CChartLegend Class Reference

This class is responsible for the legend displayed on the control. More...

#include <ChartLegend.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  DockSide { dsDockRight, dsDockLeft, dsDockTop, dsDockBottom }
 Enumeration specifying on which side of the control the legend is docked.

Public Member Functions

void SetFont (int iPointSize, const TChartString &strFaceName)
 Sets the font used to display the series names.
void DockLegend (DockSide dsSide)
 Dock the legend on a specific side of the control. Default is right.
void UndockLegend (int iLeftPos, int iTopPos)
 Undock the legend.
void SetTransparent (bool bTransparent)
 Sets the background of the legend transparent.
void SetHorizontalMode (bool bHorizontal)
 Sets the legend in horizontal/vertical mode.
void SetVisible (bool bVisible)
 Sets the legend visible/invisible.
bool IsVisible () const
 Returns true if the legend is visible.
COLORREF GetBackColor () const
 Returns the back color of the legend.
void SetBackColor (COLORREF NewColor)
 Sets the back color of the legend.
COLORREF GetShadowColor () const
 Returns the shadow color.
void SetShadowColor (COLORREF NewColor)
 Sets the shadow color.
void EnableShadow (bool bEnable)
 Enables/disables the shadow.
void SetShadowDepth (int Depth)
 Sets the shadow depth (in pixels).
BOOL IsPointInside (const CPoint &screenPoint) const
 Returns true if the screen point is on the legend region.

Detailed Description

This class is responsible for the legend displayed on the control.

Series which are named will be displayed in the legend. The legend object is retrieved by calling the GetLegend() function on the CChartCtrl class.

Member Function Documentation

void CChartLegend::SetHorizontalMode ( bool  bHorizontal  ) 

Sets the legend in horizontal/vertical mode.

In horizontal mode, the names are drawn next to each other instead of on top of each other.

void CChartLegend::UndockLegend ( int  iLeftPos,
int  iTopPos 

Undock the legend.

When the legend is undocked (floating), it doesn't take any margin size but is drawn on top of the control at the specified location (it can be above the plotting area for instance).

iLeftPos The left position of the legend, in pixels (from the left of the control)
iTopPos The top position of the legend, in pixels (from the top of the control)

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Generated on Sun Jan 17 13:33:11 2010 for ChartDemo by  doxygen 1.5.8