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* ChartSerieBase.h
* Written by Cédric Moonen (cedric_moonen@hotmail.com)
* This code may be used for any non-commercial and commercial purposes in a compiled form.
* The code may be redistributed as long as it remains unmodified and providing that the
* author name and this disclaimer remain intact. The sources can be modified WITH the author
* consent only.
* This code is provided without any garanties. I cannot be held responsible for the damage or
* the loss of time it causes. Use it at your own risks
* An e-mail to notify me that you are using this code is appreciated also.
#pragma once
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "ChartSerie.h"
#include "ChartAxis.h"
#include "ChartPointsArray.h"
#include "ChartLabel.h"
#include "ChartBalloonLabel.h"
#include "ChartSeriesMouseListener.h"
#include <map>
#include "ChartString.h"
#include "PointsOrdering.h"
class CChartLegend;
//! Base class for all series of the control
This class inherits from CChartSeries and introduces the concept of
points through the template parameter.
This class is much more than a simple base class. It already store
all the data points and provide utility functions to manipulate them.
template <class T>
class CChartSerieBase : public CChartSerie
friend CChartCtrl;
friend CChartLegend;
//! Adds a single data point to the series.
void AddPoint(const T& newPoint);
//! Adds an array of points to the series.
Points which were already present in the series are kept.
@param pPoints
Array of the new points
@param Count
Size of the array
void AddPoints(T* pPoints, unsigned Count);
//! Retrieves the point at the specified index.
@param index
The index of the point to retrieve
const T& GetPoint(unsigned index) const;
//! Sets an array of points to the series.
Points which were already present in the series are discarded.
@param pPoints
Array of the new points
@param Count
Size of the array
void SetPoints(T* pPoints, unsigned Count);
//! Removes a certain amount of points from the begining of the series.
void RemovePointsFromBegin(unsigned Count);
//! Removes a certain amount of points from the end of the series.
void RemovePointsFromEnd(unsigned Count);
//! Removes all points from the series.
void ClearSerie();
//! Returns the number of points in the series.
unsigned GetPointsCount() const { return m_vPoints.GetPointsCount(); }
//! Retrieves the minimum and maxium Y values of the series.
@param Min
Minimum value will be stored in this parameter
@param Max
Maximum value will be stored in this parameter
false if the series doesn't contain data or is invisible
bool GetSerieYMinMax(double& Min, double& Max) const;
//! Retrieves the minimum and maxium X values of the series.
@param Min
Minimum value will be stored in this parameter
@param Max
Maximum value will be stored in this parameter
false if the series doesn't contain data or is invisible
bool GetSerieXMinMax(double& Min, double& Max) const;
//! Retrieves the minimum and maxium screen X values of the series.
@param Min
Minimum value will be stored in this parameter
@param Max
Maximum value will be stored in this parameter
false if the series doesn't contain data or is invisible
bool GetSerieXScreenMinMax(double& Min, double& Max) const;
//! Retrieves the minimum and maxium screen Y values of the series.
@param Min
Minimum value will be stored in this parameter
@param Max
Maximum value will be stored in this parameter
false if the series doesn't contain data or is invisible
bool GetSerieYScreenMinMax(double& Min, double& Max) const;
//! Creates and attaches a balloon label on a point of the series.
This functions specifies a static text to display in the label.
@param uPointIndex
The index of the point on which the label should be attached
@param strLabelText
The text of the label
@return the created CChartBalloonLabel
CChartBalloonLabel<T>* CreateBalloonLabel(unsigned uPointIndex, const TChartString& strLabelText);
//! Creates and attaches a balloon label on a point of the series.
This functions specifies a CChartLabelProvider object which is used to
supply the text of the label. This is useful if you want more flexibility
for the text of the label (display information about the point value for
@param uPointIndex
The index of the point on which the label should be attached
@param pLabelProvider
Object providing the text displayed on the label
@return the created CChartBalloonLabel
CChartBalloonLabel<T>* CreateBalloonLabel(unsigned uPointIndex, CChartLabelProvider<T>* pLabelProvider);
//! Attaches a custom label on a point of the series.
@param uPointIndex
The index of the point on which the label should be attached
@param pLabel
The label to attach to the point
void AttachCustomLabel(unsigned uPointIndex, CChartLabel<T>* pLabel);
//! Constructor
CChartSerieBase(CChartCtrl* pParent);
//! Destructor
virtual ~CChartSerieBase();
//! Specifies how the points should be ordered in the series.
This specifies if the points should be ordered on their X values,
on their Y values or not ordered (kept in order they are added to
the control). Ordering can improve performances a lot but makes it
impossible to draw some specific curves (for instance, drawing an
ellipse is only possible if no ordering is set).
virtual void SetSeriesOrdering(PointsOrdering newOrdering);
//! Retrieves the screen point of a specific data point
@param uPointIndex
The index of the point for which to retrieve the screen point
@return the screen point
CPoint GetPointScreenCoord(unsigned uPointIndex);
//! Register a series mouse listener on this series
@param pListener
The listener to register
void RegisterMouseListener(CChartSeriesMouseListener<T>* pListener);
//! Unregister the series mouse listener for this series
void UnregisterMouseListener();
//! Returns the first and last visible points of the series.
This function only works if ordering is enabled.
@param uFirst
The index of the first visible point is stored in this argument
@param uLast
The index of the last visible point is stored in this argument
@return false if the series has no ordering or no data points.
bool GetVisiblePoints(unsigned& uFirst, unsigned& uLast) const;
//! Called by the control to check if an event occured on the series.
bool OnMouseEvent(CChartMouseListener::MouseEvent mouseEvent,
const CPoint& screenPoint);
//! The helper class containing all the data points.
CChartPointsArray<T> m_vPoints;
//! Index of the last point drawn
unsigned m_uLastDrawnPoint;
//! Draws the labels of the series.
void DrawLabels(CDC* pDC);
typedef std::map<unsigned, CChartLabel<T>*> TLabelMap;
//! Map containing the labels of the series.
TLabelMap m_mapLabels;
CChartSeriesMouseListener<T>* m_pMouseListener;
#include "ChartSerieBase.inl"