CChartAxis Class Reference

Base class that takes care of the management of a chart axis. More...

#include <ChartAxis.h>

Inheritance diagram for CChartAxis:

CChartDateTimeAxis CChartLogarithmicAxis CChartStandardAxis

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  EAxisAutoModes { NotAutomatic, FullAutomatic, ScreenAutomatic }
 The different modes of automatic modes for an axis. More...

Public Member Functions

 CChartAxis ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~CChartAxis ()
 Default destructor.
int GetPosition ()
 Retrieves the position (in %) of the axis.
void SetInverted (bool bInverted)
 Sets the axis in reverse.
bool IsInverted () const
 Retrieves if the axis is inverted or not.
void SetAutomatic (bool bAutomatic)
 Sets the axis in automatic or manual mode.
bool IsAutomatic () const
 Returns true if an automatic mode has been set on this axis.
void SetAutomaticMode (EAxisAutoModes AutoMode)
 Sets the automatic mode of the axis.
EAxisAutoModes GetAutomaticMode () const
 Gets the automatic type of the axis.
void SetVisible (bool bVisible)
 Sets the axis visible/invisible.
bool IsVisible () const
 Retrieves the axis automatic mode.
void SetMinMax (double Minimum, double Maximum)
 Sets the axis min and max values.
void GetMinMax (double &Minimum, double &Maximum) const
 Gets the min anx max values of the axis.
void SetAxisColor (COLORREF NewColor)
 Sets the axis color.
void SetTextColor (COLORREF NewColor)
 Sets the tick labels color.
COLORREF GetTextColor () const
 Gets the tick labels color.
void SetFont (int nPointSize, const TChartString &strFaceName)
 Sets the tick labels font.
CChartAxisLabelGetLabel () const
 Retrieves the chart axis label object.
CChartGridGetGrid () const
 Retrieves the chart axis grid object.
void SetMarginSize (bool bAuto, int iNewSize)
 Sets the margin size.
void SetPanZoomEnabled (bool bEnabled)
 Enable the pan and zoom for this axis.
void SetZoomLimit (double dLimit)
 Sets the zoom limit.
void EnableScrollBar (bool bEnabled)
 Enables/disables the scroll bar.
bool ScrollBarEnabled () const
 Retrieves if the scroll bar is enabled or not.
void SetAutoHideScrollBar (bool bAutoHide)
 Specifies if the scroll bar is in auto-hide mode.
bool GetAutoHideScrollBar () const
 Retrieves if the scroll bar is in auto-hide mode.
virtual void SetDiscrete (bool bDiscrete)
 Sets the axis in discrete mode.
long ValueToScreen (double Value) const
 Converts a value on the axis to a screen position.
virtual double ScreenToValue (long ScreenVal) const
 Converts a screen position to a value on the axis.
bool IsHorizontal () const
 Returns true if the axis is horizontal.
BOOL IsPointInside (const CPoint &screenPoint) const
 Returns true if a screen point is in the region of the axis.

Protected Member Functions

virtual double GetFirstTickValue () const =0
 Returns the first tick value.
virtual bool GetNextTickValue (double dCurrentTick, double &dNextTick) const =0
 Retrieves the next tick value after a given tick.
virtual long GetTickPos (double Value) const =0
 Retrieves the screen position of a certain tick.
virtual long ValueToScreenDiscrete (double Value) const =0
 Converts a value on the axis to a screen position.
virtual long ValueToScreenStandard (double Value) const
 Converts a value on the axis to a screen position.
virtual TChartString GetTickLabel (double TickValue) const =0
 Retrieves the label for a specific tick.
virtual void RefreshTickIncrement ()=0
 Forces a recalculation of the tick increment.
virtual void RefreshFirstTick ()=0
 Forces a recalculation of the first tick value.
virtual void GetScrollbarSteps (int &iTotalSteps, int &iCurrentStep)
 Retrieves the step information related to the scrollbar.
virtual void SetAxisToScrollStep (int iPreviousStep, int iCurrentStep, bool bScrollInverted)
 Sets the axis to the specified scrollbar step.
virtual void PanAxis (long PanStart, long PanEnd)
 Pan the axis.
virtual void SetZoomMinMax (double Minimum, double Maximum)
 Sets the min and max values of the axis due to a zoom operation.
void UndoZoom ()
 Reverts the zoom and pan settings.
long GetAxisLenght () const
 Retrieves the lenght (in pixels) of the axis.
void GetSeriesMinMax (double &Minimum, double &Maximum)
 Retrieves the min and max values for all the series related to this axis.
void GetSeriesScreenMinMax (double &Minimum, double &Maximum)
 Retrieves the screen min and max values for all the series related to this axis.

Protected Attributes

 The parent chart control.
bool m_bIsHorizontal
 Indicates if this is an horizontal or vertical axis.
bool m_bIsInverted
 Indicates if the axis is inverted.
EAxisAutoModes m_AutoMode
 Indicates if the axis is automatic.
bool m_bIsVisible
 Indicates if the axis is visible or not.
bool m_bIsSecondary
 Specifies if the axis is secondary.
double m_MaxValue
 The axis max value.
double m_MinValue
 The axis min value.
double m_UnzoomMin
 Min value of the axis before it has been zoomed.
double m_UnzoomMax
 Max value of the axis before it has been zoomed.
bool m_bAutoTicks
 Specify if the tick increment is manual or automatic.
bool m_bDiscrete
 Specify if the axis has to be in discrete mode or not.
int m_StartPos
 Start position of the axis (in pixels).
int m_EndPos
 End position of the axis (in pixels).
CRect m_AxisRect
 The rectangle in which the axis is contained.

Detailed Description

Base class that takes care of the management of a chart axis.

This class cannot be instanciated but should be overriden in order to provide the required functionality (this is already done for standard axis, date/time axis and logarithmic axis).
The class provides already a lot of functionalities but delegate the ticks positioning and labeling to the child classes.
By default, the class manages a continues range of double values (which is the case for standard axis and date/time axis) but in some cases, this is not valid (for instance, a logarithmic scale). In that case, you should in addition override some specific functions (e.g. those handling the scrollbar). Take a look at the CChartLogarithmicAxis class for more details.

Member Enumeration Documentation

The different modes of automatic modes for an axis.

NotAutomatic  The axis min and max values are set manually.
FullAutomatic  The axis min and max values of the axis are the min and max values of all series associated with this axis. This corresponds to the "standard" automatic mode that was implemented before version 3.0.
ScreenAutomatic  The axis min and max values of the axis are the visible min and max values of all series associated with this axis. The end result will then depends on how the other axes are configured.

Member Function Documentation

virtual double CChartAxis::GetFirstTickValue (  )  const [protected, pure virtual]

Returns the first tick value.

This pure virtual function must be implemented for specific axes type.

virtual bool CChartAxis::GetNextTickValue ( double  dCurrentTick,
double &  dNextTick 
) const [protected, pure virtual]

Retrieves the next tick value after a given tick.

This pure virtual function must be implemented for specific axes type.

dCurrentTick The value of the current tick
dNextTick The value of the next tick will be stored in this parameter
true if there is a next or false when the current tick is the last one.

void CChartAxis::GetScrollbarSteps ( int &  iTotalSteps,
int &  iCurrentStep 
) [protected, virtual]

Retrieves the step information related to the scrollbar.

This function can be implemented for specific axis types which should provide a behavior different than the standard behavior (for instance log axis).

iTotalSteps Stores the total number of steps for the scrollbar
iCurrentStep Stores the current step index for the scrollbar

virtual TChartString CChartAxis::GetTickLabel ( double  TickValue  )  const [protected, pure virtual]

Retrieves the label for a specific tick.

This pure virtual function must be implemented for specific axes type.

TickValue The tick value for which we need to get the label.
A TChartString containing the label for the tick.

virtual long CChartAxis::GetTickPos ( double  Value  )  const [protected, pure virtual]

Retrieves the screen position of a certain tick.

This pure virtual function must be implemented for specific axes type.

Value The value of the tick for which we want to retrieve the position
the screen position of the tick

bool CChartAxis::IsAutomatic (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if an automatic mode has been set on this axis.

You should use the GetAutomaticType instead.

void CChartAxis::PanAxis ( long  PanStart,
long  PanEnd 
) [protected, virtual]

Pan the axis.

This function can be overriden in case the axis doesn't display a continuous range of values (e.g. log axis).

PanStart The position of the start of the pan
PanEnd The position of the end of the pan

double CChartAxis::ScreenToValue ( long  ScreenVal  )  const [virtual]

Converts a screen position to a value on the axis.

The function is implemented for an axis with a standard behavior (the axis shows a continuous range of doubles). It is the case for standard axis and date/time axis (date are converted to doubles internally). Axis that needs a different behavior should override this function (e.g. a logarithmic axis). The function does not take care of the discrete mode.

ScreenVal The screen value to convert
the double value

void CChartAxis::SetAutoHideScrollBar ( bool  bAutoHide  ) 

Specifies if the scroll bar is in auto-hide mode.

In auto-hide mode, the scroll bar will be hidden until you hover the mouse over it.

void CChartAxis::SetAutomatic ( bool  bAutomatic  ) 

Sets the axis in automatic or manual mode.

In automatic mode, the axis min and max will be updated depending on the series related to this axis.

bAutomatic true if the axis should be automatic.
You should use the SetAutomaticType instead.

void CChartAxis::SetAxisToScrollStep ( int  iPreviousStep,
int  iCurrentStep,
bool  bScrollInverted 
) [protected, virtual]

Sets the axis to the specified scrollbar step.

This function can be implemented for specific axis types which should provide a behavior different than the standard behavior (for instance log axis).

iPreviousStep The previous scroll step.
iCurrentStep The current scroll step to which the axis should be moved.
bScrollInverted Specifies if the scroll is inverted or not.

void CChartAxis::SetDiscrete ( bool  bDiscrete  )  [virtual]

Sets the axis in discrete mode.

bDiscrete true if the axis has to be discrete, false otherwise. In discrete mode, the axis doesn't have a continuous range of values but only steps which are defined by the tick interval. In this mode, you won't be able to plot points at a different location that in the middle of two ticks. For instance, if you have a tick interval of 1.0, trying to plot a value of 0.9 will display the point at the same position as if the value was 0.3: it will be displayed in the middle of tick 0.0 and tick 1.0.
It is mainly used to display the tick label in the middle of two ticks. This is for instance nice with date/time axis.

void CChartAxis::SetFont ( int  nPointSize,
const TChartString &  strFaceName 

Sets the tick labels font.

nPointSize The font point size
strFaceName The font face name

void CChartAxis::SetInverted ( bool  bInverted  ) 

Sets the axis in reverse.

For an inverted axis, the values on the axis are in decreasing order.

bInverted true if the axis has to be inverted.

void CChartAxis::SetMarginSize ( bool  bAuto,
int  iNewSize 

Sets the margin size.

bAuto Specifies if the margin size is automatic or not. In automatic mode, the iNewSize parameter is ignored and the margin size is calculated automatically.
iNewSize The new size of the margin, in manual mode.

void CChartAxis::SetMinMax ( double  Minimum,
double  Maximum 

Sets the axis min and max values.

This doesn't take into account the real type of the axis, so double values should be provided.

Minimum The min value of the axis
Maximum The max value of the axis.

void CChartAxis::SetZoomLimit ( double  dLimit  )  [inline]

Sets the zoom limit.

The zoom limit is the minimum lenght (in values) of the axis.

long CChartAxis::ValueToScreen ( double  Value  )  const

Converts a value on the axis to a screen position.

The functions takes care of the discrete mode (internally, it calls ValueToScreenStandard or ValueToScreenDiscrete depending on the discrete mode).

Value The value to convert
the screen position of the value

virtual long CChartAxis::ValueToScreenDiscrete ( double  Value  )  const [protected, pure virtual]

Converts a value on the axis to a screen position.

This function is called internally only when the axis is in discrete mode. This pure virtual function must be implemented for specific axes type.

Value The value to convert
the screen position of the value

long CChartAxis::ValueToScreenStandard ( double  Value  )  const [protected, virtual]

Converts a value on the axis to a screen position.

This function is called internally only when the axis is in standard mode. This virtual function can be overriden when the axis doesn't display a continuous range of values (e.g. log axis).

Value The value to convert
the screen position of the value

Member Data Documentation

Indicates if the axis is automatic.

Indicates the automatic mode of the axis

bool CChartAxis::m_bIsSecondary [protected]

Specifies if the axis is secondary.

The secondary axis is either on the top (for horizontal axis) or on the right (for vertical axis) of the chart.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Sun Jan 17 13:33:10 2010 for ChartDemo by  doxygen 1.5.8