CChartFont Member List

This is the complete list of members for CChartFont, including all inherited members.

CChartFont(const CChartFont &copy)CChartFont
CChartFont(const TChartString &strFaceName, int iPointSize)CChartFont
operator=(const CChartFont &objectSrc)CChartFont
SelectFont(CDC *pDC) const CChartFont
SetFont(const TChartString &strFaceName, int iPointSize, bool bItalic=false, bool bBold=false, bool bUnderline=false)CChartFont
SetVertical(bool bVertical)CChartFont
UnselectFont(CDC *pDC) const CChartFont

Generated on Sun Jan 17 13:33:11 2010 for ChartDemo by  doxygen 1.5.8