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* ChartPointsArray.h
* Written by Cédric Moonen (cedric_moonen@hotmail.com)
* This code may be used for any non-commercial and commercial purposes in a compiled form.
* The code may be redistributed as long as it remains unmodified and providing that the
* author name and this disclaimer remain intact. The sources can be modified WITH the author
* consent only.
* This code is provided without any garanties. I cannot be held responsible for the damage or
* the loss of time it causes. Use it at your own risks
* An e-mail to notify me that you are using this code is appreciated also.
#pragma once
#include "PointsOrdering.h"
//! Manages an array of points which supports fast resizing.
This class is used internally to store the data for all the points. The data
is stored in a C-style array. The internal buffer can grow dynamically depending
on the needs.
The class is a template class with the template parameter being the type of
the points to be stored. The points have to provide the following methods:
<ul><li>double GetXMin()</li>
<li>double GetX()</li>
<li>double GetXMax()</li>
<li>double GetYMin()</li>
<li>double GetY()</li>
<li>double GetYMax()</li></ul>
template <class T>
class CChartPointsArray
//! Constructor
@param iResize
The size by which the internal buffer is increased when reallocation occurs
CChartPointsArray(unsigned iResize = 1000);
//! Destructor
//! Returns the number of points currently stored.
unsigned GetPointsCount() const { return m_iCurrentPoints; }
//! Sets the size by which the internal buffer is increased when reallocation occurs
void SetResize(int iResize) { m_iResize = iResize; }
//! Adds a new point in the array.
@param newPoint
The new point to add
void AddPoint(const T& newPoint);
//! Adds multiple points in the array.
The points are added to the ones currently stored in the array.
@param pPoints
Array containing the points
@param uCount
The number of points to add
void AddPoints(T* pPoints, unsigned uCount);
//! Sets multiple points in the array.
The points currently stored in the array are first removed
before adding the new points.
@param pPoints
Array containing the new points
@param uCount
The number of points to add
void SetPoints(T* pPoints, unsigned uCount);
//! Removes all the points from the array.
void Clear();
//! Removes a certain amount of points from the begining of the series.
void RemovePointsFromBegin(unsigned Count);
//! Removes a certain amount of points from the end of the series.
void RemovePointsFromEnd(unsigned Count);
//! Retrieves the points at the specified index
T& operator[](unsigned Index);
//! Retrieves the points at the specified index
const T& operator[](unsigned Index) const;
//! Retrieves the minimum and maximum X values of the points stored in the array.
bool GetSerieXMinMax(double& Min, double& Max) const;
//! Retrieves the minimum and maximum Y values of the points stored in the array.
bool GetSerieYMinMax(double& Min, double& Max) const;
//! Specifies how the points should be ordered in the array.
This specifies if the points should be ordered on their X values,
on their Y values or not ordered (kept in order they are added to
the control). Ordering can improve performances a lot but makes it
impossible to draw some specific curves (for instance, drawing an
ellipse is only possible if no ordering is set).
void SetOrdering(PointsOrdering newOrdering);
//! Retrieves the ordering of the points in the array.
PointsOrdering GetOrdering() const { return m_Ordering; }
//! Refreshes the point ordering.
void ReorderPoints();
//! Retrieves the index of the points which are between two given values.
If the points are not ordered, uFirstPt will contain 0 and uLastPt
will contain the index of the last point in the array.
@param dAxisMin
The minimum value to retrieve the first visible point
@param dAxisMax
The maximum value to retrieve the last visible point
@param uFirstPt
This parameter will store the index of the first visible point
@param uLastPt
This parameter will store the index of the last visible point
@return false if no points are in the array.
bool GetVisiblePoints(double dAxisMin, double dAxisMax,
unsigned& uFirstPt, unsigned& uLastPt) const;
//! Returns the internal buffer of the array
T* GetInternalBuffer() const { return m_pPoints; }
//! Caches the minimum X value.
double m_dXMinVal;
//! Caches the maximum X value.
double m_dXMaxVal;
//! Caches the minimum Y value.
double m_dYMinVal;
//! Caches the maximum Y value.
double m_dYMaxVal;
//! Recalculates the min and max values.
void RefreshMinMax();
//! Inserts a new point in the array.
void InsertNewPoint(const T& newPoint);
//! Inserts a new point at a specific position in the array.
void InsertPointAtPos(const T& newPoint, int iPos);
//! Comparison function which compares two points based on their X values.
static int ComparePointsOnX(void const* pA, void const* pB);
//! Comparison function which compares two points based on their Y values.
static int ComparePointsOnY(void const* pA, void const* pB);
//! Implements a binary search used to find the index of a points give the X or Y value.
int BinarySearch(unsigned uLeft, unsigned uRight, double dFind) const;
//! The array of points
T* m_pPoints;
//! The number of allocated points
unsigned m_iMaxPoints;
//! The number of points currently used
unsigned m_iCurrentPoints;
//! The size by which the array is incremented once it is full
unsigned m_iResize;
//! The ordering of the points
PointsOrdering m_Ordering;
#include "ChartPointsArray.inl"