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2020-06-10 10:11:21 +00:00
* ChartCursor.h
* Written by C<EFBFBD>dric Moonen (cedric_moonen@hotmail.com)
* This code may be used for any non-commercial and commercial purposes in a compiled form.
* The code may be redistributed as long as it remains unmodified and providing that the
* author name and this disclaimer remain intact. The sources can be modified WITH the author
* consent only.
* This code is provided without any garanties. I cannot be held responsible for the damage or
* the loss of time it causes. Use it at your own risks
* An e-mail to notify me that you are using this code is appreciated also.
#include <list>
class CChartCtrl;
class CChartCursor;
//! Interface to implement in order to be notified about a cursor movement.
This class must be overriden and registered with a CChartCursor by
calling RegisterListener.
class CChartCursorListener
//! Default constructor
CChartCursorListener() { }
//! Destructor
virtual ~CChartCursorListener() { }
//! Pure virtual function to implement in order to be notified about a cursor movement.
Note that not all cursor types have an X and a Y value, in which case, only
the relevant information is passed, the other value will be 0.
@param pCursor
The cursor which was moved
@param xValue
The cursor xValue
@param yValue
The cursor yValue
virtual void OnCursorMoved(CChartCursor* pCursor, double xValue, double yValue) = 0;
//! Base class for cursors which can be added to the chart control.
This class must be overriden for specific cursor types. This is already done
for a cross-hair cursor and a dragline cursor. Each cursor is assigned an Id
when it is added to the control.
class CChartCursor
friend CChartCtrl;
//! Sets the cursor color.
void SetColor(COLORREF cursorColor);
//! Retrieves the cursor Id.
unsigned GetCursorId() const { return m_uCursorId; }
//! Registers a cursor listener with this cursor.
void RegisterListener(CChartCursorListener* pListener);
//! Default constructor
CChartCursor(CChartCtrl* pParent);
//! Default destructor
virtual ~CChartCursor();
//! Pure virtual function that is called when the mouse moved on the plot area.
This function must be overriden by child classes to take appropriate
actions on the mouse move event.
virtual void OnMouseMove(CPoint mousePoint) = 0;
//! Virtual function that is called when the left mouse button is pressed.
This function can be overriden by child classes to take appropriate
actions on the mouse click event.
virtual void OnMouseButtonDown(CPoint /*mousePoint*/) { }
//! Virtual function that is called when the left mouse button is released.
This function can be overriden by child classes to take appropriate
actions on the mouse click event.
virtual void OnMouseButtonUp(CPoint /*mousePoint*/) { }
//! Pure virtual function that draws the cursor.
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC) = 0;
//! Function that is called by the child classes when the cursor has been moved.
This will notify all the listeners registered with the cursor.
void CursorMoved(double newXValue, double newYValue);
//! The color of the cursor.
COLORREF m_colCursor;
//! The parent charting control.
CChartCtrl* m_pParentCtrl;
//! Static variable holding the next free cursor Id.
static unsigned m_uNextFreeId;
//! The Id of this curosr.
unsigned m_uCursorId;
typedef std::list<CChartCursorListener*> TListenerList;
//! List of all listeners registered with this cursor.
TListenerList m_lstListeners;
#endif // _CHARTCURSOR_H_