Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CChartAxisBase class that takes care of the management of a chart axis
CChartAxisLabelDraws the label of an axis
CChartBalloonLabel< PointType >Specialization of the CChartLabel to display a balloon label
CChartBarSerieSpecialization of a CChartSerie to display a bars series
CChartCandlestickSerieSpecialization of a CChartSerieBase to display a candlestick series
CChartCrossHairCursorSpecialization of a CChartCursor class for a cross-hair cursor
CChartCtrlThe main chart control class
CChartCursorBase class for cursors which can be added to the chart control
CChartCursorListenerInterface to implement in order to be notified about a cursor movement
CChartDateTimeAxisA specialization of the CChartAxis class for displaying date and time data
CChartDragLineCursorSpecialization of a CChartCursor class for a dragline cursor
CChartFontWrapper class for fonts with advanced properties (italic, bold or underlined)
CChartGanttSerieSpecialization of a CChartSerieBase to display a gantt series
CChartGradientHelper class to draw gradient
CChartGridClass which draws the grid associated with a specific axis
CChartLabel< PointType >Draws a label containing some text which is attached to a point of a series
CChartLabelProvider< PointType >Interface which should be implemented in order to provide text to a label
CChartLegendThis class is responsible for the legend displayed on the control
CChartLineSerieSpecialization of a CChartSerie to display a line series
CChartLogarithmicAxisSpecialization of a CChartAxis to display a logarithmic scale
CChartMouseListenerListener for mouse events occuring on the chart control
CChartPointsArray< T >Manages an array of points which supports fast resizing
CChartPointsSerieSpecialization of a CChartSerie to display a points series
CChartScrollBarClass which manages the interaction with the axis scroll bar
CChartSerieAbstract class that provides a common "interface" for all series in the control
CChartSerieBase< T >Base class for all series of the control
CChartSeriesMouseListener< PointType >Listener for mouse events occuring on a series
CChartStandardAxisSpecialization of a CChartAxis class to display standard values
CChartSurfaceSerieSpecialization of a CChartSerie to display a surface series
CChartTitleThis class is responsible for the titles displayed on the control
CChartXYSerieSpecialization of a CChartSerieBase for series having data with an X and an Y value
SChartCandlestickPointPoint structure used as template parameter for candlestick series
SChartGanttPointPoint structure used as template parameter for gantt series
SChartXYPointStructure containing a point data with X and Y values

Generated on Sun Jan 17 13:33:10 2010 for ChartDemo by  doxygen 1.5.8