/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* --- STC MCU Limited ---------------------------------------------*/ /* --- STC10/11xx Series MCU UART (8-bit/9-bit)Demo ----------------*/ /* --- Mobile: (86)13922805190 -------------------------------------*/ /* --- Fax: 86-0513-55012956,55012947,55012969 ---------------------*/ /* --- Tel: 86-0513-55012928,55012929,55012966----------------------*/ /* --- Web: www.STCMCU.com -----------------------------------------*/ /* --- Web: www.GXWMCU.com -----------------------------------------*/ /* If you want to use the program or the program referenced in the */ /* article, please specify in which data and procedures from STC */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "STC11.h" #include "intrins.h" typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned int WORD; /*Define UART parity mode*/ #define NONE_PARITY 0 //None parity #define ODD_PARITY 1 //Odd parity #define EVEN_PARITY 2 //Even parity #define MARK_PARITY 3 //Mark parity #define SPACE_PARITY 4 //Space parity #define PARITYBIT NONE_PARITY //Testing even parity #define UART_P1 0x80 //(AUXR1.7) switch RXD/TXD from P3.0/P3.1 to P1.6/P1.7 sbit bit9 = P2^2; //P2.2 show UART data bit9 bit busy; bit recv_flag = 0; bit overflow_flag = 0; char recv_buf[30] = {0}; char index = 0; void SendData(BYTE dat); void SendString(char *s); code char SetUp[30] = "ATE0\r\n"; code char Connect[] = "AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"\",8080\r\n"; void P1_Uart(){ AUXR1 &= 0x7f; AUXR1 |= UART_P1; } void P3_Uart(){ AUXR1 &= 0x7f; } void Delay3020ms() //@11.0592MHz { unsigned char i, j, k; _nop_(); _nop_(); i = 127; j = 233; k = 148; do { do { while (--k); } while (--j); } while (--i); } void Delay1020us() //@11.0592MHz { unsigned char i, j; i = 11; j = 246; do { while (--j); } while (--i); } void Uart_Init(){ PCON &= 0x7F; //?????? SCON = 0x50; //8???,????? AUXR |= 0x40; //???1???Fosc,?1T AUXR &= 0xFE; //??1?????1??????? TMOD &= 0x0F; //?????1??? TMOD |= 0x20; //?????1?8??????? TL1 = 0xFD; //?????? TH1 = 0xFD; //???????? ET1 = 0; //?????1?? TR1 = 1; //?????1 } void callbackUart(){ if (recv_flag == 1 || overflow_flag == 1){ P3_Uart(); SendString(recv_buf); recv_flag = 0; overflow_flag = 0; P1_Uart(); } } void main() { bit flag1 = 0; bit flag2 = 0; Delay3020ms(); Delay3020ms(); Delay3020ms(); Uart_Init(); P1M1 = 0x00; P1M0 = 0x3f; // realy gpio init // open uart interrupt ES = 1; EA = 1; REN = 1; P1_Uart(); Delay1020us(); // close P1 input //P1 = 0X00; Delay1020us(); while(1){ if (flag1 == 0){ flag1 = 1; SendString(SetUp); Delay3020ms(); } callbackUart(); if ((flag1 == 1) && (flag2 == 0)) { flag2 = 1; SendString(Connect); Delay3020ms(); } callbackUart(); }; } /*---------------------------- UART interrupt service routine ----------------------------*/ void Uart_Isr() interrupt 4 { static char last_byte; if (RI) { RI = 0; //Clear receive interrupt flag if((last_byte == '\r') &&(SBUF == '\n' )&& (index != 1)) { recv_flag = 1; index = 0; } RI = 0; recv_buf[index] = SBUF; last_byte = SBUF; index ++; if(index > 29){ index = 0; overflow_flag = 1; } } if (TI) { TI = 0; //Clear transmit interrupt flag busy = 0; //Clear transmit busy flag } } /*---------------------------- Send a byte data to UART Input: dat (data to be sent) Output:None ----------------------------*/ void SendData(BYTE dat) { while(busy == 1) return; ACC = dat; //Calculate the even parity bit P (PSW.0) busy = 1; SBUF = ACC; //Send data to UART buffer while(busy == 1) ; } /*---------------------------- Send a string to UART Input: s (address of string) Output:None ----------------------------*/ void SendString(char *s) { while (*s != '\0') //Check the end of the string { Delay1020us(); SendData(*s++); //Send current char and increment string ptr } }