import * as THREE from '../../node_modules/three/src/Three'; import { drawOnClick1, drawOnClick2, drawPreClick2, drawClear } from './drawEvents' import { onHover, onDrag, onPick, onRelease } from './pickEvents' import { addDimension, setCoincident } from './constraintEvents' import { get3PtArc } from './sketchArc' import { extrude } from './extrude' const lineMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ linewidth: 2, color: 0x555555, }) const pointMaterial = new THREE.PointsMaterial({ color: 0x555555, size: 4, }) class Sketcher extends THREE.Group { constructor(camera, domElement, store) { super() = camera; this.domElement = domElement; this.matrixAutoUpdate = false; = store; this.sub = new THREE.Group(); this.add(this.sub); this.plane = new THREE.Plane(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1), 0); this.sketchNormal = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1) const axesHelper = new THREE.AxesHelper(2); this.sub.add(axesHelper); // [0]:x, [1]:y, [2]:z this.objIdx = new Map() this.max_pts = 1000 this.ptsBuf = new Float32Array(this.max_pts * 3).fill(NaN) // [0]:type, [1]:pt1, [2]:pt2, [3]:pt3, [4]:pt4 this.linkedObjs = new Map() this.l_id = 0; this.max_links = 1000 this.linksBuf = new Float32Array(this.max_links * 5).fill(NaN) this.linkNum = { 'line': 0, 'arc': 1 } // [0]:type, [1]:val, [2]:pt1, [3]:pt2, [4]:lk1, [5]:lk2 this.constraints = new Map() this.c_id = 0; this.max_constraints = 1000 this.constraintsBuf = new Float32Array(this.max_constraints * 6).fill(NaN) this.contraintNum = { 'coincident': 0, 'distance': 1 } this.drawOnClick1 = drawOnClick1.bind(this); this.drawPreClick2 = drawPreClick2.bind(this); this.drawOnClick2 = drawOnClick2.bind(this); this.onHover = onHover.bind(this); this.onPick = onPick.bind(this); this.onDrag = onDrag.bind(this); this.onRelease = onRelease.bind(this); this.onKeyPress = this.onKeyPress.bind(this); // window.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyPress) // domElement.addEventListener('pointerdown', this.onPick) // domElement.addEventListener('pointermove', this.onHover) this.raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(); this.raycaster.params.Line.threshold = 0.8; this.raycaster.params.Points.threshold = 1.5; this.selected = new Set() this.hovered = [] this.mode = "" this.subsequent = false; = new THREE.Vector3(); } align(origin, x_dir, y_dir) { // this.updateWorldMatrix(true, false); const up = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors(y_dir, origin).normalize(); const _m1 = new THREE.Matrix4() const te = _m1.elements; const _x = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors(x_dir, origin).normalize(); const _z = new THREE.Vector3().crossVectors(_x, up).normalize(); const _y = new THREE.Vector3().crossVectors(_z, _x); te[0] = _x.x; te[4] = _y.x; te[8] = _z.x; te[1] = _x.y; te[5] = _y.y; te[9] = _z.y; te[2] = _x.z; te[6] = _y.z; te[10] = _z.z; this.quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix(_m1); const parent = this.parent; _m1.extractRotation(parent.matrixWorld); const _q1 = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromRotationMatrix(_m1); this.quaternion.premultiply(_q1.invert()); this.updateMatrix(); this.matrix.setPosition(origin) this.plane.applyMatrix4(this.matrix) this.inverse = this.matrix.clone().invert() } onKeyPress(e) { switch (e.key) { case 'Escape': drawClear.bind(this)() this.mode = "" break; case 'l': if (this.mode == 'line') { drawClear.bind(this)() } this.domElement.addEventListener('pointerdown', this.drawOnClick1) this.mode = "line" break; case 'a': this.domElement.addEventListener('pointerdown', this.drawOnClick1) this.mode = "arc" break; case 'x': this.deleteSelected() break; case 'c': this.mode = "" break; case 'e': break; case 'z': var string = JSON.stringify(this.toJSON()); window.string = string; alert("Size of sample is: " + string.length); var compressed = LZString.compress(string); alert("Size of compressed sample is: " + compressed.length); string = LZString.decompress(compressed); alert("Sample is: " + string); break; } } deleteSelected() { let minI = this.children.length; for (let obj of this.selected) { minI = Math.min(minI, this.delete(obj)) } // this.updatePointsBuffer(minI) this.updatePointsBuffer() this.updateOtherBuffers() this.selected.clear() this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'change' }) } deleteConstraints(c_id) { for (let ob of this.constraints.get(c_id)[2]) { if (ob == -1) continue ob.constraints.delete(c_id) } this.constraints.delete(c_id) } updateOtherBuffers() { let i = 0 for (let [key, obj] of this.constraints) { this.constraintsBuf.set( [ this.contraintNum[obj[0]], obj[1], ...obj[2].map(ele => this.objIdx.get( ?? -1), ], (i) * 6 ) i++ } i = 0; for (let [key, obj] of this.linkedObjs) { this.linksBuf.set( [ this.linkNum[obj[0]], ...obj[1].map(ele => this.objIdx.get( ?? -1), ], (i) * 5 ) i++ } } delete(obj) { let link = this.linkedObjs.get(obj.l_id) if (!link) return Infinity; link = link[1] let i = this.children.indexOf(link[0]) for (let j = 0; j < link.length; j++) { const obj = this.children[i + j] obj.geometry.dispose() obj.material.dispose() for (let c_id of obj.constraints) { this.deleteConstraints(c_id) } } this.children.splice(i, link.length) this.linkedObjs.delete(obj.l_id) return i } updatePointsBuffer(startingIdx = 0) { for (let i = startingIdx; i < this.children.length; i++) { const obj = this.children[i] this.objIdx.set(, i) if (obj.type == "Points") { this.ptsBuf.set(obj.geometry.attributes.position.array, 3 * i) } } } getLocation(e) { this.raycaster.setFromCamera( new THREE.Vector2( (e.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1, - (e.clientY / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1 ), ); this.raycaster.ray.intersectPlane(this.plane, return } solve() { const pts_buffer = Module._malloc(this.ptsBuf.length * this.ptsBuf.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) Module.HEAPF32.set(this.ptsBuf, pts_buffer >> 2) const constraints_buffer = Module._malloc(this.constraintsBuf.length * this.constraintsBuf.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) Module.HEAPF32.set(this.constraintsBuf, constraints_buffer >> 2) const links_buffer = Module._malloc(this.linksBuf.length * this.linksBuf.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) Module.HEAPF32.set(this.linksBuf, links_buffer >> 2) Module["_solver"]( this.children.length, pts_buffer, this.constraints.size, constraints_buffer, this.linkedObjs.size, links_buffer) /* - loop to update all the children that are points - we skip first triplet because it refers to a non-geometry child - we also sneak in updating lines children as well, by checking when ptsBuf[ptr] is NaN */ for (let i = 1, ptr = (pts_buffer >> 2) + 3; i < this.children.length; i += 1, ptr += 3) { const pos = this.children[i].geometry.attributes.position; if (isNaN(Module.HEAPF32[ptr])) { pos.array[0] = Module.HEAPF32[ptr - 6] pos.array[1] = Module.HEAPF32[ptr - 5] pos.array[3] = Module.HEAPF32[ptr - 3] pos.array[4] = Module.HEAPF32[ptr - 2] } else { pos.array[0] = Module.HEAPF32[ptr] pos.array[1] = Module.HEAPF32[ptr + 1] } pos.needsUpdate = true; } Module._free(pts_buffer) Module._free(links_buffer) Module._free(constraints_buffer) /* arcs were not updated in above loop, we go through all arcs linkedObjs and updated based on the control pts (which were updated in loop above) */ for (let [k, obj] of this.linkedObjs) { if (obj[0] != 'arc') continue; const [p1, p2, c, arc] = obj[1] const points = get3PtArc( p1.geometry.attributes.position.array, p2.geometry.attributes.position.array, c.geometry.attributes.position.array ); arc.geometry.attributes.position.set(points) arc.needsUpdate = true; } this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'change' }) } } export { Sketcher, lineMaterial, pointMaterial }