:42:52 +08:00
uplaod your design to a 3d printer
2021-05-03 07:44:54 +08:00
navigation tip
offer to watch three video demos
2021-04-30 11:29:02 +08:00
2021-04-29 18:42:52 +08:00
General Workflow for part creation
Specify a sketch plane
Draw a closed loop shape
Extrude 2D sketch
the program consists of 4 major areas labelled below
Dialog Box
Normally hidden. This box appears when the user is adding or editting a sketch or extrusion
input area: This specifies the extrusion amount
flip icon: This flips the extrusion direction
green check: When clicked the program will proceed with adding or editting a sketch/extrusion
red x: allows the user to bail out of adding or editting a sketch/extrusion
sketch: Initiates a new sketch, before clicking this button, the user must first select a plane, or three points on existing extrusions to define a sketch plane.
extrude: Intiates new extrusion dialog. before clickin gthis button. The user must firs select a sketch to extrude from
boolean add: Creates a new solid that is a boolean union or two selected solids.
boolean subtract: Creates a new solid that is a boolean subtraction of the second selected solid from the first selected solid.
boolean add: Creates a new solid that is a boolean intersection or two selected solids.
new document: Wipes the current workspace and starts a fresh document
save: saves current document. on the inital save the user can specify save location and file name
open: loads an existing document from the local disk.
STL: Exports selected solid to 3d print friendly stl format
extrude: creates a new extrusion from the current sketch.
line: initiates line sketch mode. Subsequent clicks on the canvas define the vertices of the line segment chain.
arc: initiates arc sketch mode. Subsequently, a three click sequence on the canvas spefies the arc shape. The first sets the start point, the seconds the endpoint, and the third the radius.
dimension: allows hte user to add distance or angle constraints to the sketch. When 2 points, or 1 point and 1 line are selected, a distance contraint is added. When two lines are selected, an angle constraint is added
coincident: Adds a coincident contraint between two points, or a line and a point
vertical: adds a vertical constraint the the selected line, or two selected points
horizontal: adds a horizontal constraint the the selected line, or two selected points
tangent: adds a tangent constraint between selected two arcs, or a line and a arc. The selected entities must first between connected by a coicident contraint on their endpoints
User can click this again or escape to exit this mode
Design Tree